2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 必修5 Unit 14 Careers课下作业(一-三)(含解析)北师大版.doc

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必修5 Unit 14 课下作业(一三)课下作业(一) 考点过关针对练.单词拼写1The big fire panicked (使恐慌) people into running out of the building.2The baby has reached the stage (阶段) where he can stand up.3To tell you the truth, I envy (羡慕) you having such a close family.4Its illegal (不合法的) to read peoples private letters without permission.5To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted (咨询) Professor Russell several times.6Since well cycle there and work in the field, youd better wear casual (非正式的) clothes and fortable (舒适的) shoes.7Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunken driving, the number of accidents from it has greatly decreased (减少)8They will live longer, work smarter and even have a greater understanding of nature and the universe (宇宙)9Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overe (克服,战胜) it, and we will be able to achieve our goals.10The bus is designed to operate (运转) in all weather conditions.11The ABC bank has many branches (分行) all over the country.12Try to grasp (理解) what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole.单句语法填空1Please do not hesitate to_contact (contact) me if you have any questions.2Before we can accept the firms offer we must consult with the workers.3They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers when the match ended.4In this kind of highpressure situation, many leaders bother their assistants with/about frequent meetings.5In response (respond) to plaints, the pany reviewed its safety procedures.6He earned D|S9.05 an hour in charge of getting carts out of the parking lot.7We have no idea when the housing prices decrease to the level we can afford.8In the good care of the nurses, the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation (operate)9In addition, he got his position promoted and wage increased. All these showed that the efforts he had made paid off.10John made up a funny joke to amuse his younger brother.单句改错1It is not I but Tom that are to blame for the car accident. areis2The small child begged not to be operated, but the doctor persuaded him to obey._operated后加on3The housing price is hoped to decrease to 10% this year. 第二个toby4The hospital is in charge of me when he is away. in后加the5As reward for being admitted to college, many students got mobile phones as presents. _ As_后加a6Please dont hesitate to tell me in case of you need something. 去掉of7The instantly I saw him at the airport, I recognized him at once. instantlyinstant8Small sailboats can easily turn on in the water if they are not managed carefully.onover9Frank has been punished by his parents due on his carelessness in the exam. onto10Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up in her. inwith.翻译句子1我紧紧抓住了绳子,以防我会摔下去。(in case)I_held_the_rope_tightly_in_case_I_might_fall_off.2使汤姆烦恼的是,他不能找到一份他真正喜欢的工作。(It bothers sb. that)It_bothers_Tom_that_he_cant_find_a_job_that_he_really_likes.3应观众的强烈要求,这部戏每周将会在这个剧院上演两次。(response)In_response_to_the_audiences_great_demand,_the_play_will_be_put_on_in_the_theatre_twice_a_week.4我被委派来负责安排那天的所有活动。(appoint, take charge of)I_was_appointed_to_take_charge_of_arranging_all_the_activities_on_that_day.5我们必须尽快实施计划。(bring . into operation)We_must_bring_the_plan_into_operation_as_soon_as_possible.6上个学期在期中考试中得了低分后,我下定决心要相信自己,并努力做出改变。(make up ones mind, believe in)Last_term,_after_getting_a_low_score_in_the_midterm_exam,_I_made_up_my_mind_to_believe_in_myself,_and_I_tried_to_change.7只要你离他们远一点,你就会安全。(as long as)As_long_as_you_can_keep_them_away,_youre_safe.8我发现理解美国之音慢速英语节目并不难。(finditadj.to do sth.)I_dont_find_it_difficult_to_understand_the_VOA_Special_English_program.课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空A job is vital for a man in the modern and petitive society. But what are the factors to be successful?Passion. Passion cannot be ignored. When asked what contributes to their success, successful professionals (专业人员) will likely answer that they love what they do. Eric Stutzke, executive vice president of Finance & Operations at OneWire, a career (职业) site for finance professionals, says those who truly love the financial world will easily (easy) adapt and succeed.pany_culture (公司文化) and people. Once you have discovered a career, begin looking at the pany culture and people who work in that area. While the job might fit (适合), some pany cultures may not line up with what is important to you. The best way to get this information (信息) is to speak with people who presently work for the pany or recently (recent) worked there.Learn by doing. All your research can help direct you in the correct direction, but sometimes experience is the best teacher. A_temporary_job (一份临时工作) can give you handson experience that can go a long way in helping you make_the_right_choice (做出正确的选择). If you dont like the job, its better to know this sooner rather than later. Dont rule it out altogether, because your experience may not have been typical. Ask trusted advisors or friends to help you assess (评估) the situation before removing some of your options.片段选词填空desire, occupation, with the same degree of ability, work, experience, employer, assistant, expectation, direction, manpowerWe should also remember that the job expectations of young people have increased. Girls who would have once bee shop assistants or hairdressers now want to be secretaries. Boys who sought an apprenticeship (学徒工作) 20 years ago now desire to have an engineering degree. But it is still the same girls and boys with_the_same_degree_of_ability. No wonder there are problems in reaching the “necessary standards” of the business world.Many employers believe that it is important for teachers to have experience outside the world of college and school. They should work for a while at some other kinds of job “to see how the world of business is different from their own”. The teaching occupation and society in general need a greater understanding of manpower needs and therefore of “the desired” direction_of the education system.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解A(2019日照校际学校联考)Ideally situated San Antonio HotelSpa is only 150 meters away from the beautiful Qawra Promenade.This newly redecorated hotel offers an extensive range of modern facilities (设施), entertainment and animation programs and enjoys its own concession (特许经营权) on the nearby beach. Its an ideal choice for those seeking to relax and enjoy the best of what Malta has to offer.AcmodationSan Antonio HotelSpa offers big, modern rooms all with a balcony. Interconnecting rooms and disabled access rooms are available upon request. All the guest rooms are well equipped with heating and air conditioning, a private bathroom with a hairdryer, a telephone, a satellite TV, a minifridge, tea and coffeemaking facilities, free WiFi, and a ceiling fan.Facilities2 pools an indoor pool (with a baby pool) and an outdoor poolA health club including the fullyequipped gym, aerobic studio, steam bath, sauna and JacuzziPrivate underground parkingShops, restaurants and bars (the minibar only opens on request)Meals & DrinksThree meals a day, with lunch/dinner including house wine/beer, soft drinks, mineral waterTea, coffee, soft drinks, local fruit juices,water, house beer/spirits, cocktailsAttention: Now a FREE room upgrade is provided; an upgrade is valid on inland and pool view rooms. A free upgrade to the next room category depends on availability and can be withdrawn at any time. The offer is valid on new bookings made between June 22 and July 1 with travel dates within July 1 to October 31 (staying for a minimum of 5 nights)语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了圣安东尼奥温泉酒店的住宿、设施及餐饮等情况。1What is the most typical feature of the hotel?ATraditional.BKidcentered.CWellequipped. DThedisabledaccessible.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,这个重新装修过的酒店提供很多现代设施、娱乐项目,并且在附近的海滩具有特许经营权。从下文对其住宿及设施情况的描述也可知,设施齐全是这家酒店的最大特点。2What do we know about the hotel?AIts two pools are for adults only.BIts minibar is not always in business.CMineral water is served during three meals.DCustomers cannot make coffee by themselves there.解析:选B细节理解题。根据Facilities的介绍中的“Shops, restaurants and bars (the minibar only opens on request)”可知,迷你吧经(顾客)要求才开放,不是一直开放,故B项正确。3Who may get a free upgraded room?AOne who books before June 22.BOne who books a double room.COne who books between June 22 and July 1 and stays from October 20 to 30.DOne who will stay between July 1 and 3.解析:选C推理判断题。通过文章最后一句可知,在6月22日至7月1日期间预订且在7月1日至10月31日之间连续在酒店住至少5天的顾客可以免费获得一间升级房,故C项正确。BAbsent employees cost you money for sure, but what about sick employees that e to work? Move over absenteeism.It seems “presenteeism” has bee a far worse workplace problem in terms of causing loss, that is, loss of employee productivity and loss of employer dollars.By the way, presenteeism could mean the practice of workers working when ill and not operating on their usual level of productivity.The total cost of inefficiency of US employers has been increasing, ranging from about $150 to $250 billion annually, while cost of presenteeism makes up 60 percent of the total cost.Dualearner (双职工) families now account for about 2/3 of all married couples, up from 1/3 in the 1970s.Without a stayathome parent taking care of a sick child, more workers will go to work when ill in order to save their limited sick days (付薪病休日) for when their children are sick.In todays workplaces, some workers go to work when sick also because they fear the following: appearing less hardworking, receiving disciplinary action (纪律处分), or even losing their jobs.A day or more off can also mean ing back with more work loads or missing work deadlines.According to the 2004 CCH Survey, disciplinary action remained the most monly used absence control program.Employers want their employees to be on the job and use as few sick days as possible, but CCH says employers that rely on disciplinary action are unknowingly encouraging presenteeism.Employers need to check and make sure that absence control programs are not counterproductive (达不到预期目标的)Programs such as disciplinary action may in fact force sick employees to work, and this could encourage presenteeism.Besides, set up and municate policies.Help employees understand under what conditions they should stay home, and when its OK to return to work.Employees need to know where their pany stands on ing to work in sick, and how doing so can affect others.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。假性出勤(presenteeism)是近年来出现的一个新名词,它有很多意思,其中一个是指员工在生病时还继续上班的行为。有研究表明,假性出勤对企业造成的损失比起旷工还要严重。4What does the first paragraph mainly say about presenteeism?AThe true meaning of it.BThe huge loss caused by it.CIts difference from absenteeism.DIts connection with low productivity.解析:选B推理判断题。综合分析第一段可知,本段着重介绍presenteeism (假性出勤) 这一现象对企业造成的严重损失。5Why do more working parents prefer to work when ill?ATo have time to care for sick kids.BTo enjoy more family time later.CTo earn more money for the family.DTo live up to employers expectations.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,随着双职工家庭的增加,家长无法有一方在家照顾生病的孩子,因此更多的人生病也要上班,为的是把付薪病休日留出来,以备孩子生病时有人照顾。6What is the authors attitude to absence control programs?ANegative. BPositive.CCautious. DConfused.解析:选C观点态度题。分析倒数第二段可知,目前纪律处分是控制缺勤最常用的办法,但研究表明它也会鼓励presenteeism (假性出勤)的发生,雇主应该确保控制缺勤的计划不会有消极的影响。由此可知,作者对于这些计划持谨慎态度。7Which of the following suggestions will the author give employers?AOffer longer paid sick leave.BTurn away those breaking the rules.CCreate a more relaxed atmosphere.DTeach employees the related principles.解析:选D细节理解题。综合分析最后一段可知,作者建议雇主建立并推广公司的相关政策,帮助员工们理解什么情况下应该待在家里,什么时候可以回来工作。也就是使他们明白公司的相关原则。.完形填空(2019湖北八校联考)When I first came to Rochester from Austin, Texas a place where fall is practically nonexistent I was excited for a real northern fall. But, I wasnt _1_ it to feel like Christmas in October.Regardless of this _2_, and the adjustment period that Im not entirely sure Im _3_, I am thankful to be somewhere that has a _4_ fall. By “real” I _5_ a distinctive season, a(n) _6_ in the weather and a visual changing of the world around me. The leaves _7_ colors, it rains more often, the air is almost always _8_ and dry, and a light breeze _9_ me to walk a bit faster to get inside. Yes, it is more difficult to be _10_ outside in a Rochester fall where it is not just “less hot” but _11_, fairly cold. But, I would argue that time spent outside in this season could be more _12_ than in the summer.Everyone _13_ that fall is about change I wont argue against that. Things do _14_ in the fall the weather is _15_ being worse and worse, the dying leaves bee warmly colored, and _16_ you know it, well be back to having only eight hours of sunlight a day.This oning change is why I think it is so important to _17_ fall. Fall is not just about the _18_ of change, but also appreciating what will soon be _19_. Go _20_ this fall. Enjoy the leaves not because they are turning beautiful deep shades of orange and red, but because there will soon be no leaves in those branches at all.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”从没有秋天的奥斯丁来到了罗切斯特市,为能在这里经历真正的秋天而兴奋不已。在秋天,天气逐渐变得寒冷,枯叶凋零,日照时间逐渐变短。一切都在变化着,去户外欣赏秋天是明智的选择。1A.interested in Bexposed toCashamed of Dprepared for 解析:选D“我”从没有秋天的奥斯丁来到了罗切斯特市。“我”为能经历真正的北方的秋天而兴奋不已。但是,这里的十月却如十二月的圣诞节时那样寒冷,“我”却没有准备好。be prepared for意为“为做好准备”,符合语境。be interested in 意为“对感兴趣”;be exposed to意为“暴露于”;be ashamed of 意为“为感到羞愧”。2A.accident BpossibilityCshock Dmotivation解析:选C根据上文中的“But, I wasnt _ it to feel like”可知,此处指不管这种震惊。shock意为“震惊”,符合语境。accident意为“事故”;possibility意为“可能性”;motivation意为“动机”。3A.beyond BagainstCfor Dafter解析:选A根据该句中的“the adjustment period that Im not entirely sure”,并结合第一段所描述的“我”对这里的气温如圣诞节时那样寒冷感到不知所措的情况可以判断,“我”不能完全确信自己能跨越这个调整期。beyond意为“超过,越过”,符合语境。against意为“反对,违背”;for 意为“为了”;after意为“在之后”。4A.rare BrealChard Dstrange解析:选B根据后一句中的“By real”可知,“我”为此处有真正的秋天而感到欣慰。real意为“真正的”,符合语境。rare意为“罕见的,稀有的”;hard意为“艰难的”;strange意为“奇怪的”。5A.take in Bpick upCcall back Drefer to解析:选D通过说“真正的”,“我”指的是一个差别性明显的季节天气的转变和周围世界的视觉改变。refer to意为“提到,说起”,符合语境。take in意为“吸收,欺骗”;pick up意为“捡起,偶然学会”;call back意为“回电话”。6A.shift BconclusionCimprovement Dexperience解析:选A参见上题解析。shift意为“转变”,符合语境。conclusion意为“结论”;improvement意为“提高”;experience意为“经历,经验”。7A.spoil BkeepCturn Davoid解析:选C此处描述了秋天的情景:树叶变了颜色,经常下雨,空气几乎总是又冷又干燥。turn意为“改变,变成”,符合语境。spoil意为“损坏,宠坏,变坏,腐败”;keep意为“保持”;avoid意为“避免”。8A.cold BwarmChot Dcozy解析:选A参见上题解析。cold意为“冷的”,符合语境。warm意为“温暖的”;hot意为“炎热的”;cozy意为“温暖舒适的”。9A.prevents BexpectsCurges Dsuspects解析:选C刮来的阵阵微风催促“我”快点进入室内。urge意为“敦促,促使”,符合语境。prevent意为“阻止”;expect意为“期望,盼望”;suspect意为“怀疑,猜想”。10A.grateful BcreativeCconsiderate Dfortable解析:选D在罗切斯特市,秋天相当冷,在户外很难让人感觉舒适。fortable意为“舒适的”,符合语境。grateful意为“感谢的”;creative意为“有创造力的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的”。11A.luckily BactuallyChelpfully Dinstantly解析:选B这里不是“不炎热”,而实际上是相当冷。actually意为“事实上,实际上”,符合语境。luckily意为“幸运地”;helpfully意为“有帮助地”;instantly意为“立刻,马上”。12A.terrible BcasualCunpleasant Dvaluable解析:选D根据语境可知,即便如此,“我”还是认为在这个季节去户外度过的时光可能要比夏季的更有价值。valuable意为“有价值的,珍贵的”,符合语境。terrible意为“可怕的”;casual意为“随便的”;unpleasant意为“使人不愉快的”。13A.questions BemphasizesCrecalls Danalyzes解析:选B人人都重视秋季的变化,“我”不反对这一点。emphasize意为“重视,强调”,符合语境。question意为“疑问”;recall意为“回想”;analyze意为“分析”。14A.relax BchangeCharvest Drest解析:选B根据该句中的“the weather is _ being worse and worse, the dying leaves bee warmly colored”可知,天气逐渐变得越来越寒冷,枯叶变成了暖色调;据此可以判断,在秋天,事物确实发生了变化。change意为“变化”,符合语境。relax意为“放松”;harvest意为“收获”;rest意为“休息”。15A.steadily BhardlyCaccordingly Dnarrowly解析:选A参见上题解析。steadily意为“稳定地,逐渐地”,符合语境。hardly意为“几乎不”;accordingly意为“相应地”;narrowly意为“狭窄地,勉强地”。16A.if BsinceCas Dbefore解析:选D不知不觉中,一天就只有8个小时的阳光了。before you know it意为“在你知道之前”,表示“不知不觉中”。17A.control BdescribeCappreciate Dhide解析:选C根据上文描述的对秋天感到兴奋和后一句中的“appreciating”可以判断,这个即将到来的变化就是为什么“我”认为欣赏秋天很重要。appreciate意为“欣赏”,符合语境。control意为“控制”;describe意为“描述”;hide意为“隐藏”。18A.process BdisadvantageCfear Dresult解析:选A秋天不仅仅是关于变化的过程,我们还要去欣赏那些即将逝去的(事物)。process意为“过程”,符合语境。disadvantage意为“缺点,不利”;fear意为“害怕,担心”;result意为“结果”。19A.disappointing BpuzzlingCgone Dbroken解析:选C参见上题解析。gone意为“离开的”,符合语境。disappointing意为“令人失望的”;puzzling意为“令人迷惑的”;broken意为“破碎的”。20A.inside BforwardCbackward Doutside解析:选D根据最后一句可知,赏叶不是因为它们正变成美丽的深橙色和红色,而是因为很快那些树枝上将没有树叶了。所以该句是在鼓励人们在这个秋天去户外。outside意为“在户外”;inside意为“在里面”;forward意为“向前”;backward意为“向后”。.语法填空Each year, thousands of people e to Shaanxi, China, to visit the Terracotta Army, which shows the armies of Qin Shi Huang, _1_ countrys first emperor.As one of the most famous tourist sights in the world, the Terracotta Army is a form of funerary (葬礼的) art _2_ (bury) with the First Emperor in 210 to 209 BC. It was designed _3_ (protect) the emperor in his afterlife.Since their _4_ (discover), experts have questioned whether the lifesize models of soldiers _5_ (base) on real warriors (勇士) or whether they came off a production line.In October a BBC documentary (纪录片), The Greatest Tomb on Earth: Secrets of Ancient China, suggested the inspiration for the Terracotta Warriors may have e _6_ Ancient Greece, about _7_ archaeologist Li Xiuzhen said, “We now have evidence that close contact did exist between the First Emperors China and the West.”On the 41st International Museum Day, it was _8_ (official) announced that new technology has just made _9_ possible for visitors to be guided. Thanks to an interactive (交互式的) 360degree video, visitors can choose to view the _10_ (figure) either in closeup or from a distance.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了秦始皇兵马俑的有关内容。1the考查冠词。那展示了中国第一位皇帝秦始皇的军队。此处为特指,故用the。2buried考查非谓语动词。兵马俑是一种葬礼的艺术形式,与中国的第一位皇帝一同被埋葬。此处动词bury与逻辑主语the Terracotta Army之间为动宾关系,且与主句谓语动词之间没有连词,故用过去分词buried。3to protect考查固定用法。be designed to do sth.“被设计来做某事”为固定用法。4discovery考查词性转换。根据空前的“their”可知,此处应用名词表示“发现”,故填discovery。5were based考查固定搭配。be based on . “以为根据/基础”为固定搭配。6from考查介词。建造兵马俑的灵感可能来自古希腊。e from .意为“来自”。7which考查定语从句。根据语境和句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,空处指代前面主句的内容,且在定语从句中位于介词“about”后作宾语,故填which。8officially考查词性转换。修饰动词“announced”用副词。9it考查代词。新的科技已经让游客得到引导成为可能。此处it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的“to be guided”。10figures考查名词。幸亏有了360度交互式视频,游客可以选择从近处或远处观看这些兵马俑。根据上文和常识可知,兵马俑不止一个,故填figures。figure“身影,人影”。.短文改错(2019呼和浩特调研)An opening week held in our school last week so that we could show a great achievements we made in art education.The art works exhibition went on from Monday to Friday, exhibit the excellent art works, such as paper cuts, paintings and flower arrangements. Both of the art works were created by the students of our school. That attracted the public most was the singing and dancing performances in Friday afternoon. All these activities draw the close attention of the public and parents as well, receiving high praises from the public.Through these activity, the public has a better understanding of our school. As a result of, we all think that the opening week was of great successful.答案:第一句:held前加was; athe第二句:exhibitexhibiting第三句:BothAll第四句:ThatWhat; inon第五句:drawdrew第六句:activityactivities第七句:去掉第一个of; successfulsuccess

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