2019-2020学年高一英语下学期期中试题 (III).doc

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2019-2020学年高一英语下学期期中试题 (III)第一部分:听力 (每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节: 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What do we know about the man?A. He has difficulty waking up. B. He likes collecting clocks.C. He gets up late every day.2. What does the man like about the restaurant?A. Its environment. B. Its service. C. Its food. 3. How does the woman probably get to work?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.4. What will the man probably do?A. Stay indoors. B. Go to a bar. C. See a doctor. 5. When will the woman be able to use her car?A. Right now. B. In three hours. C. The next day.第二节:听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6至第7题。6. What seems to be the mans problem? A. Keeping his room clean every day.B. Getting along with his roommate.C. Having trouble making friends. 7. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Try to get more sleep.B. Buy some music CDs.C. Talk to Charlie.听第7段对话,回答第8至第10题。8. What do we know about Steve?A. Hes seeing a doctor. B. He is on a business trip. C. Hes absent from work.9. How does Steve feel about now?A. Tired. B. Weak. C. Bored.10. What is Sue going to do next week?A. See her manager. B. Travel on business. C. Visit Steve.听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。11. Why does the man have the talk with the woman?A. To get a job. B. To join a sports team. C. To get into a school.12. What did the man learn from playing on the football team?A. How to ask for advice from teachers.B. How to pete with others.C. How to manage his time.13. What are the mans strengths?A. Hardworking and eager to learn.B. Supportive and ready to help.听第9段对话,回答14至17题。C. Friendly and kind-hearted.14. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Buying holiday presents. B. Making a Christmas plan. C. Sharing opinions on friendship. 15. What does the woman always give to her friends?A. Fruit. B. Coffee. C. Chocolate. 16. What does the woman say about Mary?A. She prefers fruit to coffee. B. She is trying to lose weight.C. She usually goes abroad during holidays.17. How does the woman feel about Tims suggestion?A. Doubtful. B. Satisfied. C. Surprised. 听第10段独白,回答第18至第20题。18. What does the Go group do?A. Promote peace in the world. B. Offer support to businesses. C. Do research on educations in the UK.19. What may the “Big Freeze” mean to others?A. A broad smile. B. A quick smile. C. A false smile.20. How can one make a good impression according to the research?A. Smile widely. B. Smile readily. C. Smile naturally.第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)Job sharing refers to the situation in which two people divide the responsibility of one full-time job. The two people willingly act as part-time workers, enough hours between them to fulfill the duties of a full-time worker. If they each work half the job, for example, they each receive 50 per cent of the jobs wages, its holidays and its other benefits. Of course, some job sharers take a smaller or larger share of the responsibilities of the position, receiving a lesser or greater share of the benefits.Job sharing differs from conventional part-time work in that it occurs mainly in the more highly skilled and professional areas, which require higher levels of responsibility and employee mitment.Job sharing should not be confused with the term work sharing, which refers to increasing the number of jobs by reducing the number of hours of each existing job, thus offering more position to the growing number of unemployed people. Job sharing, by contrast, is not designed to address unemployment problems; its focus, rather, is to provide well-paid work for skilled workers and professionals who want more free time for other activities.As would be expected, women constitute the bulk of job shares. A survey carried out in 1988 by Britains Equal Opportunities mission revealed that 78 per cent of shares were female, the majority of whom were between 20 and 40 years of age. Subsequent studies have e up with similar results. Many of these women were re-entering the job market after having had children, but they chose not to seek part-time work because it would have meant lower status. Job sharing also offered an acceptable shift back into full-time work after a long absence.The necessity of close cooperation when sharing a job with another person makes the actual work quite different from conventional one-position jobs. However, to ensure a greater chance that the partnership will succeed, each person needs to know the strengths, weaknesses and preferences of his or her partner before applying for a position. Moreover, there must be a fair division of both routine tasks and interesting ones. In sum, for a position to be job-shared well, the two individuals must be well matched and must treat each other as equals.21. In what way is work sharing different from job sharing? A. Work sharing requires more working hours. B. Work sharing provides a more satisfactory salary. C. Work sharing is aimed at creating more jobs.D. Work sharing depends on the employers decision.22. According to paragraph 4, young mothers preferred job sharing to conventional part-time work mainly because _. A. they sought higher social status B. they were over ideal working ages C. they had difficulty finding full-time jobs D. they had to take care of both work and family 23. In job sharing the partners should _.A. enjoy equal social status B. have similar working experienceC. keep in touch with each other D. know each other very well24. The main purpose of the passage is to _.A. describe job sharing in general B. discuss a way to tackle unemploymentC. remend job sharing to women D. pare job sharing with work sharingBWhy can some people sleep through noises like a honking car or flushing toilet, while others are awakened by the lightest sound?To find the answer, sleep researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an unusual study of 12 self-described deep sleepers. After tests confirmed that the healthy volunteers were solid sleepers, they took part in a three-night study in the universitys sleep laboratory. The participants spent the night in a big and fortable room. But the room also included four speakers positioned near the top of the bed.During the night, the deep sleepers were subjected to 14 different recorded sounds, like street traffic, toilets flushing, an ice machine dispensing and an airplane flying overhead. Next door, the researchers monitored their sleep patterns and brain waves.As expected, all of the participants slept relatively well, but there were differences in how they responded to the noisy interruptions. Some of the sleepers didnt wake up even when a sound was blasted at 70 decibels (分贝); others were awakened by sounds at 40 or 50 decibels.The researchers discovered that the difference in a sleepers reaction to noise could be predicted by the level of brain activity called “sleep spindles”. A sleep spindle is a burst of high-frequency brain activity ing from deep inside the brain during sleep. The source of the spindles is the thalamus, a part of the brain that sends sensory information to the rest of the cortex (皮层).Before the study, the Massachusetts researchers theorized (推理) that the spindles are the brains way of preventing sensory information from passing through the thalamus and waking the rest of the brain during sleep. They found that the sleepers who experienced the most sleep spindles during the night were also the soundest sleepers and were least likely to be awakened by noise.Scientists already know that most people bee lighter sleepers with age, most likely because older people experience less “slow wave sleep”, which is the deepest stage of sleep. People also produce fewer sleep spindles as they age. But even when controlling for the stage of sleep a person was in, the number of sleep spindles still predicted their risk for awakening because of noise.More research is needed, but the findings suggest that a better understanding of sleep spindles could lead to new behavioral or drug therapies for people with sleep disorders. For instance, future studies may try to determine whether diet, exercise or other behaviors may influence the number of sleep spindles a person produces during the night. 25. Some participants can sleep well through loud noises mainly because _.A. their brains dont respond to outside noisesB. their brains react differently to noisesC. they adapt to the environment quickly D. they dont pay attention to the monitors26. Scientists believe that the key to affecting deep sleep is _. A. sleep spindles B. stages of sleep C. sleep disorders D. sensory information27. It can be learned from the passage that _. A. the older a deep sleeper bees, the lighter his sleep must be B. the more “slow wave sleep” one experiences, the deeper sleep one has C. the more frequently a sleepers brain works, the less information it sends D. the deeper sleep people have, the more likely they will be awakened by noise 28. From the passage we can predict _.A. more factors in influencing sleep spindles may be discovered B. more solid sleepers will take part in relative experimentsC. sleep spindles will be applied to changing ones behaviorsD. deep sleepers will probably enjoy a more healthy lifeCThe healthy adolescent(青少年的) boy or girl likes to do the real things in life, to do the things that matter. He would rather be a plumbers mate and do a real job that requires doing than learn about hydrostatics (流体静力学) sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be. A girl would rather look after the baby than learn about child care. Logically we should learn about things before doing them and that is probably why the experts enforce this in our educational system. But it is not the natural way nor, in my view, the best way. The adolescent wants to do things first for only then does he appreciate the problems involved and want to learn more about them. They do these things better in primitive life, for there at puberty (青春期) the boy joins his father in making canoes, patching huts, going out fishing or hunting. He is serving his apprenticeship (学徒期) in the actual acplishments of life. It is not surprising that anthropologists (人类学家) find that the adolescents of primitive munities do not suffer from the same neurotic (神经质的) “difficulties” as those of civilized life. This is not, as some assume, because they are permitted more sexual freedom, but because they are given more natural outlets (宣泄的途径) for their native interests and powers and are allowed to grow up freely into a full life of responsibility in the munity. In the 19th century this was recognized in the apprenticeship system, which allowed the boy to go out with the master carpenter, or ploughman (把犁人), to engage in the actual work of carpentry or roof-mending, and so to learn his trade. In some agricultural colleges at the present time young men have to do a years work on a farm before their theoretical (理论的) training at college. The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how to solve them, and he can therefore take a more intelligent interest in his theoretical work. Since more knowledge of more things is now required in order to cope with the adult world, the period of growing-up to independence takes much longer than it did in a more primitive munity, and the responsibility for such education, which formerly was in the hands of the parents, is now necessarily undertaken by experts at school. But that should not make us lose sight of the basic principle, namely the need and the desire of the adolescent to engage responsibly in the real pursuits of life and then to learn how to learn through responsibility, not to learn before responsibility. 29. According to the author, what is the natural way of education? A. Doing things while learning. B. Doing things before learning.C. Doing things as an apprentice. D. Learning practical knowledge first. 30. The main advantage of the natural way of education, whether in primitive or modern times, is that learners _. A. can learn the trade through solving problems at work B. can work with their masters throughout their learningC. are given opportunities to develop their interest firstD. are given more love and support in doing things and learning 31. According to the context, “this” in the third paragraph refers to _. A. the kind of skills boys learned from their fatherB. the difficulties modern adolescents experience C. the amount of freedom in learning in primitive life D. the way of learning in primitive munities 32. Which of the following sums up the authors main point? A. The apprenticeship system was effective in learning. B. Learning to solve problems is learning through responsibility.C. Students develop their interest through learning.D. Students should be given more freedom in learning.DMaja Kazazic looked closely down into the aquarium (水族馆). For two years, shed been watching the injured dolphin named Winter swim around the tank. From a distance, the dolphin seemed approachable enough. Still, as Kazazic prepared to jump into the water, a little panic gradually came into her excitement. The young woman eased herself into the pool. Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg. She was ready to make good on a promise from long ago. In second grade in Mostar, Yugoslavia, Kazazics five-year-old cousin, Jasmina, died of leukemia (白血病). Kazazic swore that she would honor the little girl by swimming with a dolphin, an animal they both liked. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Kazazic, 32, “so I decided that someday Id do it for her.”In 1993, during the Bosnian civil war, 16-year-old Kazazic was badly injured. Her left leg was cut off just below the knee and was brought to the United States for treatment. A few months later, Kazazic received her first artificial leg. Because her right leg was also damaged, walking was still very painful. Nonetheless, she managed to graduate from a local high school. After receiving a BA in psychology, she moved to Floridas Gulf Coast. She liked watching the dolphins play at the aquarium. A young dolphin, Winter, who had lost her tail in a crab trap, caught Kazazics eye: “She swam more like a shrimp (虾) than a dolphin.”After one doctors visit, trainers fit Winter with a high-tech tail. When it was done, Winter swam away fast. Kazazic was impressed. She approached the trainers, who put her in touch with the inventors. Within ten days, she had a new leg and she could walk without pain again. Eight months later, Kazazic was ready to keep the promise she had made in honor of Jasmina. “After being in a war zone, this should be a piece of cake,” Kazazic said as she lowered herself into the tank. She held out a hand to Winter, who approached cautiously, and then moved away. After a few minutes, the dolphin let Kazazic move her hand gently over her back. The two started an hour-long swim around the pool. When Kazazic climbed out, her parents hugged her. She would have shouted with joy had she not been aware of dolphins sensitivity to noise. Instead she quietly said, “I felt I owed somebody something, and now Ive paid my debt.” Out in the parking lot, she got into her car and shouted loudly and happily all the way. 33. Which is the correct order of the following events? a. Kazazic was brought to the USA for treatment. b. Kazazics five-year-old cousin, Jasmina, died of leukemia. c. Kazazic swam with a dolphin named Winter. d. Kazazics left leg was cut off below the knee. e. Kazazic had a new leg and could walk without pain. A. b,d,c,a,e B. d,a,e,c,b C. b,d,a,e,c D. b,a,d,e,c 34. Which of the following sentences BEST indicates Kazazic is a woman who keeps her word? A. Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg. (Paragraph 2) B. “so I decided that someday I d do it for her.” (Paragraph 3) C. “I felt I owed somebody something, and now I ve paid my debt.” (Paragraph 7) D. “After being in a war zone, this should be a piece of cake,” (Paragraph 7)35. Which of the following words can we use to describe Kazazic? A. Ashamed, faithful and outgoing. B. Hard-working, shy and hesitant. C. Unsatisfied, determined and grateful. D. Determined, considerate and faithful. 36. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. A new life of a disabled dolphin B. The true love between a woman and her cousin C. An earnest promise of a disabled womanD. A good relationship between a woman and a dolphin第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)When you are waiting in front of a theatre or at the train terminals, you will realize how important punctuality is. Punctuality(守时) is really a virtue, especially in a busy city. 37. Punctuality is the main constituent(构成部分) of character. 38. On the other hand, a person who is always late shows his selfishness and thoughtlessness and he is not worthy to be friends with.Some people often say that they cannot always be punctual since traffic is so heavy these days. 39. As everybody knows, we might meet an unexpected jam on the roads, so we should leave a bit earlier for the appointment to ensure that we would not be late. 40. When they finally arrive, they keep on saying sorry to their friends and then explain. The excuse is not always traffic jam. Sometimes they plain that they have met a friend on the road or have helped a blind man to cross the road. Some also like to blame their watches, the clocks at home or in the office. To such people, we cannot help but say sorry that we have e too early.Yet after all, such smart fellows will soon find that gradually their friends bee fewer and fewer. Perhaps at that time, they would realize how important punctuality is. 41. So when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late, for it is much more easily acquired than we are older.A. To be or not to be punctual is a habit.B. I think traffic jams cannot be an excuse for being late.C. It is polite to be punctual when you are invited to a party.D. Some people always have a lot of excuses for ing late.E. In western countries, punctuality is very important in social life.F. Perhaps if everybody were punctual, there would be less suffering and sorrow.G. A person who is always on time for his appointment shows real consideration for others.第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A gray sweater hung on Tommys empty desk, a reminder of the sad boy who had just followed his classmates out of our thirdgrade room. Soon Tommys parents, who had recently _42 would arrive for a conference on his 43 schoolwork and bad behavior. 44 parent knew that I had sent for the other.Tommy, an only child, had always been a 45 , cooperative and excellent student. How could I 46 his parents that his recent failing grades represented a 47 childs reaction to his admired parents separation and uping divorce?Tommys mother entered and took one of the chairs I had plac


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