2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 21 Human Biology讲义 北师大版选修7.doc

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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 21 Human Biology讲义 北师大版选修7.doc_第3页
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Unit 21 Human Biology一、刷黑板.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1*kidney n肾脏,肾2*liver n. 肝脏3interval n. 间隔;间歇4pump vi. 用泵抽出(注入)5mineral n. 矿物6hearing n. 听觉7pulse n. 脉搏8track and field 田径运动 第二屏听写 9*enhance vt.提高;增强10performanceenhancing adj. 增强表现的11supreme adj. (程度)最大的,极度的12*doping n. 服兴奋剂_13lame adj. 站不住脚的,不易令人相信的14pulsory adj. 义务的,强制性的15controversial adj. 有争议的16dash n. 短跑 第三屏听写 17marathon n马拉松赛跑18contradict vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾19*impulse n. 脉冲20*plicated adj. 复杂的21*miniature n. 微型复制品22*soundtrack n. 声迹23*interpret v. 解释;翻译24herb n. 草药 第四屏听写 25straight away 马上,立刻26*epidemic n. 流行病27*empire n. 帝国28trial n. 实验29acute adj. 严重的;剧烈的30statistics n. 统计资料;统计数字31parallel n. 平行线;极相似之处32tissue n. 组织 第五屏听写 33adaptation n变化;变种34mourn vt. & vi. 感到悲痛;表示哀悼35prescription n. 处方36tablet n. 药片37underline vt. 强调;表明重要性38systematic adj. 系统化的39stop sth. in its tracks 终止;消灭40pill n. 药丸,药片 第六屏听写 41temporary adj.临时的;短暂的42numb adj. (思维、咸淡、反应)麻木的43sacred adj. 神圣的44terminal adj. 致命的;晚期的45helmet n. 头盔;防护帽46minimum n. 最小;最低47institution n. 团体;公共机构48unconditionally adv. 无条件地 第七屏听写 49tentatively adv.不完全地50*reverse vt. 颠倒;改变51appendix n. 附录52extension n. 延期53tractor n. 拖拉机54spade n. 锹;铲55aluminium n. 铝56tin n. 罐 第八屏听写 57*jealous adj. 妒忌的58skeptical adj. 怀疑的59belly n. 腹部;肚子60absurd adj. 荒谬的;不合理的61storage n. 储存62carrier n. 带菌者63*a vi. (因严重疾病或重伤引起的)昏迷64*genetherapy 基因疗法 .高频词汇(汉译英)第九屏听写 1circulate vi. 循环2digest vi. 消化3swap vi. 交换4abuse vt. 滥用5tolerate vt. 忍受6fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的7doubtful adj. 怀疑的,不肯定的8seek vt. 寻找 第十屏听写 9annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的,年度的10in_vain 徒然,白费力气11at_random 随便地,任意地12*threat_ n. 威胁13oppose vt. 反对14postpone vt. 延期,推迟15at_all_costs 无论如何,不惜任何代价16*identify vt. 确定;认出,识别 第十一屏听写 17*emotion n 情感;情绪18._privileged adj. 荣幸的19cater vi. 迎合;满足20entry n. 进入;入学21ample adj. 充足的,充裕的22rebuild vt. 重建23prohibit vt. 禁止24unite vt. 团结;联合;统一 第十二屏听写 25pause n 停顿;暂停26symptom n. 症状27routine n. 常规;惯例28press n. 新闻界;报界29foresee vt. 预见30thorough adj. 彻底的;细致的31teamwork n. 协作;配合32faith n. 信心33weekly adj. 每周一次的 第十三屏听写 34rob vt. 抢劫;使丧失35decline vi. 下降36equip vt. 使有准备37firm n. 公司,商行38fortune n. 大笔钱财,巨款39rate n. 比率40at_any_rate 无论如何;至少41deadline n. 截止期限,最后期限42submit vt. 提交 第十四屏听写 43concern n担心;担忧44vote vi. 表决45circumstance n. 情形;情况46enquiry n. 询问47treat v. 款待48violate vt. 违反,违背49scan n. 扫描50cancer n. 癌,癌症51urban adj. 城市的 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.interval n间隔;间歇2.enhance vt. 增强;提高3.supreme adj. (程度)最大的,极度的4.pulsory adj. 强制性的,义务的5.controversial adj. 有争议的6.contradict vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾7.interpret vt. 翻译;解释8.impulse n. 脉冲9.plicated adj. _复杂的10.ample adj.充足的,充裕的11.storage n. 储存12.acute adj. 严重的;剧烈的13.statistics n. 统计资料;统计数字14.adaptation n. 变化;变种15.mourn vi.& vt. 感到悲痛;表示哀悼16.prescription n. 处方17.systematic adj. 系统化的18.temporary adj.临时的;短暂的19.terminal adj. 致命的;晚期的20.minimum n. 最低;最小21.institution n. 团体;公共机构22.unconditionally adv. 无条件地23.tentatively adv. 不完全地24.extension n. 延期25.sceptical adj. 怀疑的26.absurd adj. 荒谬的;不合理的表达单词1.circulate vi.循环2.digest vt. 消化3.abuse vt. 滥用4.fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的5.seek vt. 寻找6.threat n. 威胁7.postpone vt. 延期,推迟,延迟8.identify vt. 确定;认出,识别9.symptom n. 症状;征兆10.weekly adj. 每周一次的11.decline vi. 下降12.firm n. 商行,公司13.rate n. 比率14.deadline n. 截止日期,最后日期15.vote vi. 表决16.circumstance n. 情形,情况17.entry n. 进入语境活用1.You should seek (寻求) advice from your lawyer on this matter.2.The flight was postponed (延期) because of the thick fog.3.As we all know, soil is fundamental (根本的;基础的) to the growth of the plants.4.Most babies can digest (消化) a wide range of food easily.5.They were accused of abusing (滥用) their power to keep prices artificially high.6.The disappearance of jobs is a symptom (征兆) of a deeper social economic change.7.Under the circumstances (情形,情况), we must rely on ourselves.8.Due to bad management, pany profits have been declining (下降) over the last three years.9.With such a short time left before the deadline (最后日期), it is unlikely for John to finish the job on time.10.My daughter and I play badminton two or three times weekly (每周一次的)拓展单词1.tolerate vt.容忍tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的tolerance n容忍2.oppose vt.反对opposite adj.相反的;反对的opposition n相反opposed adj.相反的,对立的3.privileged adj.荣幸的privilege n特权;优惠,优待4.enquiry n询问enquire v询问,调查5.prohibit vt.禁止prohibition n禁止;禁令prohibitive adj.禁止的6.unite vt.联合;团结;统一union n团结united adj.团结的7.equip vt.使有准备equipment n装备;设备8.fortune n大笔钱财,巨款fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunate adj.不幸的misfortune n不幸9.concern n担心;担忧concerned adj.关心的,牵挂的;有关的concerning prep.关于10.annual adj.每年的,一年一次的,年度的annually adv.一年一次地,每年地,年度地语境活用1.Tom is often fortunate.Last year he went to Shanghai to try his fortune. Fortunately he met and married his girlfriend there.(fortune) 2.I admire you for your tolerance,_ because you can tolerate things which cant be tolerant.(tolerate)3.Our parents are concerned about our health and future.As far as Im concerned,_we should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns.(concern)4.As a famous saying goes, union is strength. If united,_ we can overe all the difficulties, so lets unite together.(unite)5.We oppose building a chemical factory near our village, which will cause much air pollution. Luckily, because of our opposition,_the factory wont be built.(oppose)6.Our school offers good equipment and you will be well equipped with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)7.If you want to join our club, theres an annual membership fee of 100 and the organization publishes its list of member annually. (annual)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.in_vain徒劳,白费力气2.at_random 随便地,随意地3.at_all_costs 不管多大代价4.straight_away 立刻,马上5.wipe_out 彻底毁灭6.stop_sth._in_its_tracks 终止;消灭7.rob_sb.of_sth. 抢劫某人某物8.at_any_rate 无论如何;至少9.get_down_to 开始做10.bring_up 教育;抚养;呕吐11.get_through 通过(考试);完成12.clear_up 整理;解释;澄清13.put_off 推迟;延期14.miss_out 遗漏;遗忘;错过机会15.focus_on 聚焦;集中;对准1.The magician picked several persons at_random from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.2.We must at_all_costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.3.They tried their best to make her happy but in_vain.4.At_any_rate,_the medical supplies will reach you within a week.5.The orphans who lost their parents in the disaster should be brought_up by our government. 6.As we all know, our friends lend us a helping hand when we need help and they help us get_through difficult situations.7.Owing to his absence, we had to_put_off_the class meeting till next week.8.One failure after another wiped_out_his ambition for fame.9.I cant focus my attention on study with so much noise outside.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.It is pulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随机地检查。“It isadj. for sb.to do .”句型。对我们来说注意饮食是必要的。It_is_necessary_for_us_to_pay_attention_to our diet.2.The Olympic spirit the spirit of petition which emphasises taking part rather than winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.人们不惜任何代价想获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神。rather than并列连词,表示“而不是”。作为学生,我们应当通过努力学习而非考试作弊来取得好成绩。As students, we should try to get good results by studying hard rather_than_cheating_in_exams.3.Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history.西班牙流感在18个月内使多达5千万人丧命,并且发病的倾向为年轻力壮的年轻人而不是老年人,它被认为是历史上最严重的流行性传染病。“Sb./Sth.be believed to .”意为“某人或某物被认为”。据说他们已研发了一种新的教学方法,这种方法注定会大大提高课堂效果。They are_said_to_have_developed a new approach to teaching which is bound to improve classroom teaching greatly.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览1.overe_many_difficulties克服很多困难2.point_out 指出3.prepare_for_the_exam 为考试做准备4.receive_good_education 受到良好的教育5.further study 深造;进修6.part with 放弃;交出1.cry for no reason无缘无故地哭2.nod in agreement 点头同意3.be friends with 和是朋友4.pale as chalk 和粉笔一样白5.kick sb. off 开除某人6.pull together 齐心合力1.running shoes跑鞋2.keep off mobile phones 关机3.get ears pierced 打耳洞4.earring n. 耳环;耳饰5.do/take exercise 做运动6.do morning exercises 做早操一、过重点单词1postpone vt.推迟,延期教材原句I decided not to postpone studying (as I normally do!) and got up early every morning to get down to work straight away.我决定不推迟学习(就像我平常那样!),而是每天早上早点起床立刻开始学习。postpone doing sth.延缓/推迟做某事postpone sth.until/to . 把某事推迟到题点全练单句语法填空The ball game was postponed_until/to the next Sunday because of the rain.Lets postpone making (make) a decision until we have more information.2oppose vt.&vi.反对;反抗教材原句Genetherapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into it.基因疗法有很多争议,许多人反对进一步研究。(1)oppose (sb.s) doing sth. 反对(某人)做某事(2)opposed adj. 相反的;对立的be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事;与(做)某事对立opposite adj. 对立的,在对面的prep. 在的对面多角练透单句语法填空Many residents are opposed to building (build) the motorway. It is not a wise decision.Most of the students oppose having (have) classes on Sunday.She turned and walked off in the opposite (oppose) direction.一句多译我反对星期天购物,因为太拥挤了。I oppose_going_shopping on Sundays for it is too crowded.(oppose)I am_opposed_to_going_shopping on Sundays for it is too crowded.(opposed)I object_to_going_shopping on Sundays for it is too crowded.(object)I am_against_going_shopping on Sundays for it is too crowded.(against)3prohibit vt.禁止,阻止教材原句Since the SARS epidemic ended, scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks.自从“非典”疫潮结束后,科学家们一直在做治疗方面的试验以预防将来再次爆发。(1)prohibit (doing) sth.禁止(做)某事 禁止某人做某事(2)prohibition n. 禁止;禁令a prohibition against/on . 的禁令多角练透单句语法填空It was the bad weather that prohibited their going (go) to the science museum.The environmental group is demanding a plete prohibition (prohibit) against the hunting of whales.These citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.句型转换Some people think that its necessary to prevent/stop/keep people from using mobile phones in some places.Some people think that its necessary to prohibit peoples using mobile phones in some places.Some people think that its necessary to prohibit people from using mobile phones in some places.联想发散“禁止/阻止某人做某事”表达法荟萃:discourage sb. from doing sth.ban sb. from (doing) sth.prevent sb. (from) doing sth.forbid sb. (from) doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth.stop sb. (from) doing sth. 4tolerate vt.忍受,容忍经典例句I wont tolerate your behaving in this way.我不能容忍你这样做。(1)tolerate (doing) sth.容忍/容许(做)某事(2)tolerant adj. 容忍的;宽容的be tolerant of 对宽容;容忍(3)tolerance n. 容忍 show tolerance towards sb. 容忍某人多角练透单句语法填空Perhaps you need to show tolerance towards your neighbors.If I were her staff, I really wouldnt tolerate being_scolded (scold) by her every day.We must learn to be tolerant of different living habits especially when we are abroad.一句多译我不能容忍被嘲笑。I cant tolerate_being_made_fun_of.(tolerate)I cant bear/stand_being_made_fun_of.(bear/stand)I cant put_up_with_being_made_fun_of.(put up with)5submit vt.提交;递交vi.服从,屈服教材原句You were supposed to submit it on the 14th June.你本应该在6月14日提交它(文章)。submit to服从于;屈从于submit sb./oneself to 使某人/自己甘受;服从submit .to . 向提交题点全练完成句子We cant submit_to_our_fate. Instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.我们不能向命运低头,相反,我们应该采取积极的态度面对目前的形势。The students must submit_themselves_to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律。They submitted_their_reports_to_the headmaster yesterday.昨天,他们向校长提交了他们的报告。6seek (sought,sought) vt.寻找,寻求;追求;探求,探索;试图教材原句Doping is not only a problem in athletics, it is part of every sport where athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do so.服用兴奋剂不仅仅是田径运动存在的问题,每个运动项目都存在这样的问题,运动员为寻求超常体育成绩而准备这样欺骗。seek sth.from sb.向某人请求/寻求某物seek (after/for) sb./sth. 追求/寻找某人/某物seek ones fortune 寻找成功(致富)的机会seek out 找出;寻出seek to do sth. 试图做某事多角练透单句语法填空Half an hour later, he sought out his friend in the crowd.We seek to_find (find) a way to make us get along well with the people around us.The couple have sought help from marriage guidance counsellors.完成句子If you want to_seek_for/after_success,_you must work hard.如果你想追求成功,就必须努力工作。He told us that he was going to Beijing to_seek_his_fortune.他告诉我们他要到北京碰碰运气。7equip vt.使有准备;配备;装备高考佳句To keep the feet dry and fortable, this new kind of shoes is equipped with a microfan.(2014湖南高考书面表达)为了保持双脚干爽舒适,这种新的鞋子配有微型风扇。(1)equip .with .用装备equip .for sth./to do sth. 为(做)某事而装备be equipped for/to do sth. 为(做)某事装备好;做好准备equip sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事(2)equipment nU 装备,设备多角练透单句语法填空Our school is equipped with much advanced equipment bought from abroad.(equip)They are going to equip the workshop with new machines in order to increase output.My father always reminds me to equip myself for the future.His work experience equipped him to_deal (deal) with all kinds of people.单句改错Equipping with new scientific farming methods, they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.EquippingEquippedIn addition, they spend money on fishing equipments, fuel and boat repairs.equipmentsequipment8decline vi.&vt.下降;衰退;谢绝 n下降;衰退经典例句I offered to give them a lift but they declined.(牛津P518)我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。练牢基点写出下列句中decline的词性及词义I invited her to my wedding, but she declined my invitation. v谢绝The pany reported a small decline in its profits.n.下降系统考点(1)decline to do sth.拒绝做某事decline to 下降/减少到decline by 下降/减少了(2)a decline in/of sth. 在某方面减少/下降in decline 下降on the decline 走下坡路,在衰退中fall/go into (a) decline 开始衰落,陷入衰退练通重点单句语法填空There has been a sharp decline in/of profits this year.The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10 percent last month.I didnt know why the boy declined to_answer (answer) a question. 完成句子His health_fell_into_a_decline after he was injured in the accident.在事故中受伤后,他的健康状况每况愈下。As is known to us all, industry in Britain has been on_the_decline/in_decline since the 1970s.众所周知,英国的工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。9fortune n财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气经典例句I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。练牢基点写出下列句中fortune的含义The couple gave away most of their fortune to the poor in their small town._财产Now many villagers go to the big cities to try their fortune.运气系统考点(1)seek/try ones fortune找出路;碰运气make a fortune 发财(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 有幸做某事(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily)练通重点单句语法填空He was robbed last night, but fortunately (fortune) he didnt have much on him then.She was fortunate enough to_find (find) a job as soon as she graduated from the university.It was fortunate (fortune) enough that he was saved by the passing boat.完成句子Mr. Parker worked in a small pany for two years and then he went abroad to seek/try_his_fortune.帕克先生在一家小公司里工作了两年,然后就出国碰运气了。When he was young, he would dream of making_a_fortune.当他年轻时,他总是梦想发财。.单句语法填空1She is a strongwilled person who never submits to failure.2Having been used to warm climate, Li Ming cant tolerate living (live) in such a cold place.3An old man was knocked down by a car yesterday. Fortunately (fortune) he didnt get injured badly.4She insisted that she had remained faithful (faith) to her husband.5In order to make our students adapt to the society better, we want to equip them with some special skills.6Owing to the bad weather, we decided to postpone leaving (leave)7He opposed building (build) a new building in this area, for there are some rare plants near here.8The government decided to prohibit smoking (smoke) in public.9They sought out a handy spot where they might sit down and rest.10In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to_visit (visit) Oxford.单句改错1I have to submit my homework for the headteacher office by next Friday.forto2Her wealthy parents were opposed to her marry a boy from the poor family.marrymarrying3He made fortune in his business trade last year.made_后加a4Under no circumstance will her parents allow her to marry such a selfish man.circumstancecircumstances.翻译句子1在这位明星拒绝在这部电影中担任角色后,媒体都开始关注这件事。(be opposed to, focus on) After_the_famous_star_was_opposed_to_starring_in_the_film,_the_media_focused_on_it.2我们学校所有的教室都配备有现代化的教学设备。(be equipped with)All_classrooms_of_our_school_are_equipped_with_modern_teaching_equipment.3我必须提醒你,学校绝不会容忍考试作弊。(tolerate doing sth.)I_must_remind_you_that_at_no_time_will_the_school_tolerate_cheating_in_exams.4现在在我们的社会里,有很多年轻人梦想不通过努力工作就可发大财。(make a fortune)Now_there_are_many_young_men_in_our_society_dreaming_of_making_a_fortune_without_hard_work.5这些公民被禁止出国旅游。(prohibit)These_citizens_were_prohibited_from_travelling_abroad.二、过短语、句式1at any rate无论如何;不管怎样;反正,至少教材原句If trends continue the way theyre going, then in my opinion, yes in developed countries at any rate.如果这种趋势继续以它们现在的方式发展下去的话,我认为至少在发达国家是那样的。at this/that rate照此情形;如此下去at the/a rate of 以的速度或比率;以的价格题点全练完成句子You ought to read one of the English articles every day at_any_rate.你应该至少每天读一篇英语文章。At_this_rate,_we will soon be bankrupt.照这样下去,我们不久就要破产了。The train was traveling at_the/a_rate_of 100 kilometres an hour.火车以每小时100公里的速度行驶。2wipe out彻底毁灭;全部摧毁教材原句Epidemics can wipe out up to half of the population in urban areas.流行病可以毁灭居住在城市的多达一半的人口。wipe away擦掉,清除掉wipe sth. off/from 从上擦去某物;勾销(债务等)wipe sth. with sth. 用擦wipe up 擦干净题点全练完成句子The storm wiped_the_building_out only in two hours.在仅仅两个小时之内,暴风雨就把那座建筑物毁坏了。He wiped_away the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.他用手背擦掉了额头上的汗水。Please wipe_the_drawing_off/from the blackboard.请将黑板上的画擦掉。I hastily wiped_up the milk I had spilled.我快速把洒出来的牛奶擦干净。3at all costs无论如何,不管多大代价教材原句Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs.最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。at the cost/expense of .牺牲;以为代价at a cost of . 以的费用/价格at any cost at all costs 在任何情况下;无论如何at cost 按成本价题点全练完成句子She saved him from the fire but at_the_cost_of her own life.她从火中把他救了出来,却牺牲了自己的生命。The work is so important that we must finish it on time at_all_costs/at_any_cost.这项工作是如此的重要,以至于我们无论如何也得按时完成。This is the lowest price. We are selling at_cost already.这是最低价了。我们已经是按成本价销售了。4It isa

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