2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业7 Unit 9 Wheels 北师大版必修3.doc

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课时分层作业(七)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Whichever team wins on Sunday will go to the National Championships.2Progress so far has been very good.Therefore,we are sure that the project will be pleted on time.3A fierce fire broke out there last night.Consequently(consequence),most of the building was burnt to the ground.4The patient is arguing with the nurse about his illness.5Thanks to the Partys effective policies and measures,the earthquakehit areas returnedto normal life not too long after earthquakes.6We have been working(work) on it for several hours but we havent yet reached any conclusion.7The Second World War broke out in the 1930s.8When could you have a meal with me?Id like to go whenever it is convenient to you.9Tonys parents thought he was at school,but actually(actual) he was in an Internet bar.10It was a great convenience(convenient)to have the doctor living near us.完成句子1无论什么时候回到这个地方,他都十分快乐,心满意足。Whenever he returns to this place,he is happy and contented.2由于暴风雨,航班不得不延迟起飞。The flight has to be put off taking off in consequence of/as a consequence of the storm3我难以描绘那个山村的美。The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe4他们是20世纪30年代后期或40年代初期结婚的。They had married in the late 1930s or early 1940s5为了方便起见,图书馆的书都分为不同的类别。For the sake of convenience,the library books are separated into different categories.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解The amount of time that people spend on travel is 1.1 hours per person per day in all societies.The average distance traveled is 7,400 miles (12,000 km) per year.In total,the world population travels more than 16.6 trillion miles (23 trillion km) per year,53% of which is by car,26% by bus,9% by rail,9% by highspeed transport such as airplanes,and 3% by bicycle,boat and other means.It is estimated (估计) that,due to developments in highspeed public transport,travel time will drop to only 12 minutes per person per day by 2050.Of the global traffic volume,35% will be by car,20% by bus,41% by highspeed transport,and 4% by rail.At present,traffic congestion (拥塞) has a huge negative (消极的) economic and environmental impact (影响) across the world.Road congestion in the UK costs the UK economy 15 billion a year.It costs the US $100 billion a year.In Seattle,Washington for instance,a driver spends an average (平均) of 59 hours stuck in traffic each year.In the greater Seattle area there are more cars than people; each household makes an average of 10 motorcar trips a day.According to Sierra Club,“American cars and trucks account for 20 percent of the worlds petroleum consumption (石油消耗)”The US has the most highways,but European roads are busier.In Europe,cars travel more than 600 miles (1,000 km) per road per year,pared to an average of 500 km per road in the US.The worlds worst traffic jam usually occurs during the summer on the road from Paris to Toulouse,France.So take a hike.You can use Googles public transport trip planner.Or,in the least,find a job closer to home.【语篇解读】现在全球过半的人选择自己驾车出行,这给交通造成了很大的压力。1According to the figures given in Paragraph 1,what is the main means of transport at present?AThe car.BThe bus.CThe train. DThe airplane.A细节理解题。根据第一段的“In total,the world population travels more than 16.6 trillion miles (23 trillion km) per year,53% of which is by car”可知小汽车是目前主要的出行工具。2pared to today,we know in 2050, Amore people will choose to travel by trainBmore people will have a car of their own Ca lot more people will choose the bus to go outDa lot more people will choose highspeed transportD细节理解题。根据第二段的“41%by highspeed transport”可知到2050年,41%的人会选择高速交通工具,这比目前的9%高了很多,故选D项。3What does Paragraph 3 suggest?ATraffic congestion is a major problem for some countries.BTraffic congestion will be more serious in the following years.CTraffic congestion is a problem for global economic development.DAmerica has more cars than any other country around the world.C推理判断题。根据第三段的“At present,traffic congestion (拥塞) has a huge negative (消极的) economic and environmental impact (影响) across the world.Road congestion in.”可知交通阻塞严重影响了全球经济的发展,故选C项。4From the passage,we learn that in the greater Seattle area, Apeople are not encouraged to go out by bus Bfew people travel by trainCevery person owns a carDthe traffic is very badD推理判断题。根据第三段的“In Seattle,Washington for instance,a driver spends an average (平均) of 59 hours stuck in traffic each year.In the greater Seattle area there are more cars than people.”可推断西雅图的交通状况很差。.阅读七选五Kids and food: advice for parentsIt is important for parents to know how to help their kids eat healthy.Here are a few easy ways.Parents control the supply lines. 1 Though kids may keep asking for less nutritious foods,parents should decide which foods are regularly provided in the house.Kids wont go hungry.Theyll eat whats available in the fridge at home.Say goodbye to “cleanplate club” 2 Lots of parents grew up under the cleanplate rule,but that way doesnt help kids listen to their own bodies when they are full.When kids feel full,theyre likely to overeat. 3 Food preferences are developed early in life,so try to offer different kinds of food.Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies.Parents may need to serve a new food on several different occasions(时机) for a child to accept it.Food is not love.Find better ways to say “I love you.” When foods are used to reward kids and show love,they may start to turn to food when feeling worried or unhappy. 4 Kids do as you do. 5 When trying to teach good eating habits,try to set the best example.Choose nutritious food,eat at the table,and dont forget breakfast.AStart them young.BRewrite the kids menu.CBe a role model and eat healthy yourself.DOffer praise and attention instead of food treats.ELet kids stop eating when they feel theyve had enough.FYou decide which foods to buy and when to serve them.GLet kids choose what to eat and how much of it they want.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。作者向父母们提出了几点建议以确保孩子吃得健康。1F由该段标题Parents control the supply lines和文中的parents should decide.in the house可知F项内容符合此处语境。故选F。2E由该段标题Say goodbye to the “cleanplate club”和文中的that way doesnt help.when they are full可知,如果孩子感觉吃饱了就不要再强迫他们非得把盘子里的食物吃光,这样对身体不好,故选E项。3A本段主要是说要帮助孩子从小养成不挑食的好习惯,故用A项作为小标题最恰当。故选A。4D由该段标题Food is not love和文中的When foods are used.feeling worried or unhappy可知,作者建议不要用食物作为奖励,而是应该给予表扬和关注,故选D项。 5C由该段标题Kids do as you do和文中的When trying to teach good eating habits,try to set the best example可知,要想培养孩子良好的饮食习惯,父母首先得以身作则,故选C项。答案为C。.语法填空Now a hot topic 1. (discuss) about whether the old puters in our school should be replaced 2. new ones.With the rapid 3. ( develop) of science and technology,there is no doubt 4. our old puters are totally out of date.The headmaster as well as the teachers and students 5. (be) not satisfied with the slow working speed of the puters.Therefore,all of them request to have a new puter so that their problems can be solved 6. (success).7. the school should consider is 8. to deal with the old puters wisely.Personally speaking,9. (throw)them away to the place 10. they are regarded as rubbish is not a good idea.【语篇解读】本文关于学校旧电脑换新电脑的讨论。1is being discussed 句意:现在在我们学校一个关于旧电脑是否被新电脑替代的热门话题正在被讨论。根据句意可知句子用现在进行时态的被动语态,可知答案为is being discussed。2by/with句意:现在在我们学校一个关于旧电脑是否被新电脑替代的热门话题正在被讨论。根据句意可知答案为by/with。3development句意:随着科学技术的快速发展。此处是形容词修饰名词,故答案为development。4that固定句式:there is no doubt that.,毫无疑问,故答案为that。5is句意:目前校长和老师学生对旧电脑慢的工作速度不满意。此处as well as连接两个主语,遵循就远原则,所以后面的谓语动词与The headmaster保持一致,根据句意句子是一般现在时态,故答案为is。6successfully副词修饰动词,故答案为successfully。7What句意:学校应该考虑的是学校怎样处理这些旧电脑。根据句意可知此处是what引导的主语从句,故答案为What。8how句意:学校应该考虑的是学校怎样处理这些旧电脑。how to do sth.怎样做某事,故答案为how。9throwing句意:把他们扔到被当作垃圾的地方不是好主意。此处是动名词作主语,故答案为throwing。10where 句意:把他们扔到被当作垃圾的地方不是好主意。此处the place作先行词,在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故答案为where。


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