2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc_第2页
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2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc_第3页
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Unit 5The power of nature【短文语法填空】3-D printers 1.(be) around us for some time.There is a lot you can do and imagine with a 3-D printer.Now add “building a house in a day” 2. the list.A pany in China has 3.(recent) used 3-D printers to make ten full-size houses in just 24 hours.And each of the houses covers an area of 200 square meters.These houses are printed with special “ink”4. has been made from industrial construction waste.The using of cheap material makes 5. possible to print each house under $5,000.The CEO of the pany says,“They are both environmentally 6.(friend) and cost-effective.”He plans to set up 100 recycling factories across China and continue 7.(change) waste into cost-effective “ink” for 3-D printers.He also hopes his printers can be used to build tall 8.(build).However,at present,multi-storey 3-D printed buildings are not allowed in China.So its impossible that the 3-D printing technology will be 9.(wide) used to build homes any time soon.Maybe there is still 10. long way to go.答案1.have been2.to3.recently4.that/which5.it6.friendly7.changing/to change8.buildings9.widely 10.a(对应学生用书P153)一高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇_alongside_ adv.在旁边;沿着边prep.在旁边;沿着的边_potential_ n潜在性;可能性;潜能 adj.可能的;潜在的_shoot_ vt.射中;射伤_guarantee_ vt.保证;担保appoint vt.任命;委派 _appointment_ n约定;任命suit n一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜 _suitable_ adj.合适的actual adj.实在的;实际的 _actually_ adv.实际地anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的 _anxiously_ adv.不安地 _anxiety_ n担心;焦虑;渴望panic vi.& vt.惊慌 n惊慌;恐慌 _panicked_ (过去式/过去分词)absolute adj.绝对的;完全的 _absolutely_ adv.绝对地;完全地2常考词汇equipment n_设备;装备_equip vt._装备;装配_evaluate vt._评估;评价;估计_evaluation n_评估_candidate n_候选人;候补者_precious adj._贵重的;珍贵的_diverse adj._多种多样的;不同的_appreciation n_欣赏;感激;感谢_appreciate vt._欣赏;感激_用所给单词的适当形式填空1Why was The Last Picture Show put on?The theater owner found it _suitable_ (suit)(2017全国卷)2Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all _appreciate_ (appreciation) beauty, that we all share a mon desire for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.(2017天津卷)3But pensating on the weekends _actually_ (actual) feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found.(2017全国卷)4In total,25% of Indias workingage population has no education.In 2030,a sixth of the countrys _potential_ (potential) work force could be totally uneducated.(2017江苏卷)5When the war was near, Alia was worried that the fires of war would destroy the books, which are _more_(many) precious to her than mountains of gold.(2017浙江卷)6Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course,with 10 additional lessons per week,_guaranteeing_ (guarantee) the fastest possible language learning.(2016天津卷)7_Anxious_ (anxiety) all the time,I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time.(2016北京卷)8I think all our classmates have learned a lot from our munication and the _various_ (vary) activities.(2016天津卷)“惊慌,恐慌”家族panic vi.& vt.惊慌 n惊慌;恐慌alarm vt.使惊慌 n惊恐,警报,警报器scare v使惊恐,受惊吓,n.惊恐,惊吓frighten vt.& vi.(使)惊恐terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓,恐吓后缀ty构成的抽象名词集锦anxiety 担心;焦虑;渴望variety 品种,种类society 社会safety 安全security 安全,安全感ability 能力activity 活动curiosity 好奇心equality 平等majority 多数un为前缀的高频词速记unemployment n失业;失业人数uncover vt.揭开;揭露unaware adj.不知道;没意识到unbearable adj.难以忍受的;不能容忍的unbelievable adj.不可相信的;难以置信的unfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的“职场”高频单词集锦interview vt.面试employ vt.雇用appoint vt.任命promote vt.晋升dismiss vt.免的职;解雇fire vt.开除resign vt.&.vi.辞职retire vt.& vi.退休hire vt.雇用;租用【完形填空】When my kids were small,I started a tradition in our house of giving eight gifts over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah(光明节)I liked the idea of _1_ a candle every night and giving my children a gift to unwrap to _2_.It was easy to go into a toy store and pick up something _3_ less than$10 each,or even$1 each(at the dollar store)My children didnt ask for anything much in particular and they _4_ whatever they got.As the years progressed,I _5_ the tradition of eight gifts for each night of Hanukkah.But this year,Hanukkah _6_ something else.My specialneeds son decided that he wanted to _7_ a puter,and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it.When I wouldnt _8_ that,he decided he wanted a P1ayStation.Then Amazon gift cards.Then money.And when it became clear that it wasnt going to happen,he got _9_.I keep _10_ him that Hanukkah isnt about greed or materialism.Its about the miracle of an oil lamp that _11_ for eight days.Its about being _12_ of our heritage.Its about freedom.But he _13_.I know deep down that his obsessions(迷恋的物)are out of his _14_ ,and definitely out of mine.Having a specialneeds child is as _15_ as it gets.Some days are better than others and not all holidays _16_ the way I hope.But despite his unrealistic requests,hes a(n) _17_ child who is showing me the true meaning of life.And as we enter a new year and light the _18_ approaching the time,I wele his differences _19_ I learn how to turn negative requests into _20_ ones.1A.buyingBdonatingClighting Ddrawing2A.celebrate BpresentCsend Dplay3A.at BforCin Dfrom4A.ate BthrewCliked Ddrank5A.held up Bgave inChanded in Dkept up6A.made BbecameCfound Ddesigned7A.build BbuyCuse Dwatch8A.rely on Blearn fromCagree to Ddream about9A.calm BhappyCselfish Dupset10A.telling BwarningCpromising Daccusing11A.lays BhangsCwaits Dburns12A.tired BproudCafraid Dlack13A.nodded BsleptCinsisted Dfailed14A.mind BsightCcontrol Dplace15A.wonderful BdangerousCinteresting Dchallenging16A.run out Bbreak downCwork out Dput down17A.strange BamazingCbad Denergetic18A.candles BlampsCtorches Dlanterns19A.when BasCunless Duntil20A.relative BpossibleCreasonable Dpositive【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者一家过光明节的传统、变化及作者的应对策略和反思。【核心词汇】greed n贪婪materialism n物质主义miracle n奇迹1C根据下文的“And as we enter a new year and light the _18_approaching the time”可知,此处指点蜡烛。2A根据上文的“Hanukkah(光明节)”可推知,节日是用来庆祝的。3B根据语境“less than$10 each,or even$1 each(at the dollar store)”可推知,此处表示东西的价格,故用介词for。4C结合语境“My children didnt ask for anything much in particular”可推知,孩子们并不挑剔,很喜欢拿到的礼物。5D结合下文的转折“But this year, Hanukkah _6_ something else”和“My specialneeds son”可推知,作者保持那个传统很多年。6B根据转折“But this year,Hanukkah _6_ something else”和“My specialneeds son”可推知,今年有些不同,有了新变化。7A根据语境“and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it”可推知,儿子要组建一台电脑,要作者去买零配件。8C根据下文的“And when it became clear that it wasnt going to happen, he got _9_ ”可推知,作者没同意儿子的要求,儿子就有了其他更多的要求。agree to“同意”。9D很明显,作者没同意儿子的要求,儿子感到难过。upset“难过”。10A很明显,作者在不断地给儿子讲道理,说明节日的意义。11D根据下文的“And as we enter a new year and light the _18_ approaching the time”可推知,D项burn“燃烧,发亮”符合语境。12B固定搭配be proud of意为“以为傲,为而自豪”,符合语境。13C根据下文的“I know deep down that his obsessions(迷恋的物)are out of his _14_ ,and definitely out of mine”可推知,儿子不为所动,坚持自己的要求。14C根据“obsessions(迷恋的物)”可推知,儿子陷入迷恋的事物之中,已经失控。out of control“失控”。15D很明显,作者应对有特殊需求的儿子有些棘手。challenging “挑战性的”。16C根据“the way I hope”可知,有些事情并不像作者希望的那样发展。work out“成功地发展”。17B根据语境“who is showing me the true meaning of life”可推知,此处的语气表示肯定、赞赏,故选B。 amazing“了不起的”。18A根据上文的“I liked the idea of _1_ a candle every night”可知,节日期间作者一家点蜡烛庆祝。19B根据语境可知,此处表示逻辑上的因果关系,故选B。as“因为”。20D与语境中的“negative”形成对比可知,此处表示把负面要求变成积极要求。positive“积极的”。二重点短语识记思考运用1动词短语burn _to_ the ground 全部焚毁make _ones_ way 前往glance _through_ 匆匆看一遍vary from._to_.由到不等have a gift _for_ 有的天赋_take_ notice 留意;注意2be名词/形容词介词be home _to_ 是的栖息地;是的家园be pared _with_ 与相比be suitable _for_ 对合适be anxious _for_渴望3其他形式_in_ the distance 在远处be about _to_ 即将用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1We _were about to_ go out when it began to rain.2He carelessly _glanced through_ the notice on the bulletin board and went away.3The ages of the kids in the kindergarten _vary from_ 2 years old _to_ 5 years old.4After admiring the beautiful view,she _made her way to_ the next destination.5Even though he is a little boy,he _has a gift for_ playing musical instruments.6During the terrorist attack on September 11th the World Trade Center _was burnt to the ground_.7Keep silent_!Take notice of_ what they are talking about you.8I climbed the hill and saw a faint light ing from a house _in the distance_.“beadj.for”必备短语集锦be anxious for 渴望be good/bad for 对有益/害be eager for 渴望be famous/wellknown for 因闻名be fit for 合适,适合be grateful/thankful for 感谢be hungry for 渴望得到be ready for 为准备好“动词through”必备短语一览get through 通过,干完,接通电话look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看go through 审阅,检查put through 实行,完成see through 识破check through 核对pull through 渡过危机,康复break through 突破,克服三佳句选粹在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通背原句学句型练仿写1.Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估了这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。“having done”是现在分词的完成式作状语。有人带领我们参观了这所大学,然后我们被带到了许多科学家工作的大楼。_Having been shown around the university_,we then were taken to a building,where many scientists worked.2.but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。this being my first experience是独立主格结构,在句中作原因状语。由于那个男孩带路,我们很容易就找到了那奇怪的洞。_The boy leading the way_,we had no trouble finding the strange cave.3.It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。It is said that.“据说”,是一个固定句式。据报道他由于在某个知名微博上传播谣言已被逮捕。_It was reported that_ he had been arrested for spreading rumors on a certain popular Weibo.【短文改错】Zhou Yan is the Senior Three student.Last week,he goes to see a doctor because of his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that had a “mobile phone disease”Zhou sent messages for his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the exam because he spent so many time on his mobile phone.He didnt stop use the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling,which is an expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less,especial at school.【答案】Zhou Yan is Senior Three student.Last week,he to see a doctor because his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that had a “mobile phone disease”Zhou sent messages his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the because he spent so time on his mobile phone.He didnt stop the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling, is an expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less, at school.第一处:thea。考查冠词。student是可数名词,且第一次在语境中出现,表泛指,故用不定冠词修饰。第二处:goeswent。考查动词时态。与语境Last week呼应,事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时。第三处:删除of。his arms and fingers hurt是个句子,故of多余。第四处:had前加he。考查代词。that引导一个同位语从句,而非定语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,对fact的内容进行补充说明,由此可知,从句中缺少了主语,且由上文的him可知,应用人称代词的主格形式he。第五处:forto。考查介词。固定搭配send sth.to sb.意为“给某人送某物”,符合语境,故用介词to。第六处:examexams。考查名词复数。exam是可数名词,且被all修饰,故用复数形式。第七处:manymuch。time在此处用作不可数名词,故用much修饰。第八处:useusing。考查动名词。固定搭配stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,符合语境,故用动名词作宾语。第九处:whichwho。考查定语从句。先行词Yang Ling,指人,故用who引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。第十处:especialespecially。考查副词。应用副词especially修饰介词短语at school。


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