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Module 2Unit 3Amazing people课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers 1.(世人所知道的). He was brave and 2.(喜欢冒险的). He loved to visit new places. During his lifetime,he 3.(发现了许多令人惊奇的事). In 1922,Howard Carter and his team found the tomb of King Tutankhamun. However,not long after the tomb was opened,people in Carters team 4.(开始生病并且奇怪地死去).Within several years,21 people 5.(和打开坟墓有关的) died. Some people say that the deaths were just coincidence. Others believe that they were in connection with a mummys curse,6.(惩罚那些进入死人安息地方的人). Still others believe there is a 7.(科学解释).答案1.that the world has ever known2.adventurous3.discovered many amazing things4.began to fall ill and die strangely5.who had something to do with the opening of the tomb6.which punished those who entered the resting place of the dead7.scientific explanation单元话题写作请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。A poor boy had one penny left. He was so hungry that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. A lovely young woman opened the door. She thought he looked hungry and gave him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”“You dont owe me anything,” she replied.“Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness.” As the boy left that house, he was strongly moved.Years later the young woman became critically ill and was sent to a big hospital. Dr. Howard Kelly, who was famous then, was called in for a consultation. He recognized her at once and he was determined to do his best to save her life.After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on it. The bill was sent to her room. She opened it, and the words written on the bill caught her attention:“Paid in full with a glass of milkDr. Howard Kelly.”写作内容1.用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2.用约120个词谈谈你阅读了该故事后的感受,内容包括:(1)你从这个故事中领悟到什么道理?(2)当你遇到困难时,你的朋友是怎么做的?(3)你是如何报答你朋友的帮助的? 写作要求1.作文中可以使用自己亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。写作导写1.确定文体和时态这篇文章主要描述对故事的读后感受,为夹叙夹议文,并且由此想到自己的经历,所以时态应以一般过去时和一般现在时为主。2.根据写作内容的提示,应注意以下几个方面:(1)概括应包括以下要点:When a poor boy was , a young woman gave him a glass of .Years later, as a famous doctor, he saved the womans life and paid the final bill her help.(2)写作的内容应该包括:你从这个故事中领悟到的道理:Once by others, we should be .当你遇到困难时,你的朋友是怎么帮助你的:One day, it was heavily. My classmate Henry me his umbrella.得到帮助后,你是如何报答你朋友的帮助的:When Henry was ill in, I went to the hospital to acpany him, helping him for his missed lessons.3.可能用到的词汇:(1)数年后(2)作为的回报(3)需要(4)正要做某事(5)在这时(6)病得很厉害4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分三段。第一段,概述文章内容。(I the passage that when a poor boy was hungry, a young woman gave him a glass of milk.)第二段,阅读故事后的感悟。(I learn that once helped , we should be grateful.)第三段,别人如何帮助自己以及自己如何回报别人的帮助。(When Henry was ill in hospital, I went to the hospital to him every day, him make up for his missed lessons.)5.范文填空I learned from the passage that when a poor boy was hungry, a young woman gave him a glass of milk. Years later, as a famous doctor, he saved the womans life and paid the final bill in return for her help.(1)(被这个故事深深感动), I learn that once helped by others, we should be grateful. If my friend is in need of help, I will fort him/her and (2) (不遗余力地帮助他/她摆脱困境). (3) (有一次我正要回家)when it started to rain heavily. Having left my umbrella at home, I (4)(除了待在教室里什么也不能做).At that moment,my classmate Henry gave me his umbrella.His kindness and willingness to help greatly impressed me. Several days before an important exam, Henry fell seriously ill. Every day after school, I (5) (去医院陪伴他), helping him make up for his missed lessons. Eventually, he got a good mark.答案2.(1)hungry;milkin return for(2)helped;gratefulraining;gavehospital;make up3.(1)years later(2)in return for(3)in need of(4)be about to do sth.(5)at this moment(6)fall seriously ill4.learned from;by others;acpany;helping5.(1)Greatly moved by the story(2)spare no effort to help him/her out(3)Once I was about to go home(4)could do nothing but stay in the classroom(5)went to the hospital to acpany him教师备用话题微写作根据下面的素材,用本单元所学词汇和句式结构翻译下列句子。1.一些有所作为的人对世界影响很大。Some amazing people have greatly influenced the world.2.他们通过他们的思想和行动让我们的世界变得更加美好。They have made our world better through their thoughts and actions.3.例如,比尔盖茨对计算机技术产生很大影响。For example, Bill Gates has had a great effect on puter technology.4.是贝多芬为我们创造了美妙的音乐。It was Beethoven who created wonderful music for us.5.袁隆平致力于水稻优良品种的研究与发展。Yuan Longping has devoted himself to the research and development of a better rice breed.6.虽然他们生活在不同的时期、国籍不同,但是他们的共同点就是在自己的领域为世界作出了很多贡献。Though they are of different times and nationalities, what they have in mon is that they have all contributed a lot to the world in their fields.【联句成篇】把以上句子联成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。【参考范文】Some amazing people have greatly influenced the world. They have made our world better through their thoughts and actions. For example, Bill Gates has had a great effect on puter technology. It was Beethoven who created wonderful music for us. Yuan Longping has devoted himself to the research and development of a better rice breed. Though they are of different times and nationalities, what they have in mon is that they have all contributed a lot to the world in their fields.单元词汇拓展速记1.词根“-serve”家族conserve vt.保存;保护deserve vt.应受;值得observe vt.观察;遵守preserve vt.保存,保护reserve vt.保留;预订2.名词后缀“-ment” punishment n.惩罚requirement n.要求argument n.论据;争吵3.名词后缀“-ity”nationality n.国籍popularity n.普及,流行similarity n.相似之处4.含介词“to”的短语集合be superior to 优于,好于be inferior to 劣于,次于be senior to 比级别高be junior to 比级别低be prior to 在之前

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