七年级英语上册 Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class教学课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class教学课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class教学课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class教学课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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七年级 上 学练优英语教学课件 外研版 学练优七年级英语上 WY 教学课件 Module3Myschool Unit1Therearethirtystudentsinmyclass Whatiswrittenonyouruniform Whatschoolareyouin Iamin Whatclassareyouin I min Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass Thereare Lead in thirty ninety sixty seventy eighty forty fifty 找一找 说出下面图片中的数字 Lead in computer furniture picture television TV wall 比一比 看谁能快速说出下面的单词 Lead in furniture 不可数 用some alotof修饰e g Weneedtobuysomefurniture Thereisalotoffurnitureinourclassroom Lead in blackboard book classroom computer desk furniture map picture television wall Lookatthepicturesandtalkaboutthem Presentation 20twenty30thirty40forty50fifty ListenandchoosethecorrectpictureinActivity1 60sixty70seventy80eighty90ninety Presentation 1 TherearethirtystudentsinLinda sclass 3 ThereisamapoftheworldinLinda sclass T F 请听第3部分录音 判断正误 2 TherearetwentystudentsinDaming sclass F Presentation 30 40 yes no AmapofEngland Amapoftheworld 阅读对话3 填写下面的表格 Presentation 1 What s like 这个句型用来询问 是什么样 例如 What sanelephantlike 大象是什么样子的 Languagepoints Presentation 2 atthefrontof表示 在 的前面 inthefrontof表示 在 的前面 在里面内部的前面 infrontof表示 在 的前面 在外面的前面 3 s所有格表示所属关系 意为 的 例如 teacher sdesk4 alotof n 表示 许多的 大量的 Presentation 例如 1 Therearethirtystudentsinmyclass 2 Butthereisacomputerontheteacher sdesk 3 There samapoftheworldinourclassroom 4 Buttherearen tanypicturesonourwalls 找出对话3中含有therebe结构的陈述句 some在否定句和疑问句中要变为any Presentation therebe结构表示在某地有某人或某物 therebe结构中的be与后面紧跟着的名词保持单复数的一致 例如 Thereissomewaterinthebottle therebe结构的否定句是在be后加not 其缩写形式为 isnot isn tarenot aren t Grammar Presentation 1 在墙上有一幅地图 There amaponthewall 2 在我们班有40名学生 There 40studentsinourclass 3 在我的桌子上有一台电脑 acomputeronmydesk 4 在你的桌子上有一些书 somebooksonyourdesk is are Thereis Thereare 练一练 Practice 例如 1 Istherealotoffurture 2 Aretherecomputersoneveryone sdesk 3 Arethereanypicturesontheclassroomwalls 4 Andisthereamapofthemap 小结 therebe结构的疑问句是把be放在there前 请找出对话3中的therebe结构的一般疑问句 Presentation Isthereablackboardintheclassroom Yes thereis 看图回答问题 Presentation Isthereamapoftheworldonthewall Yes thereis Presentation Arethereanycomputersintheclassroom Yes thereare Presentation Arethereanytelevisionsinthelibrary No therearen t Presentation Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass Thereare37studentsinmyclass Presentation Howmanypicturesarethereonthewall Thereisonepictureonthewall Presentation 30 做调查 要求用howmany来提问 调查你班的情况 Presentation 用therebe结构描述你理想的班级 A Howmany arethereinyourclassroom B Thereare A Istherea B Yes thereis No thereisn t A Arethere B Yes thereare No therearen t Presentation someareclassroomcomputerteachergirlthirty Listenandrepeat Presentation Listenandrepeatthenumbers twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety Presentation seventythirtyforty sixfiftysixtytwenty oneeightyninetyfortytwenty 21706046908050203040 Matchthewordswiththenumbers Presentation therebe结构中的be的单复数取决于后面紧跟的名词 therebe结构的疑问句是把be提前 some在否定句和疑问句中要变为any 本课小结 Summary 1 Theresomewaterinthebottle A isB areC beD am2 Therearen tbirdsinthesky someB aC anD any3 thereapeninthebox amB isC areD be A D B 练一练 Practice 4 Howmanyarethereintheclassroom boyB boysC girlD student5 There alotoftallbuildingsinthecity A isB amC areD be B C Practice


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