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介词 preposition 一介词的分类与语法功能 1 介词是虚词 不能单独做句子成分 必须与名词 代词 或相当于名词的其他词类 短语 或从句 构成介词短语 在句子中充当一个成分 介词分为 简单介词 at in on for to 合成介词 within inside onto throughout 短语介词 accordingto outof becauseof bymeansof inspiteof insteadof 双重介词 frombehind above under untilafter 分词介词 considering including judgingfrom by 1 Itisgoingtorainthisafternoonaccordingtotheweatherforecast 2 Hequarrelledwithheryesterday 3 Hesucceededinpassingthefinalexamination 4 I mstillthinkingofhowIcanfulfillthetaskaheadoftime 5 TheprofessorwillgiveusatalkonhowtostudyEnglishwell 总结1 介词后常接名词 代词 动名词 从句 不定式组成介词短语 总结2 介词短语在句子中可作表语 定语 状语和宾补 Thismachineisingoodcondition Whereisthekeytomybike Nothingintheworldcouldlivewithoutairorwater Shealwaysthinksherselfaboveothers 二 介词搭配动词 介词robsbofsth clear inform cheat remind accuse cure etc supplyuswithsth supplysthto forsb provide fill makesthof from into 介词 the 人体部位 strike catch hit preventsbfromdoing persuadesbinto outofdoingsth advise warn reason buysthforsb leave get win gain lose tellsthtosb show teach sing write read givesthtosb allow promise pass hand saytosb suggest explain apologize murmur whisper 同一介词与不同动词 to for at 同一动词与不同介词的搭配 look agree hear call stand 2 形容词 介词afraid angry anxious tired strict goodpopular pleased known familiar 1 I mafraid beinglateforschoolbecausemyheadteacherisverystrict us 2 Einsteinwasknown histheoryofrelativity afamousphysicsscientist theworld 3 Heisangry whathise palhassaidforheistired beinglaughedatbyothers 4 Theboyisfamiliar thefictionbecauseitisverypopular teenagerssofar 3 名词 介词1 Theabsence lackofwateristhemostseriousproblem 2 Thegirlhasagoodway studyingEnglish 3 Thekey successliesindiligenceandwisdom 重点介词的用法归纳与辨析表示世纪 年 月 季 周用in during inthe1990s inMay inspring inthefirstweekofJune 2 在某一天或某天上 下午 晚上 前夕用on 3 在某一时刻 或某一点时间用at till until to的用法 1 till until与延续动词连用 用于肯定句 与短暂动词连用用在否定句 在句首 强调句不用till 2 to表终结常与from连用from to fromtimetotimefromhandtohandfromdoortodoorfromhousetohouse fromone 名词 toanother表 依次 名词 by 同一名词onebyone 5 in after later in 一段时间 常用一般将来时 after 一段时间 常用一般过去时 after 点时间 用各种时态 一段时间 later过去时 6 地点介词 at on in to offacross throughover underbelow aboveto 静态 towards 动态 along 7 表示方式 手段 工具的介词by through 表泛指的方式 手段 by 交通工具类 by with in 方式 手段 1 Theboylikeswriting apenandespeciallylikeswriting blueandblackink 2 Hegotfullmark hisowneffort heoftencontactswithhisepals email 8 表 除 之外 的介词besides but except exceptfor exceptthat 注意 1 前面有不定代词 疑问代词时 多用but Allbutonearehere NobodybutIlikesliterature 2 后接不定式短语为排除对象时 多用butHehasnothingtodobutwait 3 固定短语havenochoicebuttodosth 只得做某事 cannotbutdosth cannothelpbutdosth 不得不 butfor butthat 要不是 9 between among 三者以上 1 Maryissitting TomandwangLi 2 Shewasbusy cooking washing sewingandlookingafterthebaby 3 Shanghaiis thelargestcitiesintheworld 4 Ahorsecanbeseen treesnow 1 Hedidn tcometothemeeting hisillness 2 Thereason hisbeingangryisthathelosthiscellphone 3 aheavysnow thehighwayhasbeenclosedup 4 Theaccidentis thedriver sdrinking 10表原因的介词 for becauseof dueto owingto onaccountof asaresultof 11 不定式复合结构中的for of 1 Itisclever youtoanswersuchadifficultanswer 2 Itismean hertogivemesolittlepocketmoney 3 Itisquiteimpossible himtoexplainwhy 4 Itishard youtolearnaforeignlanguagewithoutperseverance 12 兼类词 兼作连词和副词 aftersincetill untilbefore


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