2019届高三英语10月月考试题 (IV).doc

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2019届高三英语10月月考试题 (IV)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上,录音结束后,你有两分钟的时间将答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who will the speakers have dinner with? A. The mans father.B. The womans sister.C. The mans mother.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Their favorite food.B. The weekend plan.C. The womans trip.3. Where is the woman now? A. In Ireland.B. In Spain.C. In Thailand.4. What still needs to be done?A. Having a first team practice. B. Collecting money.C. Handing out the schedules.5. Why cant the woman sleep at night? A. The baby keeps crying. B. Her mother moved in recently.C. She is not used to her new role as a mother.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why does the man want to get a car?A. It is useful for his work. B. He has got a lot of money. C. The new model is on sale.7. What do the speakers discuss in the end? A. The way of payment.B. The quality of the car.C. The function of the car.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How did the man respond to the womans first plaint? A. He ignored her. B. He argued with her. C. He apologized to her.9. Whats the relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Host and cleaner. C. Store owner and customer.* No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.没有人能吹出一首交响乐,它需要一个完整的乐团演奏。听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where are the speakers? A. In the police station. B. On the road. C. At the insurance pany.11. What did the man first suggest they do? A. Talk to the people behind them. B. Pull over to the side of the road.C. Get their cars fixed together.12. How do the speakers deal with the situation in the end? A. They call the police. B. They go through their insurance.C. They settle it between themselves.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman pare the toy to? A. A medicine.B. A ball.C. A hand.14. What age group is the toy popular with? A. Children.B. Teenagers.C. All age groups.15. Why do some teachers dislike the toy? A. It leads to theft. B. It causes arguments in class. C. It makes students lose focus.16. Who is the actual inventor of the toy? A. An academic researcher. B. An IT professional. C. A chemical engineer.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who usually leads the introductions? A. Matt.B. Steven.C. Karen.18. Where can you find tennis equipment? A. Near the bathrooms. B. At the center of the store. C. Just to the right of the speaker.19. What is Andrews main responsibility? A. Doing the accounts. B. Using the puters to list products.C. Keeping the area neat and organized.20. What will Laura do next?A. Help fill out a form.B. Pay for goods.C. Do some sports.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。ACambridge Open DaysAll subjects will be offering course presentations and information stands. Tours and additional sessions may also be available in subject departments.Many Colleges will be open all day for Cambridge Open Day visitors. However, some will be holding their own College-specific event, for which a separate booking with that College is required.College open daysDuring College open days you can pick up a range of information and get a sense of College life, but remember that visiting a particular College doesnt mit you to applying to that College. Department open daysDepartment open days focus on the specific course(s) in that faculty or department. You get to meet some lecturers, and see the library and other facilities. See the relevant course entry (p44-117) for dates and contact the appropriate department to book a place.Subject MasterclassesSubject Masterclasses provide an opportunity to explore topics of interest beyond whats covered at A Level or IB Higher Level, and to experience typical undergraduate teaching at Cambridge. Each subject-specific Masterclass involves two or three taster lectures, an overview of the admissions process and chance to speak to current undergraduates.CUSU Target SchemeThe Target Scheme is a student-run initiative by which current Cambridge undergraduates visit state schools or colleges across the country .The visits are intended to give information to Year 12 students and provide an opportunity for them to hear about the University from a current students perspective. The Target Scheme can also offer sessions on post-A Level choices for younger students.21. What can students do on Department open days?A. Experience college life.B. Explore their interests.C. Tour university facilities.D. Fill in college application forms.22. Where can you get a brief outline of the admissions process?A. IB higher level examinations.B. Subject Masterclasses. C. CUSU Target Scheme. D. State schools.23. What does CUSU Target Scheme feature?A. booking in advanceB. visiting school libraryC. taster lecturesD. a student-run project BFrom the loss of wildlife to rising sea levels, were all well aware of the problems that climate change could cause. But while it may seem like such issues wont affect most of us directly, it looks like future generations could grow up without something that many of us now take for granted: chocolate. According to an essay published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, changes to the climate in the regions that produce cacao the plant from which chocolate is produced may mean that it will soon bee extinct. Most of the worlds cacao grows in countries close to the equator(赤道), with over half of it growing in the African nations of Ghana and Ivory Coast. Its predicted that by 2050, climate change will have accelerated the rate at which temperatures in these countries rise, making it extremely difficult for cacao to grow there. The problem doesnt lie in increased heat, however, but in lower humidity (湿度), as its believed that rainfall will stay at the same level if the temperature rises. “In other words, as higher temperatures squeeze more water out of soil and plants, its unlikely that rainfall will increase enough to offset the moisture(水分) loss,” Michon Scott, the essays author, wrote. To help fight this problem, researchers from Berkeley University in the US are working on changing the DNA of cacao plants to allow them to survive in dryer conditions by using gene editing technology, according to US News. In the meantime, US pany Mars, one of the worlds biggest manufacturers of chocolate products, announced in January that it would spend $1 billion (6.33 billion yuan) to help reduce the effects of climate change. “This is a world issue, and it requires everyone to work together,” Mars spokesperson Barry Parkin told Business Insider. The message here is that if we all do our part, we may be able to prevent some of the worst impacts of climate change. Or if were unlucky, chocolate will bee a thing of the past.24. What could make it hard for cacao to grow around the equator in the future?A. the higher temperatures thereB. the higher humidity thereC. the increase in rainfall thereD. the moisture loss in the soil there 25. What did Barry Parkin suggest?A. No man is an island.B. Every little bit counts.C. United we stand; divided we fall.D. Wish for the best; prepare for the worst.26. What can we learn from the passage?A. UC Berkeley is trying to find a substitute for cacao. B. Cacao can only be found in most African countries.C. Climate changes can be controlled if we are lucky.D. Mars will financially support the fight against climate changes.27. What is the passage mainly about?A. The origin of chocolate.B. The future of chocolate.C. The history of chocolate.D. The ingredients of chocolate. CHave you ever felt like nobody was there? Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere? Have you ever felt like you could disappear? Like you could fall, and no one would hear? Well, youre not alone.In a time when it seems like everyone is consumed by social media, the Broadway musical Dear Evan Hansen really hits home on what its like to be a millennial or any person struggling to find their way. With its moving story, catchy songs, and talented cast, the musical is sure to earn not only your praise, but steal your heart in the process. Coping with severe anxiety, the title character finds it extremely difficult to fit in. His single mother is always working, his only acquaintance at school is a family friend, and the girl he likes doesnt even know he exists. Every day is a constant struggle, until the unexpected death of a classmate gives him a voice he never knew he had, even if it is all based on a lie. On top of the moving story, the music is infectious. When the single Waving Through a Window was first released, I played the track for five days straight. Even after seeing the show, I still have the urge to bust out the lyrics to Words Fail during my morning mute on the subway. You think Im exaggerating, but just wait until you hear the soundtrack for the first time. You wont just tap your foot to one of the melodies during the show; youll e out humming three more of them when you leave, guaranteed.With so many different themes like depression, anxiety, and loneliness throughout, we can all see a bit of ourselves in one of these characters: the socially awkward teen, the daughter whose parents wont stop fighting, or the classmate who feels like theres no other way than just giving up. In between numbers, I could audibly hear the audience choking back sobs. My mom and I bonded with a young man sitting next to us during the intermission as we talked about how we related to Evan, his mother, his classmates, and all that in between. At the heart of it all, this isnt just a show its a story that needs to be told. Because no one deserves to be forgotten. No one deserves to feel like they could disappear. Even when youre broken on the ground, you will be found.28. The questions in the first paragraph are mentioned _. A. to inform us of some mon social phenomena.B. to tell us that many people feel lonely in life.C. to introduce the theme of Dear Evan Hansen. D. to illustrate that severe anxiety exists.29. What does the underlined phrase “hit home” mean?A. To be widely reported.B. To return to the original place.C. To make people realise something is true.D. To suddenly bee very successful.30. According to the author, what makes Dear Evan Hansen a huge success?A. Brilliant cast.B. Infectious songs.C. The plex story.D. The way it relate to every individual31. What is the best title of this passage?A. Dear Evan Hansen-you are not aloneB. Dear Evan Hansen-a big hitC. Broadway musical is still catchyD. Broadway musical strikes a chord with meDIts no revelation that the key to learning a new language is immersing yourself among native speakers of that language. But what if those native speakers are Dora the Explorer and Diego?It turns out television and radio might be even better tools for new language learners than previously thought. According to two recent studies summarized by Scientific American, it is possible to further your understanding of a new language without actively practicing or fully paying attention.For starters, research published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America suggests that language learners who focus continuously on learning new sounds keep no more information than those who take periodic breaks. While one group of study participants practiced differentiating three tricky Hindi sounds for one hour a day over the course of several days, another group alternated spending 10 minutes on learning and 10 minutes on an intentionally distracting task as the Hindi sounds played in the background. When tested on the sounds, the distracted group performed just as well as the focused group. Score one for the subconscious mind!But a subsequent study published in the Journal of Memory and Language further validates the power of inactive learning. Researchers found that Spanish students learning the Basque dialect improved less when they were instructed to repeat sounds back during their training; listening to new sounds silently actually resulted in greater retention.So, is it time to fire your tutor and invest in a box set of Corazn Salvaje? Not quite. While this growing body of research suggests inactive language learning is an awesome tool in your language-learning arsenal, the value of focused practice cannot be discounted. “You need to e to class and pay attention,” says Melissa Baese-Berk, a linguist and co-author of one of the studies. “But when you go home, turn on the TV or turn on the radio in that language while youre cooking dinner, and even if youre not paying total attention to it, its going to help you.”So get out there and learn but not too hard. While youre at it, it wouldnt hurt to brush up on your grammar skills, too.32. What are the findings of the recent studies concerned? A. Television and radio are useful tools for language learning. B. Inactive learning plays a greater role in learning new languages. C. Full attention contributes to greater achievement of language learning. D. It is vital to interact with native speakers when learning new languages.33. The underlined word “validate” in paragraph 4 refer to_. A. confirm B.contradict C.indicate D.assume34. What is Melissa Baese-Berks attitude towards inactive language learning? A. doubtful B. favourable C. indifferent D. disapproving35. Which practice does the author probably approve? A. Skipping pronunciation drills in the class. B. Repeating after the tapes intentionally all the time. C. Playing target languages in the background while dinning. D. Practicing differentiating tricky sounds of target languages.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:答案如果选择E,请在答题卡上涂AB;选择F,涂AC;选择G,涂AD。)Whether at school, college or work, most of us take some sort of lunch break. _36_But here lies the dilemma what to eat? There are a feast of options but because of limited time or money, many of us stick to what we know usually the humble sandwich.Some of us make our own sandwiches in the morning before heading out, while those in a rush tend to grab-and-go at a snack bar or a cafe or buy a meal deal at a supermarket. A packet of crisps may be an additional staple to our predictable lunch. _37_Sheila Dillon from the BBC Food Programme says more than a third of office workers have eaten the same midday meal for the last nine months._38_With average lunch hours now reduced to 25 minutes, 24 seconds, its quick and convenient to eat. But its also boring! Some people have broken the mould by bringing in leftovers from their previous nights dinner, which they then heat up in a microwave but even that isnt very exciting.We are creatures of habit. But philosopher Julian Baggini says were never going to break out of our midday malaise unless we think outside the box. _39_With just a microwave and a kettle, there a number of hot satisfying meals can be made such as soups and jacket potatoes. And then there are the mon instant noodles in a pot although you may question how nutritious they are.If youve got time for more exotic food, then look out for trendy Ottolenghi style food such as fava bean salad wrap. There is also the healthy Japanese style bento box or lunchbox that normally contains a mix of carbohydrate, protein and vegetable. _40_A. What we eat is usually the same every day.B. There are alternatives that will fill you up.C. And of course another healthy Japanese treat is sushi.D. Too many wrong decisions can be a recipe for a nutritional disaster.E. Its a good time to have a rest, catch up with friends and eat some food.F. In the UK, bread has bee the mainstay of our lunchtime snack, sometimes eaten at your desk.G. Then its time for the next dilemma what to have for dinner?! What do you usually eat for lunch?第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)第1节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A parable(寓言) is told of a farmer who owned an old mule(骡子). The mule fell into the farmers 41 . The farmer heard the mule “braying”-or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully 42 the situation, the farmer felt 43 for the mule, but decided that 44 the mule nor the well was worth saving. 45 , he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened and asked them to help carry dirt to 46 the old mule in the well and put him out of his 47 .Initially, the old mule was 48 ! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly 49 on him that every time a shovel load of 50 landed on his back: he should shake it off and step up! This is what the old mule did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up. shake it off and step up. shake it off and step up!” he repeated to 51 himself.No matter how 52 the blows, or distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought “ 53 ” and just kept right 54 shaking it off and stepping up! You guessed it! It wasnt long before the old mule, hit and 55 , stepped 56 over the wall of that well! What seemed like it would bury him, actually end up 57 him. All because of the 58 in which he handled his adversity.-THATS LIFE! If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity.The adversities that 59 to bury us usually have within them the very real 60 to benefit us!41. A. pondB. farmC. wellD. trick42. A. exploringB. assessingC. improvingD. describing43. A. sorryB. worriedC. appreciativeD. guilty44. A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. none45. A. ThusB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Instead46. A. helpB. buryC. hitD. move47. A. expectationB. curiosityC. miseryD. dilemma48. A. panickedB. excitedC. relievedD. surprised49. A. droppedB. crowdedC. fellD. dawned50. A. waterB. leavesC. dirtD. weed51. A.urgeB. encourageC. mitD. push52. A.severeB. violentC. fortable D. painful 53. A. freedomB. hurryC. fearD. abuse54. A. onB. offC. awayD. from55. A. finished B. excitedC. deadD. exhausted56. A. ashamedlyB. proudlyC. respectfullyD. embarrassingly57. A. blessingB. challengingC. defeatingD. controlling58. A. mannerB. routineC. styleD. behaviour59. A. e along B. e down C. go up D. go away60. A. taskB. potentialC. talentD. space 第II卷第二节:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Scientists in Australia declare proudly that they 61 (develop)the worlds first blood test to find a deadly skin cancer in its early stagesThey say the test could save thousands of 62 (1ife)each yearNowadays, 63 (check)for all kinds of skin cancers,doctors examine or remove a small piece of patientsskinBut researchers say the new blood test can detect one of the deadliest kinds of skin cancer,melanoma,sooner 64 other methodsIn the research 65 (involve)about 200 people,the blood test found early stages of melanoma in more than 80 percent of casesThe leader researcher,Professor Mel Ziman, 66 group conducted this research,said,“If a thin melanoma is identified early and its removed,you have 67 98 to 99 percent chance of five to ten years 68 (survive)”However,the number of people who survive from melanoma will drop 69


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