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话题晨背全辑 十一 社会交往第一组1address v写上地址;发表演说;称呼 n. 地址2aid vt. 援助;救护n. 援助,帮助;辅助器具3apologize vi. 道歉apology n. 道歉;歉意4ban n. 禁令vt. 禁止;取缔 5beg vt. 请求,祈求,乞讨6mand n& vt. 命令7ment n. 评论;意见 v. 评论;发表意见8demand vt. 要求9forbid vt. 禁止,不许10offer n& vt. 提供;出价;提议第二组11permit n& v. 允许,许可12personally adv. 就个人而言13regard n. 问候,致意 14simple adj. 简单的;朴素的;淳朴的15suggest vt. 建议,提议 suggestion n. 建议16acknowledge vt. 答谢;承认;告知收到;致意17aggressive adj. 好斗的;侵略性的;攻击的18civilisation n. 文明19municate v. 交际;沟通;交流20custom n. 风俗;习惯第三组21excuse vt. 原谅;宽恕 n. 借口;辩解22interrupt v. 打断;打扰;中断;阻断23formal adj. 正式的;正规的24greet vt. 问候;向致敬25ignore v. 忽略;不理睬26introduction n. 介绍;引进27invite vt. 邀请28noble adj. 高贵的;崇高的;贵族的29plain n. 平原adj. 清楚的;易懂的;简朴的30private adj. 私人的;私有的;不公开的第一组1forget it 没关系2apologize to sb.for (doing) sth./make an apology to sb.for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉3ban sb.from doing sth./prohibit sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事4watch out 当心5see sb.off 为某人送行6wave sb.goodbye 向某人挥手告别7congratulate sb.on sth. 因某事恭喜某人8wish sb.a pleasant journey 祝某人旅途愉快9owe.to. 把归功于10be grateful to sb.for/be thankful to sb.for/thank sb.for 因感激/感谢某人第二组11turn down 拒绝12do sb.a favour/do a favour for sb. 帮某人一个忙13ask a favour of sb. 请求某人帮忙 14help out 帮助克服困境15ring up 打电话 16call up 打电话给;号召17answer the phone 接电话18ring back 回电话 19hang up 挂断电话 20introduce.to. 把介绍给1He is generous with his time in offering help to us,for which we feel grateful.他毫不吝啬自己的时间,主动为我们提供帮助,为此我们都对他感激不尽。2It is also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a petitive and stressful society.原谅和宽恕也是一种美德,尤其是在这样充满竞争和压力的社会。3Instead of blaming each other,we should municate more and put ourselves in others place,which can help us have a better understanding of others.不要彼此责备,我们应该多交流,从对方的角度考虑,这将有助于我们更好地了解别人。4The majority of students believe that interest will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job market.大部分学生相信,兴趣会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。


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