(浙江选考)2019版高考英语大二轮复习 专题三 完形填空提升练3.doc

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完形填空提升练(三)A(2018浙江余姚中学押题卷一)Meeting your familys nutritional needs may seem difficult considering todays busy lifestyle.But it doesnt have to 1.Even a new emphasis 2 more fruit and vegetables doesnt 3 mean more preparation time if you 4 the convenience of canned foods.When you open a 5 of fruit or vegetable at home you have at hand fresh-packed nutritional produce,with no man-made ingredients,no preservatives(防腐剂).And all the work has been 6 for you:the slicing(切片),the peeling,7 the cooking.Canned fruit and vegetables leave you the 8 to be creative.And with the variety of fruit and vegetables available these days,you can serve different binations,create new dishes,and 9 new tastes to old recipes.Canned foods are good as well.A United States Department of Agriculture and National Food Association co-sponsored study shows canned vegetables to be just as 10 as fresh or frozen.Because canned vegetables are 11 within hours of being packed,they generally retain(保留) 70 to 90 percent of their 12.Fruit and vegetable canning is as 13 as when your grandmother “put up” tomatoes and other things from the garden.Fresh produce is taken from the field at just the right time,14 to the cannery,checked,washed,sealed,and sterilized(消毒).All this generally 15 in less than 24 hours to 16 the best quality and nutritional value without the need for any preservatives.Use the liquids that vegetables are 17 in as a substitute for 18 in recipes to get that last drop of good nutrition.Most major brands of canned fruit and vegetables include nutritional 19 and ingredient statements on their 20.This is especially important to those on calories-conscious or restricted diets.1.A.doB.beC.seemD.need2.A.onB.toC.aboutD.over3.A.usuallyB.reallyC.particularlyD.necessarily4.A.pay attention toB.get hold ofC.have faith inD.take advantage of5.A.bowlB.bottleC.canD.box6.A.preparedB.doneC.designedD.arranged7.A.exceptB.yetC.evenD.still8.A.demandB.timeC.patienceD.place9.A.increaseB.decreaseC.putD.add10.A.goodB.badC.colorfulD.eco-friendly11.A.cookedB.friedC.processedD.boiled12.A.weightsB.varietiesC.ingredientsD.nutrients13.A.simpleB.plexC.quickD.convenient14.A.deliveredB.carriedC.broughtD.presented15.A.esB.happensC.goesD.takes16.A.ensureB.remainC.promoteD.produce17.A.putB.storedC.cannedD.buried18.A.sauceB.vinegarC.waterD.salt19.A.elementB.contentC.detailD.percentage20.A.papersB.namesC.brandsD.labelsBA few days ago I saw two baby ducklings that were alone in the grass near a pond,and today I found out that they were1 away or lost.2one of them was found dead today,but I decided to 3 the other one in and take care of it until he got big enough to take care of himself.When I decided to take him in,he was actually 4 in his neck by a cat,so its a 5thing that I got him.The duck and I both are 6 along well.Hes already quite big for a duckling so hopefully I can release him back into the 7in a couple of weeks.At first he was 8of me,which is understandable,9 now he seems to be a bit less worried about me as Ive been 10him some corn which he certainly seems to really enjoy.With some11from my friends,we got him some duck feed from an animal feed store and a big 12 for him to be in as well.Hopefully Im doing the right thing by taking him in.I 13 that he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt helped him.Since finding the little duck,I was able to find him another15,a pond with a few other ducks and geese in it.Ive been checking on him and feeding him every day to 16that he gets 17enough to fully care for himself,and so far hes doing great.Hes 18 a new friend with another duck that he hangs around with every time I go to check on him.When I was originally19 taking him in,others told me “let nature take its course”.So after a while,I 20 him to nature.One day I found he and his new friend in the pond lived happily.1.A.turnedB.thrownC.given D.put2.A.UnfortunatelyB.TrulyC.AmusinglyD.Similarly3.A.believeB.call C.takeD.bring 4.A.hurtB.woundedC.caught D.broken 5.A.plexB.strangeC.specialD.good6.A.singingB.dancingC.gettingD.walking7.A.riverB.pondC.lakeD.sea8.A.terrifiedB.excitedC.disappointedD.sorry9.A.andB.soC.butD.yet10.A.feedingB.deliveringC.borrowing D.preparing11.A.helpB.smileC.angerD.envy12.A.shelfB.plateC.bowl D.container13.A.doubtedB.guessed C.figuredD.agreed 14.A.dogB.personC.duckD.cat15.A.friendB.homeC.ownerD.goose16.A.make outB.make intoC.makeupD.make sure17.A.smallB.thinC.bigD.fat18.A.madeB.lostC.ignoredD.killed19.A.servingB.watchingC.feelingD.considering20.A.frightenedB.admittedC.trainedD.freedCA Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman.But 1 apply.You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian 2.Jordan Axani,28,said he and his then girlfriend,Elizabeth Gallagher,booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May,but their 3 ended and he did not want her ticket to 4.The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让)5,but since passport information was not required when 6,any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can 7 it.“I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to 8 a lot of joy,” said Axani.He posted his 9 on a social networking website,and received thousands of e-mails,including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the 10 passports.“More 11,there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in 12 their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axani said.“It was absolutely out of 13,thousands of e-mails,people around the world 14 their stories of travel.”Axani wrote in his post that he is not 15anything in return and that the woman who uses the 16 ticket can choose to either travel with him or 17 the ticket and travel on her own.The 18 is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan,Prague,Paris,Bangkok and New Delhi before 19 in Toronto on January 8.He said the 20 woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.1.A.benefitsB.depositsC.restrictionsD.examinations2.A.originB.passportC.accentD.friend3.A.holidayB.marriageC.dreamD.relationship4.A.go to wasteB.e to mindC.go on saleD.e into effect 5.A.policyB.orderC.paymentD.schedule6.A.applyingB.bookingC.checkingD.bargaining7.A.useB.borrowC.chooseD.buy8.A.sacrificeB.expressC.experienceD.provide9.A.answerB.adviceC.offerD.ment10.A.sameB.rightC.newD.real11.A.interestingB.annoyingC.satisfyingD.convincing12.A.writingB.givingC.lendingD.changing13.A.touchB.questionC.dateD.control14.A.admiringB.advertisingC.sharingD.doubting15.A.leavingB.looking forC.losingD.dealing with16.A.singleB.strangeC.regularD.extra17.A.returnB.takeC.reserveD.hide18.A.interviewB.programC.tripD.meeting19.A.endingB.callingC.repeatingD.staying20.A.honoredB.lovelyC.intelligentD.lucky完形填空提升练(三)A【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了罐装食品的优势。1.B前面主要动词部分为may seem difficult,空处所在句是省略句。其次,seem是系动词,重复时,以 be代替,故完整句应为it doesnt have to be difficult。2.Aemphasis后面常跟on表示强调某一方面。3.D如果你要利用罐装食品的方便优势,即使强调要吃更多的水果和蔬菜也并不必然意味着要花更长的时间准备。故选D项。4.D见上题解析。take advantage of为固定搭配,意为“好好利用”。5.C上文的canned foods及open提示此处应是一罐食品,即can。6.B(罐装食品)所有的工作都已经为你做好了,包括切片、去皮,甚至烹饪。故选B项。7.Ceven“甚至”。8.B罐装水果和蔬菜给你留下了创造的时间。只有time符合文意。9.Dadd.to.为习惯用法,意为“把添加到中去”。10.Aas good as为一种比较结构,此处指“罐装蔬菜与新鲜蔬菜或冷冻蔬菜一样好”。11.C罐装食品在几小时以内就被加工装入罐中。故选C项。12.D它们通常能保留70%90%的营养。故选D项。13.A把水果和蔬菜进行罐装就像你的祖母贮藏西红柿或园地里的其他东西一样简单。故选A项。14.A新鲜农产品采摘后被运送到罐头加工厂(cannery)。故选delivered。15.B这些过程都发生在24小时内。故选B项。16.Aensure意为“保证”。17.C把蔬菜罐装在液体中作为对食谱中水的替代以获得最后一滴营养。故选C项。18.C见上题解析。19.B大多数罐装水果和蔬菜的主要品牌的标签上都有关于营养成分和佐料的说明。nutritional content指“营养成分”。20.D见上题解析,label指“标签”。B【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者收留了一只被猫咬伤的鸭子,一段时间后又把小鸭子放回大自然的故事。1.B根据下文的or lost可知两只小鸭要么是被抛弃要么是丢了的。throw away“丢弃”符合语境。2.A根据句中的dead可知一只小鸭子死了,所以是不幸地,unfortunately符合语境。3.C根据句中的“.and take care of it until he got big enough to take care of himself.”可知,作者要收留剩下的那只小鸭子。take in“收留”,符合语境。4.A根据下文的“I 13 that he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt helped him.”可知,是一只猫弄伤了鸭子。5.D根据下文的“The duck and I both are 6 along well.”可知,作者和鸭子相处得很好,故推出作者收留鸭子对鸭子来说是一件好事。6.C根据上下文可知作者和鸭子相处得很好。get along well“合得来,相处得好”符合语境。7.B根据第一段中的“two baby ducklings that were alone in the grass near a pond”和句中的back可知指的是同一个池塘。8.A根据下文的“9 now he seems to be a bit less worried about me”可知,一开始小鸭子是害怕作者的。9.C结合上一句的句意,前后是转折关系,故用but。10.A根据句中的“.him some corn which he certainly seems to really enjoy.”可知作者喂小鸭玉米。feed“喂养”符合语境。11.A根据下文的“.we got him some duck feed from an animal feed store and a big 12for him to be in as well.”可知是朋友们帮助了作者。12.D根据句中的“for him to be in”可知小鸭还能待在里面,应该是用来放鸭子的东西。container“容器”符合语境。13.C根据下文的“.he would have been killed by a 14 if I hadnt helped him.”可知作者是明白这件事的。figure“知道,明白”,符合语境。14.D根据第三段的“When I decided to take him in,he was actually 4 in his neck by a cat.”可知他是被猫咬伤的。15.B池塘对小鸭来说就是他的家,作者等到他长到能自己照顾自己的时候,又给他找了一个家,就是池塘,从下文的“a pond with a few other ducks and geese in it”可知,所填的选项与a pond是同位语。16.D根据句中的“Ive been checking on him and feeding him every day.”和“.he gets 17 enough to fully care for himself.”可知,作者每天都要对他进行检查,是为了确保他长到足够大了,能照顾自己了。make sure“确保”,符合语境。17.C根据上文的“Hes already quite big for a duckling so hopefully I can release him back into the 7 in a couple of weeks.”可知,此处是指小鸭长到足够大了,能照顾自己了,作者就放了他。18.A根据下文的a new friend可知,小鸭交了新朋友。make a friend“交朋友”。19.D根据句中的originally可知此处是指作者在最初考虑收留他的时候。consider“考虑”,符合语境。20.D根据下文“One day I found he and his new friend in the pond lived happily.”可知,作者把小鸭放归了大自然。C【语篇导读】 本文是记叙文。一名28岁的多伦多男子Jordan Axani与女友Elizabeth Gallagher分手后,不想让此前预定的打折机票浪费,于是在网站上免费出让这张环球旅行的机票,任何名字为Elizabeth Gallagher的加拿大籍女子都可以免费得到并使用这张机票。得到这张票的女子可以选择与Axani同行或者独自旅行均可。1.C一名多伦多男子正在寻求一位合适的女子,免费提供一张环球旅行的机票。从下一句可知,该女士的名字必须为Elizabeth Gallagher,并持有加拿大护照。benefit“利益,好处” ;deposit “存款,保证金”;restriction “限制条件” ;examination“考试”。根据文意,此处为提供的“限制条件”,故选C项。2.B根据句意,该女子必须持有加拿大护照。origin“起源”;passport“护照”;accent“口音”;friend“朋友”,B项符合句意。3.D根据文意可知,Jordan Axani与前女友Elizabeth Gallagher在5月份打折力度很大时买的环球机票,但是后来分手了,因此是恋人关系结束。此处relationship符合句意,故选D项。4.AJordan Axani不想让此前预定的机票浪费。go to waste “浪费”; e to mind“映入脑海”;go on sale“继续销售” ;e into effect“生效”。故选A项。5.A加拿大机票有严格的不可转让的政策。此处考查名词。policy“政策”; order“订单”; payment“支付”;schedule “时刻表”。6.B在加拿大购买机票时,不需要护照信息。此处是考查省略结构“when he was booking”。check“核实,检查”;bargain“讨价还价”;apply“申请”。故选B项。7.A任何名字为Elizabeth Gallagher的加拿大籍女子都可以使用这张机票。borrow“借”;choose“选择”;buy“买”;根据文意,此处应为“使用”,故选A项。8.CAxani想看到这张票物尽其用,让得到这张票的人能够体验很多乐趣。sacrifice“牺牲”;express“表达”;experience “体验”;provide“提供”,故选C项。9.CAxani在一个社交网站上公布了他的提议,收到了几千封邮件。answer “答案”;advice“建议”;offer“提议”;ment“评论”。故选C项。10.B收到的邮件中包括30封名字确实为Elizabeth Gallagher,且拥有加拿大护照的人。此处用right来修饰passports,意为“恰好的,正确的”,故选B项。11.A更有趣的是,有数百位加拿大人愿意把他们的名字改为Elizabeth Gallagher。此处考查形容词。annoying“恼人的”;satisfying“令人满意的”;convincing“可信的”,故选A项。12.D有数百位加拿大人愿意改名字来获得这张免费机票。change.to.“把改为”,故选D项。13.D收到几千封邮件后,Axani说“情况完全失控了”。out of control“失控”;out of touch“失联”;out of question“没问题”;out of date“过时的”。14.C数千封来自全球的邮件中,人们分享了他们的旅行故事。admire“羡慕”;advertise“做广告”;share“分享”;doubt“怀疑”,故选C项。15.BAxani在他的发帖中写到他提供这张免费机票不求任何回报。look for符合句意,故选B项。16.Dsingle“单程的,单独的”;strange“奇怪的”;regular “常规的,有规律的”;extra“额外的”。根据句意“得到这张额外机票的女士可以选择与他同行或者独自旅行”,故选D项。17.B本句句意是“或者拿着这张机票独自旅行”。return “归还”;reserve“保存,保留”;hide“隐藏”,故选B项。18.C本次旅行定于12月21日从纽约启程。interview“面试,采访”;program“节目,项目”;trip“旅行”;meeting“会晤”。前后文都有暗示是一次旅行,故选C项。19.A本次旅行预定于1月8日结束,回到多伦多。end“结束,终止”,与上文的start相呼应,故选A项。20.DAxanis说将在网站上公布这位幸运的女士。honored“尊贵的”;lovely“可爱的”;intelligent“聪明的”。根据文意,得到免费机票的女士应该是lucky“幸运的”,故选D项。


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