2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Nelson Mandel - a modern hero*阅读理解。When we do the same movements with our bodies over and over again,we overuse some muscles.And the overuse can lead to strain(压力)and injury.Sometimes those problems can e from doing sports.But there is another cause of muscle problems:handheld technology devices.Staring down at your phone or tablet for long periods of time puts great tension on your neck.Experts say this posture puts strain on the entire upper body.Muscle strain linked to handheld technology has bee such a mon condition that it now has a name:tech_neck.mon symptoms of tech neck are neck pain,loss of feelings in your hands and fingers,headachesboth mild and severeand poor posture.In the worst cases of tech neck,you can lose the strength of your hands and fingers.You can take simple steps to improve tech neck.Take breaks from using your technology.Stand up and stretch your legs often.Also,give your eyes a break by closing them now and then throughout the day.Do neck exercises.Experts at the website Spine Universe remend these three neck stretches.1Chin(下巴)StretchMove your chin towards your chest.Hold for 5 seconds.The stretch should be fortable from your neck to the base of your skull.Repeat 10 times.2Side LeanLean your head to the right.Bring your ear close to the shoulder.Hold for 20 seconds.Bring your head back to the center,and then lean it to the left,again holding for 20 seconds.Repeat 35 times on each side.3SidetoSide Head TurningTurn your chin towards your right shoulder.Hold for 20 seconds.Bring your head back to the center,and then turn it to the left,again holding for 20 seconds.Repeat 35 times on each side.And if your tech neck symptoms get worse,see a health care professional.1What does the underlined phrase “tech neck” in Paragraph 2 mean?ANeck pain caused by sports.BCure for diseases by technology.CProtection against problems with certain devices.DNeck problems caused by technology devices.2What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe harm of tech neck.BThe meaning of tech neck.CThe treatment of tech neck.DThe worst result of tech neck.3Which of the following shows one of the correct gestures of “Side Lean”?4What do the first and third neck exercises have in mon?AShaking the head.BTouching the chest.CMoving the chin.DTurning in the same direction.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了“科技颈”及其症状和危害,并给出了应对建议。【段意梳理】 第一至二段:总述便携式科技设备会造成肌肉问题,即“科技颈”。 第三段:概述“科技颈”的常见症状和对身体造成的危害。 第四至八段:应对建议。1D考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“Muscle strain linked to handheld technology has bee such a mon condition that it now has a name”可知,“tech neck”指的是与便携式科技设备有关的肌肉紧张,并且已经成为一种常见的疾病,同时结合该段首句中的“great tension on your neck”可知,选项D“科技设备造成的颈部问题”意思与之相近。所以选D。本题易误选A项。根据首段最后两句“Sometimes those problems can e from doing sports.But there is another cause of muscle problems:handheld technology devices”可知,有时做运动会导致这些问题,但本文主要讲述的是便携式科技设备也是导致肌肉问题的原因,故排除A项。2A考查段落大意。根据第三段的内容,尤其是首句中的“mon symptoms of tech neck”和第二句中的“worst”以及“you can lose”可知,本段主要讲述的是“tech neck”的常见症状和危害,所以选A。3B考查细节理解。根据2.Side Lean部分的内容“Lean your head to the right.Bring your head back to the center,and then lean it to the left,again holding for 20 seconds.Repeat 35 times on each side”可知,该部分叙述的动作是把头靠向肩膀,让耳朵贴近肩膀,故选项B所示的姿势正确。所以选B。4C考查推理判断。根据第一个练习中的“Move your chin towards your chest”和第三个练习中的“Turn your chin towards your right shoulder”可知,这两套动作都涉及下巴的移动,所以选C。*.语法填空。(2017全国卷)She looks like any other schoolgirl, freshfaced and full of life.Sarah Thomas is looking forward to the challenge of her new Alevel course. But unlike her school friends, 16yearold Sarah is not spending halfterm _1_ (rest). Instead, she is earning 6,500 a day as _2_ model in New York.Sarah _3_(tell) that she could be Britains new supermodel, earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model fulltime. But Sarah, _4_ has taken part in shows along with top models, wants _5_ (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carry on with her _6_ (educate)She has turned down several _7_(invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. After school she plans to take a year off to model fulltime before going to university to get a degree _8_ engineering or architecture.Sarah says, “My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school _9_(e) first. I dont want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is _10_(certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I dont want to have nothing else to fall back on when I cant model anymore.”1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5_ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9_ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。16岁的萨拉作为一名模特儿表现出色,她父亲想让她放弃学业专心从事模特儿行业,但萨拉认为学业优先,应努力成为一个既有美貌又有智慧的女性。1resting考查非谓语动词。spend time (in) doing sth.为固定搭配,此处表示萨拉没有花半学期的时间来休息。2a考查冠词。句意:相反,她在纽约作为一名模特儿每天收入6,500英镑。用不定冠词a表泛指。3was told考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,萨拉应该是“被告知”她能成为英国新的超模儿,故用一般过去时的被动语态。4who考查定语从句的引导词。引导词代替先行词Sarah在从句中作主语,且指人,故用who。5to prove考查非谓语动词。want to do sth. “想要做某事”,为固定搭配。6education考查词性转换。形容词性物主代词her应该用来修饰名词,educate的名词形式是education。7invitations考查名词的复数。several “几个”,其后的可数名词要用复数形式。8in考查介词。关于某个专业的学位要用介词in。a degree in engineering or architecture “工程学或建筑学学位”。9es考查动词的时态。此处为陈述客观事实,故用一般现在时。10certainly考查词性转换。此处应该用副词来修饰形容词fun, certain的副词形式为certainly。*完形填空阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。(20172018郑州一中上期高三入学测试)Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middle school I attended in the ninth grade.She wasnt my _1_;she was the adviser to the safety patrol(巡逻队)on which I _2_.I loved being around her and _3_ her sense of humor and kind personality.She was _4_ a good listener.At the end of the year,she _5_ that she was moving to Florida,and I was very sad.We exchanged _6_ and became pen pals.I could tell her _7_,and she treated me _8_ respect even though I was a teenager.In Florida,Mrs.Freeman became a Realtor(房地产经纪人), _9_ she managed to find time to write letters.She wrote _10_ stories and always took my concerns _11_.She had given me a(n) _12_ invitation to visit,and I missed her so much.When I _13_ to take her up on the _14_ ,she answered,“Get your shoes on and your bags _15_ !You are wele anytime!”I spent three weeks with her in Miami.Her _16_ of poetry,music,and creative writing _17_ me to follow these endeavors(努力)One day _18_ hanging sheets on the clothesline,she _19_ and said,“You know,the sky is fuel for the soul.”I had never looked at the _20_ before hearing those words.Two years later,I received a call that Mrs.Freeman had passed away.1A.mother BfriendCclassmate Dteacher2A.served BadvisedCexpected Dled3A.shared BenjoyedCimagined Dfound4A.never BjustCstill Dalso5A.knew BannouncedCthought Drealized6A.addresses BgiftsCviews Droles7A.many BmuchCeverything Dsomething8A.in BasCwith Dto9A.so BbutCor Dfor10A.amusing BdifferentCemotional Dordinary11A.immediately BcarefullyCseriously Dprivately12A.urgent BluckyCambiguous Dopen13A.decided BhesitatedCwrote Dhurried14A.offer BpromiseCexcuse Dmessage15A.bought BfoundCfilled Dpacked16A.love BdreamCsense Dfeeling17A.persuaded BencouragedCforced Dallowed18A.before BonceCwhile Dafter19A.looked over Blooked outClooked up Dlooked down20A.clouds BflowersCpeople Dhouses【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者在中学期间和一名英语老师之间的故事。【核心词汇】adviser n顾问pen pal笔友concern n担心的事,关切的事1D根据上文中的“Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middle school I attended in the ninth grade”和空后的“she was the adviser to the safety patrol(巡逻队)”可推知,Mildred Webinga Freeman不是作者的老师(teacher),下文中的“and became pen pals”也是提示。2A根据语境并结合选项可知,作者当时也在巡逻队里。serve“为工作”。3B根据空前的“I loved being around her”可知,作者喜欢(enjoyed)老师的幽默感和善良的品质。4D根据上文中的“an English teacher”和“the adviser”可知,本句是对这位老师身份的补充说明。她也(also)是一个好的倾听者。5B根据语境可知,老师宣布(announced)了一个消息,她要搬到佛罗里达州了,作者感到很伤心。6A根据上文中的“At the end of the year, she _5_ that she was moving to Florida”和空后的“and became pen pals”可推知,作者和老师互换了地址(addresses),成了笔友。7C根据上文中的“and became pen pals”与空后的“she treated me _8_ respect even though I was a teenager”可推知,作者与老师无话不谈,这与上文作者乐于和老师相处的背景呼应。故选C。8C固定搭配:treat sb.with sth.意为“以某种态度/方式对待某人”,符合语境,故选C。9B根据空后的“she managed to find time to write letters”可推知,上下文表示转折关系。故选B。10A根据上文中的“I loved being around her and _3_ her sense of humor and kind personality”可推知,老师很幽默,总是给作者讲一些好笑的(amusing)故事。11Ctake sb./sth.seriously为固定搭配,意为“认真对待某人/某事”。老师认真对待作者所关切的事情。12D根据下文中的“You are wele anytime”可推知,老师欢迎作者随时来访,an open invitation为习语,意为“随时可以来访的邀请”,符合语境,故选D。urgent“急迫的”;ambiguous“模棱两可的”。13C根据上文中的“We exchanged _6_ and became pen pals”可推知,作者写信(wrote)告诉老师,他接受她的提议(offer)。14A参见上题解析。offer“提供,提议”。15D因为作者要去看望老师,因此老师建议作者收拾行李(packed),随时欢迎作者的到来。16A老师对诗歌、音乐和文学创作的热爱(love)激励(encouraged)着作者去努力。17B参见上题解析。18C一天,当老师正在把床单挂在晒衣绳上的时候,她抬头看(looked up)到了天空而有所感悟。while“当时”。19C参见上题解析。20A根据上文中的“You know, the sky is fuel for the soul”并结合选项可知,当时老师看了天空,此处指的应是天上的云(clouds)。*短文改错Nowadays, its fashionable for young student to have iPads. Used an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read it. Obviously, its of great help with our studies, especial with our English listening skills.Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom listening to music with earphones, but some even playing video games, which make teachers and students greatly annoyed.For my opinion, the classroom is a place to study, and concentration was terribly needed. Therefore, we should make a good use of iPads and other modern munication tools to help with our lessons. Meanwhile, schools should make some rules instruct the students to use iPads properly.答案:Nowadays, its fashionable for young to have iPads. an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read . Obviously, its of great help with our studies, with our English listening skills.Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom listening to music with earphones, some even playing video games, which teachers and students greatly annoyed. my opinion, the classroom is a place to study, and concentration terribly needed. Therefore, we should makegood use of iPads and other modern munication tools to help with our lessons. Meanwhile, schools should make some rules instruct the students to use iPads properly.难项分析:第二处:UsedUsing考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语we和use之间是主谓关系,且use所表示的动作和句子谓语动词download和read所表示的动作同时发生,所以用现在分词作状语。第六处:makemakes考查主谓一致。which指代的是前面整句话的内容,所以定语从句的谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式makes。第十处:rules后加to考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式短语充当目的状语。*

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