(新课改省份专用)2020高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课下作业(一三)课下作业(一) 考点过关针对练.单词拼写1Blood samples were sent to the laboratory for careful analysis (分析)2Assuming (假设) you have a chance to go abroad, what would you do?3You should be aware that what you are doing is of great significance (重要意义)4He has kept on learning English by radio for three years without interruption (中断)5As is known to us all, accuracy (精确) is of great importance in the study of science.6Delete (删除) the things that you dont really need, so you can save a lot of resources.7My grandma still has very acute (敏锐的) hearing, though she is eighty.8If he takes on this work, he will have no alternative (选择) but to meet an even greater challenge.9As we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow (不知怎么地) nervous whenever were taking an important exam.10Whats worse, they spat/spit (吐痰) and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby.语境语法填空1The contest took place in Vancouver.The players displayed their skills (skill) to the fullest.All my attention was_arrested (arrest) by the No.23 player, who took the lead soon after the contest started.Suddenly it seemed that something interrupted (interrupt) him, and he must meet a tough problem.However,he was an acute petitor. After deleting some puzzling instructions, he managed to_accelerate (accelerate) the progress.The audience burst out applauding (applaud) when he was the first to finish the breaking.Assuming (assume) that you are interested in hacking, you might as well try your hand next time after sharpening (sharpen) your skills.2There is a story dating (date) back to the 11th century.A group of poor people got fed up with the cruel government.When they looked ahead,_they couldnt expect a promising future.They had no alternative but to_fight (fight) against the government.They killed cruel officials and heartless rich men, took away their properties and gathered in mountains.They also attacked the prisons and rescued the fellows under arrest.Their heroic deeds were of great significance (significant) in history.根据提示补全句子1你如果想脱颖而出,除了努力工作别无选择。(alternative)If you want to stand out, there_is_no_alternative_but_to_work_hard.2人们普遍认为压力是由工作太多导致的。(assume)It_is_generally_assumed_that stress is caused by too much work.3不管我怎样经常纠正他,他总是犯同样的错误。(regardless)Regardless_of_how_often_I_correct_him,_he always makes the same mistake.4要是我没有放弃那次进一步学习的机会就好了!(if only)If_only_I_hadnt_given_up the chance to study further!5新闻记者终于打通了这位著名的电影明星电话,结果却被告知他不想接受采访。(only to do)The news reporter managed to get through the famous film star, only_to_be_told he didnt want to be interviewed.语境辨义根据语境选出arrest的词性和词义(A)vt.吸引(注意)(B)n.逮捕(C)vt.逮捕 (D)vt.抑制;阻止1The escaped prisoner got arrested immediately he turned up at the railway station and was sent to prison again._C_2Her laughter arrested our attention and we all stared at her._A_3A man is under arrest following the suspicious death of his wife._B_4The treatment arrested the growth of the disease._D_课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空Different cultures emphasize_the_importance_of (强调重要性) relationship building to a greater (great) or lesser degree.For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust.Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures.I once made a speech in Thailand.I had expected my speech to be a success (succeed) and start a lively discussion; instead there was an unfortable silence.The people present just stared at me and smiled.After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much.In our own culture, we express meaning mainly (main)through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary (necessary)Even within Northern Europe, cultural_differences (文化差异) can cause serious problems.Certainly (certain), English and German cultures share similar values; however,Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly.We think that they are rude.In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions (decide) more quickly.片段选词填空historical, cultural heritage, locate, damage, colorful, negative, wisdom, future, forefather, types of As of 2005,China already has 31 natural landscape and historical sites have been declared as a world cultural_heritage,_when we are filled in the world with joy and pride to share these, when almost no one stopped to think about those of us the future of the worlds treasures.As we know, thanks to its vast territory (版图) of China, she has many different types_of climatic conditions, only gave birth to the rich and colorful Chinese culture. However, the benefits will also have a negative role, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is one such example. For thousands of years our forefathers exhausted their life time in this great and deep caves, the knowledge and wisdom with brush condensate cast in each side of the wall, hoping that knowledge and wisdom to be forever. At that time, no one had thought that one day these huge and magnificent works will be damaged by the forces of nature. Mogao Grottoes is located in Chinas northwest, connecting the Eurasian continent in the Silk Road Trail.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解Mysterious, 3,000yearold footprints of ancient Egyptian children have been discovered by a group of archaeologists (考古学家) in a recent exploration in Egypt, together with some more information about the ancient Egyptian city PiRamesses. The footprints were uncovered at the remains of a large building in PiRamesses, which was Egypts capital during the rule of the King Ramesses .They have a size of 1517 centimeters, thus relating to children between 3 and 5 years old.The archaeologists cannot yet say if there was more than one child since the differences in size are not big enough for them to distinguish.The footprints are also not so well protected that the archaeologists cant tell so far any other features of the feet.Moreover, the reason for the footprints presence remains a mystery.Although no modern concept of banning child labor existed at that time, the footprints seem to be too small even for children who could work.Whats more, it appears unlikely that the footprints belong to royal kids since they couldnt be allowed to play in the mud.Built on an island in the easternmost Nile branch, some 65 miles northeast of Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt now, PiRamesses had an extension of about 10 square miles.With a population of over 300,000, it was one of the largest cities of ancient Egypt.PiRamesses was strong during the 66 years of Ramesses s rule and for more than a century after his death.Then the city began to wane.Just decades later, its monuments (纪念碑) and temples were destroyed.Abandoned and forgotten, PiRamesses has been buried in the desert sand for thousands of years.Today nothing of the citys splendid past can be found at the surface.However, its monumental remains have been identified through modern technologies.The findings are exciting, but the archaeologists think there should be more.They are planning to make a further exploration in the area in the next season, hoping to find out a little more about the footprints and the city.语篇解读:考古学家们在埃及古城比兰赛发现了神秘的古代埃及小孩的脚印,并由此揭开了这座古城神秘的面纱。1What can we know about the footprints from the first two paragraphs?AThe footprints were discovered by a farmer.BThe footprints belong to some royal kids.CAll the footprints e from the same person.DPeople still dont know why the footprints existed.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Moreover, the reason for the footprints presence remains a mystery.”可知,人们还不知道这些脚印出现的原因。2What does the underlined word “wane” in Paragraph 3 mean?ABee stronger.BBee weaker and smaller.Ce into existence.DGain much popularity.解析:选B词义猜测题。根据下文“Just decades later, its monuments (纪念碑) and temples were destroyed.”可推断出wane在此处意为“衰退,衰弱”。3What is the passage mainly about?AHow the footprints were discovered.BWhy PiRamesses disappeared.CThe development process of Egypt.DThe findings of an exploration in Egypt.解析:选D主旨大意题。根据第一段内容及文章大意可知本文主要讲述了考古学家们在埃及的一次考古发现。.阅读七选五(2019武汉市武昌区调研)On December 22 I landed in the land of the “American Dream”. _1_ Here is one of the things Ive struggled with during my almost one year in the States._2_ My uncle and aunt joked that I brought rain from Saigon to America. Saigon, where I e from, is the old name of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Vietnam is a tropical country where it rains most of the year. Before going to the US., actually, I had no idea what to expect about its weather, but the big rain on my arrival gave me the first expectation of what the weather here might be like.California is known for having a great climate more sunshine, cooler in summer and warmer in winter. _3_ However, having been here for a pretty long while now, I have experienced various forms of climates in California._4_ Most of the time I was living in Silicon Valley, where the weather is a bit colder than where I study in Orange County. But I was really surprised to find chilltothebone weather in San Francisco a big shift from Silicon Valley in only about an hours drive. How strange!_5_ The worst is that I get a runny nose whenever I wake up in the morning. Because I am allergic to the cold and windy weather, I keep sneezing badly, and even more badly if I get caught in the cold. I think that my body needs more time to get used to this climate, but as many people said, I am luckier to be in California where I dont have to fight with extreme weather as in other states.AI am sensitive to weather change.BSuch strange weather has affected my health.CSo the amount of rain this year is considered unusual.DThe LAX airport in California weled me with a big rain.ESo I quickly get used to the unchangeable climate in California.FThe weather varies widely depending on where you are in the States.GSince then, I have discovered tons of dilemmas about life in America.1选G上文提到作者到了美国,接下来说“下面是我在美国接近一年的时间里努力应付过的诸多难题中的一个”。由此可以推断,空处表达的应该是作者经历了很多困难,G项的意思是“从那时起,我在美国经历了很多生活难题”,所以选G。2选D根据下文中的“My uncle and aunt joked that I brought rain from Saigon to America.”可知,空处应与rain有关,D项“加利福尼亚的LAX机场用一场大雨欢迎了我”符合语境,所以选D。本段最后一句也是提示。3选C上一段讲的是加利福尼亚的大雨,本段首句讲的是“加利福尼亚因气候好而著名”,C项的意思是“因此今年的雨量被认为是不寻常的”,符合段落间以及句子间的逻辑,所以选C。4选F下文讲的是美国不同的地方有着迥异的天气,即便是相隔很近的两个地方,其天气也有很大的变化,而F项的意思是“在美国,天气随着你所在的地方而有很大的差异”,所以选F。5选B下文讲的是作者因为天气多变而打喷嚏,而B项的意思是“这种奇怪的天气已经影响到了我的健康”,所以选B。.语法填空(2019福州质检) No one is sure how many Americans belong to reading groups called book clubs. Yet _1_ (publisher) and bookstores report that more and more people throughout the United States are joining _2_ (they)Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people _3_ live near each other. Some Americans belong to reading groups on _4_ Internet. These groups include people around the world who municate about books they read. They send electronic mails instead of gathering _5_ (discuss) books.Most reading groups study books by _6_ (variety) writers. However, some groups read the work of a single writer, _7_(usual) one that has been famous for a while. Other groups may _8_(name) for an important person in the work of a writer, _9_ a Sherlock Holmes Club. Members of these book clubs often are experts on their _10_ (choose) reading materials. One member of a Holmes reading group, for example, can identify almost every person in every Sherlock Holmes story.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了美国越来越多的人加入读书俱乐部以及读书俱乐部的运作方式、命名方式等。1publishers考查名词复数。此处与and后面的bookstores一起构成并列主语,publisher为可数名词,且其前无限定词修饰,故填publishers。2them考查代词。join表示“成为的一员,加入”,是及物动词,后面应跟宾语,故填they的宾格形式them。3who/that考查定语从句。先行词是people,空处在从句中作主语,故填who/that。4the考查冠词。on the Internet“在网上”,为固定搭配。5to discuss考查非谓语动词。他们发送电子邮件而不是聚集起来讨论他们读过的书。此处动词不定式作目的状语。6various考查形容词。大部分读书俱乐部研究不同作家的书。空后的writers为名词,应该用形容词来修饰,variety的形容词形式为various,故填various。7usually考查副词。空后的“one that has been famous for a while”是空前writer的同位语。usually起强调作用,修饰代词one。8be named考查被动语态。此处name是动词,意为“命名”,在句中作谓语,与主语“Other groups”之间为被动关系,且空前有情态动词,故填be named。9like考查介词。其他的俱乐部可能以一个作家的作品里的一个重要人物而命名,比如夏洛克福尔摩斯俱乐部。空后为举例子,故填like“像,例如”。10chosen考查非谓语动词。这些读书俱乐部的成员通常是他们选中的阅读材料方面的专家。提示词choose是动词,与其所修饰的名词短语“reading materials”之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用choose的过去分词作定语,故填chosen。.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Recently, a professor of philosophy (哲学) in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our daytoday life has more meaning than we usually think, and from it we can see what one really values in life. He says our relations with others often bee clearly defined when money enters the picture. You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him thoroughly only when you ask him to lend you some money. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesnt. This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it. Since money is so important to us, we consider those who possess a lot of it to be very important. The author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book with the question “What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich, because you are a selfmade man?” And the answer goes like this:The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect. I am nothing. I dont know much. All I am is rich. People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life? In his book, the professor has uncovered an important need in modern society: to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end. Money plays an important role in the material world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.参考范文:A US professors found how one treats money daily is more meaningful and it can reflect what one treasures in life. (要点1) He claims money matters in defining relationships and its a good way to test friendship. (要点2) Money is generally considered important to us, so are rich people; but some millionaires dont feel so, thinking being rich isnt worth so much attention. (要点3) Therefore, we should realize that money is just a tool, not the goal of life, and its never equal to happiness. (要点4)


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