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Module 4Unit 3Tomorrows world课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。The novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 1.(写)by Jules Verne in 1864,is about a German professor 2.(发现了一个令人惊异的秘密)in an ancient book. He decides to take his nephew with him 3.(在去地心的旅程中)that the document in the book describes. They travel to Iceland 4.(在那儿他们通过一个死火山进入地球). During their journey, the professor and his nephew 5.(无意中发现)the Central Sea, big underground ocean. After their journey, they 6.(被带到)the Earths surface through a volcano in Italy. Their adventure is over, but a new one 7.(正准备开始).答案1.written2.who discovers an amazing secret3.on the journey to the centre of the Earth4.where they enter the Earth through a dead volcano5.e across6.are brought to7.is about to begin 单元话题写作随着网络的日益普及,如今有人选择网络阅读,有人则喜欢传统阅读。传统的阅读方式似乎正在被网络阅读的方式所取代。假如你是某中学的李华,请你以“Traditional Reading or Online Reading?”为题写一篇英语短文,发表自己的看法。写作导写1.确定文体和表达的口吻这是一篇关于网络阅读和传统阅读利弊的文章,为议论文写作。表达时要以第三人称为主,第一人称为辅。2.统筹时态这是一篇说明看法的文章,所以全文中心时态为现在时态。3.推敲要点表达方法(1)表达网络阅读和传统阅读的利弊时,可以借鉴以下句子:On the one hand, online reading can us a great deal of information.But some information on the Internet is not always so accurate, which sometimes can even be the truth.On the other hand, reading is often quite and reliable.Meanwhile, , books, magazines and newspapers all cost a lot., I think traditional reading will never be by online reading.(2)可能用到的词汇:随着的普及被代替一方面另一方面远非真实尽管有优点把二者结合起来养成良好的阅读习惯4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分为四段。第一段,总体提出网络阅读有取代传统阅读的趋势。(. is being replaced by online reading among people, among students.)第二段,网络阅读的优缺点。(On the one hand, online reading can.In addition, it is even , which you dont to pay for. some information on the Internet is not always.)第三段,传统阅读的优缺点。(On the other hand,.the advantage, it updated at any time.)第四段,自己的观点。(Traditional reading will never be replaced by .)5.范文填空Traditional Reading or Online Reading?With the popularity of the Internet, (1) (好像有一种趋势)that traditional reading is being replaced by online reading among people, especially among students. However, (2)(它们都有自己的优点和缺点).On the one hand, online reading can (3) (给我们提供大量信息). In addition, it is even free, which you dont need to pay for. But some information on the Internet is not always so accurate, (4) (有时甚至会与事实相差甚远).On the other hand, traditional reading is often quite (5)(准确可信). Despite the advantage, it cant be updated at any time. Meanwhile, as we know, books, magazines and newspapers all cost a lot.Personally, I think traditional reading will never be replaced by online reading. (6) (对我们来说将二者结合起来要更好一些), and develop a good habit of reading.答案3.(1)provide;withquite far fromtraditional;accurateas we knowPersonally;replaced(2)with the popularity ofbe replaced byon the one handon the other handbe far from the truthdespite the advantagehave the two bineddevelop a good habit of reading4.traditional reading;especially;free;need;But;despite;cant be;online reading5.(1)there seems to be a trend(2)they both have their advantages and disadvantages(3)provide us with a great deal of information(4)which sometimes can be even quite far from the truth(5)accurate and reliable(6)It is better for us to have the two bined教师备用话题微写作【写作要求】用本单元所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1.科学技术的不断发展给我们带来了许多便利。The constant development of science and technology has brought us much convenience. 2.以最新的智能手机为例, 我们不仅可以用它打电话、发短信, 还可以用它来上网、网上聊天、收发电子邮件等。Take the latest smartphones for example. We can not only make phone calls and send text messages with it, but also surf the Internet, chat online and receive or send e-mails, etc. 3.借助于虚拟现实技术, 我们足不出户就可以周游世界。We can go sightseeing around the world by using the technology of virtual reality without leaving our homes. 4.我们相信科学技术将为我们带来更多惊喜。We are confident that science and technology will bring us more surprises. 5.尽管这些发明给我们带来了快乐, 在我们的生活中起着重要的作用, 但我们也不能忽视它们的缺点。Though these inventions have brought us happiness and are performing an important role in our life, we shouldnt ignore their disadvantages.6.在我们享受科技成就带给我们的这一切的同时, 我们也要学会利用科学技术来保护我们的家园地球。While we are enjoying what the scientific achievements have brought to us, we also have to learn to take advantage of the science and technology to protect our homethe earth. 【参考范文】The constant development of science and technology has brought us much convenience. Take the latest smartphones for example. Not only can we make phone calls and send text messages with it, but also we can surf the Internet, chat online and receive or send e-mails, etc. We can go sightseeing around the world by using the technology of virtual reality without leaving our homes. We are confident that science and technology will bring us more surprises. Though these inventions have brought us happiness and are performing an important role in our life, we shouldnt ignore their disadvantages. Last but not least, while we are enjoying what the scientific achievements have brought to us, we also have to learn to take advantage of the science and technology to protect our homethe earth. 单元词汇拓展速记1.后缀是“-ness”的名词happiness n.幸福business n.生意;商业illness n.疾病darkness n.黑暗2.后缀是“-hood”的名词neighbourhood n.街坊childhood n.童年boyhood n.少年时代adulthood n.成年manhood n.男子气概brotherhood n.手足之情3.攻破各大“专业”biology n.生物学ecology n.生态学geology n.地质学psychology n.心理学sociology n.社会学zoology n.动物学physiology n.生理学4.least相关短语集合at least 至少not in the least 一点也不last but not least 最后但同样重要的是at the very least 至少,最少not least 特别

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