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20182019学年第一学期高一第一次月考英语试题考试时间:120分钟 总分:120分 一、第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分,)A Different countries have different customs in giving presents. In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person,because the sound of the word for “clock” is similar to the sound of “death”. Also,dont wrap(用包裹) a present in white,black or blue paper,because they are the colors for funerals(葬礼).Dont give a knife,because something sharp can cut a friendship.In Russia if you give flowers as presents,you have to give an odd number of them (one,three,five,etc.) because even numbers of flowers are for funerals.In Germany if you are invited to dinner,flowers are good presents to take to your dinner hostess (女主人),but dont take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number. Dont take an even number of anything, either. Dont wrap your presents in white, brown, or black paper.1. According to the passage,_ must never be given to Chinese people as presents.A. flowers B. Clothes C. food D. clocks2. People dont wrap presents in black or white paper in _.A. Germany B. ChinaC. both China and Germany D. both China and Russia3. What does the underline word “even” mean in Chinese in the passage?A. 偶数 B. 奇数的 C. 甚至 D.平坦4. What presents can you take to your dinner hostess in Germany?A. Thirteen of something. B. Flowers except red roses.C. An even number of something. D. Something wrapped in brown paper.5. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Foreigners Presents B. Giving Flowers as PresentsC. Different Customs in Giving PresentsD. Dont Give Thirteen of Anything as PresentsBLao She wrote Teahouse in 1957.The play shows audience life in China between 1898 and 1945.It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and customers. It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighborhood. Finally, it says good bye to old Beijing and its people.The story starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty. It continues in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the AntiJapanese War in 1945. After the war, Wang loses the teahouse and dies.Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899.His parents sent him to the Teachers School in Beijing and he learned to teach. From 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories. He was named a “Peoples Artist” and a “Great Master of Language”. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century.In Lao Shes Teahouse today, waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food. If you like Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse. LaoShes Teahouse gives a wonderful wele to everyone from China and from all over the world.6. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A.Lao She. B.Lao Shes Teahouse. C.The story of the teahouse. D.The play Teahouse.7.How many years of life in China is shown in the play Teahouse?A.57 years. B.45 years. C.98 years. D.47 years.8.When does Wang Lifa lose the teahouse?A.In 1898. B.In 1916. C.Before 1945. D.After 1945.9.Lao She was all of the following except _.A. a boss of the teahouse B. a Peoples Artist C. a Great Master of Language D. one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century10.Who are wele to Lao Shes Teahouse today?A. Only Chinese customers. B. Only foreign customers. C. Every customer from home and abroad. D. Only Beijing Opera audience. CNoise pollution(噪音污染)is doing much harm to our health now. Noise,in fact,is unwanted sound and is a kind of invisible (无形的) killer. More and more students enjoy listening to music very much. When they listen to MP3 players, they like to turn up the volume (音量)Some people love listening to loud music. Furthermore, while watching TV, they keep the volume up. But they havent realized that the noise is weakening their hearing. In fact, the noise not only influences each member in the family, but also makes a difference to the fort of neighbors. Noise pollution is a source of increasing misery (痛苦) to people in our society. If people are often disturbed by it, they may feel unfortable or upset. Whats worse, the noise can make people mad sometimes. If a worker works in a printing factory for too long, his/her hearing loss is much faster than a mon person working in a quieter environment. So everybody must pay more attention to noise pollution. Generally speaking,the following four types of noise should be watched out for: Noise in the street Construction site (建筑工地) noise Noise at work Transportation noise I think the local department (部门) should take measures to control the noise levels, but its everybodys duty to keep a quiet environment.11Why is noise called a kind of invisible killer?A. Because we cant see it with our own eyes.B. Because its really harmful to our health,but people dont realize it.C. Because it often causes people to die.D. Because it has no direct effect on humans.12What do the words “makes a difference to” mean?A. influences B. produces C. refers D. provides13Noise pollution may not make people feel_.A. unfortable B. upset C. mad D. pleased14Which of the following is NOT true?A. Listening to loud music may do some harm to your hearing.B. Noise is a kind of unwanted sound.C. We neednt watch out for the construction site noise.D. Everybody has a duty to keep a quiet environment.15Whats the best title for the passage?A. Different Kinds of Pollution B. The Harm of Noise PollutionC. Hearing Loss D. Our Health第二节、口语表达(每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容,从七个选项中选出五项填入空白处。A. Hi, where are you from? B. Hello, whos calling? C. You should learn from them. D. Dear listeners, who can give him some suggestions? E. Why not have a good talk with her?F. You shouldnt argue with your mom.G . Whats your problem? Becky: Wele back to “The Problem Line”. Okay, its time for another call. 16 David: Hello! This is David.Becky: Hi, David. Wele to “The Problem Line”. 17 David: Well, Im having problems with my mom. When we talk about something, we always argue.Becky: 18 Its impolite.David: I know, but she plans everything for me. I cant even decide what to wear on weekends.Becky: Thats too bad. 19 David: I tried, but she never listened. She thinks I should listen to her because Im her child.Becky: Well, thats a difficult problem. 20 Linda: Hello, Im Linda. I think David should ask his teacher for help. Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.David: OK. Ill have a try. Thank you!第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)An eightyearold child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 21 mother with desperation(绝望),“ 22 a miracle(奇迹) can save him now.” The little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She 23 all the change(零钱) out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she 24 her way six blocks to the local drugstore(药店).“And what do you want?” asked the chemist(药剂师).“Its 25 my little brother,” the girl answered back. “Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a 26 . His name is Andrew and he has something 27 growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him.”“We dont 28 miracles here, child. Im sorry,” the chemist said, smiling 29 at the little girl. In the shop was a 30 customer. He stooped(弯腰) down and asked the little girl, “What kind of miracle does your brother 31 ?”“I dont know,” she replied. “Hes really sick and daddy says he needs a(n) 32 . But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought my 33 .”“How much do you have?” asked the man.“One dollar and eleven cents, 34 I can try and get some more,” she answered quietly.“Well, what a coincidence(巧合),” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven centsthe _35_price of a miracle for your little brother. 36 me to where you live. I want to see your brother and 37 your parents.”That welldressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon. The operation in the hospital was pleted without 38 and it wasnt long before Andrew was 39 again and doing well.The little girl was happy. She knew exactly how much the miracle costone dollar and eleven cents plus the 40 of a little child.21.A. helplessB.hopefulC.tearfulD.kind22.A.OnlyB.Just C. SimplyD.More than23.A.drewB.pouredC.putD. pulled24.A.followedB. foundC.tookD.made25.A.toB.as C.forD.on26.A.hopeB.doctorC.favorD.miracle27.A. extraB.smallC.badD.impossible28.A. sellB.offerC.haveD.store29.A.gentlyB.sadlyC.strangelyD.coldly30.A.well-dressedB.kind-heartedC.well-behavedD.good-looking31.A.haveB. careC.needD.like32.A. a doctorB.an operationC.a surgeonD.a kindness33.A.savingsB.wishesC.ideas D.suggestions34.A.sinceB.asC.afterD.but35.A.sameB.exactC.properD.necessary36.A.ShowB.HelpC.FollowD. Take37.A.helpB.meet C.persuadeD. encourage38.A.difficultyB.delayC.charge(费用)D.result39.A.happyB.wellC.strong D.home40.A.clevernessB.faithC.courageD.devotion第二节:用单词的适当形式填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.His friend has ( 遭受)illness for some years.(填短语)2.He was extremely (感激的)to Gladstone for his support.3.Tom was sad because his parents (agree)with his decision.4. (逐渐地)he began to love English .5.Judging from his (口音), he must be from Australia.6.Try to remember all the words and (表达).7.Miller is a (可信赖的)man and I think you can rely on him .8. (羊毛的)clothes often shrink(缩水)when they are washed .9.she gave me a (坚定的) look.10.We all admire her for her speaking English(流利地).第三部分第一节 单句改错,每一句有一处错误(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1. It is the first time that I had visited the Great Wall.2. The Chinese government is concern about the growth of teenagers,3. He has some difficulty in get along with his new classmates.4. He is absent today because of he is ill .5. The doctor insisted that he should be operate on right away.6. Living in a big city has many disadvantage .7. He arriving tomorrow morning .8. He graduated university five years ago .9. Why not to go by underground?10.The first place which they visited was the Big Ben.第二节 书面表达 (满分20分) 一个英文网站面向中学生征稿。请你写一篇英语稿件, 介绍中国传统节日“中秋节”及这个节日里的主要活动。写作要点:1.它是中国的传统节日之一;2.家人团聚;3.赏月、吃月饼;4.月饼的类型和美好的寓意注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 参考词汇: 中秋节:the MidAutumn Festival 赏月:enjoy the full moon 月饼:moon cake 传统的 traditional bean paste(豆沙馅) ,egg-yolk (蛋黄馅)or meat(肉馅)高一英语第一次月考答案一阅读理解(15X2=30)(1)1- 5 DCABC 6-10 BDDAC 11-15 BADCB (2)(七选五)16-20 BGFED (5x2=10)二完形填空(1.5x20=30)21-25CABDC 26-30 DCABA 31-35 CBADB 36-40 DBCDB三单词填空(1.5x10=15)1.suffered from 2grateful 3disagreed 4Gradually 5accent6expressions 7reliable 8Woolen 9determined 10fluently四单句改错(1.5 x10 =15)1 is was/ hadhave 2. concern concerned 3.getgetting 4.去掉of 5 operate operated 6. disadvantagedisadvantages 7.He 后加is 8.graduate后加from 9.去掉to 10 whichthat五 作文(20)The Middle-Autumn FestivalThe Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals , it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. There are various kind of mooncakes ,such as bean paste ,egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it stands for a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Middle-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.


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