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memory的动词short term的反义词weigh的名词inthehospital和inhospital的中文意思翻译 15 百万富翁的英文翻译 八条信息 lessthan的反义短语 一次 每次 的英文翻译 数亿的 Shecleansthekitchen regular Thewineinthat store hasbeensoldout Haveyouever hear aboutMr John Teenagersshouldspendpartoftheirtimee theirbodysothattheywill Class9isaverya class Thekidsliketoraisetheirhandsuphightoaskquestionsinclass Hecreatedanewm ofteachingforeignlanguages U7知识点归纳 get adj go adj turn adj 区别 变得 trydoing和trytodo的区别关于倍数的两种表达法 倍数 adj比较级 than大 倍倍数 as adj原级 as是 多少倍make后接宾补的三种结构 makesb sth domakesb sth adj makesb sth n 1 修饰可数名词 2 修饰不可数名词 3 修饰可数或不可数名词 many a large great numberof much agreat gooddealof alotof lotsof plentyof agreatamountof 绝大多数情况下修饰不可数名词 1 修饰可数名词 many a large great numberof2 修饰不可数名词 much agreat gooddealof3 修饰可数或不可数名词 alotof lotsof plentyof agreatamountof 绝大多数情况下修饰不可数名词 妈妈试着回忆她小时候的事情 Mumthingshappenedwhenshewasyoung 2 他从不玩电脑游戏 He computergames 3 我的新车是旧车的两倍大 Mynewcaris theoldone 4 玛丽总是努力学习 这是因为她父母对她非常严格 Maryoftenstudieshard herparentsareverystrictwithher If条件句 当表示假设条件下有可能产生的结果时 主句用一般将来时 从句用一般现在时 但表示将要发生的动作 当表示客观事实 结果时 主句和从句都用一般现在时 思考 If除了可以引导条件句 还可以引导什么从句 1 Ifyouheatice it intowater A willturnB turnC turnsD turned 2 Ifit rainytomorrow I boating A doesn t goB won tbe goC isn t willgoD doesn t willgo 3 Idon tknowifhe tomorrow Ifhe I llmeethim A willcome comesB comes comesC willcome willcomeD come willcome Ifyou feel tired you have tohavearest 2 Where he see thefilmifhe have time 3 Theglassvase break ifit drop totheground 4 Hewilldress dress morecasuallyifhe notwork onweekends 5 IfMarcia live alone she keep apetparrot

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