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2018-2019学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题试卷说明:本套试卷总分120分,考试时间100分钟 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 APeyto Lake, CanadaLocated in Banff National Park, Canadas first national park, Peyto Lake is one of the most wonderful lakes in the world. What makes it truly beautiful is its unique greenish-blue colour, and placement in the Canadian Rockies. Named after trail guide Bill Peyto, this lake is located at a height of 1,860m.Entry Details: $9.80 adult, $8.30 senior, $4.90 youth, and $19.60 familyBest Time to Visit: July, August, and SeptemberArgentino Lake, ArgentinaLocated in the Patagonian province in Argentina, the lake is truly beautiful. Surrounded by glaciers(冰川) and snow-covered mountains, the lake presents visual delights like none other. With a maximum depth of 500 meters, its the biggest freshwater lake in Argentina. The lake is famous for fishing.Entry Details: $15$20, changes as per season, but entry for tourists above 70 years of age is always free. Best Time to Visit: December to March, and late NovemberLake Baikal, RussiaBeing the worlds oldest and deepest lake, Baikal is about 395 miles long, 49 miles wide and 1,642 meters deep. It holds more water than the Great Lakes of North America bined, and is thus the largest freshwater lake globally. Located in the south Russian region of Siberia, a trip to view this lake is a trip of a lifetime!Entry Details: No Entrance fee hereBest Time to Visit: March to AprilLake Como, ItalyConsidered one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe, Lake Como has attracted tourists since Roman times. Located in Lombardy, Como is one of the deepest lakes in Europe. Surrounded by villas and palaces, this lake has attracted some of the wealthiest. Today, many celebrities(名人) have houses here. Here you can enjoy water sports, take a flight over the lake, or try skiing during the wintersevery tourist has something hes going to like!Entry Details: FreeBest Time to Visit: July and September1. Why is the passage presented? A.To call on people to travel around the world. B.To introduce some beautiful lakes around the world. C.To explain how some world-famous lakes formed. D.To tell us what tourists can do around the world-famous lakes.2. Which place has to be paid for a visit of an 80-year-old man? A.Lake o, Italy. B.Lake Baikal, Russia. C.Peyto Lake, Canada. D.Argentino Lake, Argentina.3. What can be inferred from the passage? A.The worlds second largest freshwater lake is in Russia. B.A trail guide gave the name to Peyto Lake of Canada. C.Lake o is well known for its colour and location. D.Argentino Lake is surrounded by glaciers and snow-covered mountains. BJohnny Kelley is 86 years old. He has just run the last eleven kilometers of the Boston Marathon. It took him one hour and fifteen minutes to run the eleven kilometers. After his running, he went to the hospital center. The nurse was surprised and pleased to see that his blood pressure(血压) was 139 over 84. She told him that his blood pressure was very good. Then she said, “I wish mine were good like yours. ”Johnny Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon. He ran all the 42 kilometers of the marathon 61 times. This year was the second time that he has cut back and run only part of it. Kelley holds the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else. Thousands of people cry “e on” to him as he runs. Today an 11-year-old boy called put to Kelley, “Hey, Mr Kelley. You are great man. ” Kelley smiles and thanks people as he runs. “Its a wonderful.” He said, “People e out to shake my hand. I am weled by thousands of people. I think a lot of them thought I ran the whole race. And maybe they congratulate because they know me after all there years and they dont know the other runners. ”4Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon because _. A. he is eighty-six years oldB. he ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon that dayC. he was old and ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon 61 timesD. his grandson is the best runner of the Boston Marathon5When Kelley said it was wonderful, he meant that _. A. he was wele by thousands of peopleB. his blood pressure was so goodC. he was able to run the whole Marathon raceD. he got to the hospital center safely6Kelley keeps the record _. A. for living to a great ageB. for running the fastestC. for taking one hour and 15 minutes to run the 11 kilometersD. for running the most Boston Marathons7Kelley went to the hospital center after the race _. A. to tell the nurse the good newsB. to have a good restC. to thank people who cried “e on” to himD. to see if his blood pressure was goodCDuring an earthquake,you should know what to do.If the earthquake strikes while youre inside a house,you should lie on the floor under a strong table or other furniture.If there is no furniture,you can cover your head with your arms and keep still in the corner of the room.You should keep away from windows,glass walls,or anything that can fall.If you are in bed,hold firmly onto your bed and make use of a pillow to safeguard your head.You may use a doorway but only when it is close to you.It should also be considered whether it is strong enough to deal with the load.If you are running out,do not use lifts,even if they work.Electricity may go out at any time.Many injuries happen when people try to rush out.This means you ought to stay in your house or perhaps wherever you are.When you stay outdoors,you should stay far from buildings,power wires or lights.You should be in the open until the quake stops.Remember that many earthquake deaths outside the house e from falling-apart walls,flying glass and other falling things.If an earthquake strikes and you are driving,you should pull up to the side of the highway and stop as quickly as possible.You ought not to stop under trees,buildings or energy wires.Dont stop in the middle of the street as it could trouble others.When trapped,you shouldnt move.Your mouth should be covered with a piece of clothing or a handkerchief.This is because it is possible for you to breathe in some dust.Do not shout whenever possible.You should only shout in the end to get help from rescuers.8.What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?A.To tell us the dangers of an earthquake.B.To tell us what to do before an earthquake.C.To tell us what to do when an earthquake strikes.D.To tell us why running during an earthquake is dangerous.9.If there is no furniture in the room during an earthquake,you should.A.lie still on the floorB.stay near the windowC.stay in the center of the roomD.keep still in the corner of the room10.According to the passage, during an earthquake,youd better not.a.use a lift to escapeb.stay outdoorsc.cut off electricityd.keep driving to escapeA.abB.bc C.adD.cd11.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.When to call out for help in an earthquake.B.What to do when trapped in an earthquake.C.How to make use of a handkerchief in an earthquake.D.How to avoid breathing in some dust in an earthquake. DMy name is Leanna Deeds,and I am blind.I have a bachelors degree (学士学位) in journalism.However,my journalism career lasted ten months.I could not have a better job because I could not see.So when I was offered a full-time job as a secretary for the Office for Students with Disabilities at Portland munity College (PCC),I took it.However,Im sure that my experience with higher education,and my understanding of how it works,was one of the reasons I was employed,and I know my college education has helped me over the years.Technology has also helped me overe difficulties.I learned to read with an optacon(盲人阅读器),an electronic reading device (装置) which allows blind people to read printed material.I achieved a great deal in my career today through perseverance and hard work.I believe people with disabilities,above all,must learn the value of hard work because they must work harder at everything they do than other people.I have a good attendance record at work.It has served me well.People with disabilities have fewer other duties in life because there are some things they cant do.So,once they have a job,they can go to work every day.I have used initiative (主动性) at work to solve problems,especially my own.Since I have always worked with people,I collect information at work,and I use it to help them.I solve many small problems for people every day.People with disabilities,and all people,should learn the system,respect it,and make it work well for them.I have done that all my life.As the years passed,I decided that continuing to work for PCC would be easier than starting over with another employer because I am known for what I can do.Advice I would give to others with disabilities who are starting to plan their careers or look for employment:Always do your best.Take advantage of any opportunities that e your way.Use technology to help you.When you get a job,stick to it.12According to the text,Leanna Deeds .Aworked as a journalist for a yearBputs a value on her college educationCgraduated from PCC with a bachelors degreeDheads the Office for Students with Disabilities at PCC13Leanna Deeds made achievements in her career by .Aworking hardBgoing to work every dayCsolving technological problemsDfinding new employment every year14How does Leanna Deeds find her work in PCC?AShe considers it a boring job.BShe can do it with skill and ease.CShe loves it though its quite tiring.DShe finds it hard to please her employer.15What does Leanna Deeds mainly intend to tell us?AAll roads lead to Rome.BWherever you are,you can succeed.CWork hard,try your best and stick to it.DHowever hard it is,you should never give up.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Is conversation a lost art?The next time you eat at a restaurant, take some time to look around you. What do you notice? _16_ How many of them are engaged (忙于) in face-to-face conversations? On the other hand, how many of them have their heads down using a smart phone?Thanks to smart phones and the Internet, were able to text, e-mail, or make phone calls all day long. _17_ Experts argue, however, that the types of munication made possible by modern technology have e at the expense of real, face-to-face conversations. Even though were connecting more than ever, the exchanges arent as deep as in-person conversations.Do we really spend that much time on electronic devices (设备), though? _18 According to a recent study, todays young Americans (ages 818) spend more than seven-and-a-half hours every day on electronic devices, such as smart phones, televisions, puters, and video games.So whats the big deal? Many experts have noted that reliance (依赖) upon electronic munications can have a negative effect on social skills and writing skills. 19_ While digital munications teach certain skills and habits, face-to-face conversations teach other skills that are important for our overall(全部的) well-being(幸福、健康).20_ Experts urge people to unplug(拔掉、去掉) more often. Set aside time without electronics to share face-to-face conversations with friends and family. Keeping a healthy balance between on-screen and off-screen discussions will make you a better municator in all areas of your life.A.Researchers have found the answer is yes.B.Pay particular attention to the other people around you.C.How can we be sure we dont lose the art of conversation?D.When youre sad or lonely, a smile may make a huge difference.E.This can make it harder to keep healthy relationships as an adult.F.In many ways, were municating more than we ever had in the past.G.Theres an average of 11 hours of media content in those seven-and-a-half hours.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One young person, who was well educated, went for a job as a manager in a big pany. The president did the final 21.He discovered the youth was 22 and felt satisfied. Then the president asked who paid for his school fees. The youth answered, “My mother did it. She worked as a clothes 23.”The president requested the youth to 24 his hands. So the youth did. They were smooth. Then he asked, “Have you ever 25 your mother wash the clothes before?” The youth answered, “Never, my mother always wanted me to 26.”“Go and clean your mothers 27 when you go back today, and then 28 me tomorrow morning,” the president said 29.The youth felt his chance of getting the job was high, so when he went back, he 30 requested his mother to let him clean her hands. However, his tears fell 31 he cleaned his mothers hands slowly. It was the first time he had 32 that his mothers hands were so wrinkled (布满皱纹的). After that, the youth didnt say a word and washed all the remaining clothes for his mother 33. That night, Mother and son 34 for a very long time, longer than any talk before. The next 35, the youth went to the presidents office. The president noticed the tears in the youths eyes and asked: “Please tell me how you 36 about helping your mother.” The youth said, “Number one, I know now what 37 is. Without my mother, I wouldnt be successful today. Number two, by helping my mother, I realize how 38 it is to get something done. Number three, Ive e to realize the 39 of family relationship.”The president said, “You are 40. This is what Im looking for to be my manager.” 21. A.election B.test C.interview D.petition22. A.strong B.excellent C.humorous D.cute23. A.maker B.cleaner C.mender D.seller24. A.wash B.hide C.show D.dry25. A.found B.let C.helped D.watched26. A.study B.ignore C.work D.rest27. A.clothes B.hands C.feet D.shoes28. A.see B.move C.recognize D.answer29. A.on purpose B.in patience C.by chance D.at last30. A.carefully B.nervously C.happily D.shyly31. A.after B.until C.because D.as32. A.believed B.sensed C.noticed D.expected33. A.quietly B.sadly C.excitedly D.angrily34. A.thought B.slept C.sat D.talked35. A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.evening36. A.worried B.felt C.brought D.spoke37. A.courage B. appreciation C.success D.family38. A.important B.difficult C.different D.impossible39. A.value B.secret C.type D.change40. A.educated B.respected C.trusted D.hired 第卷第二节 (共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Keeping a diary in English is one of the 41.(effect)ways to improve our English writing ability.42.(pare)with other forms of writing,it is shorter and takes less time.It can help us 43.(develop)the habit of thinking in English.44. we insist on this practice,gradually well learn how to express ourselves in English.In keeping a diary in English,we certainly run up against many difficulties.For a start,it often happens that we have trouble 45.(find) proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind.Secondly,there are many idiomatic ways or things in Chinese.And it is 46.(extreme)hard for us to put them into English properly.As far as I am47.(concern),my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.Whenever something beats us,we can first write it down in our notebook 48. look it up in our dictionary.We can also turn 49. our English teacher for help,if necessary.In short,I believe that it is of great use 50.(keep)a diary in English for the development of our writing skills. 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When an English traveler,who spent a few week in Sweden,was about to return to home,he found he hadnt enough money left to get a ticket to England.Since it was only two-day voyage,he believed he can get home without eating anything.He final bought a ticket with that little money and went to board the ship.He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell or refused to go to the place where people had his dinner when dinnertime came.Therefore,he couldnt stand this any longer and went to the dining hall,enjoy the last meal on the ship.He then said,“Waiter,brings me the bill.”“Oh,meals are included in the ticket,” said the waiter.第二节 书面表达 (25分)假设社会发展到了2080年,照顾老年人成了一个社会问题,科学家发明了一种家用机器人。请以“The Robot in the Future”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.书写规范,语法正确,语句通顺。_ 高二英语第二次月考答案第一部分(阅读理解): 第一节 1-15 BCD CADD CDCB BABC第二节 七选五 16.B 17.F 18.A 19.E 20.C 第二部分:完型填空:第一节21-40 CBBCC ABADC DCADA BBBAD第二节:语法填空:1.effective2.pared3.to develop/develop4.If 5.finding6.extremely 7.am concerned8.and9.to10.to keep第三部分:第一节:改错:1 . weekweeks; 2. 去掉home前面的to 3.only后加a; 4.cancould 5. finalfinally 6. orand; 7. histheir 8. ThereforeHowever; 9. enjoyenjoying 10.bringsbring第二节:书面表达The Robot in the FutureAs you know,with the development of economy,people have to face various pressures.They dont have enough time to attend to the old in their family,which has bee a social problem.To solve this problem,scientists have invented the household robot,which is designed to take care of the old.It can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needs.It can also acpany the old in having a chat,playing chess and doing exercise.Moreover,it can deal with emergencies.For example,if an old man falls ill suddenly,the robot will call for help immediately.

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