2019高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 2 Working the land(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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Unit 2 Working the land (必修4Unit 2)【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Kong Xiangdong lived with music from his birth,for his mother was a great music 1.lover(love)His mother had no money 2.to_buy(buy) a piano,so she drew piano keys on a piece of paper for Kong to practise.Although 3.tired(tire) of it sometimes,Kong didnt quit.Because 4.of his talent and hard work,he became worldfamous and won many awards in 5.petitions(pete).6.Feeling(feel)that he had lost his identity in some ways,he went back to rediscover the beauty in Chinese folk music and began 7.experimenting/to_experiment(experiment)different styles.His new experiment was 8.so important that he even changed his appearance.Last week,Kong surprised his fans by giving a concert bining classic music 9.with Chinese folk music.Kong is a pioneer in music today and his Dream Tour Concert 10.is_expected(expect)to run in some main cities in the world.阅读理解A(2016山西考前质检)Its that time of year when people need to lock their cars.Its not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing cars.Rather,its because of the good-hearted neighbours who want to share their harvest.Especially with this years large crop,leaving a car unlocked in my neighbourhood is an invitation for someone to stuff it full of zucchini(西葫芦).My sister-in-law,Sharon,recently had a good year for tomatoes.She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they began to feel their skin turn slightly red.Thats when she decided it was time to share her blessings.She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed,she began to ask everyone in the neighbourhood like a politician,eventually finding a neighbour delighted to have the tomatoes.“Feel free to take whatever you want.” Sharon told her.She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didnt go to waste.A few days later,Sharon answered the door.There was the neighbour,holding some bread.The neighbour smiled pleasantly,“I want to thank you for all of the tomatoes,and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hope you wouldnt mind.”Sharon couldnt think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so.“Oh,but you did,” the neighbour said.“You had some of the prettiest zucchini Ive ever seen.”Sharon was confused.Zucchini in her garden?They hadnt even planted any zucchini.But her neighbour insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in Sharons garden.Sharons curiosity got the better of her and she had to go and see where the zucchini had grown.The two of them walked together into the backyard.When the neighbour pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharon smiled.“Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested,because they got too big,soft and bitter for eating or canning.”The neighbour looked at Sharon,shock written all over her face.Then,she smiled,and held out the bread that she had shared all over the neighbourhood.“I brought you a loaf of cucumber bread.I hope you like it.”1.Why does the author suggest that people in the neighbourhood should lock their cars?A.They might be stolen by thieves.B.They might be moved away by the police.C.Their neighbours might throw rubbish in them.D.Their neighbours might fill them with their harvest.2.How did those who received Sharons call react to the invitation to take her tomatoes?A.They refused to take it.B.They accepted it with pleasure.C.They promised to e when they were free.D.They remended someone else who would like them.3.What did the neighbour do in Sharons garden?A.She harvested tomatoes only.B.She harvested zucchini by accident.C.She took some cucumbers mistakenly.D.She took something without Sharons permission.4.We can infer from the article that the neighbour s bread would taste .A.bitter but tastyB.strange and funnyC.hard and sourD.soft and sweetBJoseph Goldberger was a doctor for the United States Public Health Service and he was an advocate for scientific and social recognition of the links between poverty and disease.In 1914,Goldberger was asked by US Surgeon General Rupert Blue to study a skin disease that was killing thousands of people in the South.The disease was pellagra(糙皮病)Goldberger traveled to the state of Mississippi where many people suffered from pellagra.He studied the victims and their families.Most of the people lived a hard life.The doctor came to believe that the disease didnt pass on from one to another,but was instead related to food.He received permission from the state governor to test this idea at a prison.Prisoners were offered pardons if they took part.One group of prisoners received their usual foods,mostly corn products.A second group ate meat,fresh vegetables and drank milk.Members of the first group developed pellagra.The second group did not.But some medical researchers refused to accept Goldbergers idea.For the South,pellagra was more than simply a medical problem.There were other things,including Southern pride.So Goldberger had himself injected(注射)with blood from a person with pellagra.He also took liquid from the nose and throat of a pellagra patient and put them into his own nose and throat.He even swallowed pills that contained skin from pellagra patients.An assistant also took part in the experiments.So did Goldbergers wife.None of them got sick.Joseph Goldberger died of cancer in 1929.He was fiftyfive years old.Several years later,researchers discovered the exact cause of pellagra:a lack of vitamin B3 known as niacin.1Who were easy targets of pellagra according to Goldberger?APeople in America.BPeople put into prison.CPeople having a poor diet.DPeople touching pellagra patients.2What did Goldberger want to prove by the experiments mentioned in Paragraph 4?APellagra wasnt so terrible.BPellagra didnt spread.CPellagra could be cured.DPellagra wasnt a medical problem.3Which words can be used to describe Goldberger?ADevoted and determined.BSelfless and friendly.CPatient and expert.DStubborn and enthusiastic.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了美国医生Joseph Goldberger研究糙皮病的患病原因的过程。Joseph Goldberger医生的认真、牺牲精神令人感动。【难句分析】The doctor came to believe that the disease didnt pass on from one to another,but was instead related to food.分析:本句是一个含有that引导的宾语从句的主从复合句。that 从句中,but连接两个并列的谓语。译文:这位医生渐渐相信这种病不是传染性的,而是与食物有关。1C考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Most of the people lived a hard life.the disease didnt pass on from one to another,but was instead related to food”,再结合Goldberger在监狱进行的实验的内容可知,在Joseph Goldberger看来,糙皮病和食物有关,而且患者大多生活条件差;再结合实验中提到的主要吃玉米制品的犯人最后患上了该病可知,不良的饮食容易导致人们患糙皮病。2B考查推理判断。根据第二段中提到的Goldberger认为糙皮病不是传染病以及第四段中提到的他为了证明自己的观点而进行的实验的内容(将患糙皮病的人的血液注射到自己的体内、将糙皮病病人的鼻腔和口腔中的液体放入自己的鼻腔和口腔以及吞咽含有糙皮病病人的皮肤组织的药丸)和结果(他没患病)可推知,Goldberger进行实验是为了证明糙皮病不传染。3A考查推理判断。文中提到的Goldberger在监狱及在他自己身上做实验的内容表明他全心全意地投入到对糙皮病的研究中,有奉献精神;尽管一些人不认可Goldberger的观点,但他仍坚持自己的看法并坚决地去证明自己的观点是正确的,这体现出他意志坚定。故选A。.完形填空Several years ago,I quit my job to chase my dream of writing a book,but that book was 1 repeatedly.Everybody was asking,“Hows the book ing?”I was so 2.My friends got together one day and I blurted out(脱口而出),“I dont know my purpose in life.”The outburst was met with 3 and stares.Finally,Pam said,“I dont know,either.”She was in a job she 4.Teresa said,“Me either.”I was sure that Bette would have a(n) 5.She was suffering from cancer and,surely she had figured things out since she was facing a likely terminal oute.6,she shook her head.Two years passed and,during that time,I sold my 7,Teresa went back to school,Pam switched 8,and Bette kept on living as best as she could.Actually,for those two years,Bette lived a 9 life than any of us.She built a butterfly garden in her neighbourhood.She spent time with her family,went hiking,10 and lived.My book was finally 11 and Bette made it to my first big signing.A day or two later,she was back in the 12 as she was seriously ill.I left on tour for several weeks,and when I 13,she was close to 14.The day came when her brother called to let me know Bette had 15.He asked me to write her obituary(讣告).I thought about how shed filled every moment with as much joy as she could find.That obituary wasnt a list of 16.It was the story of a woman who lived.17 what life threw at her,she lived.That was when I 18 what Id learned through her passing.She defined her purpose in life by simply living her life.Thats all any of us are here to do.In the end,the only thing that 19 is that we breathe in our time here and fill it with 20.1.A.readB.printedC.rejectedD.written2.A.excitedB.confidentC.enviousD.embarrassed3.A.darknessB.smokeC.dangerD.silence4.A.hatedB.lostC.foundD.created5.A.presentB.answerC.dreamD.excuse6.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.BesidesD.Otherwise7.A.houseB.carC.paperD.book8.A.jobsB.methodsC.topicsD.channels9.A.fullerB.poorerC.sadderD.simpler10.A.plainedB.shoutedC.laughedD.learned11.A.revisedB.publishedC.reviewedD.translated12.A.hospitalB.schoolC.gardenD.pany13.A.followedB.returnedC.escapedD.recovered14.A.successB.deathC.troubleD.wealth15.A.given upB.shown offC.turned downD.passed away16.A.requirementsB.suggestionsC.achievementsD.agreements17.A.Other thanB.Rather thanC.Regardless ofD.In case of18.A.guessedB.decidedC.expectedD.realized19.A.worksB.mattersC.existsD.changes20.A.lifeB.trustC.luckD.nature.短文改错(2016江西八所重点中学盟校联考)Several days ago,I was out with my friends at the local fast food restaurant.The food was tasted good and we had fun together.After we left the restaurant,we discovered it also sold ice cream.Because we have not eaten ice cream for a long time,we got very exciting.One of our friends decided to buy both of us ice cream and in the restaurant,we screamed crazy.Then a man came in with his son,whom wanted to buy ice cream,too.In the end,he decided to pay our ice cream.We were touched by such an act of kind on a hot day.导学号92550055 (必修4Unit 2)【短文语法填空】.【解题导语】本文为记叙文,介绍了邻居之间共享丰收果实时而出现的一个有趣的小插曲,邻居错摘了莎伦家园子里的黄瓜,以为是西葫芦。1.D细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句“Rather,its because of the good-hearted neighbours who want to share their harvest.”及第四句内容可知,好心的邻居会与他们共享丰收的果实。故选D项。2.A细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed.”可知,她给认识的人打电话,结果失败了。故选A项。3.C推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested.”可知,这位邻居错摘了莎伦家园子里的黄瓜。故选C项。4.B推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“.because they got too big,soft and bitter for eating or canning.”可知,邻居错把黄瓜当成了西葫芦,黄瓜面包的味道会有点怪。故选B项。.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者通过朋友的人生经历意识到活着的目的便是好好地活着。1.C由上文的“.I quit my job to chase my dream of writing a book,but.”及第五段开头的“My book was finally.my first big signing.”可推断,起初作者的书一再被“拒绝(rejected)”。2.D由于作者写的书一再被拒,所以别人问起这本书时作者感到很“尴尬(embarrassed)”。3.D由下文的stares.Finally,Pam said可推断,听到作者的问题后朋友们都“沉默(silence)”了,陷入了沉思。4.A由上文的“I dont know,either.”及第三段中的Pam switched可推测,帕姆“厌恶(hated)”自己的工作。5.B作者很确定快到生命尽头的贝蒂对人为什么活着这一问题已经有了“答案(answer)”。6.B由下文的she shook her head可知,Bette的反应与作者的推测相反。故选However。7.D由第一段中的writing a book可推测,之后的两年时间里,作者卖掉了自己写的“书(book)”。8.A由第二段中的“She was in a job she.”可推测,帕姆换了“工作(jobs)”。9.A由下文的“She built a butterfly garden.and lived.”可推断,在那两年时间里,贝蒂过着比其他人“更充实的(fuller)”生活。10.C由贝蒂在那两年里所做的事情及倒数第二段中的“.shed filled every moment with as much joy as she could find.”可推断,贝蒂曾“笑着(laughed)”面对生活。11.B由下文的my first big signing可推断,作者的书终于被“出版(published)”了。12.A由下文的as she was seriously ill可推断,贝蒂因为病重又回到了“医院(hospital)”。13.B由上文的“I left on tour for several weeks.”可推测,此处是说作者“返回(returned)”时。14.B由下文的“He asked me to write her obituary.”可知,作者返回时,贝蒂已经生命垂危。close to death“生命垂危”。15.D由下文的“He asked me to write her obituary.”可知,贝蒂的兄弟打电话告诉作者贝蒂已经“去世了(passed away)”。16.C由下文的“It was the story of a woman who lived.what life threw at her,she lived.”可推测,作者给贝蒂写的讣告并不是一个“成就(achievements)”清单,而是一个女人的故事。17.C由上文介绍的贝蒂努力生活、与癌症斗争的故事可推断,“不管(Regardless of)”生活给了她什么,贝蒂都努力活着。18.D通过给贝蒂写讣告,作者“意识到(realized)”贝蒂的去世让自己认识到的道理。19.B参照第20题解析。20.A由上文的“She defined her purpose in life by simply living her life.”可推断,作者意识到人活着唯一“重要(matters)”的事情就是在时间的流逝中过好自己的“生活(life)”。.短文改错Several days ago,I was out with my friends at thea local fast food restaurant.The food was tasted good and we had fun together.AfterBefore/When/As we left the restaurant,we discovered it also sold ice cream.Because we havehad not eaten ice cream for a long time,we got very excitingexcited.One of our friends decided to buy bothall of us ice cream and in the restaurant,we screamed crazycrazily.Then a man came in with his son,whomwho wanted to buy ice cream,too.In the end,he decided to pay our ice cream.We were touched by such an act of kindkindness on a hot day.


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