2019-2020学年高中英语Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修1 .docx

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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修1 .docx_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修1 .docx_第2页
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2019-2020学年高中英语Unit1FriendshipSectionⅢGrammar课后篇巩固提升含解析新人教版必修1 .docx_第3页
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Section Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、将下列直接引语变为间接引语1.He said,“These books are mine.”He said that .答案:those books were his2.Mary said,“I will come to the party this evening.” Mary said that to the party evening.答案:she would go;that3.His friend said,“I cant finish the work today.”His friend said that finish the work day.答案:he/she couldnt;that4.She said,“Hell be back tomorrow.”She said that he next day.答案:would be back the5.The manager asked,“Is Jack late for the meeting?” The manager asked Jack late for the meeting.答案:if/whether;was6.He said,“I will go abroad for further study.”He said that go abroad for further study.答案:he would二、将下列间接引语变为直接引语1.Mary asked Ann why she wanted to do that.答案:Mary asked Ann,“Why do you want to do this?”2.Jim told me that he would visit the Summer Palace the next week.答案:Jim said to me,“I will visit the Summer Palace next week.”3.She said she had lost a pen the day before.答案:She said,“I lost a pen yesterday.”4.The teacher told us light travels faster than sound.答案:The teacher said to us,“Light travels faster than sound.”5.He asked her if she was interested in English.答案:He said to her,“Are you interested in English?”6.Kate said she was watching TV then.答案:Kate said,“I am watching TV now.”三、单句改错1.He said those books are his.答案:arewere2.My mother asked me whether I have finished the homework.答案:havehad3.She said that their bus will arrive in five minutes.答案:willwould4.The teacher told me that the moon moved around the earth.答案:movedmoves5.She asked me if I came there to read newspapers.答案:camewent6.He told me that he had been born in 1973.答案:had beenwas7.Mum told me that I had to clean my bedroom by yourself.答案:yourselfmyself8.Susan asked her husband how much they have spent on petrol that year.答案:havehad四、完形填空I went to a camp last month,and I met this strange girl,Elizabeth.When I saw her sitting alone in the sun at lunch,I said,“Want to come and 1 with us under that tree over there?”Elizabeth said,“No.”When we 2 another person for our volleyball team and invited Elizabeth to play with us,Elizabeth said,“3 I wanted to play volleyball,Id 4 be playing volleyball.”After a few more 5 comments(评论) like that,I 6 to stay away from Elizabeth.But 7,I was paired with her on a nature walk.“What do you like to do for fun?”I said,trying to make small talk 8 we started out.“I like to walk in peace and quiet,”Elizabeth replied.“OK,”I said,getting the 9.Then we had the quietest,most peaceful walk in human history.Until“Hey!”I said,“Why is that 10 in the middle of the path?”“Oh no!”said Elizabeth.“I think he is hurt!”As we got 11,the bird flew away.“Thats good,”I said.“He might be taking a rest over there.”Elizabeth whispered(小声说道),“But what if hes in 12,like my granddad?”“Your granddad?”I said.Elizabeth looked at the ground.“He fell and broke his leg the day the camp started.Hes 13 in the hospital and is in so much pain.”“Oh,nothats 14!”I said.“Im so sorry.”Elizabeth shook her head.“Im sorry.For some 15,whenever I get really sad,Im 16.I guess its because I just want to be 17 or something.”“I 18 it,”I said.“I dont always know how to 19 it when Im feeling down.”“Thanks,”she said.“I really 20 your granddad gets better soon,too,”I said.“Thank you,”she said,smiling.1.A.eat B.playC.studyD.walk答案:A解析根据上文中的“When I saw her sitting alone in the sun at lunch”可知,作者邀请女孩和她们一起吃午饭。故选eat。2.A.forgotB.neededC.acceptedD.showed答案:B解析根据下文中的“invited Elizabeth to play with us”可知,作者的排球队还需要一名球员。need“需要”。3.A.WhenB.BecauseC.ThoughD.If答案:D解析根据作者在首段对Elizabeth的评论“this strange girl”以及Elizabeth拒绝和作者一起吃饭可推测,Elizabeth同样也回绝了作者邀请她打排球的提议。因此,此处是说:如果我想打排球,我就已经在打了。4.A.alsoB.againC.alreadyD.ever答案:C解析如果“我”想打排球,“我”就已经在打了。因此选already。言外之意,她不想打,因此邀请也没用。5.A.unfairB.unfriendlyC.shortD.honest答案:B解析根据上文中的“Elizabeth said,No.”和Elizabeth拒绝和作者她们一起打排球可知,Elizabeth表现得非常不友好。unfriendly“不友好的”。6.A.failedB.continuedC.decidedD.refused答案:C解析根据Elizabeth冷冰冰的态度可知,作者决定不再接近她。decide“决定”。7.A.unluckilyB.interestinglyC.naturallyD.silently答案:A解析根据上文中的“stay away from Elizabeth”和该空后的“I was paired with her on a nature walk”可知,作者想躲开Elizabeth却又偏偏在漫步活动中和她分到一组,因此对作者来说是不幸的。unluckily“不幸地”。8.A.unlessB.soC.sinceD.as答案:D解析根据句意可知,“当(as)”她们出发时,作者试着和Elizabeth寒暄。9.A.pointB.adviceC.problemD.result答案:A解析根据上文中的“I like to walk in peace and quiet,Elizabeth replied.”和下文中的“Then we had the quietest,most peaceful walk in human history.”可知,作者明白了Elizabeth的意思。point“意义,意思,要点”。10.A.studentB.granddadC.patientD.bird答案:D解析根据下文中的“the bird flew away”可知,她们看到路中间有一只鸟儿。11.A.olderB.closerC.outD.away答案:B解析根据上文中的“Oh no! said Elizabeth.I think he is hurt!”可知,作者和Elizabeth要上前一探究竟,因此填closer。12.A.pityB.fearC.painD.anger答案:C解析根据Elizabeth在下文说她的祖父in so much pain可知,此处她担心鸟儿有病痛。pain“疼痛”。13.A.soonB.stillC.onlyD.once答案:B解析根据Elizabeth的话可知,她的祖父在她开始野营的那天摔断了腿,现在痛苦无比,再结合她在营地时的心情可推测,她的祖父现在仍然在医院接受治疗。still“依旧,仍然”。14.A.terribleB.strangeC.dangerousD.foolish答案:A解析根据下文中的“Im so sorry”并结合当时的情景可知,作者很同情Elizabeth祖父的遭遇。thats terrible意为“太糟糕了”。15.A.purposeB.dutyC.chanceD.reason答案:D解析此处Elizabeth解释自己行为粗鲁的原因。reason “原因”,符合语境。purpose“目的”;duty“职责”;chance“机会”。16.A.shyB.wrongC.rudeD.slow答案:C解析shy“害羞的”;rude“粗鲁的”。这里指自己行为粗鲁。17.A.aloneB.clearC.politeD.happy答案:A解析根据首段中的sitting alone以及Elizabeth拒绝和别人一起吃饭、玩耍可知,她在伤心时想“独自(alone)”一个人待着。18.A.makeB.getC.haveD.try答案:B解析根据作者接下来说的“I dont always know.Im feeling down.”可知,作者非常“明白(get)”Elizabeth的心情。19.A.answerB.changeC.care forD.deal with答案:D解析上文Elizabeth谈到她在伤心时的做法,由此可知,作者在此表示她并不知道自己在难过时该怎么办,因此填deal with。20.A.meanB.realizeC.hopeD.promise答案:C解析根据语境可知,作者真心希望Elizabeth的祖父赶快好起来。hope“希望”。五、读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。There was once a boy called Mario who loved to have loads of friends.He showed off a lot,always talking about how many friends he had at school,and how he was so friendly with everyone else.One day his grandfather said to him,“Mario,I bet you a big bag of popcorn(爆米花) that you dont have as many friends as you think.Im sure many of them are nothing more than companions,or partners in crime.”Mario accepted the bet without hesitation.However,he wasnt sure how he could test whether or not his schoolmates were real friends,so he asked his grandpa.The old man answered,“I have just exactly what you need.Its in the attic(阁楼).Wait a minute here.”Grandpa left,soon returning as though carrying something in his hand,but Mario could see nothing there.“Take it.Its a very special chair,because it cant be seen and its rather tricky to sit on,but if you take it to school and you manage to sit on it,youll start its magic and youll be able to tell who your real friends are.”Mario,brave and determined,took the strange chair with him and set off for school.At break time he asked everyone to form a circle,and he put himself in the middle,with his chair.“Nobody move.Youre about to see something amazing.”And Mario attempted to sit on the chair.Having difficulty seeing it,he missed and fell straight onto his backside.Everyone had a pretty good laugh.“Wait,wait,just a slight technical problem,” he said,making another attempt.But again he missed the seat,causing more surprised looks.Mario wouldnt be beaten.He kept trying to sit on the magic chair,and kept falling to the ground.until,suddenly,he tried again and didnt fall.This time he sat,circling in mid-air.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:He realized what his grandfather said proved to be right.Paragraph 2:From then on,Mario seemed to be strong,.参考范文Paragraph 1:He realized what his grandfather said proved to be right.However,he fell on the ground very heavily so that he didnt know anything.When Mario came back to life looking around,he felt himself lying on the ground at school,and saw four friends of his circled him,afraid of his safety,while others had a pretty good laugh at a distance.He understood what the real friend meant at last and he also found it easy to tell who his real friends were so that no one would trick him.Paragraph 2:From then on,Mario seemed to be strong,and he knew how to make a real friend.When he couldnt tell who his real friends were,he used this kind of chair his grandfather gave him to test them.Whoever passed it became friends for life,which was very right.As a proverb says,a friend in need is a friend indeed.


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