2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Rhythm单元检测B-阅读理解提速练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Rhythm单元检测B-阅读理解提速练 北师大版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Rhythm单元检测B-阅读理解提速练 北师大版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Rhythm单元检测B-阅读理解提速练 北师大版必修2.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 单元检测B阅读理解提速练.阅读理解AIn 1957, Max Vernon Mathews wrote the first puter program called Music, which enabled a puter to create sound and play it back. He was then working as an engineer at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. It enabled a large IBM puter to play a seventeensecond piece of music he had written.The puter was so slow that it took an hour to play the seventeensecond piece of music. So Mathews moved the work to a tape player to play the music at a normal speed. He later said that the sound quality of the musical notes was not great, but the technical importance of the music was huge.The sciencefiction writer Arthur C. Clarke visited Bell Laboratories in the 1960s. He heard a puter “sing” the song Daisy Bell on devices (设备) and learned about the programs developed by Mathews and other engineers. Clarke noted this technology in his book 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was later made into a movie.Mathews continued creating other versions of the Music program. He became interested in how puters could help musicians outside recording studios. The Groove program he developed was the first puter program made for live performances.He also developed an electronic device he called the Radio Baton, which looks like two drum sticks. It enables the user to control the speed and sound levels of orchestral music (管弦乐) played on a puter by moving the two sticks on a special electronic surface.Mathews said he believed modern musicians were not making full use of the power of puter music. He said a violin always sounds like a violin. But with his Music, the way a violin sounds is unlimited. He did not want puter sounds to replace live music, but he hoped puters would one day be considered serious instruments.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。Max Vernon Mathews把音乐与计算机结合起来,创造了魅力无穷的计算机音乐。1Why did Clarke visit Bell Laboratories?ATo make his book into a movie.BTo help Mathews develop Music.CTo satisfy his own curiosity about music.DTo gather materials for his literary creation.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段可知,Clarke在他的一本书里涉及了Mathews的电子音乐技术。由此可推知,Clarke主要是为文学创作获取素材才去Bell Laboratories的。2What electronic music tools did Mathews create?ASomething used to record live music.BSomething used to create special sound.CSomething used to improve puter music.DSomething used to create puter music.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段可知,制作计算机音乐时,Radio Baton可以用来控制管弦乐的速度、声级等,能改进音乐。3What does Mathews think of his Music?AIt is more pleasant to the ear.BIt can help make more sounds.CIt will finally replace the violin.DIt is more popular than live music.解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,一般小提琴发出的声音就是那一种,用Mathews的Music可以让它的声音有无数种,即他的Music能帮助发出更多声音。4What can we learn about Mathews?AHe is the father of puter music.BHis creation succeeded on the first try.CHe wrote Music to replace instruments.DHe changed the functions of puters.解析:选A推理判断题。根据全文可知,是Mathews首先创造了计算机音乐,并进而发展出一系列与音乐相关的电子产品,在音乐界掀起了一场革命,故他是计算机音乐之父。B(2018湖南省十三校重点中学联考)When I was a small boy, I noticed that though many of the adults around me were wealthy and educated, they were not always happy and this sometimes led them to behave in ways, which I, as a child, thought strange. As a result of that, I decided to try to understand what happiness was and how best to achieve it. It was not surprising, then, that I decided to study psychology.On arrival at the university, I was disappointed to find that academic psychologists were trying to understand human behaviour by studying rats in a lab. I felt that there must be other more useful ways of learning how we think and feel. I decided to build my career on trying to discover what made others happy. I started out by studying creative people such as musicians, artists and athletes because they were people who devoted their lives to doing what they wanted to do, rather than things that just brought them financial rewards.Later, I expanded the study by inventing a system called “the experience sampling method”. Ordinary people were asked to keep an electronic pager (传呼机) for a week which gave out a beeping sound eight times a day. Every time it did so, they wrote down where they were, what they were doing, how they felt and how much they were concentrating. This system has now been used on more than 10,000 people, and the answers are consistent: as with creative people, ordinary people are happiest when concentrating hard.I found that the most obvious cause of happiness is intense concentration. This must be the main reason why activities such as music, art, literature, sports and other forms of leisure have survived. In order to concentrate, whether youre reading a poem or building a sandcastle, what you need is a challenge that matches your ability. The way to remain continually happy, therefore, is to keep finding new opportunities to improve your skills. This may mean learning to do your job better or faster, or doing other more difficult jobs. As you grow older, you have to find new challenges which are more appropriate to your age.5What led the author to study psychology?AHis determination to bee rich.BHis observation of adults.CHis unhappy childhood.DHis interest in strangers.解析:选B推理判断题。第一段提到作者小时候看到周围富有且受过教育的成年人并不快乐,因而决定找到使人们获得快乐的途径,由此可推断:他对成年人的观察促使他学了心理学。6Who were the authors study subjects at the start of his career?APeople having deep affection for their career.BPeople very aware of their personal life.CPeople successful in acquiring wealth.DPeople with more freedom.解析:选A推理判断题。由第二段中的“I started out by studying . who devoted their lives to doing what they wanted to do”可知,作者认为他选择的研究对象是热爱自己事业的一群人。7The author used his system to show that _.Apeoples happiness depends on who they are withBpeople are happier when they focus on an activityCcreative people are happier than ordinary peopleDordinary people find it hard to concentrate解析:选B细节理解题。由第三段中的“as with creative people, ordinary people are happiest when concentrating hard”可知,作者采取经验取样法研究发现:普通人和有创造性的人一样,他们在集中精神做事情的时候最快乐。8According to the text, people concentrate most when they are doing _.Asomething strange and enjoyableBsomething difficult but possibleCthings appropriate to their agesDmany things at the same time解析:选B推理判断题。由最后一段中的“intense concentration”及“challenge that matches your ability”等可知,人们在做具有一定难度但又是自己能力所及的事情时精神最集中。.阅读七选五(2018西安一中模拟)Use only water that has been properly disinfected (消毒) for drinking, cooking, making any prepared drink, or for brushing teeth.Use bottled water that has not been exposed to flood waters if it is available._1_Boiling water will kill most types of diseasecausing organisms (微生物) that may be present. If the water is cloudy, filter it through clean cloth or allow it to settle, and draw off the clear water for boiling. Boil the water for one minute. _2_If you cant boil water, you can disinfect it using household chemical. _3_If the water is cloudy, filter it through clean cloth or allow it to settle, and draw off the clear water for disinfection. Add 1/8 teaspoon of regular, liquid household bleach (漂白剂) for each gallon of water. _4_Store disinfected water in clean containers with covers._5_If you suspect that your well may be polluted, contact your local or state health department or agriculture extension agent for specific advice.AThen stir it well and let it stand for 30 minutes before you use it.BThen let it cool, and store it in clean containers with covers.CDont use any container that has had milk or fruit juice in it.DChemicals like bleach will kill some, but not all types of diseasecausing organisms in the water.EIf you have a well that has been flooded, the water should be tested.FIf you dont have bottled water, you should boil water to make it safe.GThere are many ways to filter water.1解析:选F根据后一句“Boiling water will kill most types of diseasecausing organisms (微生物) that may be present”可知前一句应与“boil water”有关,故选F。2解析:选B根据前一句“Boil the water for one minute”再结合倒数第二段最后一句“储存水”的信息可知,下文应讲,待水凉后进行存储这个步骤。3解析:选D根据前一句中的“you can disinfect it using household chemical”可知,下句应与chemical有关,故选D。4解析:选A根据前文加入“漂白剂”及下文“储存”可知,这里是消毒的中间过程“搅拌,静置”等。5解析:选E根据下文“怀疑自家的水井被污染”可知,第一句应是“如果你的水井被洪水淹没,应该检测一下水质”。故选E项。

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