2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 Celebration单元提升 北师大版必修1.doc

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Unit 3Celebration课文与语法填空阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。For me, Christmas always began in the middle of the cold, windy month of November. My sister and I sat down and wrote a letter 1 Father Christmas telling him about all the 2(present) we wanted.With December our 3(excite) grew each day. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house. Before going to bed, we put our stockings at the end of our beds. We tried to stay awake as long as possible 4(see) Father Christmas but the next thing was Christmas morning!At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of small presents and sweets. After church, my cousin and I played with our new presents. Lunch was always late, but what a lunch! 5big turkey with all the vegetables 6(follow) by Christmas pudding. I put so much food in my mouth sometimes 7it was hard to swallow. We sang Christmas carols 8(happy) and laughed at jokes.After lunch, the adults slept on the sofas while we all played cards. Then we 9(have) tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen. It didnt seem possible, but we carried on eating. By bedtime we were very 10(tire). As soon as we turned off the light, we all fell into a deep, happy sleep.答案1.towrite a letter to sb.为常用短语,意为“给某人写信”。2.presents根据all可知,此处填复数名词。3.excitement结合空前的限定词our可知,空格处填名词。4.to see此处为不定式短语作目的状语,且与主语是主动关系。5.Aturkey在此处表示泛指,故填不定冠词A。6.followed此处为with的复合结构,空格处表示被动,故填过去分词。7.that此处为so.that.引导的结果状语从句。8.happily空格处修饰谓语动词sang,故填副词。9.had空格处是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时。10.tired根据主语we可知,空格处填形容词tired。课文与短文改错根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。On the day of a Greek wedding ceremony, the bridegroom has to ask the brides father for her daughters hand. The bridegrooms best man then went with the couple to the church.During the church ceremony, so the best man should help put crowns making of flowers on the heads of the bride and bridegroom. A long silk ribbon that links the crowns are a symbol of a long and happy life.After the ceremony, the guests can attend a wedding reception, that is usually a huge party or can last through the night. During reception, guests can throw dish on the floor. They put money on the brides wedding dress for good lucky.答案第一段1.第一句:herhis由father可知此处表示“他的”女儿的手,故将her改为his。2.第二句:wentgoes根据语境可知,该句应用一般现在时。 第二段3.第一句:删除so逗号前是短语,逗号后是简单句,两者没有因果关系,故删除so。4.第一句:makingmade此处为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰crowns。 5.第二句:areis根据主语A long silk ribbon可知,are应改为is。第三段6.第一句:thatwhich先行词指物,关系词在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故将that改为which。7.第一句:orand根据语境可知,并列连词or应改为and。8.第二句:receptionthereception在句中表示特指,故之前应加定冠词。9.第二句:dishdishesdish为可数名词,空前没有限定词,结合语境可知,此处应用复数形式。10.第三句:luckyluck根据前面的介词和形容词good可知,lucky应改为名词。话题知识与写作()用所学词汇、短语或句型翻译下列各句1.在阴历8月15日传统中秋节之前,我们举办了庆祝活动。2.这次活动是为了祝贺约翰获得了奖学金。3.在我们的邀请下,15名青少年参加了这次仪式。4.他们打扮得漂漂亮亮,并准时到达仪式现场。5.我们所有人对约翰取得的成功表示祝贺。 ()将以上句子连成一段语言流畅、逻辑严密的短文答案()1.Before the traditional festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on August 15th in the lunar calendar, we held a celebration.2.We held the celebration to congratulate John on winning the scholarship.3.At our invitation, fifteen teenagers attended the ceremony.4.They dressed smartly and arrived at the ceremony on time. 5.We all offered our congratulations on his success.()Before the traditional festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival,which falls on August 15th in the lunar calendar,we held a celebration to congratulate John on winning the scholarship. At our invitation,fifteen teenagers attended the ceremony. They dressed smartly and arrived at the ceremony on time. We all offered our congratulations on his success.单元词汇拓展速记“-tion”词块acmodation住所,住处acquisition获得物addition加法;增加物affection爱慕,钟爱ambition志向,抱负;野心application申请(书);应用appreciation欣赏association联想;协会assumption假定,假设attraction吸引人的地方caution谨慎,小心celebration庆祝,庆典civilization文明collection收集,收取connection联系;连接congratulation祝贺consideration考虑;(作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事construction建筑;建筑物consultation(专业人士的)建议;咨询contribution贡献,捐助corporation公司correction改正,改进decoration装饰;装饰品description描述,形容desperation绝望destination目的地destruction破坏,毁灭devotion奉献dictation口述;听写discrimination歧视;识别力edition版本emotion情感,情绪evolution(生物)进化exhibition展览会expectation期待的事物,预期explanation解释,说明exploration探测;探险fiction小说,虚构的事friction摩擦,冲突frustration挫折,受挫function运转;发挥作用generation代,一代graduation毕业hesitation犹豫,踌躇identification身份imagination想象;想象力imitation模仿intention意图,目的invitation请柬;邀请irrigation灌溉liberation解放location位置,场所nutrition营养organization团体,组织,机构preparation准备,预备presentation表演;展示preservation维护,保存production生产,制造protection保护,防卫reaction反应regulation规则,规章制度rejection拒绝reputation名誉,名声revolution革命satisfaction满意,满足section部分separation分离,分开starvation饥饿suggestion建议,提议tradition传统,惯例translation翻译

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