(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The universal language讲义(含解析)牛津译林版选修8.doc

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Unit 2 The universal language(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1stubborn adj.固执的,顽固的2motherland n. 祖国3opportunity n. 机遇,时机4prejudice n. 偏见,成见vt. 使怀有(或形成)偏见5discrimination n. 歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力6liberty n. 自由7awesome adj. 极好的;令人惊叹的,令人敬畏的8personnel n. 人事部门;职员,全体人员9department n. 部,司,局,处,系10poser n纵联1 作曲者,作曲家11folk adj. 民间的,民俗的n. 人们;亲属(尤指父母)12kindergarten n. 幼儿园13sore adj. 疼痛的,酸痛的.重点单词写其形1cast vt.& vi. 选派角色;投射(光、影); 向投以(视线、笑容)2condemn vt. 判刑,宣判;指责,谴责3dare vt.& vi.& aux. 敢于,胆敢4seize vt. 逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占5decline n. 衰落,衰败;减少;下降vi.& vt. 衰落;下降;婉言谢绝6seek vt.& vi.纵联2 试图,设法;寻找,寻求7root n. 起源,起因;根,根茎8demand vt. 需要;强烈要求n. 要求;需求9scold vt.纵联3 训斥,责骂10deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期11broken adj. 破损的,受伤的;中止了的;不连续的12trend n. 趋势,动向13scream vi.n纵联4 尖叫,高声喊;呼啸尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音.拓展单词通其变1universal adj.共同的,普遍的,全体的,全世界的universe n宇宙2disturbing adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的disturbed adj.心理不正常的;精神失常的disturb vt.打扰;使中断;使焦虑3unwilling adj.不情愿,不愿意;勉强的,无奈的willing adj.自愿的willingness n乐意4evident adj.清楚的,显然的evidence n证据;证词5merciful adj.仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的mercy n宽容,仁慈,怜悯6unemployment n失业unemployed adj.失业的employment n雇佣,工作,职业employ v雇佣employer n雇主employee n雇员7collection n作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走collect vt.收集collector n收集者;收藏家8tendency n倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向tend v倾向;趋向9gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的;平缓的,不陡的gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地纵联1.“音乐”达人perform vt. 演出;表演performance n. 演出;表演classical adj. 古典的pose vt.& vi. 作(曲)poser n. 作曲者conduct vt. 指挥conductor n. (乐队等的)指挥album n. 专辑纵联2.多途径“搜寻”seek 寻找,探寻explore 探索,探究track 跟踪;追踪hunt 寻找;猎取纵联3“指责,谴责”家族scold 责骂,斥责criticize 批评,指责blame 指责,责备accuse 谴责,指控condemn 谴责,判刑纵联4.为何“大喊大叫”?scream 因恐惧、快乐等尖叫cry 因恐惧、痛苦等喊叫shout 高声喊叫yell 因外界刺激尖叫call 大声说话或喊叫单元话题音乐子话题1乐理知识pitch音高 note音符scale音阶 chord和弦pose作曲子话题2音乐类型symphony交响乐 solo独奏choir合唱 pop music流行音乐rock music摇滚乐 classical music古曲乐folk music 民间音乐子话题3常见乐器instrument乐器 guitar吉他violin小提琴 accordion手风琴harp竖琴 trumpet小号学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2016江苏高考阅读B)Chimps (黑猩猩) will cooperate in certain ways, like gathering in war parties to protect their territory. But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings, they have little instinct (本能) to help one another. Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves. Even chimp mothers regularly decline _ (share) food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own food.写出加黑词在本单元的近义词:demand,意为“要求”,短语demand_to_do_sth.意为“要求做某事”。写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:寻找,构成短语seek sth. for sb.,意为“为某人寻找某物”。此外,seek还可以构成短语seek after/for,意为“寻找,找到”;seek ones fortune,意为“找出路,碰运气”。用所给词的适当形式填空:to_share,share在此构成短语share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某物”。2(2012北京高考阅读B)Obviously, my grade was awful. Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn this around. I talked to Miss Lancelot, but she insisted: No redos; no new grade. I felt that the punishment was not justified, and I believed I deserved a second chance.写出加黑词在本单元的同根反义词:awesome,意为“极好的”。写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:伤心的,悲伤的写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:opportunity,意为“机会”,构成短语take the opportunity to do sth./of doing sth.,意为“有机会做某事”。高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018浙江高考书面表达)我认为这是一次拓宽视野、提高英语口语的好机会。(opportunity)I_think_it_is_a_good_opportunity_to_broaden_my_perspective_as_well_as_improve_my_spoken_English.2(2013四川高考书面表达)我们应该一次又一次地重复老师们教给我们的东西,然后我们就能理解或记住老师要求掌握的知识。(demand)We_should_repeat_what_the_teachers_taught_us_again_and_again,_and_then_we_can_understand_or_remember_the_knowledge_which_the_teachers_demand_to_master. (二)课堂重点释疑1cast (cast, cast) vt.&vi.选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容) n全体演员记牢be cast down (by sth.)(因某事)沮丧/失望cast light on/upon 弄清楚,使人明白cast a glance/look at/toward . 朝瞧了瞧cast sb. as . 选派某人演角色练通单句语法填空The circumstances were all against Joe, but he was not cast down. He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.完成句子Here are the research findings that cast_new_light_on the origin of our universe.这就是对宇宙起源有新认识的研究发现。She cast_a_quick_glance_at the notepad to see if there were any messages for her. 她很快地瞄了一眼记事簿,看是否有留给她的口信。 写美(2012湖北高考书面表达)虽然破旧的(shabby)校园和设施简陋的教室让我感到失望,但是我发现老师们耐心又体贴。Cast_down_as_I_felt_at_the_shabby_campus_and_the_poorlyequipped_classroom,_I_found_the_teachers_patient_and_considerate.2condemn vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责记牢be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚;使某人被迫接受困境condemn sb. to death 判处某人死刑condemn sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而谴责某人condemn . as . 指责为be condemned to do sth. 注定做某事练通单句语法填空He was widely condemned for his cruel action towards his elderly parents.Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorlypaid work.完成句子Do you condemn_yourself_for things which you did or failed to do in the past?你是否为你曾经做过的或没有做到的事而对自己耿耿于怀?The judge condemned_the_drunk_driver_to_stay in prison for six months.法官判这个酒驾司机六个月拘役。写美(2017全国卷书面表达)既然你擅长乒乓球,你注定会是最合适的人选。Since_you_are_good_at_table_tennis,_you_are_condemned_to_be_the_most_suitable_person.3dare vt.& vi.& aux.敢于,胆敢记牢dare to do sth.敢于做某事dare sb. to do sth. 激某人做某事,谅某人无胆量做某事I dare say 我想;很可能;大概练通单句语法填空They dare not play (play) a joke on him in case he bees angry. We know that he wont dare to_break (break) his promise.完成句子He dared_me_to_jump from the bridge into the river.他激我,说我不敢从桥上跳到河里去。I_dare_say youre feeling tired after your journey. 我相信你旅行后一定感到累了。 Dare he ask his boss for promotion?Yes, he_dare./No, he_darent.他敢向他的老板请求升职吗?是的,他敢。/不,他不敢。用准(1)dare用作实义动词时,有人称、数和时态的变化。常见搭配:dare to do sth.“敢于做某事”。 在否定句和疑问句中to可以省略。(2)dare用作情态动词时,通常用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形,其否定式为dare not。写美(2010北京高考书面表达)面对困境,他们从不放弃,敢于尽自己最大的努力找到出路。Faced_with_difficulties,_they_never_give_up_but_dare_to_try_their_best_to_find_a_way_out.4seize vt.逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占记牢seize sth. from .从抓取/夺取某物seize a chance/an opportunity 抓住机会/机遇seize sb. by the部位 抓住某人练通完成句子I think that there is no reason why we should not seize_this_opportunity and this moment.我认为没有任何理由让我们不去抓住这次机会和这一时刻。Before the thief could run away, the brave girl seized_him_by_the_collar.在小偷逃跑之前,这个勇敢的女孩抓住了他的衣领。He seized_the_letter_from my hand and began to read out loud.他从我手里夺过信开始大声读起来。用准seize指突然一把“抓住”某人或某物时,可直接用被抓的部位作宾语,也可用“seize sb. by the部位”结构,但表示部位的名词前不可用物主代词。写美(2015湖南高考书面表达)老人获救了,我们很高兴。并且,我记得车牌号,之后交警抓住了司机。The_old_man_was_saved_and_we_felt_very_pleased._Whats_more,_I_remembered_the_number_of_the_car,_and_the_traffic_police_seized_the_driver_later.5demand vt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求记牢(1)demand to do sth.要求做某事(sb.) demand that sb. (should) do sth. (某人)要求某人做某事(that从句使用虚拟语气)(2)in demand 需求大;受欢迎的on demand 一经要求satisfy/meet the/ones demands满足(某人的)要求练通单句改错He has promised to repay the loan at any time in demand. inonThe hijackers are demanding to speaking to representatives of both governments.speakingspeakThe manager demanded that the workers worked extra hours to plete the task ahead of time.workedwork完成句子We have good firms whose products are in_demand around the world.我们有优秀的公司,生产全世界都受欢迎的产品。Its impossible to meet/satisfy_all_your_demands.满足你所有的要求是不可能的。用准demand不能用于demand sb. to do sth.结构;“向某人要某物”不能用demand sb. sth.,要用demand sth. of/from sb.。写美(2016全国卷书面表达)摄影俱乐部要求照片要与环境保护有关。The_photography_club_demands_that_the_photos_be_related_to_environmental_protection.6decline n衰落,衰败;减少;下降vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝辨清写出下列句中decline的词性和含义We asked her to e to our party, but she declined. vt.谢绝There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.n.下降His health has begun to decline because he is old.vi.衰退The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000.vi.下降记牢(1)fall/go into (a) decline陷入衰退in decline/on the decline 在衰退中,走下坡路(2)decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事练通完成句子I didnt know why the boy declined_to_answer a question. 我不知道那个男孩为什么拒绝回答问题。He is still one of the worlds most popular golfers, but his skill is in_decline/on_the_decline.他仍是世界上最受欢迎的高尔夫球选手之一,但他的球技大不如前。And other researchers have argued there are decades to go before oil production goes/fallsinto_decline. 还有人认为,石油产量在走向衰退之前,还有几十年的上升空间。写美(2014四川高考书面表达)在过去的十个月里,我们一直忙于准备这次考试,没有去参加任何聚会。Over_the_past_ten_months,_we_have_been_busy_in_preparing_for_this_examination_and_declined_to_attend_any_party.7seek (sought, sought) vt.& vi.试图,设法;寻找,寻求记牢seek (for) sth./sb. from .从寻找某物/某人seek after 追求;追寻seek to do sth. 试图做某事seek ones fortune 找出路;碰运气seek out 搜寻出;找出练通单句语法填空If you have any questions, you can seek help from your teammates.Fortunately, the tourists sought out a shelter to escape from the unexpected shower.完成句子Different men seek_after_happiness in different ways and by different methods.不同的人以不同的方式和手段寻求幸福。Many people in their lifetime avoid or do not even seek_to_find_the_answer_to that question. 许多人在他们的一生中都在逃避或根本没有去寻找过那个问题的答案。写美(2015湖北高考书面表达)通过这次经历,我认识到质疑是帮助我们寻求真理的桥梁。From_this_experience_I_have_learnt_that_questioning_can_serve_as_a_bridge_that_helps_us_to_seek_the_truth.联想表示“寻找”的短语还有look for, search for, hunt for等。词汇过关综合训练.单词拼写1The play is being cast (选派角色) in both China and Britain.2UN officials say two military observers were seized (逮捕) by the Khmer Rouge yesterday.3He was unwilling (不愿意) to make a prediction about which books would sell best in the ing year.4The couple have sought (寻找) help from marriage guidance counsellors. 5Most plants will root (生根) in about six to eight weeks.6Dont scold (责骂) her; shes nothing but a child. 7We were not able to meet the deadline (最后期限) because of manufacturing delays.8Sue screamed (尖叫), not loudly, more in surprise than terror.9Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department (科). 10The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten (幼儿园).单句语法填空1We seek to_help (help) every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge. 2Thanks to the good care of the nurses, the boy is gradually(gradual) recovering from his lung operation.3Though he failed the exam, he was unwilling (willing) to learn from others.4There is a growing tendency (tend) for people to return to the hometown to start their business.5They were condemned to a life of hardship because of laziness or disinterest in work and savings.6Chris likes music and has a large collection (collect) of albums and cassettes.7There is a sharp decline in interest in sports in our town.8My teacher is very strict, and no one dares to_step (step) into his office without permission.9High unemployment (employ) has prompted many people to leave the islands.单句改错1The pany refused the workers demand that their wages are raised. arebe2She was condemning by the whole society because she left her two children at home by themselves for two months and they starved to death. condemningcondemned3This information cast light into the problem we had been discussing for one week.intoon4She declined to having lunch with her friend, saying that she wasnt feeling well. havinghave5Half an hour later, he sought after his friend in the crowd. afterout.完成句子1Now he is crazy about pop music, so his interest in puter games is on_the_decline/in_decline.他现在痴迷于流行音乐,因此对电脑游戏的兴趣减弱了。2In the early 1920s, thousands of people went to Australia to seek_their_fortune.在二十世纪二十年代早期,成千上万的人前往澳大利亚寻求财富。3Our head teacher demanded that we_(should)_go_to_school_on_time.我们班主任老师要求我们准时到校。4We should seize_the_opportunity_to_work_hard to achieve our goal.我们应抓住机会努力实现我们的目标。5They were_condemned_to a life of hardship because of failure in business.因为生意失败他们不得不过着艰难的生活。(一)课前自主学习1be_condemned_to_sth. 被处以某种刑罚2ask_for_sb.s_hand_in_marriage (向女方)求婚3fall_in_love 相爱,坠入爱河4at_first_sight串记1 初次见面;乍一看5spring_up 突然兴起,迅速出现6break_up 破裂,解散;破碎7depend_on 依赖,依靠8put_up 举起,张贴,提供食宿9apply_for 申请10split_up 分裂,分解11participate_in串记2 参加;参与12have_a_tendency_for_. 有一种倾向13take_on 呈现;雇用;承担14break_ones_promise 违背诺言15serve_as 起作用;用作16try_out 实验;试用17go_crazy串记3 变得疯狂,发疯18find_out 发现,查明,弄清19e_close_to 接近,靠近20get_together 相聚,在一起同根短语串记串记1.“sight”短语集锦at first sight 初次见面;乍一看at the sight of 看到out of sight 看不到in/within sight 在视野内e into sight 出现on sight 一看到,一看见串记2.“参加,参与”短语大团圆get involved with take part inparticipate in join inhave a hand in go in for串记3.“goadj.”短语小结go mad 发疯go hungry 挨饿go bad 变质go wrong (机器等)发生故障go crazy 变得疯狂,发疯go deaf 变聋1the_key ponents 重要组成部分2a number one hit on the pop charts在流行榜单上排名第一的金曲3in_less than seven weeks 不到七周4take a brief look_at 简要地回顾5have_a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的趋势6the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力7go_into a gradual decline 渐渐走向没落1Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City there could_not_be_a_more_awesome setting!想象一下在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧不可能有比这更棒的场景了!2Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack before_he_pleted_this_final_scene,_and it had to be pleted by one of his former students, Franco Alfano.不幸的是,普契尼还没写完最后一幕就因心脏病去世了,这一幕不得不由他以前的一名学生法兰高阿法奴完成。3Wherever_the_Beatles_went,_there was a phenomenon called Beatlemania thousands of fans would surround them, screaming and going crazy trying to see them.无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿,总有一种被称为“披头士狂热”的现象成千上万的粉丝聚集在他们周围,尖叫着,疯狂地试图见他们一面。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词块和句式(完成句子)1(2013浙江高考阅读A)First he opened a shop and then he put_up_a_sign (张贴了一个招牌) outside the shop to attract customers. That sign may have been no more than a plow carved into a piece of wood and a simple arrow pointing to the shop door.2(2009全国卷阅读B)Having children increases housework even further.With more than three children, for example, wives took_on_more_of_the_extra_work (承担更多额外的工作),clocking about 28 hours a week pared with husbands 10 hours.高考采撷(二)写作中的短语和句式(根据提示翻译句子)1(2015陕西高考书面表达)我是李华,一名来自三年级二班的学生。我写信申请学生志愿者的职位。(apply for)Im_Li_Hua,_a_student_from_Class_2,_Grade_3.Im_writing_to_apply_for_the_position_as_a_student_volunteer.2(2012广东高考书面表达)在您来教我们之前,我的数学一直很差,从来没有想过我会对它感兴趣。(before引导时间状语从句)Before_you_came_to_teach_us,_I_had_been_terribly_poor_at_math,_and_had_never_thought_that_I_would_be_interested_in_it.(二)课堂重点释疑短语集释1fall in love (with sb.)爱上(某人),相爱,坠入爱河记牢fall apart破碎,破裂;崩溃fall behind 落后fall over 被绊倒;从上跌落fall for 上的当,受的骗练通单句语法填空Im trying to be more centred, and not fall apart when I go through difficult things.I fell behind in my studies because I went through about four years of being addicted to online games. If you tell him that itll make him a lot of money, hes bound to fall for the idea.完成句子An unexpected discovery makes me deeply fall_in_love_with this place. 一次意外的发现,让我深深地爱上了这个地方。I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall_over.我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。用准fall in love with“突然爱上”,表示动作,是短暂性动词短语,不与表示一段时间的状语连用;be in love with“爱/喜欢”,表示状态,是延续性动词短语,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。Annie was so attractive that Jimmy fell_in_love_with her the first time he saw her. Now they have_been_in_love_with each other for three years.安妮如此迷人以至于吉米第一次见她就爱上了她。现在他们已经相爱三年了。写美(2011全国卷书面表达)我是你们报纸的忠实读者。我主要是因为以下两个原因喜欢上了它。Im_a_regular_reader_of_your_newspaper._I_fall_in_love_with_it_mainly_for_the_following_two_reasons.2break up破裂;破碎,打碎;解散,驱散;拆开,分开;分手;结束;放假辨清写出下列句中break up的含义The meeting didnt break up until deep at night.结束Did you know that Kate broke up with her boyfriend?分手The police came running and broke up the crowd.驱散When does the school break up for the summer holidays?放假When does the ice break up on the river?破裂They broke up the big pany into several smaller ones.拆开,分开写美(2013山东高考书面表达)学校快要放暑假了,我写信告诉你我的假期计划。I_am_writing_to_tell_you_my_holiday_plans_for_the_school_is_going_to_break_up_for_summer_holiday.句式集释1“否定词比较级”结构,表示最高级意义教材原句Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City there could_not_be_a_more_awesome setting!悟拓展例句(1)我玩得再开心不过了这是完美的一天。I_couldnt_have_enjoyed_myself_more it was a perfect day.这本书对我影响最大。(2)The book has a greater effect on me than any_other_book.(3)The book has a greater effect on me than all_the_other_books.(4)The book has a greater effect on me than any_of_the_other_books.(5)The book has a greater effect on me than the_rest_of_books.析用法规则用法归纳(1)“否定词比较级”结构表示最高级意义,通常译为“没有比更的,没有像一样的”。常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。(2)表示最高级意义的常用比较级结构还有:比较级than背写作佳句(1)(2015全国卷写作佳句)When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said they couldnt have enjoyed themselves more.(要点句)(2)Such a positive attitude towards life can be more helpful in lifting your spirits than any of the other ways.(要点句)2before引导时间状语从句教材原句Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack before_he_pleted_this_final_scene,_and it had to be pleted by one of his former students, Franco Alfano. 悟拓展例句(1)Why didnt you tell him the news?He rushed out of the room before_I_could_say_a_word.你为什么不把消息告诉他?我还没来得及说一句话他就冲出了房间。(2)I must write it down before_I_forget_it.趁着我还没忘,我得把它记下来。(3)Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll_still_be_some_time_before Brian gets back.对不起,让你等了这么长时间,但是,布莱恩还要过一段时间才能回来。(4)It_was_three_days_before he made the decision to accept our suggestion.三天后他才作出决定接受我们的提议。析用法规则用法归纳before引导时间状语从句,意为“还没来得及就;趁;之后才”等。before引导时间状语从句时的含义不同:(1)一般情况下before表示“在之前”,但在翻译时,可灵活掌握,可译为“还未就”“不到就”“才”“趁”等(2)It will be 一段时间before .“多久之后才”(3)It was一段时间before .“过了多久才”背写作佳句(1)(2018北京高考写作佳句)To be frank, studying for a degree in a different culture is never easy. Youd better learn some basic Chinese before you e.(要点句)(2)(2017浙江高考写作佳句)It will be an hour or so before we get to the top of the mountain.(要点句)词块、句式过关综合训练.选词填空break up, at first sight, participate in, depend on, fall in love, spring up, take on, break ones promise, serve as, apply for1The first and foremost thing is to let people love the city at_first_sight,_attracting them by its unique image.2My husband tells me now that it was the letter I wrote to him 10 years ago that made him fall_in_love with me.3The opportunities available will depend_on your previous work experience and qualification.4If you object to seeing such images, you should not participate_in this experiment. 5Remember I would be disappointed greatly if you broke_your_promise.6If you want to apply_for a job at the office where I work, Ill put in a good word for you. 7If the clouds break_up,_we can go for a hike.8He volunteered to serve_as the manager of our department store.9If the project is a success, similar constructions may spring_up elsewhere in the country.10In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in my lovely hometown, making it take_on a new look.翻译句子1无论走到哪里他都能适应新环境。(wherever引导让步状语从句)Wherever_he_goes,_he_can_adapt_himself_to_new_circumstances.2中国的人口比世界上任何国家的人口都多。(比较级thanany othern.)The_population_of_China_is_larger_than_that_of_any_other_country_in_the_world.3我需要很长时间才能读完这本小说。(before引导时间状语从句)It_will_be_a_long_time_before_I_could_finish_reading_the_novel.4他是一个可以信赖的朋友,他从不食言。(break ones promise)He_is_a_friend_that_you_can_trust._He_has_never_broken_his_promise.5如果国家分裂就会爆发内战。(break up)Civil_war

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