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第3课时Grammar Unit8Fromhobbytocareer Module4Colourfullife 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 选择填空 1 Lifeislikeamirror yousmileatit itwillsmileback 2016滨州 A UnlessB WhenC UntilD Though 2 Igothome mysisterwasdoingherhomework 2016北京 A WhenB BecauseC IfD Though B A 3 Iwaswritingaletter shewasmakingatelephone 2016齐齐哈尔 A whileB whenC before 4 Whywereyoulateforschoolthismorning Tom Iwasabouttogotoschool itbegantorain 2016玉林 A sinceB whileC asD when 5 Sheislisteningtomusic heisdoinghishomework 2016绥化 A afterB beforeC while A D C 时间状语从句用表示时间的连词连接一个句子作状语 这样的主从复合句叫作时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的连接词有when as while after before since assoonas once till until等 其中when while引导的时间状语从句有以下区别 1 when的用法 1 when既可指时间点 也可指时间段 即 从句动词可以是短暂性的也可以是延续性的 主从句动作可同时发生也可先后发生 如 IwasthinwhenIwasachild 当我还是个孩子的时候 我很瘦 ItwasrainingwhenIarrived 我到达时 天正在下雨 2 when引导时间状语从句时 如果从句主语与主句主语相同 且从句有be动词 则从句可省略主语和be动词 如 When youare introuble youcanvisitthisman 当你有麻烦时 可以找这个人 Sheisalwayslisteningtomusicwhen sheis doingherhomework 当她做作业时 总是听音乐 2 while的用法 1 while只能指一段时间 从句中的动词必须是延续性动词 强调某一段时间内主句发生的动作 相当于 duringthetimethat 如 MymotherwascookingwhileIwasdoingmyhomework 当我在做作业时 妈妈在做饭 IamsafewhileIamhere 我在这儿的时候 我很安全 2 while除了引导时间状语从句外 还引导对比关系的并列句 表示 然而 并可在句首引导让步状语从句 表示 虽然 如 IlikewatchingTV whilehelikesreading 我喜欢看电视 而他喜欢读书 Whilehehashisowncar heoftenusesmine 尽管他自己有车 他却常用我的 一 从括号里选择正确的单词填空1 Before While Iamdoingmyhomework mymotheriscooking 2 Lucylikestotakeashower before after shegoestobed 3 Mygrandfatherwasnotathome when until Icametovisithim 4 Pleaseturnoffthelights before after youleavetheclassroom While before when before 5 Iwilltellhimthenews assoonas until hecomesback 6 When While shecomes Ishalltellhertowaitforyou 7 Tomhastofinishhishomework after before hismothercomeshome 8 When While youcometomorrow I llgiveyousomechocolate 9 Iwilltalkwithher after while wearehavingdinner 10 Thenoiseinthestreetdidn tstop until after itwasmidnight assoonas When before When while until 二 语法填空PapercutcanbeseeninmanypartsofChinaduringtheSpringFestival Peopleputit1 windows doorsandwallsforthefestival 2 thousandyearsago papercut3 use fordecoration 装饰 InTangDynastywomenusedpapercutasheaddress InSongDynasty ithelpedmakegifts4 beautiful thanbefore What smore peoplewouldfeelhappierwhentheysawpapercutonwindows doorsandwalls Nowpeopleusepapercut5 express their6 wish forwelcomingtheNewYear on A wasused morebeautiful toexpress wishes Therearedifferentkindsofpapercutin7 difference partsofChina Picturesusuallycovernearlyallthings 8 flowers birdstothefamouspeople Now thereare9 factory forpapercutinChina Papercuthaschangedfromdecorationtoakindofart Atthesametime papercutalsoappearsincartoons magazines10 TVprogrammes different from factories and or 一 选择填空 1 IwasintheUS ImadealotofAmericanfriends A WhileB AlthoughC Unless 2 Amywasreadingabook Icamein A whenB whileC because 3 hewasexercisingintheparkyesterdaymorning hefoundapurseunderthetree A WhileB BeforeC Though A A A 4 Alan Whyareyousolate Sorry WhenI home Imetoneofmyoldfriends A waswalkingB amwalkingC hasgone 5 Whenyou atarestaurant pleaseorderjustenoughfood A ateB willeatC eat 6 I llgotovisitmyauntinEngland thewinterholidaystarts A whileB sinceC assoonas A C C 7 TomakeyourDIYworkperfect you dbetternotstart yougetallthetoolsready A whenB whileC before 8 IwanttoknowwhenMrBrownwillarrive Whenhe Iwilltellyou A willarriveB arrivedC arrives 9 It sagoodhabittowashyourhands youhavemeals A beforeB whileC when 10 Didyoucatchtheearlybusthismorning Yes Thebusstartedtomove Igotonit A thoughB beforeC assoonas C C A C 二 用适当的连词或连词词组将下列句子补充完整 每空一词1 hecomestomorrow Iwillaskhimwherehehasbeen 2 shegotthepay sheputitawayinthebank 3 Iwaswanderingthroughthestreet Icaughtsightofatailor sshop 4 Hewasdrinkingjuice therestofusweredrinkingwhisky If When Assoonas When when while 5 youreadthepoemasecondtime themeaningwillbecomeclearertoyou 6 Wewalkedalongtheseasideabouttwohours wecametoafisherman svillage 7 Thesailorstayedonthelonelyisland ashippassedthereandsavedhim 8 hewassixyearsold hecouldplaychess 9 Wewaited hewasswimming 10 Ilistentotherecorder Ihavetime 11 HehadlearnedChinese hecametoChina If before until When while whenever since 12 theworkwasdone wesatdowntosumupexperience 13 Ihaven tseenhim hemovedtotheothersideofthetown 14 Iwaited hecameback 15 Itwasnot hetookoffhissunglassesthatIrecognizedhim 三 语法填空LastnightIwenttoaconcertofChinesefolkmusic 1 piecewhichwasplayedontheerhuespeciallymovedme Iwasmade2 feel sad After since till until until The tofeel andpainful3 strong Thepiece4 name ErquanYingyue Itwasoneof5 move piecesofmusicthatI veeverheard Theerhusoundedsosad6 IalmostcriedalongwithitasIlistened Abing7 wasafolkmusicianwrotethemusic Hecouldplaymanymusical8 instrument withhisfather shelp Byage17 hewasknown9 hismusicalskills Today Abing sErquanYingyueisapiecewhichallthegreatestErhumastersplayandpraise It10 become oneofChina snationaltreasures strongly wasnamed themostmoving that who instruments for hasbecome

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