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2019-2020学年高一英语4月月考试题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Wele to our school. You can do a lot of things here. e and join us.TimetableSunday8:30-11:30Personal InventionsYou can see many inventions by the students;you may also bring your own inventions.Monday19:00-21:00Space and ManDr. Thomas WestIf you want to know more about the universe.Wednesday19:30-21:00Modern Medicine Mrs. Lucy GreenWould you like to know medical science?Friday18:30-21:00puter Science Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard UniversityLearn to use Windows XP.1. You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on _. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Friday2. The person who teaches puter Science is from_. A. Canada B. Australia C. New Zealand D. America3. You may learn something about a disease called TB from _. A. Dr. West B. Mr. Morison C. Mrs. Green D. Mr. Thomas4. If you want to learn something about satellites, you can go to the class from_. A. 8:30 to 11:30 on Sunday B. 19:00 to 21:00 on Monday C. 19:30 to 21:00 on Wednesday D. 18:30 to 21:00 on FridayBOne day,a few years ago,a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine.He is a teacher at one of Londons big medical schools.He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture. He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag,but he had put Rupert,the skeleton (人体骨骼) to be used in his lecture,in a large brown suitcase (箱子)At the airport desk,he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper.He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.When he got back, he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake.He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.5Who wrote the story?ARuperts teacher. BThe neighbours teacher.CA medical school teacher. DThe teachers neighbour.6Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?AHe needed it for the summer term in London.BHe needed it for the lecture he was going to give.CHe wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.DHe wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.7What happened at the airport?AThe skeleton went missing. BThe skeleton was stolen.CThe teacher forgot his suitcase. DThe teacher took the wrong suitcase.8Which of the following best tells the teachers feeling about the incident?AHe is very angry. BHe thinks it rather funny.CHe feels helpless without Rupert. DHe feels good without Rupert.CThe word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds.About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games.This is the usual meaning of the word today.People spend a lot of their spare time playing football,basketball,tennis and many other sports.Such people play because they want to.A few people are paid for the sport they play.These people are called professional sportsmen.They may be sportsmen for only a few years,but during that time the best ones can make a lot of money.For example,a professional footballer in England makes more than 3,000 a year.The stars make a lot more.International golf and tennis champions can make more than 50,000 in a year.Of course,only a few sportsmen can make as much money as that. It is only possible in sports for individuals,like golf,tennis and motorracing. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is this:the stars can make more money from advertising than from sport. An advertisement for sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the panies to use their names or a photo of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for peoples spare time.9A “professional” sportsmen is someone who_.Alikes sports very muchBmakes money by playing a sportCmakes a lot of moneyDplays a sport for a number of years10The word “sport” now usually means_.Aorganized games Bprofessional gamesChunting wild animals and birdsDgames played during peoples spare time11People who play a sport are_ A.sportsmen B.sports men C. sports men D.sports menDCharles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth. His parents were John and Elizabeth Dickens. Charles was the second of their eight children. Money was a constant concern for his family. The expenses of having a large family were too much for his fathers salary. In fact, when Charles was just four months old, the family moved to a smaller house to cut expenses. From a very young age Charles dreamed of being a gentleman. He wanted education. However, when he was 12, it seemed his dreams would never e true. His parents did have some limited funds put aside to send one of their children to university. It was as if they were placing all their bets on one child. But Charles was not that child. Charles education was unplanned, but he supplemented(补充) it with constant reading, particularly of the eighteenth century novels in his fathers small library. Later, Charles was removed from school and sent to work in a factory to help support the family. He was poorly clothed, ill-fed and forced to live in the cheapest place. Charles was deeply influenced by these experiences. His childhoods poverty, although unknown to his readers until after his death, had a heavy influence on Dickens later views on social reform and the world he created through his fiction. He knew those kinds of feelings. He was lost at that time when he worked hopelessly in the factory. That period was so bitter to the sensitive(敏感的) boy. When he was a successful, happy man, he could not look back upon it without tears in his eyes. Luckily the situation improved within a year. Charles was released from his duties at the factory.12. As a boy, Charles Dickens dream was A. to be a writer B. to be a gentlemanC. to work in a factory D. to support his family13. From the second paragraph we can infer that .A. Charles Dickens gave up his dream when he was 12B. Charles Dickens enjoyed the hard time in his childhoodC. Charles Dickens was not the best child in his parents eyesD. Charles Dickens parents didnt think education was important14. When Charles Dickens was young, he was greatly influenced by .A. his poor clothes and bad foodB. his familys frequent moveC. his constant reading at homeD. his leaving school to work and his familys poverty15. What can we know about Charles Dickens?A. He started to work in the factory in 1822.B. He had worked in the factory for many years.C. He felt confused when working in the factory.D. He received a good education when he was young.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。E选项涂AB,F选项涂AC,G选项涂AD。_16_ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. Its great fun especially if youre the sort of person who feels theres never anything to do during the school holidays.The first thing you need to e up with is an idea for your club. _17_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. _18_ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same things as you._19_ You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. Thatll keep you busy for ages.At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the very first rule should be no grownups or little/big brothers/sisters! The best clubs are always secret!Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them. _20_ Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started youll think of loads of more interesting things to do!A. Thats easy.B. Enjoy your own club!C. Invite a designer to join you.D. What are you interested in?E. The summer vacation is just around the corner.F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.G. Use bright thick pens to make a special design.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Years ago,I was on a long flight,during which a voice from the speaker said,“We wont_21_drinks or the meal because we are facing a storm ahead. Please make your seat belts fastened.”Many passengers became_22_,talking about it with each other. At once it became_23_in the plane.Soon,lightening_24_the darkening sky,and within moments the_25_was like a boat on waves in the storm.One moment it was_26_up by the storm;the next,it was thrown as if it were to_27_onto the ground. All the passengers were_28_.Some cried. Some prayed(祈祷)The_29_seemed hopeless. I wondered if we could_30_it through the storm.Then I noticed the little girl next to me. Surprisingly,the storm seemed to mean_31_to her. She was_32_,looking through a picture book. Sometimes she closed her eyes,then she would_33_again,but she never showed a(n)_34_of worry or fear. The little girl wasnt afraid at all_35_all the adults were scared to death. Finding me watching her,the girl smiled at me and said,“Dont worry. My father is the pilot.He is taking me home. Take it easy. He will take us home safely.”When the plane was out of_36,I smiled at the girl and she gave me a big smile in_37_.“I said my father would take us home safely.”Many kinds of storms may_38_us:diseases,difficulties.They can easily darken our sky and_39_our planes into hard times.Let us_40_:Love is the pilot. It will help us out of trouble. So take it easy.21A.serve BtakeCget Dsell22A.excited Bfortable Chappy Dnervous23A.noisy BquietCwarm Dcold24A.broke out Bcame about Clit upDgave off25A.ship Bplane Ctrain Dseat26A.lifted BcutCturned Dshut27A.jump BflyCland Ddrop28A.surprise BscaredCglad Dinterested29A.weather BquestionCfuture Daction30A.make BreachCwin Dfinish31A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing32A.funny BfrustratedCsad Dcalm33A.talk BreadCplay Dsleep34A.book BstoryCexpression Dimpression35A.and BwhenCso Dsince36A.order BdateCfashion Ddanger37A.turn BtimeCreturn Dfront38A.trouble BhelpCencourage Dstop39A.introduce BinviteCthrow Dchange40A.ask BrememberCexplain Dwonder第II卷 注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Marywillneverforgetthefirsttimeshesawhim.Hesuddenlyappearedinclassoneday,41_(wear)sunglasses.Hewalkedinasifhe42_(buy)theschool.AndthewordquicklygotaroundthathewasfromNewYorkCity.ForsomereasonhesatbesideMary.Mary felt 43_(please),because there weremanyemptyseatsinthe room.Butshequickly realizedthatitwasnther,itwasprobablythefactthat hesatin44_lastrow.45_hethoughthecouldescapeattentionbysittingattheback,hewaswrong.It mighthavemadeitalittle46_(hard)foreverybodybecauseitmeanttheyhadtoturnaround,butthatdidntstopthekidsintheclass.Ofcoursewhenevertheyturnedtolookat him,theyhadtolookatMary,47_madeherfeellikeastar.“Doyouneedthoseglassesformedicalreasons?”theteacherasked.Thenewboyshookhishead.“ThenIdappreciateitifyoudidntwearthemintheclass.IliketolookatyoureyeswhenIm speakingtoyou.”Thenewboylookedattheteacher48_afewsecondsandalltheotherstudentswondered49_theboywoulddo.Thenhetook 50_off,gaveabigsmileandsaid,“Thatscool.”第三部分 写 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later, Tony saw parents. Mom said, How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried. Tony promised her that this would never happen again.第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)假定你是李华,收到好友王林的电子邮件,说他在英语学习上用功不少,但是效果不好,他想放弃英语学习。请你根据以下内容回复王林,劝他不要放弃英语学习。1. 要对自己有信心(have confidence in);2. 与英语学习好的同学交朋友;3. 进步时奖励自己。注意:词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Wang Lin,_Yours sincerelyLi Hua哈师大青冈实验中学xx月考试题高一xx英语试题答题卡第II卷(共50分)第二部分 英语知识运用第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later, Tony saw parents. Mom said, How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried. Tony promised her that this would never happen again.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,收到好友王林的电子邮件,说他在英语学习上用功不少,但是效果不好,他想放弃英语学习。请你根据以下内容回复王林,劝他不要放弃英语学习。1. 要对自己有信心(have confidence in);2. 与英语学习好的同学交朋友;3. 进步时奖励自己。注意:词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Wang Lin_ _ _ _Yours sincerelyLi Hua哈师大青冈实验中学xx月考试题高一xx英语试题答案阅读理解 1-4 A D C B 5-8 D B A B 9-11 B A A 12-15 B C D C 1620 E D A F G完形填空21-25 A D A C B 26-30 A D B C A 31-35 D D B C B 36-40 D C A C B 语篇填空 41. wearing 42.had bought 43 pleased 44. the 45 If46. harder 47which 48.for 49.what 50.them短文改错1.parentparents。结合下文的his parents were missing可知托尼是和爸爸妈妈一起去购物的,因此应用复数形式parents。 2.onin。结合生活常识可知,这里表示在商店橱窗里摆放着一个玩具,故应用in。 3.去掉very。这里 so.that.引导结果状语从句,表示如此以至于,因此very应去掉。4.lookslooking。结合语境这里应用动名词作介词After的宾语,故应把looks改为looking。5.wherethat或者去掉where。本句中连词that引导的从句充当动词found的宾语,that不作句子成分只起连接作用,同时宾语从句又可以省略掉连词that。 6.begunbegan。这里是对过去发生的事情的客观叙述,应用一般过去时,故应把begun改为began。7.tellingtold。此处and连接的两个先后发生的动作在时态上应保持一致,故应把telling改为told。8.athe。结合语境可知,同一名词第二次提到应表示特指,故应把shop前的a改为the。 9.parents前加his。结合语境可知,这里parents并不是表示泛指而是指托尼的爸爸妈妈,故应在parents前加his。10.terribleterribly。修饰形容词应用副词,故用terribly。 书面表达Dear Wang Lin, Im sorry to learn that you dont do well in English. Id like to give you my advice on learning English.First of all, you should have confidence in yourself, which is very important to English learning. Secondly, youd better make friends with the students who are good at English and they are very likely to help you. Thirdly, learning English well is a long process. Remember: reward yourself when you have made progress, which will inspire you greatly. Anyway, you mustnt give up learning English. Believe in yourself. Where theres a will, theres a way. Hope my suggestions will work. Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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