2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 9 Wheels词汇积累 北师大版必修3.doc

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 9 Wheels词汇积累 北师大版必修3.doc_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 9 Wheels词汇积累 北师大版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 9Wheels词汇积累分层单词写作词汇1. adj.和善的,温和的2. adv.所以,因此3. n.印象,感觉4. vt.& n.损害,损失5. n.数量6. n.内容;目录7. conj.无论到哪里8. vt.逮捕,拘留9. n.行李10. vt.感谢;欣赏11. n.停车场12. n.交叉路口,人行横道13. n.幼儿园14. n.票价,车费答案1.gentle2.therefore3.impression4.damage5.amount6.content7.wherever8.arrest9.baggage 10.appreciate11.parking12.crossing13.kindergarten14.fare阅读词汇1.neighbourhood n.2.vocabulary n. 3.figure n. 4.responsibility n. 5.pavement n. 6.accent n. 7.tunnel n. 8.somehow adv. 9.schedule n. 10.ambassador n. 11.essay n. 12.pedestrian n. 13.chip n. 答案1.街坊;邻近地区2.词汇;词汇量3.数字,数目;人物 4.责任,负责,职责5.人行道6.重音,口音 7.地道,隧道8.以某种方式9.时间表;进度表10.大使11.散文 12.行人13.集成电路片,硅片拓展词汇1. adj.方便的,便利的 n.方便,便利2. adj.可靠的 v.依靠,依赖3. adj.(人)抱有希望的 adv.有希望地 v.希望4. vt.适合 adj.适合的5. adj.时常发生的 adv.频繁地6. vi.& n.得益;好处 adj.有好处的7. vt.承认,供认 n.承认8. n.后果,结果 adj.随之发生的 adv.因此;所以9. vt.占用;任职 n.职业10. adj.沉溺于的 n.吸毒成瘾的人 n.瘾,入迷,嗜好 adj.使人上瘾的11. vt.欣赏;感谢 n.感激,评价12. vi.争辩,争吵 n.理由;依据;争论,争辩13. n.建筑;建筑物 vt.建造,建筑答案1.convenient;convenience2.reliable;rely3.hopeful;hopefully;hope4.suit;suitable5.frequent;frequently6.benefit;beneficial7.admit;admission8.consequence;consequent;consequently9.occupy;occupation 10.addicted;addict;addiction;addictive11.appreciate;appreciation12.argue;argument13.construction;construct高频短语1. 不愉快的,厌烦的2. (车辆)停止,停车3. (火车)驶离车站,出站4. 平均;通常5. 发生;举行6. 迄今为止7.work out 8.rely on 9.go up 10.in conclusion 11.get/be stuck in 12.be related to 13.be addicted to 答案1.fed up2.pull up3.pull out4.on average5.take place 6.so far7.算出;锻炼8.依靠,依赖9.上升10.总之11.困在,陷入12.与有关13.沉溺于经典句型1.(跟你比), I still have a long way to go.2.(无论我们去哪里), we have to acmodate ourselves to new circumstances.3.Those travelers returned to the hotel,(又累又困).4.(与自然灾害相比), such as typhoons, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and volcano eruptions, humans are weak.5.It was(直到我来到这里)that I realised this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.6.It was (因为她母亲生病了) she didnt e to school yesterday.答案1.pared to/with you2.No matter where/Wherever we go3.tired and sleepy4.pared with/to natural disasters5.not until I came here6.because her mother was ill that


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