2019高考英语抓纲务本 Unit 3 Under the sea写作讲与练 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019高考英语抓纲务本 Unit 3 Under the sea写作讲与练 新人教版选修7.doc_第1页
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Under the seaUnit 3Under the sea【高考试一试】假定你是李华,你校即将举行一年一度的“校园书展(a campus book fair)”活动,其目的是给同学们提供一个交换、利用图书的机会。请你用英语写信给你的加拿大笔友Mike,介绍此次活动的有关情况。内容应括:1活动目的;2活动内容:买书、卖书、交换图书;3活动意义。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,How are you doing these days?_Yours,Li Hua答案:范文赏读Dear_Mike,_How_are_you_doing_these_days?Aimed at providing a platform where students can have a chance to exchange and make use of their books, the annual campus book fair will soon be held in our school. The fair will attract a huge crowd from the entire school, who are to sell, purchase and exchange their books with their peers.As a regular visitor, Ive found myself increasingly drawn by the fair. For one thing, the fair exhibits books of hundreds of types on diverse topics, motivating us to further develop our reading habits and helping to broaden our horizons. For another, most books are sold at a lower price than what the bookstores offer.Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to host such a book fair better.Yours,_Li_Hua 话题单词1surface n水面2bank n. 岸3beach n. 沙滩4waves n. 波浪5deep adj. 深的6shallow adj. 浅的7dirty adj. 脏的8waterway n. 水道9serious adj. 严重的10still adj. 平静的11terrible adj. 可怕的12clear adj. 清澈的;晴朗的13colourful adj. 色彩丰富的14salty adj. 咸的15shark n. 鲨鱼16seal n. 海豹17seagull n. 海鸥话题短语1at the bottom of在的底部(末端)2fresh water淡水3underground water地下水4World Ocean Day世界海洋日(6月8日)5the depths of the sea海底深度6at the whaling station在捕鲸站7ocean environment海洋环境8marine environmental protection海洋环保9sea animals and plants海洋动植物10sea port海港【高考试一试】假设你是李华,你所在的学校最近浪费现象严重,比如长流水、长明灯等。为此学校倡导建设“节约型校园”。请以“How to build an economized campus”为题写一篇英语作文,要点如下: 认识到节约资源的重要性; 从“我”做起节约资源,及时关灯、随手关水龙头等; 号召师生共建节约型校园。参考词汇: 水龙头 tap 注意:1. 字数在100字左右;2. 可适当增减细节,使行文连贯;开头已写好,不计入总字数;3. 不能使用真实姓名与学校;How to build an economized campus How to build an economized campusNowadays, waste on campus has bee an increasingly serious problem.We can often see many students leave the water running and some let the lights on for a long time , which causes a serious waste of resources.Therefore, its high time that we took some measures to deal with the problem. Firstly, we should realize that natural resources are limited. Many parts of our country are suffering from drought and power lack. Besides, everyone has the responsibility to preserve natural resources. In addition, We should save every piece of paper , every drop of water and turn off the lights when leaving the room. Only through these can we hope to build an economized campus. The small efforts by a single individual may make a huge difference. Let us work together to build an economized campus!话题佳句1There are more than 250 species of shark in the world.世界上有250多种鲨鱼。2Shark is widely distributed along the Atlantic coast.鲨鱼在大西洋沿岸的分布很广泛。3Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often.大多数人都不了解,鲨鱼其实很少攻击人类。4The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small pared to other dangers.和其它危险相比,被鲨鱼袭击的可能性是非常小的。佳作背诵去海南旅行的邀请假设你是李华,暑假通常会和朋友一起去度假。今年你们打算邀请在北京学习的Lily和你们一起去海南旅游,请根据以下提示给她写一封电子邮件,向她发出邀请并介绍这次旅行的安排。1时间:8月7日8月16日;2活动:岛上远足,海上冲浪,参加潜水课程;3注意事项:携带游泳衣和护照。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Lily,How is everything going?_ _佳作欣赏Dear Lily,How is everything going?My friends and I are planning to take a vacation in Hainan as the summer holiday is ing.Im writing to invite you to join us on this trip.Our journey to Hainan,which is a famous seaside resort located in the south of China,will last from August 7 to August 16.I believe that you will be impressed by the seaside scenery as it is surrounded by blue sea and golden sands.During our trip,we will hike on the island,go surfing and take a diving course so as to get close to nature.If you would like to e,dont forget to bring your swimming suit and passport.We hope to have fun with you.Look forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【高考试一试】假如你是李华,刚刚获得你校举办的英语演讲比赛的一等奖。请你给外教Mr.Green写封感谢信,感谢他在你准备演讲的过程中对你的帮助。内容要点包括:1帮助修改草稿;2对发音的纠正;3感谢他送你的英文词典。注意:词数100左右。 参考范文:Dear Mr.Green,Ive won first prize in the English speech contest.Im writing to convey my gratitude for your kind and considerate help, without which I couldnt have made it.During my preparations for the contest, you helped me polish the draft several times.Whats more, by correcting my pronunciation, you made me more confident about the speech, which contributed to my success.Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me as a gift, which is of great help to my English study.I will treasure and make full use of it.Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you.Yours,Li Hua


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