2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 22 Environmental Protection课时练 北师大版选修8.doc

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Unit 22Environmental Protection课时练(一)阅读理解提速练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2018贵州省铜仁一中三模)When looking for diet plans to gain muscle there are some great tips that can help you to ensure that you are eating to help you build the muscle that you want.Your diet is just as important as exercise when you attach importance to your diet,it can help you to reach your goal much faster.You will find that you will eat lean meat almost daily.If you eat meat each day this can help you to keep your figure.The trick with beef is to find lean cuts and this is something that can provide you with protein.Fish and turkey will also be included in the diet.Chicken has some rules and you should always eat skinless and avoid frying.Fiber is something that is not talked much about when looking for a muscle building diet,but this is basis part of the muscle building diet.Fiber has many benefits and will aid in digestion and help you to feel full.Oatmeal(燕麦片)is a great source of fiber,but you should avoid the premade oatmeal.Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and this can also aid in weight loss if this is a problem you are working on.If you want to plete your workout more effectively,you need to make sure that you are drinking adequate amount of water each day.Your body is made up of water and you need to replenish(补充)this water source each day in order to be in the best shape.If you are pleting a very intense workout,you will need to make sure that you are drinking even more water to stay hydrated(含水的)When protein(乳清蛋白质)is a great way for busy individuals to get the protein they need on the go.You will use soy and tofu for sources of protein if you do not eat meat and this can be a wonderful alternative.There are diet plans to gain muscle for every category.You can make minor adjustments to your diet that can have some great benefits.【语篇解读】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了恰当的饮食能强健肌肉,文章就如何通过饮食强健肌肉给了一些建议。1Whats the best title of the passage?AProper diets can help build your muscleBThe diet is not as important as exerciseCDiet plans are very importantDPaying attention to your diet解析:A主旨大意题,根据第一段When looking for diet plans to gain muscle there are some great tips that can help you to ensure that you are eating to help you build the muscle that you want可知文章是关于如何通过饮食强健给出的一些建议,故选A。2When you eat chicken,you should always _.Aeat chicken with skinBeat baked chickenCnot eat chicken with skin and the friedDnot eat boiled chicken解析:C细节理解题,根据第二段Chicken has some rules and you should always eat skinless and avoid frying.可知不要吃带皮的和油炸的鸡肉,故选C。3Whats the main idea of Paragraph3?AOatmeal is a great source of fiberBFruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiberCLosing weight needs fiberDThe function of fiber.解析:D推理判断题,根据第三段Fiber is something that is not talked much about when looking for a muscle building diet,but this is basis part of the muscle building diet可知本段主要介绍了纤维的重要作用,故选D。B (2018哈尔滨六中一模)Im seventeen.I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles.People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them and carried things to their cars.It was hard work.While working,you wear a plate with your name on it.I once met someone I knew years ago.I remembered his name and said,“Mr.Castle,how are you?” We talked about this and that.As he left,he said,“It was nice talking to you,Brett.” I felt great,he remembered me.Then I looked down at my name plate.Oh,no.He didnt remember me at all.He just read the name plate.I wish I had put “Irving” down on my name plate.If hed have said,“Oh yes,Irving,how could I forget you?” Id have been ready for him.Theres nothing personal here.The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders.One of these was:you couldnt accept tips.Okay,Im outside and I put the bags in the car.For a lot of people,the natural reaction is to take a quarter and give it to me.Id say,“Im sorry,I cant.” Theyd get angry.When you give someone a tip,youre sort of being polite.You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and you expect them to say,“Oh,thanks a lot.” When you say,“Im sorry,I cant.” they feel a little put_down.They say,“No one will know.” And they put it in your pocket.You say,“I really cant.”It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically to prevent him from tipping you.It was not in agreement with the stores belief in being friendly.Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good.I just couldnt understand the strangeness of some peoples ideas.One lady actually put it in my pocket,got in the car,and drove away.I would have had to throw the quarter at her or eaten it or something.I had decided that one year was enough.Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed.I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up.【语篇解读】作者主要讲述了他打工时所遇到的一些事情从遇到朋友时的想法到拒绝收小费时的尴尬,使他感到打工的艰辛,所以他决定辞职。4What can be the best title for this text?AThe Art of Taking TipsBWhy I Gave up My JobCHow Hard Life Is for Box BoysDGetting along with Customers解析:B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者主要讲述了他打工时所遇到的一些事情。从遇到朋友时的想法到拒绝收小费时的尴尬,使他感到打工的艰辛,所以他决定辞职。答案为B。5From the second paragraph,we can infer that _.Athe writer didnt like the impersonal part of his jobBMr.Castle mistook Irving for BrettCwith a name plate,people can easily start talkingDIrving was the writers real name解析:A推理判断题。第二段中先是说作者上班时,见到了以前见过的一个人,并和他攀谈,那个人和他再见并说出自己的名字时,作者非常高兴,他原以为是那个人记住了自己的名字,后来才发现别人是看了挂在自己胸前的卡才知道的,因此感到非常的失落和沮丧。他认为胸前挂着姓名牌子使一个人失去了人格,因此他不喜欢这种失去人格的工作。答案为A。6The box boy refused to accept tips because _.Acustomers only gave small tipsBhe didnt want to fight with the customersCthe store didnt allow the box boys to take tipsDsome customers had strange ideas about tipping解析:C细节理解题。第三段第二句话说明商店不允许店员收小费。答案为C。7The underlined phrase “put down” in the third paragraph probably means _.AmisunderstoodBdefeatedChateful Dhurt解析:D词义猜测题。在一些西方国家里,顾客买东西或接受完服务后,一般要付小费,这已成了惯例。所以当作者拒收小费时,对方认为作者看不起他们,因而受到了伤害。答案为D。C(2018江西九江二模)As I began my junior year of college,I began to think of plans after graduation.I knew that I wanted to work in the field of my major,public relations.But I also knew that it was difficult to find a position considering my inexperience.That was when I decided to pursue an internship (实习工作)So I chose to talk to my advisor first.He had worked in the field of public relations for many years before he became a professor,and therefore had numerous contacts and associates in the field.After talking to him about a few of the positions,I decided to pursue the Cincinnati Fine Arts Fund because of my interest in the arts and the passion I would feel working for a nonprofit organization.I sent out a cover letter and a resume and was hired on the spot in the interview.I soon began my position.After class on Tuesdays and Thursdays,I would drive to work and apply all the skills I was learning in the classroom.I was amazed at the amount of practical knowledge in class that was directly applicable to my internship position.It became a very useful and beneficial experience.Not only was I working for arts organizations and seeing my name printed on documents I had created,but also gaining confidence in my skills and myself.As the semester came to a close,I finished my work with the Fine Arts Fund.Although I didnt take away any money for the internship,I gained many different kinds of experience and the knowledge that I was capable of acplishing professional tasks.And that kind of confidence was invaluable to me as I sat down to interview for my next internship.【语篇解读】作者上大三时就开始考虑自己的未来,考虑到实习经验在就业中的重要性,作者在导师的建议下找到了个实习岗位,尽管没有挣到钱,但是所积累的经验让作者感觉到很值得。8Why did the author seek an internship first before graduation?ABecause he wanted to learn more from an internship.BBecause he could make more money from an internship.CBecause he was more interested in an internship.DBecause he lacked work experience and skills.解析:D细节理解题。题干关键词为internship,题干中的seek对应原文中的pursue。根据第一段第三句中的“it was difficult to find a position considering my inexperience”可知,考虑到自己经验不足,找份工作有点难,所以作者决定找一份实习的工作。9Why did the writer turn to his advisor for help first?ABecause his advisor was working in the field.BBecause his advisor could give him some help.CBecause he got along well with his advisor.DBecause he had mon interests with his advisor.解析:B推理判断题。由第二段的描述可知,作者找他的导师的原因有两个,其中之一是这位导师在公共关系领域经验丰富;再结合第一段的描述可知,作者自己缺乏经验,也就是说,他的导师可以帮助他。10What helped him to adapt to his position quickly according to the author?ASuggestions from his advisor.BMoney earned from the position.CKnowledge and skills from class.DConfidence in the interview.解析:C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“.apply all the skills I was learning in the classroom.I was amazed at the amount of practical knowledge in class that was directly applicable to my internship position.”可知,作者在课上所学到的知识和技能帮助他快速地适应了工作。11What did the author think of his internship?ARewarding. BBoring.CRelaxing. DTiring.解析:A推理判断题。在最后一段中,作者对自己的实习工作进行了总结:实习工作中虽然没挣到钱,但是积累了经验和知识,这对于自己的专业学习是很有帮助的。D (2018山东省山师大附中一模)The loneliest chimp(黑猩猩)in the world just got the best surprisea hug from a new friend.Ponso has been by himself for nearly three years,finding himself alone after his wife and children died on the island where they were abandoned by a medical testing pany many years ago.For years a nearby villager named Germain has been Ponsos only pany,visiting him so often to bring bananas and breadthe chimps only source of food on the tiny island.It was clear how much Ponso missed panionship when he was recently visited by Chimpanzee Conservation Centre Director Estelle Raballand.The chimp immediately embraced Estelle Raballand in a huge hug and laughed as she reached out for him,with his smile from ear to ear.For those who know Ponsos backstory,his immediate ease and trust in humans might be surprising.Ponso was one of 20 chimps,all between the ages of 7 to 11years old,relocated to an island off the Ivory Coast after being used for testing by the New York Blood Centre.After the tests were pleted in 2005,the lab reportedly transferred the chimps to a string of islands,occasionally dropping off food and water because there was none in the chimps new homes.Disease and hunger soon left only Ponso,his mate and their two children standing.But at the end of 2013 they died within days of each other and Ponso was now pletely alone.A group called SOS PONSO is trying to raise money for the poor lonely chimp,already achieving its goal of 20,000all of which will be used for Ponsos care.【语篇解读】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一只黑猩猩被扔在岛上特别孤独,幸运的是有许多人和团体帮助它。12What do we know about the chimp Ponso?AHe was deserted by his family.BHe found many sources of food.CHe came to the island for a test.DHe suffers from loneliness greatly.解析:D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Disease and hunger soon left only Ponso, his mate and their two children standing.But at the end of 2013 they died within days of each other and Ponso was now pletely alone.可知黑猩猩很孤独,故选D。13How did Ponso feel about the visit of Estelle Raballand?AExcited. BFrightened.CEmbarrassed. DConfused.解析:A推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句The chimp immediately embraced Estelle Raballand in a huge hug and laughed as she reached out for him,with his smile from ear to ear.当她为他伸出手时,黑猩猩立刻接受了Estelle Raballand一个大大的拥抱,笑了起来。可知黑猩猩很兴奋。故选A。14What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe chimps new settlement.BHow Ponso came to the island.CWhy Ponso was used for a test.DThe medical test about chimps.解析:B段落大意题。根据第三段最后一句After the tests were pleted in 2005,the lab reportedly transferred the chimps to a string of islands,occasionally dropping off food and water because there was none in the chimps new homes.可知本段谈的是:Ponso怎样来到岛上。故选B。15What can be inferred from the text?AGermain wont visit Ponso any more.BA new lab will be built on the island.CMany people show concern for Ponso.DMore chimps will be brought to the island.解析:C推理判断题。纵观全文,特别是最后一段A group called SOS PONSO is trying to raise money for the poor lonely chimp,already achieving its goal of 20,000all of which will be used for Ponsos care.可知许多人关心Ponso。.七选五(2018宁夏银川市长庆高中一模)Of all the things that can be stolen from you your possessions,your youth,your health,your words,your rights what no one can ever take from you is.How you feel about yourself.It takes a long time to learn how to NOT judge yourself through someone elses eyes._1_Your attitude towards life.The last of your freedoms is to choose your attitude in any given circumstance.Choose to be happy and positive.It is not always easy to find happiness in ourselves,but it is always impossible to find it elsewhere._2_ _3_ The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate,but in what you give away.And 99 percent of the time you get what you put in,so give freely.If you want to be happy,make those around you happy.Your knowledge and life experiences.Character and wisdom over time._4_ Your best stories will e from overing your greatest struggles.So keep standing,keep learning,and keep living.Your choice to move on enthusiastically._5_ Dont let someone or something that didnt make it in your life continue to hurt you.Learn the lesson,forget the pain,and move on.AYour ability to spread love and kindness.BThey e with loss,lessons,and successes.CDont let past relationships and old mistakes ruin your future.DBut once you do,the world is yours for the taking.ESo smile all the way and walk away from negative people.FHolding your uniqueness in high regard is necessary to success.GYour attitude towards yourself.【语篇解读】本文主要讲人身上无法被取走的东西,人完全可以通过改变观念来成就一个特别的自己。1解析:D推理判断题。根据前一句It takes a long time to learn how to NOT judge yourself through someone elses eyes.可知,需要很长时间来学习怎么样才能不通过别人的眼睛来评判你自己,选项D“但是一旦你做了,世界就是你的了”符合语境,故选D。2解析:E推理判断题。根据前面Choose to be happy and positive.可知,人的态度要积极、快乐,因此要原谅那些消极的人,故选E。3解析:A推理判断题。根据本段最后一句If you want to be happy, make those around you happy.可知,如果想快乐,就让你身边的人快乐,因此要传播爱和善良,故选A。4解析:B推理判断题。根据前一句提到的性格和智慧会随着时间变化,这其中伴随着失落,教训和成功,故选B。5解析:C推理判断题。根据后一句Dont let someone or something that didnt make it in your life continue to hurt you.可知,不要让某人和你生活中没有成功的事情继续伤害你,故应该是不要让过去的事情毁了你的将来,故选C。课时练(二)英语知识运用板块练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2018陕西西安市铁一中学三模)As soon as I saw the cat in our yard,I knew he was a stray(流浪儿)He looked _1_ a wounded warrior with a badly scarred body.I started putting out food for him each day,but he wouldnt e near me if other people were _2_.Winter came,and he still wouldnt _3_ us.Then,one day,a car hit him so we took him to the vets.After a week,we were eager to bring him home to _4_ our family.But when we went to take the cat home,the vet told us we should put him to _5_immediately because the cat was so fierce and mean that he would _6_bee tame,let alone a pet.But I have always had _7_ in loves power to _8_ even the wildest beasts.I told the vet,“I want to take him home.” We _9_ him Paws.Three days went by,and we only knew Paws was _10_ the bed because when we walked past it we heard deep growling.I wanted to somehow let him know he was _11_ and loved.So I put on a hard hat and a pair of welding gloves.I _12_ under the bed toward Paws,with my face to the _13_ and only the top of my head facing him.I _14_ out to stroke(抚摩)him gently over and over again.He growled and tried to _15_ and bite me.It was scarybut I knew he couldnt _16_ me,so I just kept going.Slowly,he began to _17_.Then I slid out from under the bed and left the room.Several hours later,I noticed a cat on the bed.It was Pawsall _18_ on the pillows!I couldnt believe it.That dear cat became the _19_ of our household.Although Paws finally died of cancer,his legacy(遗赠)my _20_ and firm belief in the power of lovelives on. 【语篇解读】本文讲述了我用自己的爱心征服了一个很有戒备之心的野猫,使它成为我们全家都很喜欢的宠物,说明了爱的力量是无穷无尽的。1A.cuteBstrongCfierce Dsmart解析:C上下文串联。A.cute可爱的;B.strong强壮的;C.fierce凶猛的;D.smart 聪明的。根据下文6空前so fierce and mean可是这只猫很凶猛,不容易驯服。故选C。2A.around BinCout Daway解析:A词义辨析。around在周围,如果周围有人,它就不会靠近我,也不会吃东西。故选A。3A.love BattackCrefuse Dtrust解析:D动词辨析。A.爱;B.攻击;C.拒绝;D.信任。冬天来了,它仍然不信任我,仍然和我保持距离。故选D。4A.please BjoinCsee Dsatisfy解析:B动词辨析。A.使高兴;B.加入;C.看见;D.使满意。我们想带它回家,加入我们的家庭。故选B。5A.death BsightCobservation Dsleep解析:D上下文串联。根据下文so fierce and mean可知兽医建议我们让他永远睡着(杀死它)。故选D。6A.simply BhardlyCeasily Dgradually解析:B上下文串联。根据so fierce and mean可知它很凶猛,故说明它难以驯服。故B正确。7A.sense BinterestCfaith Dfeeling解析:C固定搭配。Have faith in. 信任,对于爱的力量充满信心,认为爱心可以打败一切,故选C。8A.fort BconvinceCprotect Dtame解析:D词义辨析。A.舒服;B.使相信;C.保护;D.驯服。我相信爱的力量可以驯服这只猫。故选D。9A.named BappointedCaccepted Dmade解析:A动词辨析。A.命名;B.任命;C.接受;D.生产。我们给它起名叫做Paws。Name后面接双宾语,故选A。10A.on BbesideCunder Dinside解析:C上下文串联。根据7空under the bed可知这只猫躲在床下面睡觉,故选C。11A.hopeful BpitifulCcareful Dsafe解析:D形容词辨析。A.hopeful有希望的;B.pitiful可怜的;C.careful细心的;D.safe安全的。我想用我的爱心让它感觉到我们的爱以及它是安全的。故选D。12A.hid BslidCsheltered Dslept解析:B动词辨析。A.躲;B.滑;C.庇护;D.睡觉。因为它在床下面,所以我也滑到床下面。故选B。13A.bed BskyCfloor Dfeet解析:C上下文串联。我也到了床下面,那么必须是趴在那里,脸朝着地板。故C正确。14A.turned BpickedCpulled Dreached解析:D动词辨析。A.转身;B.捡起;C.拉;D.伸手,到达。我一次又一次地伸手去抚摸它。故选D。15A.play BscratchClick Dpush解析:D动词辨析。A.玩耍;B.抓、挠;C.舔;D.push推开。它想把我推开,也想来咬我。故选D。16A.hurt BbotherCavoid Dbetray解析:A动词辨析。A.伤害;B.麻烦;C.避免;D.背叛。我知道它伤害不了我。故选A。17A.get angry Bgive upCrun away Dcalm down解析:D短语辨析。A.生气;B.放弃;C.跑开;D.平静。这只猫慢慢地平静了下来。故选D。18A.stepped out Bstood outCstretched out Dstuck out解析:C短语辨析。A.走出;B.突出,显眼;C.伸展;D.竖起。这只猫在枕头上伸展全身。故选C。19A.hope Blove Csupport Dfort解析:B名词辨析。A.希望;B.爱,所喜欢的东西;C.支持;D.安慰。这只猫成为全家人都喜欢的宠物了。故选B。20A.normal BnobleCstrange Dcontinued解析:D词义辨析。A.正常的;B.尊贵的;C.奇怪的;D.持续的。我对爱的作用的持续的坚持的爱让我赢得了这只猫的信任。故选D。.语法填空(2018山东日照校际联考)A man looking at his smartphone while walking across a railway crossing in Nanjing _1_ (have) a close knock on Oct.22.He was so _2_ (absorb) in his smartphone that he didnt see a train approaching until it brushed past him,_3_ (throw) him to the ground.This should serve _4_ a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings,especially _5_ crossing roads._6_ (lucky),the man survived a brush with death,but the incident forced the driver _7_ (stop) the train.An 18minute delay followed the incident,_8_ led to a break in the running of other trains on the route.Smartphone _9_ (addict) has spread like an infectious disease.Its evident that it will do great harm to society.Whats even _10_ (bad),some addicts bee impatient with relatives and friends.Some people blame the smartphone for the tragedy,yet in fact peoples weakening selfcontrol and selfdiscipline are to blame.【语篇解读】当今,许多人对手机的过度依赖给自己和他人都造成了损失。文章以埋头看手机而导致的一场事故为例,提醒人们不要过度沉迷于手机,要提高自我约束和控制能力。1解析:had文章叙述的是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时。2解析:absorbedbe absorbed in是固定短语,意为“专心于”。3解析:throwing分析句子结构可知,所填词在句中作状语,动词throw与其逻辑主语it之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故填现在分词throwing。4解析:asserve as是固定短语,意为“起作用”。5解析:when/while句意为:这应该作为一个警示,提醒人们应该留意周边环境,尤其是在过马路时。根据句意可知,设空处表示“当时”,此处为省略了主语和be动词的状语从句,故填when或while。6解析:Luckily设空处在句中作评注性状语,修饰整个句子,应用副词,故填Luckily。7解析:to stopforce sb.to do sth.是固定短语,意为“强迫某人做某事”。8解析:which设空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,故用which引导。9解析:addiction设空处在句子中作主语,故用名词。10解析:worsewhats worse是固定短语,意为“更糟糕的是”。课时练(三)第卷强化增分练练规范(限时:45分钟).语法填空(2018河南漯河市高级中学上学期第二次模拟)Over and over again I meet babies desperately _1_(try) to “read” a magazine with fingers.I am constantly shocked: How can these parents stay at ease when their kids _2_(harm) so much from technology? How on earth can they not know what a

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