2019版高考英语大二轮复习 第一部分 语篇填空和短文改错 专题七 非谓语动词(+阅读理解+七选五)优选习题.doc

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2019版高考英语大二轮复习 第一部分 语篇填空和短文改错 专题七 非谓语动词(+阅读理解+七选五)优选习题.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语大二轮复习 第一部分 语篇填空和短文改错 专题七 非谓语动词(+阅读理解+七选五)优选习题.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语大二轮复习 第一部分 语篇填空和短文改错 专题七 非谓语动词(+阅读理解+七选五)优选习题.doc_第3页
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专题七非谓语动词(+阅读理解+七选五)A级基础过关.单句填空1.(2018山东济南二模)But he realizes that something must be changed (make) sure handmade New Year paintings live on.答案to make2.(2018福建宁德二模)It is home to more than 230 species of wildlife,(include) the endangered Tibetan antelope.答案including3.(2018山东潍坊三模)His bakery gradually drew an (increase) number of local Chinese customers.答案increasing4.(2018浙江温州适应性测试)Room temperature tap water should be fine for most indoor plants,but remember not (water) too much at a time.答案to water5.(2018重庆三模)However,we have reasons (believe) that our words will work.答案to believe6.(2018湖北武汉二模)(determine) to lose weight,she bought low-fat versions of all her favorite foods.答案Determined7.(2018陕西西安八校联考)The other day,after I cleaned the room,I decided to buy something (need) in the nearby store.答案needed8.(2018河南郑州三模)While (study) at Cambridge University,he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at the age of 21.答案studying9.(2018四川绵阳三模)Recently,the people of Switzerland began telling stories about a mysterious figure who walked through the Maules Forest (wear)camouflage(迷彩服) and a gas mask.答案wearing10.(2018四川雅安三模)Hawking suffered from ALS,a disease monly (know) as Lou Gehrigs Disease,which is usually fatal within a few years.But he never lost hope.答案known.单句改错1.(2018湖南岳阳信息卷)Some students sleep in class,wasted quantities of precious time.答案wastedwasting2.(2018河北唐山三模)Recite poems not only enriches my knowledge,but also makes my job less boring.答案ReciteReciting3.(2018湖北武汉二模) Feeling bored,I walked to the balcony and stood there watching people e and going in the street.答案eing4.(2018山东烟台二模)Have been influenced by his father,he decided to study herbal medicine.答案HaveHaving5.(2018湖北八校第二次联考) I saw a familiar figure kneeling down in front of it cleaned the outside steps of the shop.答案cleanedcleaning6.(2018山东滨州二模)In most cases,almost everyone visit a caf or friends house asks for the WiFi password first.答案visitvisiting7.(2018广西桂林、百色、崇左第三次联考)The mother cat entered to join all her children,and then went through the window,following by the little kids.答案followingfollowed8.(2018河南开封三模)For fear of get up late the next morning,I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarm respectively at 6:00,6:10,and 6:15.答案getgetting9.(2018福建福州适应性练习)When asking what I would like to send to the poor children living in the mountain villages,I think of books.答案askingasked10.(2018四川乐山三模)With the college entrance examination draw near,I am engaged on preparing for it.答案drawdrawingB级能力提升.阅读理解A(2018河北石家庄第二中学模拟一)Its a white Christmas in the United States today,with snow falling from Seattle to Maine.NortheastBiting winds with snow swept the Northeast.Earlier,up to 15 inches of snow fell during a snow storm in Maine,while up to one foot fell in New Hampshire.Winds reached 76 mph on Cape Cod,Massachusetts,while up to 61 mph winds tore through Long Island,New York.Falling snow collected on the runways at Bostons Logan International Airport,causing temporary flight delays.The wind was so severe in Pennsylvania and New Jersey that the annual reenactment(重演) of George Washington and his soldiers crossing the Delaware River was canceled,the Washington Crossing Historic Park told ABC News.MidwestHeavy lake effect snow fell in western Michigan.The National Weather Service has issued a wind-chill warning and advisory (公告) from Montana to Michigan.Bitter cold air in the Midwest produced wind chills Monday morning as low as minus 48 degrees in North Dakota and minus 47 in northern Minnesota.As this bitter cold made its way east overnight,it was expected to move over relatively mild Great Lakes,producing intense lake-effect snow bands capable of producing 2 to 4 inches of snow in an hour.West CoastThat storm system moved overnight through the Rockies,bringing more snow and the threat of avalanches(雪崩).The National Weather Service has issued an avalanche warning for the Wasatch Range Mountains outside Salt Lake City.【语篇解读】本文是一篇关于极端天气的新闻报道。文章主要报道了一次暴风雪袭击了整个美国。它导致了航班延误、活动取消等严重后果,被称为是一个“白色”的圣诞节。1.Why was the annual reenactment of George Washington and his soldiers crossing the Delaware River canceled?A.Because the river was frozen.B.Because the wind was too strong.C.Because the snow was too thick.D.Because the temperature was too low.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第5段“The wind was so severe in Pennsylvania and New Jersey that the annual reenactment(重演) of George Washington and his soldiers crossing the Delaware River was canceled.”可知,宾夕法尼亚和新泽西的风极强,所以取消。故选B项。2.Which of the following is the bad weather that has set in according to the passage?A.The avalanches.B.A white Christmas.C.A mess of peoples life.D.Heavy snow,biting wind and chills.答案D解析细节理解题。根据副标题“Northeast”和“Midwest”中关于“wind,snow,wind chills”的描述用的是过去式可知,暴雪、寒风和降温是已发生的恶劣天气。故选D项。3.What is the style of the passage?A.Weather report.B.News about the effect of bad weather.C.News about bad weather.D.A bad-weather warning and advisory.答案C解析推理判断题。文章主要报道了美国圣诞节这一天恶劣的天气情况,其造成的后果、发展方向、影响区域和应对恶劣天气的警示以及对它的调侃,并非重点讲恶劣天气的影响。故选C项。B(2018河南豫南九校一联)Sometimes,you just cant help it.Maybe youre watching a sad movie,or thinking about the friend who moved away.Next thing you know,you feel pressure in your throat,your eyes are watering,and you have tears running down your cheeks.According to Ad Vingerhoets,a professor of psychology at Tilburg University,in the Netherlands,who is one of the few scientists in the world who have studied crying,there are three types of tears.Basal tears are the first type.They act as a protective barrier between the eye and the rest of the world.Next are reflex tears.They wash your eyes clean when something gets in them.Finally,there are emotional tears.“These are released in response to emotional states,” explains Vingerhoets.Scientists believe crying has something to do with how humans develop and learn to depend on each other.“Humans are very plex social creatures,” says Lauren Bylsma,a professor at the University of Pittsburgh,in Pennsylvania.“It seems that tears serve to arouse help and support from others,” she says.Vingerhoets agrees.“I think that the reason why humans shed tears(流眼泪)has something to do with our childhood,”he says.“Thats the time when we are still dependent on adults for love and protection and care.The major advantage of emotional tears is that you can target them at a specific person.”Vingerhoets says this ability could have e in handy in prehistoric times,when humans were living among dangerous animals.Tears were a safer way to get attention.“In this case,it is better to use a silent signal to ask for help,”he says.Vingerhoets and Byhma do frequent studies to better understand why humans cry.According to Byhma,there is still much more to be discovered.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。文章从科学的角度分析了泪水的种类、原因及眼泪的益处等内容。4.In the scientists opinion,crying is .A.a sign of human evolutionB.a result of human kindnessC.a cause of personal growthD.a means of relying on each other答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Scientists believe crying has something to do with how humans develop and learn to depend on each other.”可知,科学家们认为哭是人类在不断发展和学习过程中,一种互相依靠的方式。故选D项。5.The underlined phrase “this ability” in the fourth paragraph refers to the ability to .A.seek help wiselyB.aim tears at someoneC.cry emotionallyD.appeal to other people答案B解析词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“The major advantage of emotional tears is that you can target them at a specific person.”可知,Vingerhoets认为泪水的主要优势就是你可以向某一个特定的人流泪。由此可知,this ability指将泪水指向一个特定的目标的能力。故选B项。6.From the text,we learn that Ad Vingerhoets and Lauren Bylsma .A.hold different opinions about the cause of tearsB.think positively of the effects of tearsC.are working together to study tearsD.have learned enough about tears答案B解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“It seems that tears serve to arouse help and support from others” 以及第四段中的“Vingerhoets agrees”可知,Lauren Bylsma和Vingerhoets都认为可以通过泪水寻求别人的帮助和支持。由此可知,他们都认可泪水的积极作用。故选B项。7.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.The Types of Tears.B.The ponents of Tears.C.The Science of Tears.D.The Opinions About tears.答案C解析主旨大意题。文章从科学的角度,分析了泪水的种类、原因及眼泪的益处等内容。故选C项。.七选五How do students manage to plete a huge number of assignments and still find the time to have fun?Time management!1.Here are some effective time management tips that can be used outside of college too.Give yourself a treat.2.For example,if you have a task for an hour,promise yourself to have coffee and biscuits if you manage to do that in time.It is a nice motivation to be productive.Learn something new all the time.Many people who graduate from college think that theyve learned all the secrets of the universe and have nothing more to study.3.Read books,learn new skills and languages.Itll all make you smarter and more productive.Have fun!Working non-stop is always a bad idea.Human bodies and minds need to have rest to be productive.If you regularly have fun and rest,you should be energetic and productive.4.5.Students most often have different kinds of classes during a day.It helps them balance different subjects,change the way of thinking and simply not to get bored with sticking to one thing for too long.It is also useful to balance tasks at work.Thus,you will do them faster because your brain wont get burdened by one-type tasks.A.Balance your tasksB.plete your tasksC.Students should learn to use their time rightD.They think they have already learned a lotE.However,you still need to give some work to your brainF.Thus,you will do your work faster and save a lot of timeG.You can give yourself some small treats for finishing small tasks答案15 CGEFA

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