2019-2020学年高中英语Unit4MakingthenewsSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修5 .docx

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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit4MakingthenewsSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修5 .docx_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit4MakingthenewsSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修5 .docx_第2页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit4MakingthenewsSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修5 .docx_第3页
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Section Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、单句填空(注意倒装结构的使用)1.Not until he retired from teaching three years ago he consider having a holiday abroad.答案:did2.Only after Mary read her composition the second time she notice the spelling mistake.答案:did3.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,nor he even give it a thought.答案:will4.Only when he reached the tea-house he realize it was the same place hed been in last year.答案:did5.Its nice.Never before I had such a special drink!Im glad you like it.答案:have6.John opened the door.There (stand)a girl he had never seen before.答案:stood二、用倒装结构完成下列句子,使上下两句话的意思相同或相近1.The children rushed out after class.Out after class.答案:rushed the children2.Two police officers with guns stood outside the entrance.Outside the entrance two police officers with guns.答案:stood3.I havent forgotten my promise.You havent,either.I havent forgotten my promise,nor .答案:have you4.The farmer had hardly finished the work when it began to rain.Hardly when it began to rain.答案:had the farmer finished the work5.He not only has to type the answer on a computer,but also he gets the computer to translate this into sounds.Not only ,but also he gets the computer to translate this into sounds.答案:does he have to type the answer on a computer6.The worker realized he was wrong only when the accident happened.Only when the accident happened .答案:did the worker realize he was wrong7.A temple stands on the top of the mountain.On the top of the mountain .答案:stands a temple8.Mike walked so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.So that I couldnt catch up with him.答案:fast did Mike walk9.If they had not been working so hard,they wouldnt have achieved so much.Had ,they wouldnt have achieved so much.答案:they not been working so hard10.I have never met such a difficult problem.Never such a difficult problem.答案:have I met三、翻译句子(练习倒装句)1.士兵们冲了出去。答案:Out rushed the soldiers.2.这儿有你的一封信。答案:Here is a letter for you.3.直到到了学校,他才发现把课本落在家了。答案:Only when he reached school did he find out that he had left his textbook at home.4.他上学很少迟到。答案:Seldom is he late for school.5.如果你不去公园,我也不去。答案:If you dont go to the park,neither will I.6.他是如此聪明,以至于他能回答我所有的问题。答案:So clever is he that he can answer all my questions.7.只有通过你的努力,你才能实现自己的梦想。答案:Only through your hard work can you realize/achieve your dream.8.只有在他读了汤姆的信后,他才知道自己误会了他。答案:Only after he read Toms letter did he know he had mistaken him.9.虽然她是一位家庭妇女,她却知道如何教育好她的孩子们。答案:Housewife as/though she is,she knows how to educate her children well.10.尽管很忙很累,但我们很高兴。答案:Busy and tired as we are,we still feel happy.四、完形填空On September 11,2001,I was in my second week of fifth grade at Hutchinson Elementary School in Pelham,New York.During the day,I 1 that something had happened at the Twin Towers,the tallest buildings in New York City.But nobody seemed to really 2 what was going on.It wasnt until school let out that I realized something might be 3.My dad usually picked me up,4 he wasnt there.My dad was a firefighter(消防员).His 5 was less than a mile from the Twin Towers.When I got home,my mom told me that the Twin Towers had been attacked,and my dad had gone there to 6.Most of the rest of that day is a blur(模糊的记忆).I 7 only bits and pieces,like my mom calling hospitals all over New York City,8 to find my dad.Two days later,she told me that he was probably 9.We didnt learn exactly what had happened to my father until much later.We 10 that he had sent a radio message at 9:56 a.m.At the time,he and hundreds of other 11 firefighters were in the burning South Tower trying to 12 as many people as possible.Just three minutes later,the tower 13.The other tower came crashing(撞击) down about a half hour later.17 years later,I still 14 my dad every day.He instilled(灌输) in me a 15 for my community,and his 16 encouraged me to volunteer with the 9/11 Legacy Advocates,a group made up of people who 17 family members on 9/11 like me.We attend events and teach others about the importance of that day.When I look back,I dont think only of the sad 18.I also remember the great acts of so many people,19 my dad.Im really 20 to call him my hero.1.A.saw B.heardC.reportedD.imagined答案:B解析:由下文中的“It wasnt until school let out that I realized”以及“my mom told me that the Twin Towers had been attacked”可知,那天,“我”“听说(heard)” 在世贸中心的双子塔出事了。2.A.wonderB.careC.knowD.doubt答案:C解析:听说在世贸中心的双子塔出事了,但没有人真正“知道(know)”发生了什么事。3.A.wrongB.trueC.differentD.strange答案:A解析:由下文中的“My dad usually picked me up.he wasnt there”可知,“我”意识到出事了,故填wrong。wrong在此意为“引起问题(或麻烦);不正常”。4.A.soB.butC.ifD.as答案:B解析:“My dad usually picked me up”与“he wasnt there”之间是转折关系,故填but。5.A.hospitalB.homeC.schoolD.station答案:D解析:由上文中的“My dad was a firefighter”以及下文中的“the Twin Towers had been attacked,and my dad had gone there”可知,作者的爸爸是一名消防员,他的 “消防站(station)”距离双子塔不到一英里。6.A.helpB.talkC.stayD.beat答案:A解析:由上文中的“My dad was a firefighter”及下文中的“he and hundreds of.were in the burning South Tower”可知,作者的爸爸去双子塔进行“援助(help)”。7.A.wantB.giveC.getD.remember答案:D解析:由上文中的“Most of the rest of that day is a blur”以及下文中的“like my mom calling hospitals all over New York City”可知,“我”所能“想起(remember)”的只是些零碎的片段。8.A.hopingB.promisingC.requiringD.refusing答案:A解析:由上文中的“my mom told me that the Twin Towers had been attacked,and my dad had gone there”可知,此处表示“我” 妈妈给纽约市的所有医院都打了电话,“希望(hoping)”找到“我”爸爸。9.A.tiredB.goneC.chosenD.mistaken答案:B解析:由下文中的“he and hundreds of.in the burning South Tower.Just three minutes later,the tower.The other tower came crashing down about a half hour later”可知,此处表示作者的爸爸可能“牺牲了(gone)”。10.A.made senseB.made sureC.picked outD.found out答案:D解析:由上文中的“We didnt learn exactly what had happened to my father until much later.”以及下文的描述可知,我们 “得知(found out)” “我”爸爸在上午九点五十六分时发了一条消息。11.A.seriousB.courageousC.excitedD.surprised答案:B解析:由下文中的great acts以及hero可知,此处表示作者的爸爸和其他数百位“勇敢的(courageous)”消防员正在南塔上“救(save)”人。12.A.saveB.controlC.meetD.tell答案:A13.A.showed upB.shut upC.fell downD.broke down答案:C解析:由上文中的“the Twin Towers had been attacked”以及下文中的“The other tower came crashing down about a half hour later”可知,此处表示三分钟后,南塔“倒塌了(fell down)”。14.A.read aboutB.think aboutC.worry aboutD.learn about答案:B解析:由上文可知,作者的爸爸在911恐怖袭击救援中牺牲了,故此处表示十七年后,“我”每天依然都“想(think about)”爸爸。15.A.pityB.fearC.loveD.need答案:C解析:由下文中的“volunteer with the 9/11 Legacy Advocates”及“We.teach others”和“I also remember the great acts of so many people”可知,爸爸教给 “我”要“热爱(love)”社会。16.A.carefulnessB.patienceC.wisdomD.bravery答案:D解析:他的“勇敢(bravery)”激励着“我”。17.A.discoveredB.forgotC.lostD.left答案:C解析:结合上文以及本句中的like me可知,the 9/11 Legacy Advocates这个组织的成员都和作者一样,在911恐怖袭击事件中 “失去了(lost)”家人。18.A.eventB.lessonC.exampleD.change答案:A解析:由下文中的“I also remember the great acts of so many people”可知,此处表示当“我”回顾过去,“我”不再只想到那个不幸的“事件(event)”。19.A.instead ofB.except forC.probablyD.especially答案:D解析:结合全文可知,作者的爸爸是一名消防人员,不幸在911恐怖袭击救援中牺牲了,故此处表示“我”也会想到许多人的英勇行为,“尤其(especially)”是“我”的爸爸。20.A.proudB.thankfulC.sorryD.sad答案:A解析:由上文中的“encouraged me to volunteer”以及“I also remember the great acts of so many people”可知,“我”可以非常“自豪(proud)”地说爸爸就是“我”的英雄。五、阅读理解What if you could have green hair and orange eyes,dark red trousers with a blue shirt?You can!When you use crayons,you can color yourself any way you want.Life wasnt always so colorful,though.A hundred years ago,all crayons were black.They were used in factories and shipyards to label boxes.Kids couldnt use them because they were poisonous.Then a company called Binney & Smith had an idea.They decided to make Crayola crayons for kids and teachers to use in school.They found out a formula(配方) that was safe,and they also decided to add color.The first box of eight Crayola crayons included black,brown,blue,red,purple,orange,yellow,and green.All of the crayons were labeled by hand.The box cost five cents.The crayons were a huge hit!Crayola has a team of seven chemists and chemical engineers who do nothing all day but develop new crayon colors.Their laboratory holds the special,secret formula to every crayon color.They blend(混合) different colors to come up with new colors.Once the engineers discover a new color they like,they test it on hundreds of kids and parents to make sure its really useful.Only then is a crayon ready for the box.Then comes the hard partcoming up with a name for a new color.In 1993,Crayola introduced 16 new colors for its “Big Box” of 96 crayons.More than two million kids and adults wrote in with color name suggestions.Some winners were tickle me pink(bright pink),timber wolf(gray),purple mountains majesty(purple),tropical rainforest(bright green),granny smith apple(light green),and mauvelous(light pink).Over the years,Crayola has changed some of its color names.In 1962 Crayola changed the name of its crayon color “flesh” to “peach.”They recognized that not everyones flesh is the same color.Despite(尽管) all the work Crayola puts into developing new colors,kids tastes havent changed much.Around the world,kids still say that red and blue are their favorite crayon colors.1.Why did Binney & Smith decide to make Crayola crayons?A.To entertain its workers.B.To make crayons affordable.C.To provide colorful crayons for children.D.To excite peoples interest in labeling things.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“They decided to make Crayola crayons for kids and teachers to use in school.and they also decided to add color.”可知,Binney & Smith创造绘儿乐蜡笔是为了给孩子和老师们提供安全、无毒的彩色蜡笔。2.What can we learn about the first box of Crayola crayons?A.They were all black.B.They enjoyed great popularity.C.They were poisonous to people.D.They were used mostly in factories.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The crayons were a huge hit!”可知,绘儿乐蜡笔一经推出就大获成功。hit在这里作名词,表示“成功而风行的事物”。3.Why did Crayola change the crayon color name “flesh” to“peach”?A.“Flesh” failed to satisfy kids tastes.B.“Flesh ” sounded less attractive than “peach”.C.“Flesh” was unable to describe its color exactly.D.“Flesh” was difficult for children to understand.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“In 1962 Crayola changed the name of its crayon color flesh to peach.They recognized that not everyones flesh is the same color.”可知,绘儿乐公司把一款蜡笔的颜色从“肉色”改为“桃色”,因为并不是所有人的肤色都是同一个颜色。六、短文改错(2019河北石家庄高二期中)My parents were singers but none of them played a musical instrument.There was an old piano in my school.I loved it very much that I could not keep my hands off,but it was clear that I didnt know how I was doing.One day,a teacher realized that I wanted to learn how to play a piano.She ended up gave me lessons after school.At the end of the term,I performed at the school concert.Two years late,my music teacher said to me,“Theres nothing more teach you.From now on,you need with a better teacher and a better piano.”I did as told.Eventual,I was admitted into a school of music for student.答案:第一句:noneneither第三句:veryso;howwhat第四句:第二个athe第五句:gavegiving第七句:latelater第八句:teach前加to;去掉with第十句:EventualEventually;studentstudents七、选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)inform,be absorbed in,assist,meanwhile,so as to答案:The teacher informed the students they would have a maths examination.All the students were absorbed in preparing for it.Jack,whose maths was poor,hoped someone could assist him to prepare for the exam.David offered to help him.Meanwhile Jack worked hard so as to catch up with others.Finally he succeeded in passing the exam.

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