2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 选修7 Unit 19 Language课下作业(一-三)(含解析)北师大版.doc

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必修7 Unit 19 Language (课下作业一三).单词拼写1If you witness the accident, please inform (通知) the police.2His prehensive surveys have provided the most explicit (清楚的) statements.3He worked all summer to save money for the purchase (购买) of a piano.4He was absent (缺席的) from the party yesterday because of his sudden heart disease.5Our surroundings (环境) make more difference to our mood than most of us want to admit. 6After discussing it with my teacher, I made a few adjustments (调整) to my original design.7If we hadnt made adequate (充分的) preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.8Its amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble (像) each other.9I appreciate your hard work, but I can not give you a guarantee (保证) that you will surely get promoted.10An evening party was held to congratulate (祝贺) my classmate on his winning the English contest.单句语法填空1The new road sign is easy to read; the words stand out_well.2Was your knowledge of the languages adequate for the job?3To our surprise, her parents were absent from her wedding ceremony.4The car is less than a year old, and therefore still under guarantee.5She broke my favorite cup on purpose and didnt say sorry to me, which made me angry.6We negotiated with the school administration about the tuition increase.7The whole family congratulated Jack on being admitted to the key university.8I asked the photographer to enlarge (large) the picture and then hung it on the wall.9Surrounded (surround) by a lake, the building looks very beautiful under the lights at night.10It is rather embarrassing (embarrass) that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.单句改错1South winds in winter are guarantee of rain in these parts. guarantee前加a2The boy is poor, to whom love was totally absent of his childhood. offrom3She was always calm and never seemed embarrassing. embarrassingembarrassed4You must measure the length accurate in order to get the number. accurateaccurately5It keeps us informing of what has happened both national and international news.informinginformed6The new building does not harmonize with its surrounding. surroundingsurroundings7The most important thing to keep at mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm. atin8As a teacher you should adjust your method to meet the needs of slower students. meetmeeting 9Only when you catch on the importance of study will you be likely to work hard and catch up with others. on后加to10They seemed to resemble with each other closely. 去掉with.完成句子1Whether_you_like_it_or_not,_you have to face him one day.不管你喜欢与否,有一天你不得不面对他。2The trade agreement is still under_negotiation among members of WTO.世贸组织成员国之间正在讨论这个商业协定。3Much_to_her_embarrassment, all of her friends refused to go to her birthday party.令她非常尴尬的是,她所有的朋友都拒绝参加她的生日聚会。4On_the_one_hand_I have to work; on_the_other_hand I have many visitors to see to.一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看。5Theres no annual fee provided_that you use the credit card at least six times a year.只要你每年至少使用6次信用卡,就不用缴纳年费。.根据提示填空Using body_language (身势语) can be a good way of letting someone know you are interested in them or are feeling confident (confidence) in a situation. As everyones experience is different, there are a number of things you should consider (consideration)Everyone is different when it es to feeling fortable with the amount of space left between themselves and someone else. Generally_speaking (一般来说), the closer you stand to someone, the more close the relationship is. For instance, two friends may stand just inches away. It is a good idea to be aware of your _personal_space (个人空间) and if you dont feel fortable with the distance (distant) between you and someone else, it may help to step back a little. Being aware of the reactions (react) of someone else is also important.In some situations it may be appropriate to touch someone as a_sign_of fort, interest, or_friendship (某种舒适、兴趣或者友谊的标志). If you want to offer your support or to let someone know you are interested in them, putting_your_hand_on (把你的手放在) their shoulders or arms may be appropriate. Be careful when you want to touch someone you dont know very well.It may be helpful to remember that the less you know about someone, the harder it is to judge whether it is appropriate (合适的) to touch them.片段选词填空streetculture language, in particular, punctuation errors, appropriate, argue, regularity, writing skills, expression, standard EnglishAn epidemic (流行病) of the use of streetculture_language broke out in some English exams, according to examiners.A report said there were “a surprising number of small mistakes” in standard_English. It asked teachers that they should prevent pupils from using “street language and text style”, adding, “Most answers require formal expression of language.”“Many concerns were expressed by examiners about basic errors, often appearing in the work of clearly able students,” the report continued.It added that the use of street and text language “appeared with surprisingly _regularity in the work of students who clearly desired a higher grade”“Most answers require formal expression but even when an informal style is appropriate students should know the examination context and, in_particular,_should not use street language and text style,” it said.There is rising concern about pupils writing_skills,_especially among boys. National test results for 11yearold boys writing standards had fallen this year. Only 55 percent reached the level expected of an 11yearold by the time they left primary school, the results showed.Many educationalists are now arguing that teachers should also think of ways of improving writing standards.The report said spelling was “in general inconsistent (不一致)” and “variety of vocabulary and of sentence structure is often limited”. It went on, “Punctuation_errors continue to be widespread.”.阅读理解A(2019名校原创预测卷一)Life Coaching CoursesLife coaching courses are perfect for individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and are willing to help people achieve their goals. The role of a Life Coach is to provide support and guidance for people looking forward to changing or improving a certain aspect of their life. This can be emotional or healthrelated and, in the overall sense, it can mean total life support and life coaching.Life coaching courses available through NCC are below:Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) DiplomaThis qualityassured diploma in Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of emotional and psychological acupressure (指压), which makes use of a simple tapping routine coupled with statements made by the client (客户) to express how they feel about the problem in hand.Price: WAS 550.00NOW 440.00Awarding Body: ABC AwardsAverage Duration (持续时间): 200 hoursCourse Support: 12 months access to the courseHealth Coaching DiplomaThe Health Coaching Level 3 Diploma course is appealing for those who wish to improve soft skills or the job that they already have. In addition, it is for those with a keen interest in health promotion.Price: WAS 550.00NOW 440.00Awarding Body: ABC AwardsAverage Duration: 200 hoursCourse Support: 12 months access to the course Life Coaching DiplomaThe Life Coaching Diploma course aims to provide the learner with knowledge of how life coaching works and what a Life Coach does. It could be the beginning of a whole new life, not only for you, but for all your potential clients!Price: WAS 408.00NOW 326.40Awarding Body: NCFE CertificateAverage Duration: 200 hoursCourse Support: 12 months expert tutor support语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了人生教练的工作内容以及三种人生教练课程的相关信息。1Who are life coaching courses intended for?AThose who have emotional needs.BThose who need a major life change.CThose who want to keep physical fitness.DThose who are good at socializing.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Life coaching courses are perfect for individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and are willing to help people achieve their goals”可知,人生教练课程是为那些有极好的人际交往技巧的人设计的,并愿意帮助他们实现目标。故选D。2What can people learn from the Life Coaching Diploma course?AThe job of Life Coaches.BThe history of life coaching.CThe way to develop soft skills.DThe meaning of job promotion.解析:选A细节理解题。根据Life Coaching Diploma部分中的“The Life Coaching Diploma course aims to provide the learner with knowledge of how life coaching works and what a Life Coach does”可知,参加Life Coaching Diploma课程的人可以了解人生教练是做什么的,即了解其职业特征。故选A。3What do these life coaching courses have in mon?AThe courses all last for 12 hours on average.BA 20% discount is offered for each course now.CAll the courses are given by experts in that field.DAll participants can get a diploma from ABC Awards.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文中给出的三种人生教练课程的价格信息“Price: WAS 550.00NOW 440.00”“Price:WAS 550.00NOW 440.00”“Price: WAS 408.00NOW 326.40”可知,这三种课程的共同之处是每种课程目前的费用都打了八折。故选B。B(2019昆明调研)In 1952, my daddy, a soldier, traveled with the U. S. Army to Texas. This meant he was away from our North Carolina home.As Christmas approached, he called and explained to my mother why he would not be celebrating the holiday with us. Money was tight and he didnt have a way to get back to his family. Disappointed as she was, Mother knew he was right. She also knew we would be upset, so she told my two sisters, brother and me right away. The news hit me very hard. Christmas just wouldnt be the same without Daddy. I knew he had tried his best. Still, I went to bed on Christmas Eve with a heavy heart.When we woke up on Christmas morning, Santa had e. We were all happy with our gifts, so we went outside to play. I didnt want Mother to see how glum I was for I couldnt show Daddy what Santa had brought me. I could tell she was feeling sad, too.As we were playing, I looked up and saw Daddy in the distance. I ran inside to tell Mother. She did not believe me and told me not to make up stories. I turned to go back outside when I heard familiar footsteps. I ran down the stairs. Daddy was home! Daddy explained that he had tried everything to get home for Christmas, but without success. At the last minute, several workers had decided to drive. But the nearest guy lived miles away. So Daddy started walking on Christmas Eve until he arrived home. He had walked all night to get home to his family.Though the presents that year were wonderful, the best gift was not found under the tree. Daddys special surprise made this my most memorable Christmas.语篇解读:本文是家庭故事类记叙文。作者讲述了有关圣诞节的一件事:父亲当兵,原本不能回家过圣诞节,一家人为此都很难过。但在圣诞节的早上,父亲突然出现在家人面前,给了家人一个大大的惊喜,这也成了作者心中最好的圣诞礼物。4Why did Daddy give up celebrating Christmas with the family?AHe faced a long distance then.BHe was unwilling to spend money.CHe was short of money to travel home.DHe failed to get the armys permission.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“Money was tight and he didnt have a way to get back to his family”可知,父亲是因为手头紧没有办法回家,所以选C。注意这里的tight指的是“在钱的方面很紧张”。5What does the underlined word “glum” in Paragraph 3 mean?AUnhappy.BUnfortunate.CPleased. DMoved.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“I could tell she was feeling sad, too”可知,作者和母亲都很难过。故选A。6How did Mother feel on Daddys arrival?AShe felt fooled.BShe felt surprised.CShe felt anxious. DShe felt disappointed.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“She did not believe me and told me not to make up stories”可知,当作者告诉母亲,他看到了远处父亲正在走来时,母亲不相信他,并且告诉他不要编故事,这说明母亲看到父亲到来时,是非常惊讶的,故选B。7What is the best title for the text?AA Sad Life Experience to Look Back onBA Soldiers Hard Living Conditions in 1952CDaddys Unexpected Reunion with the FamilyDParents Wonderful Gifts on Christmas Morning解析:选C标题归纳题。本文描述了父亲当兵,原本不能回家过圣诞节,一家人为此感到很难过,但是在圣诞节的早上,父亲的突然回家给家人带来惊喜的故事,故选C。C(2019贵阳监测)Nov. 21 is World Hello Day. It began back in the 1970s as part of an effort to make the world more peaceful. It was created just after the war between Israel and Egypt in 1973. The philosophy (哲学) behind it is: Say “Hello” and stop war.It sounds like a fine idea, but most of us know that simply saying “Hello” wont bring about world peace. Still, on a smaller range, the simple act of saying “Hello” to someone can make a lot of difference.This might not be obvious. After all, its such a casual thing and requires so little effort. You raise your head to someone as you pass by them in the school corridor (走廊), say “Hello”, and then its over.Although we might not realize it, a small thing like a greeting can mean a lot to a person. Many people are lonely because theyre shy. They find it difficult to municate with people, even though they want to. It leads to them feeling cut off.On this basis, maybe its a good idea, not just on Nov. 21, but every day, to remember to say “Hello” to as many people as we can. The stranger who hears your greeting may secretly smile in their heart. You might even make their day.Greeting other people is the easiest way to be polite. Politeness is the way we individual humans link up with the rest of the human world outside of our circles of family and friends. Politeness is one of the aspects of culture that make us a society rather than just many individuals living in the same space.No one said it better than the French author Joseph Joubert: “Politeness is the flower of humanity.” A “Hello” to a stranger is a small thing, and often neglected (忽视), but through it we can make the world better for another person.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了世界问候日的由来及意义的相关信息。8What is World Hello Day intended for?APhilosophy.BPeace.CPoliteness. DWar.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Nov. 21 is World Hello Day. It began back in the 1970s as part of an effort to make the world more peaceful”可知,世界问候日设立的初衷是为了和平。9What has an effect on people most?ARaising heads to others.BDoing something casually.CMeeting in the school corridor.DThe simple act of saying “Hello”解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Still, on a smaller range, the simple act of saying Hello to someone can make a lot of difference”可知,对别人影响最大的是打招呼这种简单的行为。10Why do some people feel lonely?AThey are unwilling to municate with others.BThey are too shy to municate with others.CThey are very fond of living alone.DThey dont like doing things as others do.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Many people are lonely because theyre shy . cut off”可知,一些人感到孤独的原因是他们太害羞了,不敢和别人交流。11What can we learn from the last paragraph?AWe should neglect a small thing.BSaying “Hello” to others is powerful.CThe flowers make the world better.DNo one is better than Joseph Joubert.解析:选B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“A Hello to a stranger is a small thing, and often neglected (忽视), but through it we can make the world better for another person”可知,向别人打招呼是有影响力的。.阅读七选五(2019名校原创预测卷六)If youre a firsttime language learner, you know that emotional (情感的) ups and downs is a normal situation.When you understand a concept or begin to prehend the language, you may experience feelings of excitement.However, those are often followed by moments of disappointment and discouragement, during which you might feel as if you will never master the concepts and attain the ability to understand and municate effectively._1_Learn vocabulary effectivelyVocabulary is the most important part of munication.The more words you know, the more you can say and understand.The absolute best way to learn vocabulary is through the use of flash cards that you make yourself.Purchase a set of 35 index cards (索引卡片) and cut them in half._2_ As you learn more information about each word, eg.plural forms of nouns and principle parts of verbs, you can add these to the cards._3_Research shows that language students learn more effectively and acquire more when they study frequently and for shorter periods of time than if they study infrequently for extended periods of time._4_ This means, doing a few homework exercises each day rather than doing all homework the night before they are due.Practice language actively_5_ Say vocabulary words out loud, read passages in the text aloud, do pronunciation activities orally and not just mentally.Write out the answers to activities rather than gliding through them in your mind.Read aloud entire sentences in an activity rather than just reading a fillin response.Transferring language from your mind to your mouth is a skill that requires a great deal of practice.ABreak study time into smaller periods.BThen use flash cards as a learning tool.CTry to study each day, and several times a day.DThe timetested approaches are effective in your learning.EWrite a word on the front and its English definition on the back.FWhenever possible, speak the language aloud rather than reciting silently to yourself.GBelow are some approaches that will relieve your potential frustration and help you succeed in language learning.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要为语言初学者提供了学习语言的三条建议。1解析:选G根据上文提到的语言初学者会在学习语言的过程中遇到挫折,认为自己不可能掌握那些概念,也不能有效地进行交流的内容及下文给出的三条学习语言的建议可知,此处应填一个起承上启下作用的句子,故G项“下面是一些将缓解你潜在的挫折感,帮助你成功进行语言学习的方法”符合语境。2解析:选E根据空后一句可知,当你学到更多有关每个单词的信息时,你可以把它们添加到卡片上,因此空处内容应涉及在卡片上记上某些东西,故E项“把单词写在卡片的正面,并把它的英语释义写在背面”符合语境。3解析:选A根据本段内容可知,语言学习者把学习时间分成各个小段来频繁地学习比一次学习很长时间取得的效果要好,因此本段提供的学习方法应是把学习时间分成小段来进行学习,故A项符合语境。4解析:选C根据空后一句可知,此处是在说每天应该做一些家庭作业而不是拖到最后一刻完成,故C项“试着每天都学习,并且一天学习多次”符合语境。5解析:选F根据本段的小标题“Practice language actively”可知,本段主要讲的是要积极地练习语言,故F项“只要有可能,大声地说出这门语言,而不是静静地背给自己听”符合语境。


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