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短文改错专练(五)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。AIt had been raining for three days before I called my parents last week to ensuring that they were OK. I was worrying by the violent storms because our home is located at foot of a mountain. And I still remembered how our house was flooded terrible when I was little. My parents had to get water out of our house with washbasins, with my sister and I staying safely on the bed and watched. Luckily, my parents said something bad had happened during the storms. Therefore, one day later, I was told by my elder sister that the walls around our yard had fallen down two days ago. Then I realized my parents just didnt want to worry about me because they didnt want to distract me from my studies. BLast month, I read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which is a novel publishing in 2012. Harold had retired before receiving a letter from a colleague of twenty years before, Queenie Hennessy. It turned that Queenie had cancer and was in a hospital in another distance city. The doctors said nothing more could be done for him. Harold wrote her a brief note but went to post it. Deep in thought, he didnt post it and couldnt stop walk. He then phoned the hospital from a call box and left a message. He had decided to walk from her, saying that she should wait for him and stay alive. After going through various difficulties, Harold finally made it up. And unexpectedly, his own life was changed for good through an unlikely journey. How touched the story is!CWhen I was visiting Qingdao with my parents two weeks before, I knew I couldnt leave them without learning to surf. I booked the group surf lesson. We started off with a warm-up. Then we lay down on our surfboards on the sand and practiced jump up to the standing position. After some practice, we went out into the sea and tried it out on the water. I have to admit it that surfing is much hard than it looks! I had a couple failed attempts to stand up but then one of the instructor came to help me and held my board steady. Finally, I started to get the hang of it and managed to stand up on the board on myself. It was awesome and I cant wait to trying it again! DMy favorite India movie is Three Idiots. Actually I didnt think I will like it when I saw the title of it for the first time. I thought it would be just a funny movie designed to make people to laugh. But after watching it, I realized I was total wrong. The movie is not only funny but also educational and inspired. It is about a life-changing story of a man which makes significant contributions at friends and others. With wonderful characters and lots of moments that made me laugh, and a few that brought me to tear, the film is well worth your time. My advice is to sit back and watch, and you give it the chance, I am sure youll love it.EMy elder sister is a born of teacher. When I was a little girl, he, six years old than me, taught me to clean the house, ride a bicycle and sing, etc. Now, she is teaching English in the middle school. Though very experienced as a young teacher, she has always been doing great and her students just love her! I am very pride of her! I always think she can do anything perfectly if she wants to, because she is always very patient and carefully. Whats more, she always take care of me even though I have grown up and she is busy be a teacher and a mother. I feel lucky to having her as my sister. FMy aunt managed to go to college when her daughter was 2. She was told by her husband “You cant do it”. So he gave up. Now her daughter was 5 and she went to a college to do her assessment testing in last week. The whole way there she kept hearing her husbands word in her head which discouraged her. She got to the parking lot but found out they only took cash for the parking permit, which she didnt have. She was about give up while an old lady walked over and started talking to her. My aunt told her she was just about to go home. The old lady told her not to do that and she paid a $2. A plete strange saved her from giving in again.GRecently I have been finding difficult to write in English, and even though I read lots of English articles every day. I am so confusing. This morning I talked to a friend of me about this problem. Her advice was simpler: write more. She said for over six month she had been writing English diaries every day and gradual she found it quite easy! Actually, it gave her great pleasant! She showed me some of her articles, all of which was surprisingly brilliant! I am full of admiration for her! Anyway, I am going to try using this method. I am determined to sticking to my new plan and make some progress. HI still remember my first trip to Hainan with my parents years ago. We swam in Yalong Bay, which there were lots of people enjoying ourselves. We also visited the Monkey Island, a impressive attraction. The monkeys of different age there were so cute that I really wanted to touch them. But of course I cant. We were told before seeing the monkeys put everything in our bags and not to reach into our pockets or bags in case the monkeys thinking we were getting some gifts for them jumped to us and accidental hurt us. The people there were friendly to us and the food was delicious. And to believe me, the fresh coconut juice there is the better juice in the world! I am looking forward to visit it once more.答案:A1. . ensuring that . ensuring ensure2. I was worrying . worrying worried 3. . at foot of . foot前加the4. . I still remembered . remembered remember5. . flooded terrible . terrible terribly 6. . bed and watched. watched watching 7. . something bad had . something nothing8. Therefore, one day . Therefore However9. . two days ago. ago before 10. . worry about me . 去掉about B1. . publishing in 2012. publishing published2. It turned that . that前加out 3. . distance city. distance distant 4. . done for him. him her 5. . but went to . but and 6. . stop walk. walk walking 7. . walk from her . from to 8. . made it up. 去掉up 9. . an unlikely journey. an the 10. How touched . touched touching C1. . weeks before . before ago 2. . leave them . them it 3. I booked the . the a 4. . practiced jump . jump jumping5. . to admit it . 去掉it 6. . much hard than . hard harder 7. . a couple failed . couple后加of 8. . of the instructor . instructor instructors9. . on myself. on by 10. . trying it again! trying try D1. . India movie . India Indian 2. . I will like it . will would 3. . people to laugh. 去掉to 4. . was total wrong. total totally 5. . and inspired. inspired inspiring6. . a man which . which that / who 7. . at friends and . at to / towards 8. . me to tear . tear tears 9. . and you give . and后加if 10. . it the chance . the a E1. . born of teacher. 去掉of 2. . little girl, he . he she 3. . old than me . old older 4. . the middle school. the a 5. Though very experienced . very前加not 6. . pride of her! pride proud 7. . and carefully. carefully careful 8. . take care of . take takes 9. . be a teacher . be being 10. . to having her . having have F1. . managed to go . managed tried 2. . he gave up. he she 3. . was 5 and . was is 4. . in last week. 去掉in 5. . husbands word . word words 6. . about give up . about后加to 7. . while an old . while when 8. . paid a $2. a the 9. . plete strange . strange stranger 10. . giving in again. in up G1. . been finding difficult . finding后加it 2. . and even though . 去掉and 3. . so confusing. confusing confused4. . friend of me . me mine5. . was simpler . simpler simple 6. . six month . month months 7. . gradual she found . gradual gradually 8. . great pleasant! pleasant pleasure 9. . of which was . was were10. . sticking to my . sticking stick H1. . which there were . which where 2. . enjoying ourselves. ourselves themselves3. . a impressive attraction. a an4. . different age . age ages 5. . of course I cant. cant couldnt 6. . the monkeys put . put前加to 7. . accidental hurt us. accidental accidentally8. And to believe . 去掉to 9. . the better juice . better best 10. . to visit it . visit visiting

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