2019高考英语一轮基础练 Unit 22 Environmental Protection(含解析)北师大版选修8.doc

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Unit 22 Environmental Protection 阅读理解APersuasion is to convince someone to agree with you, just like art which also calls for special techniques to acplish. According to the ancient Greeks, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos and logos.Ethos is a speakers way of convincing the audience that he is trustworthy, honest and reliable. One mon way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experience or education he has in the field. After all, youre more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman.Pathos is a speakers way of connecting with an audiences emotions. For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus making them want to vote for him. Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats to make the viewers feel pity, so they will be more likely to donate money.Logos is the use of facts, statistics or other evidence to support your argument. An audience will believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply saying “believe me”.Although ethos, pathos and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective when used together. So, the next time you listen to a speech, watch a mercial or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.1.What is the purpose of persuasion?A. To advise somebody to support you.B. To help someone have special skillC. To convince somebody to realize his aim.D. To talk someone into being honest.2.What is a speakers way of convincing the audience to trust him?A. Pathos.B. Ethos.C. Logos.D. Education.3.What do a politician and an animal charity have in mon?A. Both prevent themselves from being hurt.B. Both save people from terrible wars.C. Both make the audience support them.D. Both persuade people to donate money.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Convince the AudienceB. Three Basic Tools of PersuasionC. Believe MeD. Strength of Persuasion【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了源自于古希腊且一直沿用至今的说服他人的艺术,其中包括ethos、pathos、logos三种方式以及用这三种方式说服他人在各个领域应用的可能性。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话“Persuasion is to convince someone to agree with you, just like art which also calls for special techniques to acplish.”可知,说服是为了建议人们支持你。故选A。3.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from aterrible war.”和最后一句“Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats to make the viewers feel pity, so they will be more likely to donate money.”可知,政治家可能会说他会独自一人从可拍的战争中挽救一个国家为了说服观众为他投票,动物慈善机构向观众展示受伤的猫或者狗的图片是为了让观众感到可怜,更可能捐款。因此可知,政治家和慈善机构的共同之处是他们都想让听众支持他们。故选C。4.B 【解析】标题判断题。纵观全文可知,文章主要介绍了说服人的艺术,包括ethos、pathos、logos三中不同的方式,以及这三种方式在各个领域应用的可能性。因此推断B项“说服的三种基本方式”为最佳标题,概况了文章中心主旨。故选B。B(2017潍坊3月模拟)The elevator of the future may be just over_the_horizon thanks to German pany ThyssenKrupp.The firm has invented a cablefree elevator (called MULTI) that can go up and down like traditional lifts but the magnetic motors allow it to go sidetoside too.The designers predict that this technology could increase the carrying capacity of existing architecture by as much as 50%.Plus it looks really neat.ThyssenKrupp plans to use lightweight materials to build its elevator cars of the future and the lack of a cable winch(钢缆绞车) will reduce weight as well.The cars wouldnt just move up and down as they do now but would instead go in a circle that allows more cars to slip in right behind the next.The result is that you might only have to wait 10 seconds for the next one to arrive rather than wait for the one you just missed to e back down.The technology backing ThyssenKrupps MULTI elevator is very similar to magnetic levitation(磁悬浮) systems used in highspeed trains.Each car has two magnetic motorsone for vertical movement and the other for horizontal.This system can also deliver power to the cars internal lighting and electronics without using wires.A traditional cable driven elevator has mechanical ponents that can hold the car in place in the event of a poweroff.ThyssenKrupp didnt go into detail about safety measures in its announcement but its safe to say the magnetic levitation elevator will have some sort of system to hold it in place if the lights go out.ThyssenKrupp is working on a test tower that will be used to develop the MULTI into a real elevator technology.This should be up and running by 2017 but it will probably take at least a few more years before you get to climb inside a magnetic elevator car.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。德国ThyssenKrupp公司已研发出一款名为MULTI的无缆线式电梯,这种带磁力马达的电梯不仅可以像传统升降电梯那样上下移动,还可以在水平方向上运作,运载能力也将提升50%之多。这种电梯有望在不久的将来投入使用。1What does the underlined phrase “over the horizon” mean?AAbove sea level.BOn the way.COn the market.DOut of sight.B解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段最后两句ThyssenKrupp is working on a test tower that will be used to develop the MULTI into a real elevator technology.This should be up and running by 2017.可知,这种新型电梯预计在2017年启动并运行。由此可推知,画线部分的词意为“即将,即将来临”,与B项“On the way”意思相近。故选B。2MULTI is designed to _Asave energyBcarry more passengersCrun much fasterDbe neat and fortableB解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第三句The designers predict that this technology could increase the carrying capacity of existing architecture by as much as 50%.可知,设计MULTI电梯的目的是为了增加运载能力,即为了能运载更多的人。故选B。3The key technology about MULTI is its _Acable winchBmagnetic motorCwireless electronicsDlighting materialB解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句The technology backing ThyssenKrupps MULTI elevator is verysimilar to magnetic levitation(磁悬浮)systems used in highspeed trains.Each car has two magnetic motorsone for vertical movement and the other for horizontal.可知,MULTI电梯的关键技术是有两个磁力马达。故选B。4What can be learned from the last paragraph?AMULTI will sell well.BMULTI has to work on a tower.CMULTI will be put into use in 2017.DMULTI has a safety system in case of poweroff.D解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句.but its safe to say the magnetic levitation elevator will have some sort of system to hold it in place if the lights go out.可知,当停电的时候,MULTI电梯也有某种系统保证其安全。故选D。A、B两项文章没有提及;根据文章最后一句可知,用于MULTI的一个测试塔将在2017启动运行,但可能得需要几年才可以乘坐该电梯,故C项不正确。CHe was there every morning, sitting motionless on the front steps of his house. In the morning light, I could see the shadows that were etched(蚀刻)deep within the lines surrounding his eyes.Each morning I walked this route with my daughter to her kindergarten class. We were new to the neighborhood so that I didnt know many of my neighbors. On one beautiful autumn morning, as we passed his house, my daughter called out to him, “Hi, Mr. Man!” Always the outgoing child, I wasnt surprised at her enthusiasm. But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didnt look at her and say “Hi” back.As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didnt want to say hi to her. Because I didnt have an answer, I said simply, “Maybe he is having a bad day.” later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.A few days later, as we approached Bobs house on our way to school, my daughter called out “Hi Mr. Man!” and as usual, he didnt respond. But then she ran onto his front lawn and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.As she skipped back to me, she said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Man!” This time, he acknowledged her. In a soft gentle voice, he thanked her and said, “See you tomorrow.”From then on, Bob and my daughter exchanged greeting each morning. Our friendship with Bob continued for many years. But, the sweetest day is when Bob attended my daughters high school graduation. Bob gave my daughter a gift-a book on identifying various plants and trees. There, tucked in the pages that described an oak tree, was the leaf my daughter had given to Mr. Man when they first met. He had dried and pressed it and kept it all those years.1.What puzzled the girl?A. The cause of the mans sadnessB. The shadows in the mans eyesC. The mans sitting still on the stepsD. The mans not answering her greeting2.How did the author feel when his daughter gave the red leaf to the man?A. ProudB. NervousC. EmbarrassedD. fortable3.Why did Bob keep that little red leaf?A. It was a care from a girlB. It was a symbol of enthusiasmC. It was a reminder of his painful daysD. It represented the knowledge of trees4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.A Simple Red LeafB.A Strange NeighborC. An Unusual FriendD.A Greeting From A girl【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。每天上学的路上,我和女儿总会遇见一位男士,女儿总会给他打招呼,但没有得到答复,有一天当女儿给他摘一片红色的树叶的时候,再次打招呼的时候,这次得到了答复。多年后在女儿毕业的时候,这位男士送给女儿一本书,上面印有各种各样的植物和树,还有女儿曾经送给他的那片树叶,在那片树叶里包含着那位男士痛苦的过去。1.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didnt look at her and say “Hi” back.及As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didnt want to say hi to her. Because I didnt have an answer,的提示可知令那位女孩困惑的是那位男士没有回答她的问候,故选D。3.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.的描述可知当时Bob刚刚失去自己的妻子,而女儿的行为让他很感动,所以保存下来这片红色的叶子,从而当作对自己痛苦时光的回忆,故选A。4.A 【解析】主旨大意题。根据文中的描述可知这片红色的叶子一直贯穿全文,就是因为它才使故事得以发展,因此,一片红色的叶子就是该文的主旨,故选A。D(2017南宁第二次检测)About a quarter of the world drives on the left, and the countries that do are mostly old British colonies(殖民地) like Australia, and Ireland.But Thailand, Indonesia and Japan also do so.This strange qnirk(奇事) puzzles the rest of the world! However, there is a perfectly good reason.Up to the late 1700s, everybody travelled on the left side of the road because its the most sensible option for feudal(封建的), violent societies with mostly righthanded people.Soldiers with their swords under their right arm naturally passed on each others right, and if you passed a stranger on the road, you walked on the left to ensure that your protective sword arm was between yourself and him.Revolutionary France, however, overturned this practice as part of its sweeping social rethink.A change was carried out all over continental Europe by Napoleon.It changed under Napoleon because he was lefthanded.His armies had to march on the right so he could keep his sword arm between him and any opponent.From then on, any part colonised by the French travelled on the right.After the American Revolutionary War(17751783), the US became independent and decided to make traffic drive on the right in order to cast off all remaining links with its British colonial past.As America became the center of the car industry, if you wanted a good reliable vehicle, you bought American righthanddrive cars.From then on, many countries changed out of necessity.Today, the EU would like Britain to fall into line with the rest of Europe, but this is no longer possible.It would cost billions of pounds to change everything round.The last European country to change driving on the right was Sweden in 1967.While everyone was getting used to the new system, they paid more attention and took more care, resulting in a reduction of the number of road accidents.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了汽车靠右行驶和靠左行驶的差异及其产生的历史原因。1Why did people travel on the left before the late 18th century?AThey were required to do so.BThey were mostly lefthanded.CIt was easier to cross the street.DThey could feel safer from attacks.D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句.and if you passed a stranger on the road,you walked on the left to ensure that your protective sword arm was between yourself and him.可知,18世纪末以前,人们走在左边可能是为了防止进攻者,使自己更安全。故答案选D。2What was Napoleons attitude to walking on the left?ASupport.BDisapproval.CDoubt.DSympathy.B解析:观点态度题。根据第三段第三、四句It changed under Napoleon because he was lefthanded.His armies had to march on the right so he could keep his sword arm betweenhim and any opponent.可推知,拿破仑改变了人们靠左行走的习惯,说明他是不赞成的。A项意为“支持”;B项意为“反对,不赞成”;C项意为“怀疑”;D项意为“同情”。故答案选B。3For American, driving on the right was a way to show _Athe connection with France was brokenBthe US was no longer ruled by the UKCthe American Revolution War had endedDAmerica was the center of the car industryB解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句After the American Revolutionary War(17751783),the US became independent and decided to make traffic drive on the right in order to cast off all remaining links with its British colonial past.可知,美国改变汽车行驶方向为靠右行驶是为了表示美国不再受英国的统治。故答案选B。4What is the main cause of the UK failing to adopt the new system?AIts high costs to change.BIts increasing traffic accidents.CIts influence on colonies.DIts fastdeveloping car industry.A解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句It would cost billions of pounds to change everything round.可知,因为改变需要很大一笔费用,所以英国不会采用新的制度。故答案选A。 七选五(2017青岛质量检测)Every year, thousands of students choose to study overseas.1._ The following steps may prove useful in their preparations to study overseas.Get to know your new home before you land in it.There is no substitute for good preparation.2._ Learning about the history, culture, tradition, language and even details such as food, music, transport, weather and social activities of your new host country are all important.Thanks to the Internet, most of this can be found at the click of a button.Pack using your head and your heart.3_ Whatever you bring, make sure that it will be something that you think might help your chances of succeeding. This includes practical items such as study materials, old class notes, favorite textbooks or pens and even the contact details of previous teachers.4._It is important to realize that while new and exciting things may be happening to you in your new environment, things and people back at home will also be changing.When you return home for a visit after a long period of time away, it is possible to feel isolated and experience “reverse(颠倒的) culture shock”Therefore, with the ease and convenience of municating via the Internet nowadays, there is no excuse not to keep in touch!Learn from all experiences.Value both your achievements and disappointments as learning experiences that can be applied to future situations in life.Dont ignore negative experiences.5._ATalk to your close friends and family about your thoughts, dreams and fears.BInstead, learn from mistakes and turn them into opportunities for future improvement.CIts not easy being practical when deciding what to pack.DIf you are fortunate enough to meet a foreigner, be sure to ask them as much information as possible.EKeep in touch with your roots.FAt first thought, the task of preparing to begin life away from home can seem frightening.GArm yourself with background knowledge by researching information about the country you are going to.【解题导语】文章针对出国留学前应做哪些准备提出了一些建议。1F解析:根据下文可知,本文是对出国留学前应做的准备提出了四条建议。由文章结构可知,空格处应承接上文,引出下文中的四条建议。F项“一开始,想到为离开家做准备似乎是令人害怕的”,紧密联系上下文。故选F。2G解析:根据下文提到的“history”(历史),“culture”(文化),“tradition”(传统)等可知,G项“通过了解即将去往的国家的背景知识来武装自己”符合语境。故选G。3C解析:根据本段标题并结合下文内容可知,本段主要讲打包需要用心思考,带一些实际有用的东西。C项“在决定打包哪些东西的时候,选择实用的东西是不容易的”,能够引起下文。故选C。4E解析:空格处为本段标题,根据文章结构可知,标题应为祈使句;且根据本段内容可知,本段讲的是要与家乡的人保持联系。故选E。5B解析:根据本段标题及上文“Dont ignore negative experiences.”可知,空格处应该讲从负面经验中也能学到东西。B项“反而从错误中学习,把它们转变成未来提高的机会”与上文紧密联系。故选B。、七选五In the age of the keyboard,some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.Steve Graham,a literacy professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,Tennessee,has been hearing about the death of handwriting for the past fifteen years._1_ He said,“If the results of a survey we have published this year are accurate,it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three.”Ninety percent of teachers also say they are required to teach handwriting._2_Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting._3_ Others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day.Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again._4_ Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught only with itself.Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas._5_Teachers monly report that about onefourth of their students has poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important anymore because of puters and voice recognition(识别) programs.AAfter all,that is why we write.BNowadays teachers pay more and more attention to their students writing.CSo is it still being taught?DBut who cares if people know how to write well?EBut studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.FTodays thinking is that short periods of practices are better.GHe says some teachers teach handwriting for ten to fifteen minutes a day.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了在电脑时代,学校教授书法的现状研究。【难句分析】Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.分析:本句是一个复合句。that引导宾语从句,在从句中不作句子成分;published是过去分词,作后置定语,修饰one study。译文:Graham教授说今年发布的一项研究发现大约3/4的老师说他们不准备教书法。1C根据下文中的“it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three”可知,空处应表示对是否要教学生书法的疑问,故C项符合语境。2E根据上文中的“If the results of a survey we have published this year are accurate,it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three”及空前一句可知,此处表示对研究结果的进一步分析,故E项符合语境。3G根据下文中的“Others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day”可知,此处表示一些老师教授书法的时间,所以G项符合语境。4F根据语境可知,空处与上文的“Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again”形成对比,并与下文的“Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught only with itself”呼应,此处讲述的是学书法的方法的今昔差异,故F项符合语境。5A根据语境可知,空处承接上文中的“Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas”,此处表示表达想法正是我们练习书法的原因,所以A项符合语境。


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