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2018届高三英语上学期第四次“周学习清单”反馈测试试题一、 完形填空(30分):Men and women may have different experiences in shopping for clothes. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in _1_. He knows what he wants, and his_2_ is to find it and buy it. All men _3_ walk into a shop and ask the shop assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock(库存),the deal can be done and _4_ is pleted in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyones _5_. For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. In that _6_ , the salesman tries to sell the customer something elsehe _7_ the nearest to the article required. A good salesman brings out such a substitute(替代品) _8_; he may say, “ I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir. But would you like to try it for size? It _9_ to be the color you mentioned.” Few men have _10_ with this treatment, and the usual answer is : “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I shouldnt be _11_ my time and yours by trying it on.” For a woman , buying clothes is always done in the _12_ way. Her shopping is not often _13_ on need. She has never fully decided what she wants, and she is only” having a look around”. She is always _14_ to be persuaded, willing to try on any number of things. Deep in her mind is the thought of finding something that _15_thinks suits her. Most women have an excellent sense of value and are always on the lookout for the unexpected_16_. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another_17_ selecting the dress she wants to _18_ . It is a tiresome process, but clearly a(an) _19_ one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting_20_.1. A. detail B. hurry C. advance D. mind2. A. advice B. goal C. demand D. question3. A. quickly B. immediately C. soon D. simply4. A. often B. constantly C. normally D. finally5. A. confidence B. amusement C. satisfaction D. surprise6. A. time B. event C. situation D. case7. A. gives B. offers C. presents D. delivers8. A. skillfully B. attentively C. actively D. carefully9. A. occurs B. happens C. es D. takes10. A. patience B. interest C. expectationD. experience11. A. losing B. spending C. giving D. wasting12. A. same B. clever C. opposite D. similar13. A. relied B. based C. done D. related14. A. open B. ready C. close D. happy15. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody16. A. deal B. surprise C. luck D. bargain17. A. after B. as C. beforeD. by18. A. try on B. try out C.try upD. try for19. A. tiring B. enjoyable C. boringD. graceful20. A. customers B. assistants C. wives D. husbands二、 根据汉语意思翻译单词或短语:(25分)(16-20短语每个2分)1. 解决、解答vt._ 2. 不同意;不一致_3.选择;抉择 n. _ 4. 漫步;徘徊 _ 5. 无论如何 adv._ 6. 简单的 adj. _ 7. 探索;探测 vi&vt. _ 8. 完全地;整个地 adv. _ 9. 发信号vi&vt;信号n. _ 10.创造;创作 v. _ 11.目标_ 12.幸福、快乐n._ 13.类型;打字_ 14.事实、现实_ 15.弥补、编造、化妆_ 16.总共;总计 _ 17.共同的 _ 18.监视;看守_ 19. 毕竟_ 20.更重要的是;而且_ 三、完成下列句子(20分): 1. 从某种程度上讲,我们的程序员就好比是我们的教练。_ _ _, our programmer is like our coach.2. 结果我的外形完全改变了。_ _ _ I totally changed my shape. 3. 在他的朋友的帮助下,他成功地克服了困难。 _ _ _ _his friends, he overcame his difficulties successfully. 4. 她从那时起就知道自己会获胜。 _ _ _ she knew she would win. 5. 别责备那个男孩,毕竟他才五岁。 Dont scold the boy._ _,he is only 5 years old . 6. 在他们看来,他们的老师所说的是有道理的。 _ _ _ ,what their teacher said was reasonable. 7. 她不知道该怎么对付她那顽皮的儿子。 She doesnt know how to _ _ her naughty son. 8. 他在努力弥补他所失去的时间。 He is trying to _ _ his lost time. 三、 句子改错:(10分)1. Personal speaking, I prefer English to maths.2. From then on , I grew rapid both in size and in brainpower.3. The accident resulted from the death of two passengers.4. On seeing the funny scene, he couldnt help laugh.5. She is such clever a girl that we all like her.6. That plan was a totally failure.7. Anyhow, my goal is provide humans with a life of high quality.8. I could think logically and produce an answer quick than any person.9. It is of great important to learn English.10. The interesting film reminded me for my childhood.四、句子翻译:(15分) 1.就我个人而言,我认为赢得第一名的那只对作弊了。 _2.从某种程度上看,她的英语有所进步,但对她来说,学好英语道路还很长。_3.随着时间的推移,我被做得越来越小。_尤溪七中高三英语周测答案一、完形填空:30%15 CBDAC 6-10 DBABA 11-15DCBBC 16-20DCABD二、单词和短语翻译 25%1. solve 2. disagree 3. choice 4. wander 5. anyhow 6. simple 7. explore 8. totally 9. signal 10. create 11. goal 12. happiness 13. type 14. reality 15. make up 16. in total 17. in mon 18.watch over 19. after all 20. whats more.三、完成句子20%1. In a way 2.As a result 3.With the help of 4.From then on 5.after all6.In their opinion 7.deal with 8.make up 四、句子改错:10%1.Personal-Personally 2.rapid-rapidly3.from-in 4.laughlaughing5.such-so 6.totally-total7.to provide 8.olgicallylogical9. importantimportance 10. for-of 四、句子翻译:15%1.Personally, I think the team who won first place cheated.2.In a way, her English has improved but there is still a long way to go.3. As time went by,I was made smaller and smaller.


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