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Unit5Ifyougototheparty youwillhaveagreattime SectionA Ifitisfinetomorrow wewillgoonaschooltrip IwillgotoBeijingUniversity IfIstudyhard IfIhaveenoughmoney Iwilltravelaroundtheworld Answerthequestions Whendoyougetuponweekdays Whendidyougetupthismorning Whatwillhappenifyougetuplate Whatwillhappenifyoufailtheexam I llbelateforschool Iwon twashmyface I ll Iwon t be Ifheplayscomputergamesonweekdays whatwillhappen He llbeverytiredinclass Hisparentswillbesad Hewon tgetgoodgrades Ifyouhavearobot whatwillyoudo playgames cleanmybedroom dohomeworkforme Example Iwillletit Iwillhaveagoodtimetomorrow Iwillgotothepartytomorrow IfIgototheparty I llhaveagoodtime if引导一个条件状语从句当主句是一般将来时时 if引导的从句必须用现在时来表示将来可能发生的动作或存在的状态 主 将从 现 A Whatdoyouwanttobe B Iwanttobeateacher A Whatwillyoudoifyouareateacher B IfIamateacher Iwill A Ifyoudo youwill Pairwork Let stalk Otherjobsyoucantalkabout doctor nurse busdriver reporter athelet moviestar boss 老板 housewife 家庭主妇 DJ 电台音乐节目主持人 etc EndofYearParty Iwantyoutoremembertherulesforschoolparties Don twearjeans Ifyouwearjeans wewon tletyouin Don tbringfoodtotheparty Ifyoudo theteacherswilltakeitaway Don tbringfriendsfromotherschools Ifyoudo theteacherswillaskthemtoleave Don tleavethegymduringtheparty Ifyoudo theteacherswillcallyourparents Don trunorshoutattheparty Ifyoudo you llhavetoleave PleasebringyourIDcard Ifyoudon thaveyourIDcard youcan tgototheparty Fillintheblanks Karen Areyougoingto 1 Mike Yes Iam 2 towearmynewjeans Karen Youcan tdothat Mike WhatwillhappenifIdo Karen 3 Youshouldwearyourcoolpants Mike That sagreatidea theschoolparty I mgoing Theteacherswon tletyouin PAIRWORK 3bonpage36A I mgoingtotheschoolparty B Me too Let sbringsomesnacks A Oh wecan tdothat B Really Whynot A Ifwebringsnacks theteacherswilltakeitaway Usingthefollowingphrases snacks icecreamandsodamycousinDavefromanotherschoolyourIDcard Makeasurvey Let sdiscuss Talkaboutourschoolrulesandifwebreak whatwillhappen Haveatry用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1 I msureifhe go totheparty he have agreattime 2 Iftherain stop tonight wewillgotothecinema 3 I llbuyacomputerifI have enoughmoney 4 You notget nervousifyou do enoughexercise 5 Ifshe be kindtome I notargue withher 6 Iwanttoknowifhe come tomorrow ifhe come I give themassagetohim 7 Ifyou pay moreattentiontothat he notget injured goes willhave stops have won tget do is won targue comes comes willgive pay won tget 8 MrLiwillbemadifwe break therules 9 Ifit be cloudy they notgo therebyair 10 Pleaseletusknowifhe arrive tomorrow Pleaseletusknowifhe arrive tomorrow 11 ShallIsay Hello whentheforeigner come intotheclassroom 12 He llgetbettergradesifhe study hard 13 ifyouworkreallyhard you be famousandrich break is won tgo willarrive arrives 请告诉我们他明天是否会来 如果他明天来的话请告诉我们 comes studies willbe Singasong Ifyouarehappy Homework 1 Writealettertoyourclassmate Ifyougototheparty whatwillhappen Ifyoudon tgototheparty whatwillhappen 2 Copythenewwordsinunit5forthreetimes Goodnews Ifyourteamisthewinner youwon thavetofinishNO 2 Thankyou GOODBYE


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