四川省2019高考英语 附录一 常用196个熟词生义素材 新人教版.doc

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四川省2019高考英语 附录一 常用196个熟词生义素材 新人教版.doc_第1页
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四川省2019高考英语 附录一 常用196个熟词生义素材 新人教版.doc_第2页
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四川省2019高考英语 附录一 常用196个熟词生义素材 新人教版.doc_第3页
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附录一 高考常考的 196个熟词生义 A 1 absent 熟义 adj 缺席的 He looked at me in an absent way adj 茫然的 恍惚的 2 abuse 熟义 v 滥用 谩骂 She is quite a successful career woman but actually she s much abused at home v 虐待 3 acpany 熟义 v 陪伴 伴奏 Strong winds acpanied the heavy rain v 伴随 4 ache 熟义 v n 疼痛 He was aching for home v 渴望 5 act 熟义 v n 行动 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act v 起作用 6 address 熟义 n v 地址 写地址 The president should be addressed as Mr President v 被称为 He is going to address the meeting in a minute v 向 发表演说 7 admit 熟义 v 承认 The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house v 允许进入 The theatre only admits 1 000 persons v 容纳 8 adapt 熟义 v 适应 These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes v 使某物适合于新的用途 情况 This novel has been adapted for television v 改编或改写 9 adopt 熟义 v 收养 过继 We adopt their teaching method v 采纳 采取 采用 10 against 熟义 prep 反对 违背 The picture looks nice against the white wall prep 映衬 衬着 11 age 熟义 n 年龄 Worry aged him rapidly v 使变老 12 air 熟义 n 空气 Don t air your troubles too often v 抒发 倾诉 There was a fortable air in her room n 气氛 13 allow 熟义 v 允许 This diet allows you one glass of wine a day v 使可能 14 amount 熟义 n 数量 The cost amounted to 200 v 共计 达到 What you have said amounts to a plain refusal v 相当于 15 announce 熟义 v 宣布 The warm sunshine announces the ing of spring v 显示 预告 16 appeal 熟义 v 恳求 呼吁 The idea of camping has never appealed to me v 对 有吸引力 使 感兴趣 17 apply 熟义 v 申请 What I have said applies only to some of you v 应用 运用 适用 18 approach 熟义 v 靠近 接近 I approached him about filling the manager s job v 建议 要求 19 arm 熟义 n 手臂 Lay down your arms or we ll fire n 武器 The police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous v 武装 20 available 熟义 adj 可得到的 可找到的 The professor is now available adj 有空的 B 1 back 熟义 n 背 Many of his friends backed his plan v 支持 2 badly 熟义 adv 坏 English teachers are badly needed in our school adv 迫切 很 3 bare 熟义 adj 裸露的 He likes to bare his heart soul to his close friends v 向某人袒露心声 4 bear 熟义 v 忍受 容忍 He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the pain v 显示 带有 5 behavior 熟义 n 举止 行为 The behavior of this puter is good n 性能 特点 6 blank 熟义 adj 空白的 n 空白 The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look adj 没表情的 I can t remember where I ve left my umbrella my mind s a plete blank n 记 忆中的空白 遗忘 7 block 熟义 n 街区 Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland v 阻碍 堵塞 8 blow 熟义 v 吹 刮 His wife s death was a great blow to him n 打击 9 blue 熟义 adj n 蓝色的 蓝色 His songs always make me feel blue adj 忧伤的 10 book 熟义 n 书 I would like to book three seats for tonight s concert v 预订 预购 11 bound 熟义 adj 一定会 I don t like being desk bound all day adj 受 约束的 12 buy 熟义 v 购买 No one will buy that excuse v 相信 13 build 熟义 v 修建 The football player has a solid build n 身材 体型 C 1 calm 熟义 adj 冷静的 镇静的 The sea is calm adj 无浪的 风平浪静的 2 can 熟义 n 罐头 Mother cans the fruit v 把 食品 罐装保存 3 capital 熟义 n 首都 Write your name in block capitals please n 大写字母 Jack set up a business with a starting capital of 100 000 n 资金 4 carry 熟义 v 搬运 携带 持有 Today s newspapers carry full reports of the president s visit v 刊登 5 casual 熟义 adj 偶然的 随意的 He was employed as a casual laborer adj 临时的 6 cater 熟义 v 为社交活动提供饮食 承办酒席 TV must cater for many different tastes v 满足需要 迎合 7 catch 熟义 v 抓 Sorry I didn t quite catch what you said v 明白 领会 8 cause 熟义 n 起因 v 引起 The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace n 事业 9 celebrate 熟义 v 庆祝 He celebrated her for her courage v 称颂 赞扬 10 challenge 熟义 v 挑战 I challenged him to a game of chess v 强烈建议某人做某事 11 charge 熟义 v 索价 收费 指控 控告 Mother charged Alice with taking good care of the baby v 赋予 责任或义务 12 clean 熟义 adj 干净的 I clean forgot about it adv 彻底地 完全地 13 climate 熟义 n 气候 The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting n 风气 思潮 14 cloudy 熟义 adj 阴的 多云的 Who did it still remains cloudy adj 不明朗的 不清晰的 15 consume 熟义 v 消耗 消费 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood v 烧毁 毁 灭 16 cost 熟义 v 花费 值 The patient s dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night v 使丧失 使损失 17 count 熟义 v 数数目 Every minute counts v 有价值 重要 On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife n 以为 视为 18 couple 熟义 n 一对 一双 一对夫妇或情侣 The dining car was coupled onto the last coach v 联合 连接 19 course 熟义 n 课程 过程 The main course was a vegetable stew n 一道菜 20 cover 熟义 v 覆盖 Here is 5 That should cover all your expenses v 够付费用 By sunset we had covered thirty miles v 走完一段路 He is carrying out a research that covers a wild field v 涉及 He was sent to cover the event v 报道 21 cross 熟义 v 跨越 横穿 n 十字 Don t be cross with him after all he meant to help adj 生气的 恼怒的 D 1 damage 熟义 v n 损坏 He claimed 7 000 damages from the taxi pany n 赔偿金 2 dawn 熟义 n 拂晓 v 破晓 天亮 The truth began to dawn on him v 开始明白 3 desert 熟义 n 沙漠 He deserted his wife and children and went abroad v 抛弃 离弃 4 develop 熟义 v 发展 开发 研制 Did you have the film developed v 冲洗 develop a habit v 逐渐形成 Most of the plants developed the disease v 患 病 5 difficult 熟义 adj 困难的 He is a difficult customer adj 难以取悦的 不易满足的 6 dismiss 熟义 v 解雇 开除 He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic v 拒绝考虑 7 divorce 熟义 v 与某人离婚 You can t divorce science from ethical questions v 使分离 使脱离 8 do 熟义 做 制作 Which do you prefer coffee or tea Either will do It makes no difference to me v 行 适合 9 draw 熟义 v 画 拖 拉 What moral will we draw from the story v 获得 取得 推断出 10 drive 熟义 v 驾驶 Hunger drove her to steal v 迫使某人做不好的事 E 1 easy 熟义 adj 容易的 Now we are leading an easy life adj 舒适的 轻松的 2 employ 熟义 v 雇用 You could employ your spare time better v 利用 使用 3 encourage 熟义 v 鼓励 激励 Good health encourages clear thinking v 促进 助长 刺激 4 engage 熟义 v 从事 A personal puter engages his interest v 吸引 5 escape 熟义 v 逃走 His name escaped me for the moment v 被忘掉 被忽视 6 excuse 熟义 n 借口 v 原谅 He was excused from the piano practice v 免除某人的职责 7 explode 熟义 v 爆炸 爆裂 I m about to explode He broke my violin v 勃然大怒 大发雷霆 8 exploit 熟义 v 利用或开发 What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people v 剥削 压 榨 9 express 熟义 v 表达 an express train adj 高速的 快速的 F 1 fail 熟义 v 失败 Our water supply failed v 不足 缺乏 He is failing in health His health is failing v 衰退 衰弱 He failed to lend her a hand v 未能 Words failed him v 使失望 有负于 2 far from 熟义 离 远 The show was far from a failure It was a great success 远远不是 3 favor 熟义 n 恩惠 善行 Of the two possible plans I favor the first v 支持 喜欢 4 fill 熟义 v 填满 His answer did not fill our need v 满足 5 fire 熟义 v 开火 He was fired for stealing from the counter v 开除 6 flood 熟义 n 洪水 I received a flood of letters this morning n 大量 7 fly 熟义 v 飞 飞翔 n 苍蝇 The children flew to meet their mother v 疾驰 疾行 8 follow 熟义 v 跟随 I couldn t follow his argument at all v 明白 9 force 熟义 v 强迫 The policeman forced the knife from the criminal s hand v 夺取 10 for good永远 勿望文生义 She ll soon leave London for good 11 foreign 熟义 adj 外国的 外交的 The subject is foreign to me adj 不熟悉的 Telling lies is foreign to her nature adj 和 格格不入 12 form 熟义 v 形成 创立 成立 I cannot form an opinion about it v 想出 13 freeze 熟义 v 冻结 结冰 Freeze Drop your arms v 不许动 停止走动 14 fresh 熟义 adj 新鲜的 She is quite fresh to office work adj 无经验的 G 1 given 熟义 v 被给予 Given the general state of his health it may take him a while to recover from the operation prep 考虑到 considering 2 glare 熟义 v 怒目而视 The sun glared out of the blue sky v 发出刺眼的光 3 govern 熟义 v 管理 控制 The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods v 影响 支配 4 ground 熟义 n 地面 He has strong grounds for more money n 理由 5 grow up 熟义 长大 成熟 A warm friendship grew up between the two men 逐渐发展 形成 H 1 hand 熟义 n 手 It s really heavy can you give me a hand n 帮助 2 hang 熟义 v 悬挂 He was hanged for murder v 绞死 上吊 3 head 熟义 n 头 The ship was heading for Shanghai v 朝 行进 4 help 熟义 n 帮助 It helped being able to talk about it v 改善状况 促进 5 hit 熟义 v 击中 打击 The film is quite a hit of this year n 成功 红极一时的人或事 6 hold 熟义 v 握住 抓住 抱住 容纳 持有某种观点 His promise still holds v 适用 有效 7 home 熟义 n 家 The cars are made for the home market adj 本国的 8 hot 熟义 adj 热的 He likes hot food adj 辣的 辛辣的 I 1 ill 熟义 adj 生病的 It s no good speaking ill of others adv 坏 2 industry 熟义 n 工业 His success was due to industry n 努力 勤勉 3 inspire 熟义 v 激励 鼓舞 His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother v 启发 4 invent 熟义 v 发明 He invented an excuse for his being late v 捏造 虚构 5 invite 熟义 v 邀请 Don t leave the window open it s inviting thieves to enter v 吸引 The dishes are really inviting adj 诱人的 J 1 jam 熟义 n 果酱 He jammed four apples in his pocket v 塞进 The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours v 堵塞 There are traffic jams on this road every day n 堵塞 2 jump 熟义 v 跳 Last week the price of goods jumped v 大幅上涨 3 just 熟义 adv 正好 恰好 That is a just decision adj 公道的 公正的 K 1 kid 熟义 n 小孩 Take it easy I m just kidding v 开玩笑 欺骗 2 kill 熟义 v 杀掉 害死 That guy hangs around all day long killing time v 消磨 It kills him to admit he is wrong v 使难受 使痛苦 His joke killed the audience v 使笑得前仰后合 L 1 labour 熟义 n 劳动 They laboured through the thick forest and up the steep hill v 费力地行走 2 last 熟义 adj 最后的 He is the last person to tell a lie adj 最不可能的 The food will last three weeks v 延续 够用 3 late 熟义 adj adv 迟到的 地 晚的 地 She missed her late husband very much adj 已故的 4 lecture 熟义 v n 讲课 演讲 Do stop lecturing me v 训斥 教训 My father gave me a lecture about smoking n 训斥 教训 5 lift 熟义 v 抬高 Can you give me a lift n 搭便车 His report gave us a lift n 鼓舞 6 line 熟义 n 线 行 Have you learnt your lines yet n 台词 He was driving along a road lined with trees v 沿 排列 7 long 熟义 adj 长的 The children are longing for the holidays v 渴望 8 lose 熟义 v 失去 丢掉 Please hurry My watch loses 10 minutes v 钟表慢 与 gain相对 M 1 make 熟义 v 制造 使 If you train hard you will make a good football player v 变得 成为 2 manage 熟义 v 管理 The box is very light I can manage it on my own But thank you all the same v 成功对付 设法处理 3 marry 熟义 v 结婚 与某人结婚 This poem marries theme and style well v 使紧密结合 使混为一体 4 match 熟义 n 火柴 比赛 The curtains and the carpets match perfectly v 匹配 5 matter 熟义 n 事情 问题 麻烦事 Some things matter more than others v 有关系 要紧 6 mean 熟义 v 意思是 意味着 It s mean of you to eat up all the apples adj 自私的 卑鄙的 吝啬的 7 meet 熟义 v 接见 会见 In order to meet the needs of the readers we will reprint the bestseller v 满 足 8 mend 熟义 v 修理 修补 The patient is still mending slowly after the operation v 痊愈 That won t mend matters v 改良 改善 9 message 熟义 n 信息 口信 I d like to see a film with a message n 教训 启示 10 might 熟义 modal v 或许 I use all my might to open the door n 力量 11 miss 熟义 v 想念 错过 He shot at the bird but missed v 未击中 He missed the point of my joke v 没有听懂 12 monitor 熟义 n 班长 The teacher has been monitoring the performance of the student v 持续观察某事 物 记录或测试某事物的运作 N 1 narrow 熟义 adj 狭窄的 He narrowly escaped drowning adv 勉强地 刚刚好地 2 necessary 熟义 adj 必需的 必要的 Big men are not necessarily strong men adv 必然地 3 note 熟义 n 笔记 Learn the notes by heart n 台词 I noted that her hands were dirty v 注意 特别指出 提及 O 1 object 熟义 n 物体 目标 对象 宾语 You are brave enough to object to your boss at the meeting v 反对 2 observe 熟义 v 观察 The traffic rules should be observed strictly otherwise you will get into trouble v 遵循 3 occur 熟义 v 发生 Does it ever occur to you that you can turn to the teacher for help v 想到 想起 4 open 熟义 v 开 adj 开着的 打开的 They left the matter open adj 未解决的 5 operate 熟义 v 机器运转 工作 做手术 操作 操纵 管理 经营 The medicine operated quickly v 起作用 6 owe 熟义 v 欠 He owes his success more to luck than to ability v 归因 归功于 P 1 pack 熟义 v 包装 The stadium was packed with crazy fans v 挤满 塞满 2 park 熟义 n 公园 v 停车 Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea v 坐下 3 part 熟义 n 部分 零件 角色 In order to raise money he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions v 放弃 卖掉 4 passage 熟义 n 段落 节 They forced a passage through the crowd n 通道 走廊 He couldn t afford the passage to Australia n 航程 5 place 熟义 v 放置 安排 安置 You can place a man by just a few remarks v 评价或判定好坏与重要性 6 position 熟义 n 位置 职位 She has made her position very clear n 观点 态度 7 possess 熟义 v 拥有 Violent anger possessed him v 感情 情绪等支配 控制 8 pretty 熟义 adj 漂亮的 可爱的 She seemed pretty satisfied with the result adv 相当 9 promise 熟义 v n 许诺 It promises to be warm this afternoon v 有希望 10 pronounce 熟义 v 发音 The judge pronounced against her appeal v 宣称 宣布 判决 11 put 熟义 v 放 放置 How shall I put it v 表达或表述某事物 12 put up 熟义 建造 张贴 Could you put me up for the night 留某人住宿 Q question 熟义 n 问题 I was questioned by the police for six hours v 询问 盘问 Her honesty has never been questioned v 对 表示或感到怀疑 R 1 race 熟义 n 赛跑 I ll race you to school v 与 进行速度比赛 They are racing dogs v 使 进行速度比赛 2 rate 熟义 n 比率 速度 These potatoes are rated as the best v 对 作出评价 被认为 被评价为 3 read 熟义 v 阅读 I can t read his mind v 理解 领会 4 recognize 熟义 v 认出或识别 He recognized that he was not qualified for the post v 承认或认识到 5 reflect 熟义 v 映出 反射 表现 I need time to reflect on your offer v 沉思 思考 6 refresh 熟义 v 使恢复精力 Her words refreshed my memory v 使 想起 7 relate 熟义 v 与 有关 相关 I related my adventure to my family v 讲述 8 remember 熟义 v 记住 记着 Please remember me to Jenny v 代某人向人问候 9 remote 熟义 adj 偏远的 偏僻的 He is a remote relative of mine adj 关系较远的 远亲的 10 repair 熟义 v n 修理 How can I repair the damage I have caused v 补救 弥补 11 review 熟义 v 复习 She reviewed what had happened v 回顾 12 room 熟义 n 房间 There s plenty of room for improvement in your work n 空间 余地 13 run 熟义 v 跑 行驶 He has no idea of how to run a successful business v 经营 管理 I am afraid the colour will run when I wash your new skirt v 褪色 S 1 safe 熟义 adj 安全的 He is a safe man You can count on him adj 谨慎的 不冒险的 2 satisfy 熟义 v 使满意 使满足 She satisfied her hunger with an apple v 满足要求或需要等 3 say 熟义 v 说 Say that war breaks out what will you do v 假定 4 see 熟义 v 看到 Last century has seen two world wars v 见证 5 sense 熟义 n 感觉 感觉官能 Although she didn t say anything I sensed that she didn t like the idea v 意识到 察觉到 6 short 熟义 adj 短的 矮的 We can t lend you any sugar We are a bit short of it ourselves adj 某物不够 缺乏某物 7 shoulder 熟义 n 肩膀 Young people should learn to shoulder the duty v 承担 8 sound 熟义 n 声音 It is important to have a sound body adj 健全的 My wife is a sound sleeper adj 酣睡的 Your idea is very sound adj 中肯的 合理的 9 space 熟义 n 太空 There is a space here for your signature n 空隙 空地 10 spare 熟义 adj 多余的 备用的 空余的 v 不吝惜 拨出 抽出 He spared the thief v 饶恕 放过 11 spring 熟义 n 春天 泉水 Fast food restaurants spring up all over the city v 涌出 12 spot 熟义 n 斑点 污迹 地点 场所 She spotted her friend in the crowd v 瞥见 发现 13 stamp 熟义 n 邮票 He stamped his foot in anger v 跺脚 14 steal 熟义 v 偷 He stole a glance of her in the mirror v 偷偷地瞥一眼 15 strength 熟义 n 力气 Maths is not my strength n 强项 优点 优势 16 study 熟义 v 学习 研究 n 书房 Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life v 仔细察看 17 surprise 熟义 v 使惊讶 惊奇 Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight v 出其不意地袭击或发现 T 1 term 熟义 n 学期 He cannot understand those technical terms in the article n 术语 说法 2 travel 熟义 v n 旅行 The news traveled fast v 传播 3 treasure 熟义 n 财富 金银珠宝 I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings v 珍重 珍爱 重视 4 trip 熟义 n 旅程 旅途 She tripped over the cat and fell v 绊 绊倒 U undertake 熟义 v 承担 从事 I can t undertake that you will make a profit v 承诺 允诺 答应 V 1 vain 熟义 adj 徒然的 徒劳的 无结果的 She is vain of her beauty adj 自负的 自视过高的 2 vote 熟义 n v 投票 表决 I vote that we go home v 建议 W 1 walk 熟义 v n 步行 This society weles people from all walks of life n 行业 He is walking his dog vt 牵着动物走 遛 2 wander 熟义 v 漫游 游荡 漫步 Her thoughts wandered back to her youth v 走神 神志恍惚 思想开小差 3 wear 熟义 v 穿 戴 The girl always wears a happy smile v 表露 流露 面带某种表情 4 weigh 熟义 v 称 的重量 重达 Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this v 权衡 斟酌 5 weight 熟义 n 重量 How much weight will be attached to his decision n 分量 重要性 6 will 熟义 modal v 表将来或意愿 Where there is a will there is a way n 意志力 意愿 What did he say in the will n 遗嘱 7 word 熟义 n 单词 话 Word came that I was needed at home n 消息


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