(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses讲义(含解析)牛津译林版必修3.doc

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(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses讲义(含解析)牛津译林版必修3.doc_第1页
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(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses讲义(含解析)牛津译林版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 The world of our senses(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1raised adj.凸起的2nowhere adv. 无处,到处都不3pavement n. (马路边的)人行道4analyse vt. 分析5tap n& vt.& vi. 轻拍,轻敲6pass n. 罗盘;指南针7sign n. 符号,标志;迹象.重点单词写其形1forecast (forecast, forecast) vt.& n. 预测,预报2glance vi.& n. 瞥一眼,匆匆看3wherever adv.& conj. 无论哪里4approach vi.& vt. 靠近;着手处理n. 靠近;方法;路径5grasp vt. 抓紧,抓牢6likely adj.纵联1 可能的7aid n& vt. 帮助8relief n. 轻松,宽慰9reduce vt.& vi. 减少10volunteer n. 志愿者vi.& vt. 自愿做,义务做11distance n. 距离;远处12suit n. 套装vt. 适合,满足需要13attach vt.使连在一起,把附在上;认为重要14whisper vi.& vt.纵联2 小声说;私下说15contrary adj. 相反的n. 相反的事实或情况16calm adj. 镇静的,沉着的,平静的vt.& vi. 使平静,镇静17panic vi.& n纵联3 惊慌,恐慌18helper n. 帮助者.拓展单词通其变1observe vt.观察;注意到;评论observation n观察observer n观察者2confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑confused adj.困惑的confusing adj.令人困惑的3hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决hesitation n犹豫,踌躇4anxious adj.焦虑,忧虑anxiety n焦虑;渴望anxiously adv.焦虑地5grateful adj.感激的,表示感谢的gratefully adv.感激地;感谢地gratitude n感激,感谢6recognize vt.认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认recognition n识别;确认,认可;赏识7puzzle vt.迷惑,使困惑n.谜,疑问puzzled adj.困惑的puzzling adj.令人费解的8ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的ignorance n愚昧,无知9disability n缺陷;伤残disabled adj.残废的,有缺陷的disable v使(某人)失去能力,残疾10attract vt.吸引attractive adj.有吸引力的,诱人的attraction n吸引,有吸引力的人或事11employ vt.使用;雇佣employer n雇佣者,雇主employee n受雇者,雇员,雇工employment n职业;雇佣,使用纵联1.皆有“可能”likely adj.可能的possible adj. 可能的probable adj. 很有可能的perhaps adv. 可能,大概maybe adv. 也许,大概纵联2.“说”法荟萃whisper 小声说;耳语murmur 低语;小声说chat 聊天speak 说;演讲;发言inform 通知;告诉announce 宣告;述说declare 宣布;声明claim 声称;要求纵联3.“惊恐”万状fear 担心,害怕alarm 使惊恐,警告frighten 使害怕,吓唬horror 惊骇,恐怖terror 恐怖,惊骇shock 震惊,使吃惊panic 惊慌,恐慌单元话题感官感知子话题1视觉领域sight视力,视觉 visual视力的,视觉的visible可见的;明显的 invisible看不见的insight洞察力,洞悉;领悟 foresight预见,先见之明子话题2嗅觉领域smelly有强烈气味的 fragrance芳香,香味;香水odor气味,臭味 odorous有气味的scent气味,香味;香水 perfume香气,香味;香水子话题3味觉领域delicious美味的,可口的 tasting尝味,品尝tasty味好的,美味的 tasteless无味的,乏味的savor滋味,气味 flavor味道,滋味;风味;香料relish滋味 sour酸的;酸腐的;变酸acid酸味的,酸的;酸 bitter苦的peppery胡椒味的子话题4感知领域perceive意识到;察觉 apprehend领会;理解deem认为,视作 discern识别;辨明divine占卜;预言 suspect怀疑take in领会 get the drift获悉要旨、大意have a hunch有预感学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2014北京高考阅读B)This one was silent and its ears pinned back the sign of an animal that is going in for the kill. And it was a cold April day. The bear behaved abnormally, probably because of hunger.Drawing back my free hand, I struck the bear as hard as I could for five or six times. The bear opened its mouth and I _(grasp) its fur, trying to push it away. I was actually wrestling (扭打) with the bear at this point. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the fight ended. The bear moved back towards the forest, before returning for another attack the first time I felt panic.选择加黑词在句中的意思:_C_A符号B手势C迹象加黑词在本单元的同义词是:likely,两者虽然都以ly作后缀,但一个是副词一个是形容词。用所给词的适当形式填空:grasped加黑词在此处意为:惊慌失措的,它在本单元的反义词是:calm2(2013江西高考完形)_ (panic), she began to scream.Then, just as it seemed as if she would slip beneath the surface, she heard a calm voice.“Hold on! Im ing.” With relief, she saw the old man rowing an ancientlooking boat towards her.“I hope youve learned a lesson.You put us both in danger,” he shouted angrily, as he dragged her over the side of the boat. Gratefully, Diane thanked him and ran towards the beachhouse.用所给词的适当形式填空:Panicking,此处是分词作状语。写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:沉着的,镇静的with relief在句中作状语,表示:松了口气用本单元单词observe升格加黑词。写出加黑词在本单元的同根形容词:grateful高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018全国卷书面表达)如果你还有什么令你困惑的问题,请尽管问我。(hesitate, puzzling)Please_dont_hesitate_to_ask_me_if_you_still_have_puzzling_questions.2(2018浙江高考书面表达)最先吸引我的是,做一名志愿者不仅可以帮助别人,而且可以提高我的英语水平。(attract, volunteer, aid)What_first_attracts_me_is_that_being_a_volunteer_can_not_only_aid_others_but_also_improve_my_English. (二)课堂重点释疑1observe vt.观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝辨清写出下列句中observe的含义Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals.观察This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, a biologist at Flinders University, and her colleagues. 注意到Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people.遵守People of many Western countries observe Christmas.庆祝记牢(1)observe Christmas/New Years Day/festivals 庆祝圣诞/元旦/节日observe (2)observation n. 观察;注意;监视observer n. 遵守者,观察者;观察员练通单句语法填空My uncle acted as an observer (observe) at the UNESCO International Youth Forum.In hospital shell be under observation (observe) all the time. 句型转换The police observed the man enter the bank.The man was observed to enter the bank by the police.She observed a man walking on the opposite of the way.She observed that a man was walking on the opposite of the way.用准observe用于被动语态时,作主语补足语的不定式须带to。写美(2016江苏高考书面表达)如果我们能制定一些让人们遵守的参与规则,情况就会变得更好。Things_will_turn_for_the_better_if_we_can_work_out_some_participation_rules_for_people_to_observe.2glance vi.& n瞥一眼,匆匆看;扫视记牢(1)glance at sth./sb. 匆匆看一下某物/人glance over/through sth. 粗略地/随便地看一看某物; 浏览某物(2)at first glance 乍一看;乍看之下take/give a glance at 匆匆看一眼练通完成句子She glanced_at me through her glasses, “You are no different from your classmates, young man.”她透过眼镜朝我看了一眼,“年轻人,你和你的同学没有什么不同。”He glanced_over/took_a_glance_at the letter and then put it into his drawer.他匆匆看了一下信,然后把它放进了抽屉里。 At_first_glance,_the problem seemed easy.乍一看,这个问题好像很容易。写美(2018全国卷书面表达)乍一看,我们学校体育馆的外观设计像鸟巢。At_first_glance,_the_exterior_design_of_our_school_stadium_looks_like_the_Bird_Nest.3approach vt.靠近,接近;着手处理 n接近;靠近;途径;方法辨清写出下列句中approach的含义As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.接近,临近We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.方法He thought of several ways of approaching this problem.着手处理记牢(1)(an) approach to (doing).的方法/通道/途径(to为介词)(2)approach sb./sth.靠近/接近某人/某物with . approaching 随着的临近练通单句语法填空The school has decided to adopt a different approach to dicipline.We need to try other approaches to solving (solve) the problem.句型转换As the time for graduation is approaching,we are busy with our papers.With the time for graduation approaching,we are busy with our papers.写美(2017天津高考书面表达)随着第十三届全运会的临近,我们志愿者正在加快准备工作。With_the_13th_National_Games_approaching,_we_volunteers_are_speeding_up_preparations.联想表示“做的方法”的表达还有:the way to do/of (doing) sth., the means of (doing) sth., the method of (doing) sth.等。4hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇记牢(1)hesitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事;不愿做某事hesitate about/over . 对犹豫不决(2)hesitation n. 犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事练通单句语法填空Jim was still hesitating about/over whether to apologise to her or not.Dont hesitate to_tell (tell) them that the background noises are getting in the way.He leapt into the water without hesitation (hesitate) and saved the drowning child. 一句多译她毫不犹豫地接受了我的提议。She didnt_hesitate_to_accept my offer.(hesitate)She accepted my offer without_hesitation.(hesitation)She had_no_hesitation_in_accepting my offer.(hesitation)写美(2015天津高考书面表达)如果还有什么我能为你做的,请不要犹豫,直接告诉我。If_there_is_something_else_I_can_do_for_you,_please_dont_hesitate_to_tell_me.5anxious adj.焦虑的,忧虑的;不安的记牢(1)be anxious about/for .为担心/担忧be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事(2)anxiety n. 忧虑;担心;渴望with anxiety 焦虑地(3)anxiously adv. 焦虑地练通单句语法填空Lack of selfconfidence, Jack cant help being anxious about/for his job interview.Her family was poor, so the girl was anxious to_finish (finish) school and get a job.The couple are waiting for their daughters reply with anxiety (anxious)单句改错No one es. Suddenly, a lady with an anxiously look rushed in. anxiouslyanxious句式升级She looked at her sick child and was very anxious.(用形容词短语作状语改写)She_looked_at_her_sick_child,_very_anxious.写美(2018全国卷书面表达)当你第一次作为一位客人去中国朋友家做客时,你可能会感到有点压力和焦虑,这是正常的。Its_normal_that_you_may_feel_a_little_stressed_and_anxious_when_being_a_guest_to_a_Chinese_friends_home_for_the_first_time._6relief n轻松,宽慰;(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻;救济记牢(1)in relief如释重负;松了口气to ones relief 令人感到欣慰的是with relief 宽慰地Its a relief to do sth. 做某事是令人欣慰的(2)relieve vt. 使轻松,宽慰;缓解relieve sb. of . 解除某人方面的负担练通单句语法填空I was in relief when the exam was over.The medicine greatly relieved him of his headache.We all sighed with relief when the plane finally touched down safely.完成句子It is a_great_relief to have rain after a long time of drought.长期的干旱之后有雨是一大慰藉。To_our_great_relief,_the accident caused little damage.使我们大感宽慰的是,事故造成的损失很小。写美(2018天津高考书面表达)你在机器人竞赛(robotics petition)中获得过一等奖,如果你能加入我们的团队我们会感到很安心。You_have_won_the_first_prize_in_a_robotics_petition_and_it_will_be_a_relief_to_see_that_you_join_our_team.7recognize vt.认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认记牢(1)recognize sb./sth.by/from . 根据认出某人/物be recognized to be/as . 被认为是,被认作It is generally recognized that . 人们公认(2)recognition n. 认识;认出out of/beyond recognition 认不出来练通单句语法填空Celeste Ng, a new writer, has gained recognition (recognize) for her first novel, Everything I Never Told You.Although he hadnt seen grandma for years, he recognized her from/by her voice over the phone at once.Since 1958, they have been recognized as/to_be the national theatre of Israel. 完成句子My hometown has_changed_beyond/out_of_recognition since I left here last time.自从我上次离开这里以来,我的家乡已经变得认不出来了。It_is_recognized_that traffic jam has bee one serious problem to citizens.人们认识到,交通堵塞已成为市民面临的一个严重问题。写美(2018江苏高考书面表达)人们认识到,大多数消费者可以根据消费排名找到一个满意的产品。It_is_recognized_that_most_consumers_can_find_a_satisfactory_product_according_to_the_ratings.8ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会记牢(1)ignorant adj.(对某事)不了解的;无知的be ignorant of/about . 对不知道/不了解(2)ignorance n. 无知out of ignorance 由于无知be in ignorance of . 不知道练通单句语法填空Ignorance (ignore) of people brings fear, fear of the unknown. People dont like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant (ignore)完成句子I made a suggestion, but she_ignored_it.我提了个建议,可是她不理睬。He confessed himself that he_was_ignorant_of/about_their_family_ine.他承认自己对于他们的家庭收入一无所知。写美(2018江苏高考书面表达)然而,消费者在购物时不应忽视消费排名的重要性。However,_consumers_shouldnt_ignore_the_significance_of_the_ratings_while_shopping.9attach vt.使连在一起,把附在上;认为重要辨清写出下列句中attach的含义With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself? 把附在上The high school is attached to that university.附属于We must attach importance to the education of the children.认为重要记牢(1)attach . to .把附在上attach importance/significance/value to . 认为有重要性/意义/价值 (to为介词)(2)attached adj. 依恋的;附属的;喜欢的be attached to 喜欢;依附于;隶属于练通单句语法填空This hospital attached (attach) to the medical college nearby was destroyed in the flood.Father asked me to attach a stamp to the envelope and mail it.Honestly speaking, a lot of people attach great importance to being (bee) rich and famous.句式升级All of us should attach great importance to the safety of school buses. (变为被动语态)Great_importance_should_be_attached_to_the_safety_of_school_buses.写美(2018浙江高考书面表达)我一直非常重视英语口语,所以流利地说英语是没有问题的。I_have_been_attaching_great_importance_to_spoken_English,_so_there_is_no_problem_for_me_to_speak_English_fluently.10panic vi.& n惊慌,恐慌记牢(1)in (a) panic惊慌失措地get into a panic 陷入惊慌状态(2)panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人(因惊慌)仓促做某事练通完成句子Office workers fled in_panic as the building caught fire.大楼着火时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。When she found her son was out of sight, the lady got_into_a_panic.那位女士发现儿子不见了时十分惊慌。Rumours panicked_many_citizens_into_flooding into supermarkets to buy salt.谣言令许多市民涌入超市买盐。用准panic的过去式和过去分词分别是panicked, panicked; 现在分词是panicking。写美(2017浙江高考书面表达)Mac冲进车里,砰地(slam)一声关上车门,浑身发抖,惊慌失措。Mac_rushed_into_the_car,_slammed_the_door_and_trembled_all_over_in_panic.词汇过关综合训练.单词拼写1Children usually learn by observing (观察) their parents.2To our great relief (安慰),the miners trapped in the coal mine were all rescued. 3I was sure my guardian angel was whispering (小声说) in my ear “Turn around and head back home”, but I was stubborn, so I walked on.4This road is too narrow (狭窄的) for our car to pass. We had better go into the avenue.5Lastly, please attach (贴上) your business card below or fill up the information.6Ignoring (忽视)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.7Tim glanced (瞥一眼) at the envelope and said it was his uncles handwriting.8Some students from Grade 3 volunteered_ (自愿) to do some cleaning for the elderly people.9With the midterm examination approaching (临近), we are busy going over what weve learned this term.10Their criticism did not discourage me. On the contrary (相反), I worked even harder.单句语法填空1We may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety (anxious) and depression.2Relieved (relief), I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep. 3If we leave right away, hopefully (hopeful), well arrive on time.4They believe, for example, that their employees (employ)need constant supervision if they are to work effectively.5In case you need something, please dont hesitate to_tell (tell) me.6Some people are rather proud of not being ignorant (ignore) of such an important matter.7He looked up, glanced at them without recognition (recognize), and went on his way.8At first glance, the girl looks like my daughter.单句改错1As I started laughing, Mom asked confused,“Whats wrong?”confusedconfusedly2It was relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle of the road. relief前加a3Most of the students recognize Tom be a top student.be前加to4The mother was standing at the gate, anxiously to see her son.anxiouslyanxious5Though he tried many approaches for solving the problem, he failed at last.forto6Bruce was observed leave the building with two young men and take a taxi away.leave前加to.完成句子1The guard observed_a_young_man_stealing from the office, and he tried to approach him quietly.门卫注意到一个年轻人正从办公室里偷东西,他试图悄悄地靠近他。2Whenever I ask him for help, he_doesnt_hesitate_to_help_me,_which moves me a lot.无论何时我找他帮忙,他都会毫不犹豫地帮助我,这让我很感动。3It_is_very_likely_that he will agree with the plan.他很有可能会同意这个计划。4The 31st Olympic Games were recognized_as_a_great_success.人们认为第31届奥运会是非常成功的赛事。5All_the_approaches_to_the_airport were blocked by the police.所有通往机场的路都被警察封锁了。(一)课前自主学习1in_sight看得到,在视力范围之内2wish_for串记1 盼望,企盼3reach_out 伸出(手)4watch_out_for 留心,密切注意5roll_up 卷起来6glance_at串记2 瞥一眼,匆匆看7pay_back串记3 偿还;回报;报复8contrary_to 与相反9attach_._to_. 把附在上10clear_up (天气)放晴;清理11work_out 制订出;算出12e_across 偶然遇到13e_to_ones_aid 帮助某人14stare_at 盯着看,睁大眼睛看15be_grateful_to 对表示感激16make_sense 有意义;讲得通17in_the_distance 在远处18to_ones_surprise 使某人惊奇的是同根短语串记串记1.wish短语小结wish for盼望,企盼 as you wish随心所欲fulfill a wish实现愿望 get ones wish如愿以偿make a wish许愿,祈求go against ones wishes违背某人的意愿串记2.“眼”观六路stare at盯着看;凝视 glare at怒目而视glance at瞥一眼,匆匆看 look at看一看;瞧一瞧catch sight of看见catch a glimpse of瞥一眼;看一眼串记3.pay短语速记pay back偿还;回报;报复 pay off付清;取得成功pay for为而付钱 pay a visit to参观,拜访pay attention to注意1be already covered in_a grey mist 已笼罩在灰色的薄雾中2step out into the fog 步入了浓雾中3take the Underground 乘地铁4lie like a thick, grey cloud 像浓密的灰云一样聚积着5hear the sound of footsteps approaching 听到渐近的脚步声6stare up at the face 抬头盯着一张脸7get across the road 过马路8nowhere to be seen 不见了1Polly found_herself_staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.波莉发现自己正抬头看着一张长着络腮胡子的老人的脸。2A blind person like me cant_get_across_the_road_without_help,_except in a fog like this. 像我这样的瞎子,没有帮助是无法过街的,除非是在像这样的大雾里。3Since it_is_believed_that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were required not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment.因为人们相信强烈的气味会影响感官,志愿者被要求实验前八小时不要吃喝。4While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather_than watch television. 吃饭的时候,听一些好听的音乐而不要看电视。5Dont be frightened by sharks: you are 30_times_more_likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark. 不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为你被闪电击中的几率可能是被鲨鱼攻击的30倍。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词块和句式1(2018全国卷完形)I still cant believe what a coincidence it was. Im just so glad I was there in time to help my son (e_to_my_sons_aid)(用本单元短语升级加黑词块)2(2013陕西高考阅读B)I thought it was another chance to repay (pay_back) someone for the favour Id been given decades earlier.(用本单元短语升级加黑词)3(2009湖南高考阅读A)Excited by the find, Broad asked his students to continue his search. They bed old newspapers and other materials for clues. Gradually, a picture came into view (was_in_sight)(用本单元短语替换加黑短语)高考采撷(二)写作中的短语和句式(根据提示翻译句子)1(2018全国卷书面表达)我发现自己对打羽毛球很感兴趣,因为这不会花费我太多的力气和时间。(find宾语宾语补足语)I_find_myself_interested_in_playing_badminton,_for_it_doesnt_cost_me_too_much_strength_and_time._2(2017全国卷书面表达)据说剪纸早在我国汉代就被用来作为装饰品。(Its过去分词that)It_is_said_that_papercutting_was_used_as_a_decoration_as_early_as_the_Han_Dynasty_in_our_country.3(2017浙江高考书面表达)当我们打算爬山时,一定要记得穿运动鞋而不要穿皮鞋。(rather than)As_we_intend_to_climb_mountains,_do_be_sure_to_wear_gym_shoes_rather_than_leather_shoes.(二)课堂重点释疑短语集释1in sight看得见,在视力范围之内记牢out of sight看不见at first sight 初看时,乍一看at the sight of . 一看见catch sight of 看见lose sight of 看不见e into sight 进入视野练通用sight的相关短语填空There was no taxi in_sight,_so I had to take a bus into town. I caught_sight_of my former teacher just now,but he turned at a corner and I lost sight of him. The boys eyes popped at_the_sight_of the rich variety of food on show.At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter till the train was out_of_sight.Tom met Mary at a party, and they fell in love at_first_sight.The children ran to the bus stop happily when the bus came_into_sight. 写美(2018北京高考书面表达)一踏进这所大学的校门,你就会看见许多古老的大树和建筑。As_soon_as_you_enter_the_university_gate,_you_will_catch_sight_of_many_old_trees_and_buildings.2reach out伸出(手),伸手拿记牢(1)reach for伸手去拿/去够(2)within ones reach 够得到/在某人能力范围之内beyond ones reachout of ones reach 够不到/力所不及练通用reach的相关短语填空You should leave your keys within_your_reach.He reached_out his hands and gave his son a big hug and said “I love you”My daughter is not tall enough to reach_for the dishes.写美(2014江西高考书面表达)我们树立的目标应该在自己的能力范围之内。The_goal_that_we_set_should_be_within_our_reach.3watch out for留心,密切注意记牢(1)watch out小心;提防watch for 守候,等待watch over 看守;监视;照管(2)on watch 值班,看守keep (a) close watch on 密切注视,严密监视练通用watch的相关短语填空Watch_out! Theres a car driving fast toward here.Be careful!Watch_out_for cyclists and other runners.It is said that each country would have its own experts to watch_over the changes. The man on_watch didnt notice the danger.Jim is anxiously watching_for his girlfriend at the gate.The government is keeping_a_close_watch_on how the situation develops.写美(2017浙江高考书面表达)登山时,我们必须注意可能发生的危险。While_climbing_the_mountain,_we_are_required_to_watch_out_for_possible_dangers.联想表示“当心,留神”的短语还有:look out, take care, be careful等。句式集释1find宾语宾语补足语教材原句Polly found_herself_sta


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