2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 4 Making the news(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 4 Making the news(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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Unit 4Making the news【短文语法填空】Helping a person forget something is rarely easy, especially if the “something” is hurtful or negative. Use some simple techniques to distract from the issue and 1. (hope) with time going by, the person wont be able to remember 2. he is supposed to forget.Remove all the items that may bring back the memory. Any small objects can jog his memory, so carefully replace any photos, diaries or any other 3. (person) objects or presents with new items.Change the subject whenever your friend brings it up. Dont do this in 4. obvious way because this is annoying, but do it without his awareness of your 5. (intend). Tell some 6. (amuse) stories or talk about important and happy events in your friends life such as a new nephew or a work promotion.Occupy him with 7. (activity) and appointments. Keeping him too busy 8. (think) about the past helps him see a positive light. Create a full schedule and introduce new things and experiences, such as a cooking class, which require concentration.Be patient and allow time to get over things. It will be often a long time 9. your friend fully removes that memory, so dont be 10. (disappoint) if it doesnt happen immediately.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了帮助他人忘掉不快乐的记忆的四条建议。1hopefully解析:考查副词。空处修饰后面的整个句子,故用副词形式。2what解析:考查宾语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作动词forget的宾语,故用what引导该宾语从句,表示随着时间流逝,这个人就不会记得他应当忘记的事情了。3personal解析:考查形容词。空处修饰名词objects,故用形容词形式。句意:任何小物件都能唤起记忆,所以小心地用新物品替换任何照片、日记或其他个人的物品或礼物。4an解析:考查冠词。不要以一种明显的方式做这件事,因为这很烦人。该处表示“一种明显的方式”,表示泛指,故用不定冠词;obvious的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。5intention解析:考查名词。根据空前的形容词性物主代词your可知,该处用名词形式。句意:不要以明显的方式来做这件事情,因为这很烦人,但要在他(朋友)没有意识到你的意图的情况下做这件事情。6amusing解析:考查形容词。根据空后的名词stories可知,空处修饰该名词,故用形容词形式amusing。句意:讲一些有趣的故事,或者谈谈你朋友的生活中重要和快乐的事情,比如刚出生的侄子或者工作晋升。7activities解析:考查名词复数。根据该句中的“and appointments”可知,空处与此并列,应用名词的复数形式。句意:使他忙于活动和约会。8to think解析:考查固定搭配。too.to.为固定搭配,意为“太而不能”。句意:让他忙得无法想起往事,这有助于让他看到积极之光。9before解析:考查连词。句意:通常很长的一段时间之后,你的朋友才会完全忘掉这段记忆,所以如果他没有马上忘掉这段记忆,你不要失望。It will be一段时间before.表示“多久之后才”,故用连词before。10disappointed解析:考查形容词。空处所在句为祈使句,系动词be后接形容词,且修饰人,故用disappointed。(对应学生用书P123)一高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇_eager_ adj.渴望的;热切的_acquire_ vt.获得;取得_inform_ vt.通知;告知_demand_ vt.& n需求;要求_approve_ vt.赞成;认可;批准2常考词汇edit vt._编辑_editor n_编辑_edition n_版(本)_process vt.& n_加工,处理;过程,步骤_admire vt._钦佩,羡慕_admirable adj._值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的_assist vt._帮助,协助_assistant n_助手_profession n_职业_professional adj.& n_专业的,专业人员_professor n_教授_concentrate vi.& vt._集中,聚集_concentration n_集中_assess vt._评估;评定_assessment n_评价,评估_用所给单词的适当形式填空1They now need to take into account the extent of firmsdata assets(资产) when _assessing_ (assess) the impact of deals.(2017全国卷)2Therefore, this exhibition is a golden chance _to acquire_ (acquire) a good knowledge of varieties of papercuttings.(2017全国卷)3She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order _to concentrate_ (concentrate) on her studies.(2017全国卷)4Your art skills are excellent and _admirable_ (admire),which leaves me a deep impression.(2016天津卷)5In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest,there still remain _unusual_ (usual) groups of indigenous(土著的)people.(2016四川卷)6His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching _assistant_ (assist) in class whose creativity would infect(感染)other students.(2016全国卷)7But now that _information_ (inform) is being spread and monitored(监控)in different ways,researchers are discovering new rules.(2016全国卷)8The camps have excellent horses,_professional_ (profession)guides and lots of support workers.(2015重庆卷)“获得,得到”家族acquire vt.获得,得到achieve vt.取得,获得obtain vt.获得,得到gain vt.& vi.获得,赢得win vt.获得,赢得get vt.得到,收到后缀able必备形容词集锦admirable 令人钦佩的,值得敬仰的fortable 舒适的,感到安慰的considerable 值得考虑的honorable 荣誉的,光荣的reasonable 合情合理的respectable 可敬的valuable 值钱的,贵重的unthinkable 不可思议的unbelievable 难以置信的miserable 悲惨的,可怜的“安排;归类”一览arrange vt.安排;准备;筹划organize vt.组织;安排;规划classify vt.分类;归类sort vt.把分类;将排序后缀en构成的动词集锦sharpsharpen磨快;使敏捷riperipen 变成熟shortshorten 变短;缩短widewiden (使)变宽deepdeepen 使变深strongstrengthen 加强frightfrighten (使)惊吓darkdarken 使变暗【完形填空】When I was just out of college,I managed to get my dream job as a trader in New York City on the floor of the American Stock(证券)Exchange.Though it was a proud _1_,the job was simply too physically _2_I must stand in a crowd every day,which often _3_ me in a mindset(思维模式)that held me back.Manhattan is a walking town and its difficult to _4_ when you have a disability.Taxies are expensive and riding the subway _5_ dozens of steep steps to get below the _6_.This left me only one _7_the bus.One night,after the _8_ for my job,I was aching with selfpity _9_ it started to rain on my walk to the bus stop.I became more and more _10_ without an umbrella,thinking Id never _11_ it in this city and telling myself,“this city is just too hard” and “maybe it is just not possible for a guy like me”And then,I _12_ the most beautiful,short moment.A couple came rolling by on roller skates,hand _13_ hand as they skated what seemed like the tango.They were all wet but they saw the _14_ as an opportunity and romance.I suddenly became grateful for waiting in the rain because I _15_ have missed this beauty _16_ if I had been in a taxi or on the subway.This,although _17_,was an important moment on my journey to discover the _18_ of achieving health and happiness.When I change my mindset,_19_ for a moment,to what is possible and work to get rid of the selflimiting beliefs that _20_ my daily actions,I will be on the road to a healthier,happier life.1A.adjustment BachievementCagreement Dtreatment2A.tiring BboringCrelaxing Ddisappointing3A.reminded BexpectedCtook Dleft4A.go up Bget aroundCset off Dshow up5A.requests BsupportsCrequires Dsurrounds6A.ground BstreetCtown Dcity7A.change BchanceCidea Dchoice8A.struggle BworkCexperience Dinfluence9A.before BwhileCwhen Dafter10A.nervous BcuriousCscared Dupset11A.get BmakeCput Dwatch12A.recalled BobservedCwitnessed Drealized13A.on BbyCto Din14A.rain BtreeCwind Dcloud15A.shall BwouldCneed Dmust16A.exactly BinstantlyCentirely Dsuddenly17A.strange BsmallCnormal Ddifferent18A.humor BhonestyCpower Dprinciple19A.still ByetCalso Deven20A.affect BfollowCforbid Dharm【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者工作很累,回家路上遇到下雨,心情沮丧。当看到一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面,作者感觉到改变自己的思维模式会使自己走上一条更健康、更快乐的生活之路。文章告诉我们改变思维模式的重要性。【核心词汇】go up上升get around四处走动set off出发show up出现,到场1B根据第一段中的“I managed to get my dream job”可知,作者毕业后找到了自己理想的工作,这份工作应是作者引以为傲的成就,故选B项,achievement意为“成就”。adjustment“调节”;agreement“同意,一致”;treatment“治疗,对待”。2A根据本句中的“I must stand in a crowd every day”可推知,这份工作是劳累的,故选A项,tiring意为“累人的,令人疲倦的”。relaxing“令人放松的”;disappointing“令人失望的”。3D根据语境可知“我每天都必须站在人群中,这常常让我有想退缩的思维模式”。“leavesh.宾补”表示“让某人”,故选D项。remind“提醒”;expect“预期”。4B根据上文的“Manhattan is a walking town”可知,曼哈顿是一个步行商业区,所以你有残疾的话是很难四处走动(get around)的。go up“上升”;set off“出发”;show up“出现,到场”。5C根据语境可知,出租车很贵,乘坐地铁需要(requires)走下几十个陡峭的台阶才能到达地下。request“请求”;support“支持”;surround“围绕”。6A根据本句中的“the subway”以及常识可知,人们在地面(ground)下乘坐地铁,故选A项。7D句意:这让我只有一种选择公共汽车。根据上文提到的交通方式都不适合作者可知,此处表示作者唯一的选择(choice)。8A句意:一天晚上,在为我的工作苦苦奋斗后,我一直自怨自艾,当我走向公共汽车站的时候又下起了雨。根据语境可推知,此处是指在为工作奋斗(struggle)了一天之后。experience“经历”;influence“影响”。9C参见上题解析。when在此处表示“当的时候”,符合语境。10D根据上文的“it started to rain”和空后的“without an umbrella”可知,下雨了,但是作者没有带伞,所以作者心情越来越沮丧(upset)。11B根据上文可知,没有雨伞,作者变得越来越沮丧,心想自己在这个城市里不会取得成功了。make it是固定短语,表示“达成目标,获得成功,做成某事”。12C句意:然后,我目睹了最美丽、最短暂的时刻。根据下文介绍的一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面可知,这是作者看到的。recall“召回,回想起”;observe“观察”;witness“目睹”;realize“认识到”。13D句意:一对夫妇穿着溜冰鞋,手拉着手,他们溜冰的时候像是在跳探戈舞。hand in hand“手拉手地”,是固定搭配,故选D项。14A根据上文的“it started to rain”和“They were all wet”可知,虽然他们身上都被淋湿了,但他们把雨(rain)当成是一个机会和一种浪漫。15B句意:我突然对在雨中等待感到感激,因为如果我在出租车或地铁上,我会完全错过这美景。根据句子结构可知,此处是由if引导的对过去的虚拟句,结构为“if主语had过去分词,主语should/would /couldhave过去分词”,所以选B项。16C根据语境可知,作者觉得如果乘坐其他交通工具就会完全错过这一幕,故选C项。exactly“正是,恰好”;instantly“立即,马上”;entirely“完全地”;suddenly“突然”。17B虽然这是生活中的一件小事,但却是作者在探索健康和幸福的旅途中的一个重要时刻。strange“奇怪的,陌生的”;small“小的”;normal“正常的”;different“不同的”,故选B项。18C根据语境可知,作者看到的这一幕给了作者力量。humor“幽默”;honesty“诚实,正直”;power“力量”;principle“原则”。19D句意:当我改变我的思维模式去做可能的事情,并努力摆脱那些影响我日常行为的自我限制的信念时,即使是片刻,我都将会走上一条更健康、更快乐的生活之路。根据句意可知,此处表示“即使”。still“仍然”;yet“还,然而”;also“也,而且”;even“即使”。20A根据语境可知,此处表示“影响(affect)我日常行为的自我限制的信念”。二重点短语识记思考运用1动词介词/副词concentrate _on_ 集中;全神贯注于depend _on_ 依靠;依赖accuse._of_ 因指责或控告inform._of_ 通知;告知2其他形式ahead _of_ 在前面;提前_in_ the meanwhile 同时make _an_ appointment 约会,预约_so_ as to(do sth)为了(做)be supposed _to_应该用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1Making things worse are state laws that make it too easy to opt out (决定不参加) of what _are supposed_ (suppose) to be required vaccines for all children entering kindergarten.(2017北京卷)2Damaged but not defeated,he was still _ahead of_ me.I was right to have admired him.(2016全国卷)3The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other species(物种)that _depend on_ the trees flowers and fruits.(2015陕西)4The boy made trouble for his teacher because he _was accused of_ destroying property.(2014湖北卷)5I was sleepy badly and found it hard _to concentrate on_ my work.6Please keep me fully _informed of_ any development.“动词on”必备短语一览work on 从事get on 取得进展,相处look on 旁观,观看call on 拜访,号召fix on 把集中于switch/turn on 打开rely/depend on 依靠take on 呈现,承担hold on 不挂断,坚持try on 试穿ahead构成的必备短语小结get ahead 成功;出人头地ahead of time/schedule 事先;提前go ahead (口语)鼓励某人做某事,去做吧“v.sb.ofsth.”结构大集合inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事cure sb.of sth.治好某人某病remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事rid sb.of sth. 使某人摆脱某物三佳句选粹在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通背原句学句型练仿写1.Never will Zhou Yang(ZY)forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英语报社的第一项工作任务。否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装。那个男孩对记者说:“我一刻都没有怀疑过我父亲会来救我。”“Never for a second,”the boy says to the reporter,“_did I doubt_ that my father would e to my rescue.”2.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重要影响。be to do表示将来发生的事,常译为“注定会;一定”。因为你既聪明又勤奋,你当记者的梦想一定会实现的。Your dream of being a journalist _is to e true_ because you are wise and hardworking.3.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?where引导定语从句,修饰抽象地点名词。今天,我们将讨论一下许多英语的初学者不能正确使用语言的情况。Today,well discuss _a number of cases where_ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.【七选五】Which is much more significant to you when you are finding a job?Working experience or an advanced degree?Well,I believe diverse people have different answers. 1 Here are some reasons:Above all,most of jobs dont require such a high degree,which means just some work,such as theoretical physics,archaeology,or literature,needs high academic qualification. 2 For example,when you are offering a department manager post,and there is a man who has already been a manager for three years but only has a masters degree and an inexperienced person with a doctors degree,which one would you choose?Definitely the first one for the manager who doesnt acquire a doctors degree but has rich working experience. 3 For instance,Bill Gates,who was the richest man in the world and one of the most successful merchants.What a wise choice when he decided to abandon studying so that he could gain more working experience instead of a doctors degree!Or Steve Paul Jobs,who discontinued his study at the age of nineteen in order to bee a member of a puter pany just like Bill Gates. 4 5 Maybe you shouldnt have to gain an advanced or high degree,but that doesnt mean nothing.Probably a bachelors degree is still necessary in this fiercely petitive society.All in all,I think rich working experience is much more important than an advanced degree.AHowever,a degree is still required for most people.BMeanwhile,rich working experience will draw more attention.CSecondly,plenty of experience will bring you success much earlier.DIn my view,either working experience or an advanced degree counts.EAs for me,I will say working experience without hesitation.FAs a matter of fact,more people with rich working experience bee successful.GFrom all of these,we can see that an advanced degree isnt so necessary as working experience.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。论述了工作经验是工作成功的最重要的因素这一论点。1E根据空处位置可知,空处承上启下,根据该段第二句“Working experience or an advanced degree?”可知,空处提出自己的观点并引出下文,故E项与此处匹配。2B根据本段最后一句“Definitely the first one for the manager who doesnt acquire a doctors degree but has rich working experience.”并结合空后所列举的例子可知,该例旨在证明丰富的工作经验在应聘时更受欢迎,故B项与此处匹配。3C根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为本段的主题句;根据本段列举的比尔盖茨放弃学业创业成功和乔布斯在十九岁时辍学这两个例子可以判断,本段旨在说明丰富的工作经验能促使人早日成功,故C项正确。4G根据该空所在的位置可知,该空总结本段大意;由空前列举的比尔盖茨和乔布斯这两个例子可以判断,高学历不如工作经验重要,故G项正确。5A根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为本段的主题句;由本段最后一句“Probably a bachelors degree is still necessary in this fiercely petitive society.”可知,在这个竞争激烈的社会中,学历仍然是有必要的。据此可以判断,本段主要陈述学历对于大部分人来说还是需要的,故A项正确。


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