2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假训练10 Unit 5 Music.docx

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寒假训练10 Unit 5 Music一、单词拼写1. He(假装)to be doing his homework when the teacher came in.2. Im sure she is hwith me although I met her the first time.3. Be cin your judgement and in yourself to get things right.4. The group of popular singers will give another two(表演)before leaving China.5. The assistants of the library are (分类)out the books.6. You are far too s about her words.7. You ask me, in (简要), what satisfaction I get out of life, and why I go on working.8. Everybody sang high praise for her d to the cause of education.9. I attended her wedding ceremony at her (邀请).10. He looks so f, though I cant remember his name.二、单项选择11. Though Confucius has long gone, his powerful ideas undoubtedlyChinese society and tradition. A. shaped B. formed C. laid D. made12. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, the sailing time_was 226 days. A. of which B. during whichC. from which D. for which13. Heard that many people turned off their lights during Earth Hour? Yes. Great importance has been_to climate change from rising greenhouse gas emissions, which is a good thing about the public. A. adoptedB. attachedC. appliedD. appealed 14. Human skin is highly_to the change of the outside air temperature. A. particular B. keenC. sensibleD. sensitive15. The boy pretended_when his mother came in. A. to fall asleepB. sleeping C. asleepD. to be asleep16. What do you think of their marriage? _, if I were Kate, I wouldnt marry him. A. Generally speaking B. I have no idea C. To be honest D. To my surprise 17. _to their separate jobs, Lindas parents spend little time talking with her about her studies. A. DevotingB. Devoted a lot of effortsC. Devoted D. Having devoted18. We had to be patient because it_sometime_we got the full results. A. has been; sinceB. had been; until C. was; afterD. would be; before19. Who will be in charge of Toms life if his parents_? A. break down B. break up C. break outD. break off20. What kind of house would you like to buy? Id like to buy onemodern, comfortable, and_in a quiet neighborhood.A. in allB. above allC. after all D. at all 三、句子翻译21. 你是用现金还是用支票支付?(in cash; by check)_22. 他喜欢拿他的同学开玩笑。(play jokes on)_23. 她的父母都认为教育很重要。(attach.to)_24. 那个保护区是我非常熟悉的。(familiar)_25. 我们班有53名学生,其中三分之二是共青团员。(two-thirds; 定语从句)_四、语法填空【2018届江西省新余市第一中学高三全真模拟考试英语试题】Many of us enjoy music because of the way it makes us feel. But for chimps(黑猩猩), its nothing more than a lot of noise.Scientists from the University of York, UK, found that chimps dont appreciate listening to music, despite their DNA _26_ (be) 96 to 98 percent similar to that of humans.In the study, a “jukebox(自动唱机)” _27_ (create), which allowed chimps to select their favorite classical, pop or rock music, or _28_ (simple) to choose silence. The animals walked away from the music they seemed to dislike the most. The study found they were less likely _29_ (walk) away from classical music like Mozart than fast-paced pop songs like those of Justin Biebers.Emma Wallace from the University of York told the Daily Mail that the fast-paced rhythm may have been _30_ turned the chimps off.“_31_ its more possible for the chimpanzees to leave to the faster music, they did not show _32_ actual preference for the slower classical music,” said Wallace. “In fact, they seem to be indifferent to both _33_ (type) of music.”These results suggested that music _34_ (appreciate) may be something that is unique _35_ humans, according to Wallace.五、短文改错【2018年江西省南昌市第二中学高三上学期第五次月考】Square dancing has become more and more popular with the elderly as their living conditions improve. Most people thought it can help take regularly exercise and improve their fitness. Besides, it provides people more chances to take activities outdoor. However, some people argue that the music is very noisy, that disturbs the surrounding citizens normal life. Also, be exposed to such loud noise may do a harm to their health in the long run. In my opinion, square dancing is a good form of exercise, so dancers should take our neighbors life into consideration. If they choose a right time and turn down the music, it will cause less troubles for others.六、七选五【2018年江西省西路片七校高三第一次联考英语试题】As a parent, you must have a lot of concerns regarding the various skills you would like your child to acquire.Music is one of them. 46._ On the other hand, it is great for a childs overall development if he or she has an interest in the fine arts.47._ It is well known that they stay out of trouble as teenagers and young adults if they have music as a serious interest. The concentration helps them with their grades. Their learning and communication skills are better than those of their peer group. They also develop lots of confidence and self-esteem.Another advantage of your child learning music becomes apparent only at a later stage. 48._ It can be very beneficial and many top musicians had a very early exposure to music and credit this with their later successes.You can start when your child is only a baby, by exposing him or her to a wide range of music at home. 49._ And you could sustain your childs interest by having the both of you singing together.Some parents start their children on a musical instrument as early as 3 years of age. This is great if the child is having a good time. It goes without saying that you should not have to drag your childs to lessons. You can be assured that nothing productive will come out of it. 50._.If you start your child on music lesson by the age of 5, taking care to encourage her and not to push her, your child will be grown up into an accomplished adult with a well rounded personality.A. It can have good effects on your child.B. And your child will have a lifelong dislike of music.C. Otherwise youll completely spoil your childs future.D. That is why many people make a selection of music as a career.E. You could ensure that there is a song or melody playing in the background.F. On the one hand, you can encourage your childs creativity and natural hobby.G. There are a couple of advantages of teaching children to play a musical instrument.寒假训练10 Unit 5 Music一、单词拼写【答案】1. pretended 2. honest 3. confident 4. performances 5. sorting6. sensitive7. brief 8. devotion 9. invitation 10. familiar二、单项选择【答案】11. A 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. D16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. B【解析】11.考查谓语动词。shape的意思是“塑造,影响,形成某种看法、信仰”,如:Peoples political beliefs are often shaped by what they read in the newspaper. (人们的政治信仰常常是在他们说读报纸内容的影响下形成的。)12.考查介词加关系代词在定语从句中的运用。在该定语从句中,先行词是 “nine months”,将定语从句部分补充完整是“the sailing time of nine months was 226 days”,这段航行时间是226天中的九个月。13. 考查动词短语辨析。adopt to 适应;attach to 把.固定(在.上);apply to 向.提出申请;应用到;appeal to 呼吁;对.有吸引力。attach importance to 认为.很重要。句意:你听说在地球日这一天许多人都关了灯吗?是的。人们已经认识到了由于温室气体的排放而导致的气候变化的重要性,这对于公众来说是件好事。14. 考查形容词。be sensitive to 对某种事物感到敏感。sensible的意思是“明智的,理智的”。如:Surely it would be sensible to get a second opinion.(多听取一种意见肯定是明智的。)15. 考查不定式。pretend后需接不定式,故排除B、C项。且此处表示状态而不是动作,故选D。16. 考查情景交际。根据答语可知,答话人并不看好这桩婚事。To be honest “实话实说”,符合语境。17. 考查非谓语形式作状语。be devoted to 致力于,相当于devote.to。若选A、D两项,则应在devoting后接宾语。句意:由于致力于他们各自的工作,琳达的父母几乎没有时间与她讨论她的学习。18. 考查固定句型。在“it+be+一段时间+before/after/since+从句”句型中,before从句中的动作经过一段时间后才会实现;after从句中的动作发生后已经过了一段时间;since从句中的动作完成后到现在已经有一段时间了。根据句意可知,答案为D。19. 考查动词短语辨析。break down“(机器)坏掉;(身体)垮掉”;break up“分裂;解体”;break out“爆发”;break off“中断;折断”。根据句意:谁将来负责Tom的生活如果他的父母分开了?可知选B。20. 考查短语辨析。above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调事情的重要性,符合题意。in all(=altogether/in total)“总共”;after all“毕竟”;at all“根本;全然”。三、句子翻译【答案】21. Will you pay in cash or by check? 22. He likes playing jokes on his classmates. 23. Her parents attach great importance to education. 24. That reserve is very familiar to me. 25. There are 53 students in our class, two-thirds of whom are leagues members.四、语法填空【语篇解析】研究表明,尽管大猩猩的基因中有96%-98%和人类相似,但是大猩猩并不喜欢音乐,音乐欣赏可能是人类特有的能力。【答案】26. being27. was created28. simply29. to walk30. what31. While/Though/Although32. an33. types34. appreciation35. to【解析】26. 考查动名词。“their DNA_26_(be) 96 to 98 percent similar to that of humans”是介词despite的宾语,介词的宾语需用名词或动名词,故该空填being。27. 考查时态和语态。句意:在这个研究中,创建了一个自动唱机,它允许大星星们选择它们最喜欢音乐或者仅仅选择沉默。该段介绍的是实验的过程,属于过去的事,故该空应用过去时态。且a “jukebox”和create之间是被动关系,故该空应用被动语态。综上,该空填was created。28. 考查副词。结合上题中的句意可知,该空修饰动词choose,修饰动词要用副词,故该空填simply。29. 考查固定句式。句意:研究发现,和快节奏的流行歌曲相比,它们远离古典音乐的可能性较小。be likely to do sth.是固定句式,意为“可能做某事”。30. 考查名词性从句。句意:快节奏可能使大猩猩们失去了兴趣。“_ turned the chips off”是表语从句,该空在从句中做主语,且表示名词意思,故要用what引导该从句。31. 考查状语从句。句意:尽管黑猩猩更有可能选择较快的音乐,但是,实际上,它们没有表现出对较慢的古典音乐的偏爱。根据句意,该空引导让步状语从句,故可填Although/Though/While。32. 考查冠词。a preference for sth.意为“对的偏爱”,该空位于actual前面,actual的发音开头是元音音素,故该空填an。33. 考查名词。句意:实际上,它们对于两种类型的音乐都不感兴趣。both修饰可数名词复数,故该空填types。34. 考查名词。句意:这些结果表明:音乐欣赏可能是人类独有的能力。“music _”是主语,主语应用名词,故该空填appreciation。35. 考查介词。be unique to sb. 是固定表达,意为“对来说是独有的”。五、短文改错【语篇解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了广场舞。广场舞越来越受老年人的喜爱,不同的人对待广场舞有不同的观点。【答案】36. 第二句中的thought改为think37. 第二句中的regularly改为regular38. 第三句中的people和more之间加with39. 第三句中的outdoor改为outdoors40. 第四句中的第二个that改为which41. 第五句中的be改为being42. 第五句中的harm前的a去掉43. 第六句中的so改为but44. 第六句中的our改为their45. 第七句中的troubles改为trouble【解析】36. 考查谓语动词的时态。文章讲述的是广场舞,叙述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故将 thought改成think。37. 考查形容词。此处修饰名词 exercise要用形容词,故将regularly改成 regular。38. 考查固定搭配。provide sb with sth,提供某人某物,为固定搭配,故在 people和more中间加with。39. 考查副词。outdoor是形容词,后面一定要有名词或者位于be动词后。此处指的是“在户外”,用副词outdoors。40. 考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。句子后半句是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 music,指物,而且先行词在从句中做主语,故用 which来引导,that不可以引导非限制性定语从句。41. 考查动名词做主语。be exposed to such loud noise为句子的主语,动词词组不可以做主语,将be改成动名词being,故将be改成 being。42. 考查固定搭配。do harm to对.有害,为固定搭配,故把冠词a去掉。43. 考查连词。前面square dancing is a good form of exercise(广场舞是种很好的锻炼方式)与 dancers should take our neighbors needs into consideration.(舞者应该考虑邻居的需要)之间是转折关系,故将so改成but。44. 考查代词。句意:我认为,广场舞是一种很好的锻炼方式,但是舞者应该考虑他们邻居的需要。此处是“舞者的邻居”,用 their指代,故将our改成 their。45. 考查名词单复数。 trouble做“麻烦”讲时是不可数名词,此处 trouble是“麻烦”的意思,为不可数名词,故将 troubles改成 trouble。六、七选五【答案】46-50 FGDEB 【解析】46. 空格下文阐述另一方面,如果他或她对艺术感兴趣,会让孩子更好地全面发展,因此推断F项“一方面,可以鼓励孩子发挥创造力和自然爱好”符合语境。On the one hand., on the other hand. “一方面,另一方面”用于提出两个方面的看法,故选F。47. 空格下文阐述玩乐器的优点。如果孩子对音乐感兴趣,可以避免成为问题少年,可以取得更好的成绩,更容易与人沟通,建立自信心和自尊,因此推断空格处选G项“教孩子玩乐器有许多优点”符合语境,故选G。48. 空格上文阐述孩子学习音乐的另一优点,在以后的日子里会变得很明显。因此推断空格处D项“那就是许多人选择音乐作为事业的原因”,that指代上文提到的音乐的另一优点,故选D。49. 空格上文阐述你可以让你的孩子孩提时在家里就开始接触音乐。因此推断空格处E项“你可播放一首歌曲或旋律作背景音乐”符合题意,故选E。50. 空格上文阐述如果孩子不喜欢乐器,你就不应该强迫孩子去学乐器,因为这样不会有什么建设性的结果,因此推断B项“你的孩子将终身厌恶音乐”符合题意,故选B。


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