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专题二 阅读七选五 段首、段尾题的思考点(一)主题句一、 段首主题句典例(2018全国卷片段).But good news is that therere really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones. 38 . Theyre the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves .The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors .DSmall color choices are the ones were most familiar withEIts not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces解析选D本空是一个主题句。上一段提到了由“小、中、大”三种规模物品的颜色选择,而下文依次讲述的是“中、大”两种规模物品的颜色选择,故本段介绍的是“小规模物品的颜色选择”,所以D项为本段的主题句。增分技巧(1)如果空格出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。认真阅读空格后内容,根据段落一致性原则,推断出该段的主题句。(2)关注与下文的关系。着重阅读空格后面的第一、二句,确定相关信息词,然后在选项中查找与之相关的内容。阅读时要学会瞻前顾后,以确定答案。二、 段尾主题句典例(201610月浙江高考片段)How to Have a Successful Teenage LifeEveryone wants to succeed in their life, dont they?Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life; it really isnt that hard. 31 Do well in school.No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.Try your best for excellence in school;listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades.Doing so will help you get into a better university,which will enable you to have a bright future. 32 Do good in your munity (社区). Volunteering can not only improve your munitys status, but could make you happier .BSchool sets you up on the right track!FHere are some important points that you may find helpful.解析31选F第31题设空在第一段的段尾。空格前一句(即使你还是少年,你也可以取得成功;成功实际上并不太难)为主题的提出做好了铺垫。下文就少年怎样取得成功的话题提出了几条建议,可见此处应是全文主题。故F项为最佳选项。32选B第32题设空在第二段的段尾。本空与下一段的开头没有关联,可见其很可能是本段的总结句。前文讲到努力学习就可以进一所好大学,这能使你拥有一个光明的未来。B项(学校使你走上正确的轨道)能概括全段,故为最佳选项。增分技巧空格在段尾,一般是对上文或者全文进行总结概括,得出结论,也可能是对上文提到的内容做进一步地补充说明,这种情况下,就需要选择注释性的句子。小结分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉,这是阅读七选五解题的关键。分析文章的层次包含两种形式:一种是分析整篇文章的层次,另一种是分析每个段落内部的层次。一般来说,高考英语文章,无论是整篇文章,还是每个独立的语段,在行文逻辑上,通常采用的是“总分”或“总分总”结构。铺阴影的题目为段首、段尾的主题句ASome people are naturally more creative than others, but that doesnt mean you dont have some creative ideas locked away in your mind.You simply have to draw them out.Take some time out to think.Sometimes were so caught up in getting things done that we dont have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life. 2 Its extremely important to make time to simply stop and think.Just a couple of hours of free time each week could help you unlock your creative side.Sit down with no distractions, or go for a long walk and let your mind wander. Half the battle with being creative is to gain confidence to let your creativity shine through.If youre a painter, paint more.Writers should write more. Study techniques or analyze the work of other creative people you admire.By improving your practical skills, youll feel more confident in using them in more creative ways.Copy others, and then make it better. 4 If you admire someones work, youre bound to want to copy it and learn from it.Painters may find it useful to copy their favorite artists work in order to improve their technique. 5 The original (原创的) artworks help them develop their own creativity, and in future they will be better practiced at creating something truly original.APractice makes perfect.BThats where your creativity lies.CTry some of these techniques for unlocking your creative side.DThere is no harm in taking someone elses idea and adapting it.EBut they can then take it a step further by using their own style.FWe have tasks to plete, deadlines to make and housework to get done.GMaybe youd like to start your own business or create a new invention.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章在发掘我们的创造力方面给出了一些方法。1选C下文的三段介绍了三个发掘创造力的技巧,故本句起承上启下的作用。2选F本空的内容是对前一句“Sometimes were so caught up in getting things done that we dont have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life.”的进一步阐述,具体说明了工作和家庭生活中忙碌的内容。3选A该空为本段的中心句。俗话说:“熟能生巧”,只有不断地实践、练习,你的创造力才会显现出来。4选D把别人的一些想法拿来改造也是无害的,此处是对前一句内容的进一步阐述。5选E本句承接前后两句的内容,模仿可以提高技艺,在模仿的过程中加入自己的风格,就会提高创造力,最终达到原创的效果。BSetting goals can help you stay on top of your studies and earn good grades, but its important to set the right kinds of goals.Setting unrealistic goals could set you up for disappointment and depression, while setting goals that are too easy will not challenge you to your full potential. 6 Here are some ideas that can help you.Make your goal as specific as possible.Having a clear goal will help you stay driven and know how far youve e.So, instead of just saying your goal is to get through your math class, figure out what you hope to acplish. 7 You need to keep this in mind.Ensure that your progress is measurable. 8 Thats why you should always set goals with clear, measurable progress marks. Even a good goal could be difficult to achieve without a clear action plan.When you set your goal, make sure you include actionoriented (行动导向) steps as part of your goal development. Its important to dream big, but its also important to know what you can acplish with the materials you possess and the time youre given.Dont bite off more than you can chew (咀嚼), and dont give yourself a too easy task either.AMake sure your goal is realistic.BSetting proper goals is not an easy thing.CDetermine what type of goal you want to set.DDecide on practical steps to acplish your goal.EHow will I know when Ive acplished my goal?FDo you want to bee better at math or earn a good grade?GWhenever you set a goal, you need to keep track of your efforts every step of the way.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何制定恰当的学习目标给出了建议。6选B制定恰当的学习目标不是一件容易的事,所以这里给出几条建议。7选FF项通过举例说明要明确目标,“You need to keep this in mind.”中的this指代F项中提到的具体的学习目标。8选G选项中的“keep track of your efforts every step of the way”与该空前后的“progress is measurable”和“measurable progress marks”相一致。9选D根据该段中的“a clear action plan” “actionoriented steps”可知,该段旨在说明制定学习目标时要确定切实可行的行动方案。10. 选A根据后文可知学习目标不能太难,也不能太容易,故可判断该段旨在说明学习目标要切合实际。CNo one loves hearing about their disadvantages, but accepting criticism (批评) politely can help you grow as a person.Heres how to do it.Be objective (客观的) about criticism.Next time when you get a bad remark, dont immediately begin to challenge the other persons opinion. 11 Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.Even if you decide that the other person is true, it may be hard to take.In your disfort, you may feel the urge to defend yourself.But its best to avoid getting into an argument.Naturally, if you agree that things should change, it already makes the situation less heated, though the pain is still there. 13 Be open to the idea of change.Most of us are pretty stubborn. 14 We may ignore criticism because we wish to avoid having to change, because it makes us feel bad, or because we feel it is not helpful.Ask questions.If youre open to using criticism as a chance for improvement, you will likely need more information. 15 In this case, talk with the person who criticized you and ask how you can do better.Even though you dont agree with their advice, thank them and promise to consider it.AAvoid unnecessary argument.BYou may begin to challenge the other persons opinion.CWatch out for your words to avoid unpleasant situations.DWe refuse to change even though thats what we need most.EYou can start by saying you see the point, or that you are wrong.FInstead, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is accurate.GThe criticism should e from a supportive place rather than simply out of envy.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们应该如何对待他人的批评。11选F根据本段的小标题“Be objective (客观的) about criticism.”可知,本段的主旨为:客观对待批评。本空前的内容告诫我们面对别人的负面评价,不要马上反驳对方。本空和下一句告诉我们正确的方法:花点时间想一想对方的批评是不是准确,给自己一个机会真正理解对方的话,客观评估是否言之有理。12选A根据本段的内容尤其是本段中给出的建议“But its best to avoid getting into an argument.”可知,本段的小标题应为“避免不必要的争论”。13选E本空是对前一句的进一步阐述。如果你认同改变,那么就已经缓解了紧张的局面。本空就是认同改变、缓解局面的首要方法:承认你明白了对方说的,或者说你错了。14选D本段的三句话共同说明了一个存在的问题:我们不愿意去改变。而本段的小标题告诫我们:要接受改变。15选G由本空后的“In this case”可知,这种情况指的就是:对方批评的初衷应该是善意的而不是出于嫉妒。在这样的前提下询问对方的建议。 段首、段尾题的思考点(二)过渡句一、 段首题过渡句典例(2016全国卷片段).There are three main types of cryptography.37(E.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.) For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.” 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example.Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.”.COnly people who know the keyword can read the message.GAnother way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.解析选G本空属于上下过渡句。上一段提到:有三种主要类型的密码学并介绍了第一种密码类型,本段介绍的是第二种类型,再根据空格后的内容可知,此处选G。由叙述顺序也可知道G项中的Another way是一种提示。增分技巧在某段第一句设空的内容也有可能为承上启下的句子,这就需要考生做到瞻前顾后,既熟悉上一段结尾的内容,又结合下一段的内容,分析所选的答案是否能够将两段内容连贯起来。二、 段尾题过渡句典例(2017全国卷片段)If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily.Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, illcooked meals, and unfortable sleeping bags.They had nothing in mon with me. 36 The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer .BThings are going to be improved.DI was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.解析选D本题为段尾题。空格前一句说“他们与我没有共同之处”,空格后一段讲述了作者的一次野营,前后之间存在转折关系,所以此处需要填一个承上启下的转折句,这与D项中的however相呼应。增分技巧若段尾句与前文之间是转折关系,此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折、对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立、对比关系。铺阴影的题目为段首、段尾的过渡句AIn the late afternoon, 15yearold Saanya Hasan Ali can often be found in her fortable family room. 1 She is cutting, drawing, gluing and folding, surrounded by a colorful chaos of paper, rubber stamps, buttons, and ribbons (丝带)“I just love arts and crafts (手工艺),” says Saanya.During the past six years, Saanya has raised $26,000 through the sale of her cards to help children and families in need. “My mother received an email from the Pennies for Education and Health (PEH) organization.They were raising money for children in India to be able to go to school,” explains Saanya, who was nine years old at the time.Her mother, Salma, offered to donate $75 in Saanyas name. Saanya made cards to sell at a family wedding that summer.To her own surprise, she earned $600 enough to send eight children to school for the year.“I kept on making cards, and the following summer I was able to help support the kids for another year,” explains Saanya. 4 Saanya acknowledges that her project has helped her to see the world through different eyes.“Now that I am in high school, I would also like to inspire other kids to do their own projects. 5 Making cards is my small effort,” she says.“If everyone does their small part, it can grow into something beyond your expectations.”AI was in third grade then.BSaanyas unexpected success began in 2005.CBut Saanya decided to raise the money herself.DBut she isnt doing homework or in front of a puter screen.ENo matter who you are, there is always an opportunity to make a difference.FSaanya had established her own nonprofit organization called “Children Helping Children”GOne of her goals is to support the schooling of these eight children until they graduate from college.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。15岁的女孩Saanya Hasan Ali通过制作手工贺卡筹集资金,帮助那些贫困的孩子和家庭。1选D根据本空后面的“She is cutting, drawing, gluing and folding”可以锁定D项,代入后,“但她并不是做作业或坐在电脑前”符合语境。2选B联系上文中的“Saanya已经筹集了26,000美元”和本空后面的“Saanya的妈妈收到一封为印度孩子筹集学费的电子邮件并提出以Saanya的名义捐助75美元”可知,B项“Saanya意想不到的成功开始于2005年”符合语境,在文章中起承上启下的作用。3选C根据下一段中的“Saanya made cards to sell .she earned $600 enough to send eight children to school for the year.”可知,Saanya想靠自己的努力资助那些孩子,故C项“Saanya决定自己筹钱”符合语境。4选G根据本空前面的“for the year” “for another year”可以推知,Saanya接下来的目标是“资助这八个孩子直到大学毕业”,故G项符合语境。5选E根据本空后面的“If everyone does their small part, it can grow into something beyond your expectations.”可知E项符合语境。“无论你是谁,都有机会影响这个社会,而制作卡片就是我为之做出的努力。如果每个人都能尽自己的绵薄之力,那么它的影响将超乎你的意料。”B(2018武汉调研测试)These days when someone says a puter has a bug (小虫子) in it, usually they mean that theres a problem with one of its programs.Maybe your puter crashed when you were in the middle of a game.But back in the early days of puters, a woman named Grace Hopper was part of the team that discovered the very first puter bug. She had been invited to help program a new puter, the job of which was to quickly deal with the math problems ships used to find their way. 8 Then it translated the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.One afternoon in 1947 Hopper and her team were running a program.But the puter wasnt giving them the right results. 9 They finally ended up taking the puter apart, looking for problems.What did they find? It was a dead moth (飞蛾)! The moth was blocking some of the holes in the paper no wonder the puter didnt know what to do.Hopper knew that the term “bug” had been used before when there were problems with machines.But this was the first time a puter had ever had a bug. 10 Some people think Hopper was the first person to use the word “debug” to mean “get rid of the problems in a puter”AWhat could be wrong?BHopper was a mathematician.CWho had operated the puter?DHopper was a hardworking scientist.EShe thought it was funny that it was a real one.FOr you got an error message when you tried to go to a website.GThe puter worked by reading instructions from a long piece of paper with holes in it.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了电脑中bug的来历。现在人们将在电脑系统或程序中,隐藏着的一些未被发现的缺陷或问题统称bug (漏洞)。6选F空前一句表示“当你在玩游戏的时候,或许你的电脑崩溃了”,根据语境可知,空处应表示电脑出问题的时间。故F项“或者当你努力进入一个网站时,你收到了一个错误信息”符合语境。7选B根据下一句“She had been invited to help program a new puter, the job of which was to quickly deal with the math problems ships used to find their way.”可知,Hopper的工作是处理数学问题,由此可以推测,她是数学家。故选B。8选G根据空后一句“Then it translated the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.”中的“the patterns of holes”可知,G项中的“with holes in it”与此相照应,且G项与空后一句逻辑严密,故选G。9选A空前一句讲述了电脑不能给出正确的结果,也就是电脑出现了问题,结合语境可知,空处应在发问“可能是什么出现了问题呢?”,故选A。10选E上文讲到,在他们使用的电脑里发现了一只飞蛾,这是在电脑里发现的第一只“bug”,且是一只真正的小虫子,故选E。CWhat to Do When Someone Doesnt Like YouWhen someone tells me “I dont care if people like me”, they are showing me the emotional wall they use to block the hurt of rejection.As humans are social animals, all of us care if people like us.Based on the need for social connection, your reactions to rejection and negative judgment can range from minor hurt to outbreaks of depression.The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction.Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” 12 Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassment in your heart? Identify what feeling has shown up in your body, so you can choose what to do next. When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you.Did they truly mean to offend you, or make fun of you?Your brain works very hard to keep you safe, so it will judge a situation as threatening if there is any possibility of social harm.When our brains sense a possible threat, we react as if we were personally attacked.Take a breath to relieve the stress.Finally, if you believe the person doesnt like you, ask yourself if this matters. 15 If not, what can you do to release your need to be liked by this person?And, what can you do to stay neutral and not return the dislike? The more you can e to accept others as who they are, the more you can move forward with your goals regardless of if someone likes you or not.AIf you can, look the person in his eyes.BDo you feel any fear or anger in your head?CAsk yourself what is true about the situation.DOften people do not realize the impact of their words.EWill the persons judgment of you impact your work or life?FThe ability to let a show of dislike roll off your back is a learned skill.GThis will ground you in the present and take you out of your trembling mind.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了摆脱不受别人喜欢的情况的方法和策略。11选F由空处承接下文“The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction.”可推知,本空是一个承上启下的过渡句,即应对别人的拒绝和负面评价是一种可以学习的技能,下文具体阐述如何达成这种技能,所以选F项。12选B由空处承接上文“Ask yourself, What am I feeling?”可推知,此处表示个人的感情倾向,与下文“Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassment in your heart?”呼应,所以选B项。13选C由空处承接下文“When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you.”可知,本段讲的是要搞清楚真实的状况,然后再具体地应对,故选C项。14选G由空处承接上文“Take a breath to relieve the stress.”可推知,空处应进一步讲这样做的好处,所以选G项。15选E由空处承接上文“Finally, if you believe the person doesnt like you, ask yourself if this matters.”可推知,搞清楚他人的不喜欢对自己是否有影响对接下来的应对很重要,这种影响可能是工作或生活上的,所以选E项。 段中位置题的思考点(一)并列、顺承、递进关系一、 根据并列关系解题 典例(2013全国卷片段).One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments .EThe second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.FIn the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.解析选E此题属并列关系,根据上文所提到的“One”和下文所提到的“The third”可知,这里是按照顺序排列,此处应该是第二条,与E项“The second aspect .”相呼应。增分技巧表示并列关系的词有:first(ly), second(ly) .; first, then/next .; in the first place, in the second place .; for one thing, for another thing .;to begin with, to conclude 等标志性词语,则表明前后两句是逻辑上的并列关系,空格处很有可能是个并列的句子。二、 根据顺承关系解题 典例(2018浙江高考片段).Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously.When going for a walk, take along a small garbage bag. 33 This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.EShould you e across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.FPeople tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.解析选E此题属顺承关系。空格前提到,散步时随身带个小垃圾袋;空格后提到,这个小小的举动会让你的邻居知道你关心这个区域。E项“如果你碰到从路过的车里扔出的废纸,把它捡起来”,与空格前后衔接,故选E项。增分技巧(1)顺承关系是按时间、空间或逻辑事理上的顺序说出连续的动作或相关的情况,分句之间有先后相承的关系,重逻辑事理上的次序,较少涉及因果。(2)注意所选选项要在语境方面能够与原文无缝衔接。错误选项使上下文衔接不自然,不连贯,无法体现行文结构与脉络。三、 根据递进关系解题 典例(2018北京高考片段).Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological imbalances. People who have personality traits that connect with petitiveness and low upset tolerance are much more likely to get angry. 53 Also, sometimes preanger does not have to do with a lasting condition, but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred.DAnger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.EHaving these personality traits implies the preanger state, where anger is in the background of your mind.解析选E选项与空后句构成递进关系。上文提到:每个人都有自己心理不平衡的地方。那些比较好强,气量比较小的人更容易生气。下一句提到:而且,有时候,preanger并不一定是一种持久的状态,而是一种触发事件发生前的暂时状态。该空承上启下,既要提到上一句中的那些性格特征,又要提到下一句中的preanger,故选E。本题空格后的“Also”是解题关键。增分技巧递进关系主要指英语行文中,后一分句以前一分句为基点,并在程度或范围上比前一分句有更进一层的语义关系。表示递进关系的词有:too, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, whats more, in addition, as well, to make matters worse, not .but ., not only .but also等。小结英语词汇衔接关系表现为词的复现。词的复现指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中。文章的句子通过这种复现关系,达到相互衔接、意义完整。阅读七选五语篇的上下文语境中往往有同义词、近义词、近义表达等,甚至有时有相同词汇的重复使用。词汇衔接关系是我们解题很好的线索。铺阴影的题目为段中逻辑关系题AWe all know the benefits of regular physical activity.But about 80 percent of people dont take exercise every day

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