浙江专版2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit4Astronomy高考拆组训练新人教版必修3 .doc

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Unit 4 Astronomy练(一)语言运用组块专练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空It was an unforgettable weekend.I had a great time at the _1_.However, after I arrived home, I noticed my owl necklace was _2_.I was so anxious that I _3_ every room in the house, but my efforts were _4_ vain.Then I decided to head back to the beach.My husband thought I was _5_, as the huge beach was nine miles from our home.How could I _6_ one tiny necklace? What if it came off in the ocean? I was _7_ to even consider that as a possibility.I knew I had to try.After searching for several hours at the beach, I _8_ an elderly man with a metal detector (探测器) in his hand.I _9_ up to him and asked whether he had e across a necklace.He opened his hand and showed me his _10_ some coins.He said if he saw my necklace he would _11_ return it to me.I also wanted him to have enough _12_ to mail it so I gave him a $5 bill and told him my name and my address.Then I left.My husband _13_ me and said that he would buy me a new one.But I turned down his nice _14_, as that necklace couldnt be _15_.It was my dad who had found a special way to give me that _16_ necklace.There had been a yard sale in my munity.Among the things that were put on _17_ he found the necklace.Unable to _18_ it, my dad offered to build a bookshelf for the owner as a(n) _19_.Unexpectedly, three days later, I received a package.Inside were a $5 bill and my owl necklace.The moment I saw the necklace, I couldnt help _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在沙滩上把自己的项链丢失了,然后又回到沙滩上找,没有找到,最后被一个老人找到并寄给作者的故事。1A.campusBbeachClibraryDmuseum解析:选B根据下文的“Then I decided to head back to the beach.”可知,这里应该指的是在沙滩上。2A.brokenBstolenClostDdisappearing解析:选C根据下文作者后来又去沙滩上找项链可知,此处应指项链丢失了,lost“丢失的”,符合文意。3A.searchedBcleanedCoccupiedDmeasured解析:选A根据上下文可知,项链丢失了,此处应该是在家里找。search表示“寻找”,符合语境。4A.forBwithCinDat解析:选C根据下文的“Then I decided to head back to the beach.”可知,在家里没有找到。in vain表示“徒劳,白费功夫”,符合语境。5A.curiousBanxiousCcarelessDcrazy解析:选D根据下文的“as the huge beach was nine miles from our home”可知,沙滩很大并且离家那么远,故在作者决定去沙滩寻找项链时,丈夫认为作者发疯了。6A.find outBlocateCdescribeDobserve解析:选B此处表示在一个沙滩上找一个微小的东西。locate表示“确定的位置,定位”,符合语境,故选B项。7A.unableBeagerCpreparedDunwilling解析:选D前一句说项链有可能掉进了海里,这样的话,项链就不能找到了,作者显然是不愿意这种情况发生的,所以选D项。8A.rescuedBnoticedCadmiredDhired解析:选B作者寻找了几个小时后,不经意间看到(noticed)一个手里拿着金属探测器的老人。9A.racedBwalkedCcrawledDapproached解析:选A根据上下文可知,作者急切地想找到项链,所以跑向了老人。race“快速移动”。10A.achievementBequipmentCchargeDpriority解析:选A根据上文提到的老人手里拿着金属探测器可知,他在沙滩上寻找东西,再根据作者问他是否看到一条项链时,他摊开手,手上只有几个硬币,且根据破折号可知,这里应该用achievement“成就”。11A.randomlyBgratefullyCgladlyDsincerely解析:选C根据下文老人把找到的项链还给作者可以推知,老人此时说的应该是如果看见他会乐意(gladly)把它归还给作者。12A.timeBpostageCreasonDability解析:选B根据空后的“to mail it so I gave him a $5 bill and told him my name and my address”可知,作者给他邮资(postage)让他邮寄项链。13A.promisedBremindedCblamedDforted解析:选D根据上下文可知,找不到项链的作者非常着急,丈夫要给作者买一条新的,这应该是安慰作者的话,故选D,fort“安慰”。14A.gestureBinvitationCassistanceDment解析:选A本段第一句是丈夫安慰作者的话,只是丈夫展现的一个姿态(gesture),nice gesture表示“友好的表示”。15A.paredBdecoratedCreplacedDrecognized解析:选C根据上文的“But I turned down his nice _14_”和下文的“It was my dad who had found a special way to give me that _16_ necklace.”可知,这条项链是其他项链无法替代的。16A.similarBpreciousCtemporaryDexpensive解析:选B根据上下文可知,那条项链很珍贵(precious)。17A.scheduleBoccasionCapprovalDdisplay解析:选D根据语境可知,当时社区在进行庭院旧货出售,既然父亲发现那条项链,说明当时那条项链在展出(on display)。18A.affordBdevoteCpreserveDrepair解析:选A根据下文的“my dad offered to build a bookshelf for the owner”可知,当时父亲买不起那条项链,afford“承担得起的费用”,符合文意。19A.advantageBdecisionCexchangeDreward解析:选C既然买不起,父亲提出给项链的主人做一个书架以换取那条项链。20A.laughingBscreamingCexcitingDcrying解析:选D根据上文内容可知,作者的那条项链意义特殊,对作者来说非常珍贵,老人把它和作者给他的五美元邮寄费一起寄来,作者忍不住哭(crying)起来了。.语法填空There are various _1_ (festival) throughout the world, festivals to satisfy and please the ancestors, to honor some famous people or important events, and _2_ (express) peoples thanks to the God for bringing _3_ (they) harvest. For example, in Mexico people observe the Day of the Dead in early November, _4_ people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. In India, October 2 is _5_ national festival to honour Mohandas Gandhi who helped India bee a(n) _6_ (depend) country. And in China, the Spring Festival, which _7_ (celebrate) in January or February, is the most _8_ (energy) and important because it is a festival that looks forward _9_ the ing of spring. Why are there all these festivals? Because during the festivals, people can get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other, _10_ (forget) all the daily struggle and demands for a while.1festivals考查名词。名词festival为可数名词,又有空前的are可知要用其复数形式。2to express考查非谓语动词。根据前面的to satisfy and please和to honor可知,这里为并列成分,故用不定式形式。故填to express。3them考查代词。空处作bringing的宾语,故填人称代词的宾格them。4when考查定语从句。句中先行词为earlyNovember,在非限定性定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when。5a考查冠词。名词festival为可数名词,且用的是单数形式,故前需加不定冠词a。6independent考查形容词。根据句中逻辑和意思可知,用independent,表示“独立的”。7is celebrated考查动词时态和语态。句中逻辑主语为the Spring Festival,与动词celebrate之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。此处叙述的是客观情况,故填is celebrated。8energetic考查形容词。根据前面最高级the most可知,后接形容词形式作表语。故填energetic。9to考查介词。look forward to “期望”,为固定搭配。10forgetting考查非谓语动词。空处与前面句子没有连词连接,故判断用非谓语动词形式,逻辑主语people与forget之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填forgetting。练(二)第四部分写作增分专练练规范(限时:40分钟).应用文写作假如你是李华,你班交换生Amy这两天因身体不适,未能到校上课,请给她写一封邮件,要点如下:1表示安慰;2询问她是否能参加下周六学校举行的足球比赛;3邀请她下个月到你家共度端午节。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文:Dear Amy,I am so sorry to learn that you suddenly fell ill.Hopefully youll soon be all right.As scheduled, our football match will take place next Saturday.I would greatly appreciate it if you could take part in it by then.By the way, our traditional Dragon Boat Festival is ing next month.My family and I are all expecting your ing to enjoy the authentic festive atmosphere with us.Dont hesitate to tell me if you could e.Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua.读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Afternoon was Mrs. Conroys favorite time of day. After a hard day at work, her eyes were tired and her feet hurt. She usually enjoyed the nice long sleep when she was on the bus. Mrs. Conroy had made friends with the bus driver,_Mr. Angstrom. He always woke her up before her stop. She usually felt fresh again when she got off the bus. But today was different. Mr. Angstrom wasnt driving. A small man sat in the drivers seat. “Wheres Mr. Angstrom?” asked Mrs. Conroy, dropping her money into the box. “I dont know. Sick, I guess. I just work here, lady.” Mrs. Conroy hoped that Mr. Angstrom was all right. She didnt like this new driver. She decided not to sleep on the_way_home today. She didnt want to ask this driver to wake her. Mrs. Conroy looked out of the window. It was a warm afternoon. Though she tried hard to stay awake, the gentle rocking of the bus made her fall asleep soon. Then Mrs. Conroy felt someone was shaking. “Wake up, lady. Weve e to the_end_of_the_line.” Mrs. Conroy slowly opened her eyes. The bus driver looked down at her. “I said, this is the end of the line, lady. Its time to get off.” Mrs. Conroy looked out of the window. “Where am I?” she asked. “I was supposed to get off at Essex_Avenue.” “Youre at the last stop,_lady. e on, get off the bus.” Mrs. Conroy had trouble waking up. When the bus driver took her arm and helped her step off the bus, she felt a_sense_of_panic. “Wait a minute,” she screamed. “This isnt Essex Avenue. Where am I? How can I get home?” “Cool off, lady. I told you, youre at the end of the line. You have to get off here.” “But why cant I ride back with you?” she begged. “I have the fare!” “Sorry, lady,” he said as he closed the door. “Its against the rules. You have missed the stop, and I cant take you back again.”注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Mrs. Conroy watched the bus disappear down the road. Paragraph 2:Suddenly the afternoon sun seemed surprisingly bright. 参考范文:Paragraph 1: Mrs. Conroy watched the bus disappear down the road. She looked around and tried to figure out what part of the city she was in. There were no trees around, no street signs, no people and even no bus. It seemed the city was miles away. “How rude the new driver is!” She thought. “Although it is the_end_of_the_line,_why cant I ride back? Is it a oneway ride?” It seemed she could not find the_way_home.Paragraph 2:Suddenly the afternoon sun seemed surprisingly bright. A tall, handsome man in a blue suit appeared. He smiled and came up to her, saying it was time for her to go. She couldnt understand and still plained about the driver and the unreasonable rules,_saying that she was just having a sleep and then missed Essex_Avenue. But the man explained that he was the drivers friend, and that they couldnt break the rules, but the driver asked him to help her back in his own car.


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