2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 2 The Olympic Games语境运用 新人教版必修2.doc

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 2 The Olympic Games语境运用 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 2 The Olympic Games语境运用 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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Unit 2The Olympic Games语境运用语境词汇运用词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化)1.Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel, who surely (应得) additional praise: the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism.2.Does the bank (收费) a fee for setting up the account?3.It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be (替换) with a modern hotel or not.4.During the last three decades, the number of people participating in (身体的) fitness programs has increased sharply.5.The pany is starting a new (广告) campaign to attract new customers to its stores.6.One of the (志愿者)for the rescue work injured himself when helping others.7.If the building project to be pleted by the end of this month is delayed, the construction pany will be (罚款).8.The first lady of the country has (主办)a dinner to treat first ladies from other countries.9.A man has been (指控)with drunken driving and will appear in the local court.10.China has made efforts for a breakthrough in the total number of gold (奖牌)in the ing Olympic Games.11.In my opinion, he (应受)to be punished for what he did.12.The doctor (负责)of the operation was taken to the police station to give an explanation of the medical accident.13.According to the schools regulations, any student who refuses to (参加)military training without a proper reason will receive punishment.14.(除了)good service the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.15.No need to push. Lets get on the train (一个接一个地).16.Would it be convenient for you to (开车接)my son at four oclock at the airport?17.It would be difficult to find a man to (代替)the present manager.18.I think I can help the elderly and the disabled(也;又). I feel so good when I can offer help.19.As is known to us, the letters PLA (代表)the Peoples Liberation Army.答案1.deserves2.charge3.replaced4.physical5.advertising6.volunteers7.fined8.hosted9.charged10.medals 11.deserves12.in charge13.take part in14.Apart from15.one after another16.pick up17.take the place of18.as well 19.stand for单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化)1.This led to some (pain) experiences on Saturday as they played against teams better trained.2.The hospital has asked various (volunteer) organizations to help raise money for the new operating theatre.3.I find it really hard to exercise (regular).4.It was of you to refer to your notes in such an important test. Stop making a of yourself.(fool)5.All the excited who are relatively are for the honor of winning the gold medals in the .(pete)6.Well be for your safety and you need to take for your actions.(responsible)7.He was to Peking University and the made the whole village proud. (admit)答案1.painful2.voluntary3.regularly 4.foolish;fool5.petitors;petitive;peting;petition 6.responsible;responsibility7.admitted;admission经典句型仿写1.根据以上所述,我最喜欢的季节当然是冬天。(what), the season I like best is winter certainly.2.正是你和史密斯先生帮助我克服了一切困难。(强调句型) helped me to conquer all the difficulties.3.她既不会说这种语言,也不会写这种语言。(nor) She couldnt speak the language;.4.他没有收集到写书所需要的那么多信息。(as.as.)He didnt collecthe needed for his book.5.随着这场重要考试日益临近,我感到如此紧张以至于吃不下睡不着,因此在课堂上无精打采。(so.that.)With the vital exam drawing near, I feltI even couldnt eat or sleep, thus making me very sleepy in class.6.中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。(比较级+than+any+单数可数名词)China in Africa.7.他越是这样想,越是变得不开心。(the+比较级.the+比较级.)he thought like this, he became.答案1.Based on what I state above2.It was you and Mr. Smith that3.nor could she write in this language4.as much information as 5.so nervous that6.is larger than any country7.The more;the unhappier

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