2019高考英语一轮基础练 Unit 5 Rhythm(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc

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Unit 5 Rhythm 阅读理解ACaptain John Bunch loves to go fishing. In fact, Bunch loves fishing so much that he became a professional fishing guide decades ago and has remained one ever since. There is something, however, that Bunch loves even more. That is his country and the men and women who join the army to protect it. Ever since Bunch met a young soldier in 2005, who wanted to go on a fishing trip before he left the army, the Florida native has offered over 1 200 fishing trips to veterans(退伍军人), with all expenses paid.And Bunchs efforts to give back to those who have served their nation go even much further. Inspired by that fishing trip 11 years ago, he founded Operation Open Arms, which has since helped nearly 3 400 US troops and given out more than $12 million in direct benefits with his charity. Operation Open Arms also provides free weddings, vacations, and more leisurely activities to veterans, and can rely on a network of over 300 businesses and individual partners to get former soldiers anything they might need upon returning home from army.The former marines heartwarming generosity is a result of his own experiences in the military and the pride he has for his country. I do this because I love my country and I do this because America is the greatest country in the world, he told NBCs Today Show. Bunchs unwavering mitment goes so far that he once turned down an invitation from then-President George W. Bush, because he had already scheduled a fishing trip with one of his veterans. Even the military has recognized Bunchs work of love, and earlier this year honored him and his organization with the Outstanding Civilian Service Award and the Armys most prestigious civilian award.1.What caused John Bunch to offer free fishing trips to veterans?A.A young soldiers desire to go on a fishing trip.B. Working as a professional fishing guide.C. Having served in the army.D. Growing up in Florida.2.What is Paragraph Two mainly about?A. The achievements Operation Open Arms has made.B. How Operation Open Arms was founded.C. Activities Captain John Bunch has joined.D. The missions of Operation Open Arms.3.Which can best describe John Bunchs personality?A. Ambitious and talented.B. Responsible and patient.C. Honest and determined.D. Warm-hearted and generous.4.John Bunch didnt accept George W. Bushs invitation because_.A. he thought little of himB. he didnt want to see himC. he had to take care of businessD. he wanted to stay with veterans【文章大意】钓鱼向导John Bunch不仅自己喜欢钓鱼,而且还为美国退伍军人安排很多次免费的钓鱼之旅,并为他们提供一些其他的福利。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的Ever since Bunch met a young soldier in 2005, who wanted to go on a fishing trip before he left the army, the Florida native has offered over 1 200 fishing trips to veterans(退伍军人), with all expenses paid可知,2005年,Captain John Bunch遇上一个年轻的士兵,士兵说他希望退役前能来一次钓鱼之旅。此后,Captain John Bunch为退伍军人安排了1 200多次免费的钓鱼之旅。故此题选A。3.D 【解析】推理判断题。从短文中John Bunch为退伍军人安排免费的钓鱼之旅,和provides free weddings.等可知,John Bunch不仅友好,具有强烈的助人为乐精神,而且还成立慈善机构慷慨大方地帮助退伍军人。故选D。4.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的he once turned down an invitation from then-President George W. Bush, because he had already scheduled a fishing trip with one of his veterans可知,John Bunch曾经拒绝布什总统的邀请是因为他事先计划要和退伍军人一起去钓鱼。B(2017成都高三诊断)Having spring around makes you feel different after such a long winter journey. The power of sunshine brings us a lot of fort, optimism, selfconfidence and of course a smile. Imagine how great it will be if we are so positive all year round!Living like this is possible if you really think about it.In order to exist in such a state of happiness, we must have sunshine radiating from within ourselves, shining from our hearts, minds and souls.Actually, thats your choice, and if you think that way then your own life will reflect that attitude of yours!In order to make “sunshine” or rather “light” part of our being, it is so important that you watch your thoughts, your words and your actions so that you will accept what you really feel youd like to create in your own life.Watch your thoughts and really bee aware of how many negative thoughts pass through your mind about yourself and other people around you. Watch to see how often you gossip(说闲话) about other people, which is actually often attached with feelings of jealousy(妒忌) and insecurity about yourself.You are also supposed to take a close look at your “intention”. How many of you do something for another person without expecting to receive something in return? It might not even have to be a material or physical thing you expect; expecting to be recognized for what you have done is enough to create conditions on your intention. Think about it!Putting all of these together, it seems that most of us are creating monsters inside us just by simply talking, thinking and not putting our heart out with the right intention towards helping someone else. If you take all your negative attitudes in one hand and measure your need to feel“sunshine” in the other, you will see how both these elements really contradict each other.Be brave and break your patterns and your habits this spring, and by doing so, you will allow the true sunshine to take place by radiating out from your heart and into your life and the lives of the people around you!【解题导语】本文通过讲述阳光的美好, 建议我们:审视我们的思想、 言辞以及行为, 改变我们的模式和习惯。 让真正的阳光从心底放射, 照进我们的生活, 也照进我们周围人的生活。1You can have sunshine shining from your inside _Aby measuring what you needBby helping someone elseCby watching what you think,say and doDby changing your intentionC解析:细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“In order to make sunshine or rather light part of our being, it is so important that you watch your thoughts, your words and your actions so that you will accept what you really feel youd like to create in your own life.” 可知, 为了让“阳光”或者说是“光明”成为我们生命的组成部分, 我们需要审视自己的思想、 言辞以及行为。 故选C。 2According to the writer,you dont feel secure about yourself when you _Agossip about other peopleBtake a close look at your intentionCexpect to be recognized for what youve doneDbee aware of your negative thoughtsA解析:细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“Watch to see how often you gossip(说闲话) about other people, which is actually often attached with feelings of jealousy(妒忌)and insecurity about yourself.” 可知, 说别人的闲话是因为你自身的妒忌和不安全感。 故选A。3What can be inferred from the passage?AExpecting something in return for our help isnt the right intention.BBreaking our patterns is the most important to get true sunshine.CIf we dont intend to help others, we create monsters inside us.DNegative attitudes have little to do with happiness.A解析:推理判断题。 根据第四段中的“You are also supposed.in return?”可知, 我们应该认真地审视自己的动机。 为别人做事不要总是想着能够从他们那里得到什么, 帮助别人时要有正确的动机。 故选A。 第五段中的“not putting our heart out with.someone else”也是提示。4The passage is written mainly to _Astress the importance of the positive lifestyleBanalyze the intentions and thoughts in our mindCoffer advice on having sunshine from our insideDwarn us about the bad effects of negative attitudesC解析:写作意图题。 本文通过讲述阳光的美好, 建议我们:审视我们的思想、 言辞以及行为, 改变我们的模式和习惯。 让真正的阳光从心底放射, 照进我们的生活, 也照进我们周围人的生活。 故选C。CWhen I was in the sixth grade, I became a big K-pop (Korean pop) fan. Almost half the students at my middle school were Korean and almost all of them listened to Korean music, especially K-pop. I had never been interested in it. It sounded too strange to me, but all changed in the sixth grade when the huge hit Gee came out. All my friends were singing the chorus and imitating the dance. Gee fever sucked me into K-pop. It became my life. I listened to K-pop non-stop and filled my iPod with it. In a month, I had memorized the names of countless members of boy and girl bands and stuck pictures of my singer boyfriends on my walls. I would ditch my weekend art and math classes and go to concerts with my friends. This would always result in my mom shouting that I was wasting my life. My mom thought K-pop was trash and wanted me to like classical music as she did. But classical music made me sleepy.Every day during middle school I went to a K-pop gossip and news site called allkpop. On this site I learned that I could audition(试音) to bee a singer in a K-pop band. The shining clothes, thousands of screaming fans and hearing them chant my name seemed much more exciting than being a middle school student. Being a K-pop star was all I wanted.I started watching the audition videos of current stars and reading blog posts from people who had auditioned. They explained much about the audition. This made me want to audition even more. After watching those videos, I saw that most of the current stars werent that amazing in their auditions and that each singer had improved so much through training. I had never had vocal lessons(声乐课) and didnt think of myself as a good singer. But if they could do it, I could do that too, I thought.1.What caused the author to fall in love with K-pop?A. Her Korean origin.B.A new style of dance.C. Her friends influence.D. The popularity of Gee.2.The underlined word ditch in Paragraph 1 probably means _.A. forgetB. attendC. ignoreD. hate3.What do we know about the authors mother?A. She has no interest in music.B. She has a low opinion of K-pop.C. She doesnt care about her daughter.D. She prefers K-pop to classical music.4.After visiting allkpop., the author _.A. dreamed of being a pop singerB. called the manager of the news siteC. contacted people who had auditionedD. knew she would never bee a singer【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。大多数人都认为肿瘤科护士这一职业是让人感到很压抑的,然而我却挚爱着这个职业。有时会有病人痊愈的奇迹发生,而我就是这奇迹创造过程中的一分子。1.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句可知,当奇迹发生时,我就是这个奇迹创造过程中的一分子。因此D项正确。2.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段可知,在我当护士的16年中,总是有人在问同样的问题:当肿瘤科的护士不令人感到沮丧吗?这说明大多数人不喜欢这个职业。因此A项正确。4.A 【解析】标题归纳题。全文主要谈论的是我选择护士职业的理由,因此A项正确。而B项作为文章标题过大;C项以偏概全,不能作为文章的标题;D项显然是对医院的阐述,不符合语篇主旨。D(2017江西重点中学协作体高三第一次联考)There are a number of ways to obtain a high school diploma, either through online programs, or attending schools or colleges.Yet another form of earning diploma is through various free programs offered by the educational department.Some of the programs offered by the board of education to earn a free high school diploma include External Diploma Program (EDP), Continuing Education Credit Diploma Program, and General Educational Development(GED)In the first type of program, an adult can earn a free diploma by demonstrating his/her skill acquired through life experience.Here, the participant has to meet the advisor weekly after pleting a fixed number of tasks in the related field and exhibit the progress.The course duration can vary from four months to two years.The residents of the specified area can earn a free high school diploma through these programs.The second type of program is available for students who have experience in military, occupational, or volunteer services.Here the students can earn their credits through evening classes or through independent study courses.The free high school diploma can also be earned through General Educational Development, a certificate that states that the candidate has high school level academic skills.Free diploma equivalency classes are offered for those applying for free high school diplomas that prepare the students to plete the fivepart exam.It can also be attended by anyone who is interested in improving basic skills.It is often provided to the participant either free of charge or financed by state boards of education.There are a number of fraudulent universities and sites that offer free high school diplomas.While going for a free high school diploma, one has to look for accredited institutes and universities.High School Diploma provides detailed information on High School Diploma, High School Diploma at Home, High School Diploma Online, Fake High School Diploma and more.High School Diploma is affiliated with Graduation Songs.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在美国可以获得免费的高中毕业证的几个项目。1How many ways of earning a high school diploma are mentioned in the passage?A2. B3.C4. D5.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句There are a number of ways to obtain a high school diploma, either through online programs, or attending schools or colleges.Yet another form of earning diploma is through various free programs offered by the educational department.以及下文内容可知,本文共提到了三种可以获得高中毕业证的途径。故选B。2According to the passage, someone who is serving or has served in the army can get a free high school diploma through _AExternal Diploma ProgramBGeneral Educational DevelopmentCContinuing Education Credit Diploma ProgramDaccredited institutesC解析:细节理解题。该题提问的是正在参军或参过军的人可以通过哪类课程获得免费的高中毕业证。根据第三段第一句The second type of program is available for students who have experience in military.并结合第一段最后一句中的“include External Diploma Program(EDP), Continuing Education Credit Diploma Program, and General Educational Development(GED)”可知,他们可以通过参加Continuing Education Credit Diploma Program获得免费的高中毕业证。故选C。3The purpose of the writer writing the last paragraph is to tell that _Aone should be careful when applying for a high school diplomaBuniversities are always reliable for high school diplomasCinstitutes are always reliable for high school diplomasDit is not difficult to obtain a high school diplomaA解析:推理判断题。该题提问的是作者在最后一段主要想告诉我们什么。根据最后一段第一句There are a number of fraudulent universities and sites that offer free high school diplomas.并结合该段内容可推知,作者在最后一段主要是想告诉我们在申请免费高中毕业证书时要小心,因为有的地方会作假。故选A。4The best title of the passage can be “_”AWays to Obtain High School DiplomasBTypes of High School Diploma ProgramsCHigh School Diplomas Are Offered by the Educational DepartmentDWhat to Do to Obtain a High School DiplomaA解析:标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了可免费获得高中毕业证的几种方式。A项意为“获得高中毕业证书的方式”,体现了本文的中心,适合做标题。故选A。 七选五(2017山东潍坊高三统一考试) Holiday gift buying can feel a little empty, when all of those endless lists, long lines at the shopping center and dollars spent lead to a 5minute excitement of flying wrapping paper.1._ The following tips can help make gift giving more meaningful for both the giver and the receiver.Know the personThe most important thing in the exchanging of gifts is that it shows you really know the person well, and you really care about him.2._Donate in their name3_ Research suggests that happier people give more to others, and that giving more makes people happier.Moreover, charityrelated happiness is highest when people give in a way that promotes social connection.So, try giving to the less fortunate in someones name this holiday season.Give handmade goods or handmedowns4_ A study suggests that people feel that homemade items show more love, and love is what they want to express to the gift receiver.Family heirlooms(传家宝) may be another good gift option.A study found that when families hand down even a very depersonalized thingmoneyto the generations, the symbolic value of the cash is greater than the numerical value alone.Provide chances for participationIf theres a golden rule of gifts, though, its this: 5._ People who receive experiential gifts, such as concert tickets or a zoo membership, feel more connected to the gift giver than people who received material gifts.ABut it doesnt have to be that way.BGive experiences rather than objects.CThe new and storebought is not always best.DThat is always beyond their expectation.EThat means catering to anothers pleasure.FGiving gifts to friends or to charity is linked to happiness.GStart listing every person you plan to give a holiday gift.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了让送礼物变得更加有意义的方法和策略。1A解析: 根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系,所以选A项。2E解析: 由本段标题“Know the person”和本段的整体内容可推知,了解对方,那么送的礼物就会迎合对方的心意,所以选E项。cater to意为“迎合”。3F解析: 根据本段标题“Donate in their name”和文中的“charityrelated happiness”可知,选F项。4C解析: 根据本段标题“Give handmade goods or handmedowns”可推知,从商店里买的新礼物并不一定是最好的,手工制作的东西会显得更有爱,所以选C项。5B解析: 根据下文的“People who receive experiential gifts, such as concert tickets or a zoo membership, feel more connected to the gift giver than people who received material gifts.”可知,让收礼物的人去体验比送实物的效果更好,所以选B项。、七选五How to run international meetingsAs more of us do business across cultures,its best to prepare ahead of time before heading to the meeting table.Here are four rules for different countries.Stick to the scheduleWhere:Germany,Austria,Japan Weve all been to meetings that have a loose agenda,if any at all.They dont start on time and they seem to repeat. 1 Japanese are more likely to create a detailed agenda and pass out supporting documents several days before a meeting. 2 Meetings that run long in Germany are often taken to mean that the parties are not municating efficiently. 3 Where:China,Malaysia,SingaporeDebating a topic can go against the traditional Chinese concept of“saving face”,which means avoiding any mistakes or actions that could bring embarrassment.Laughing at even an obviously amusing answer or pointing out a potential mistake can spoil the entire meeting.Enjoy the interruptionsWhere:Italy,France,SpainWhen Pascal Soboll meets with clients in Italy or Spain,hes no longer offended if they leave early or arrive late.Rather than attend the entire threehour meeting,he has learned that his colleagues thereand in some parts of Franceattend based on their own timetable. 4 Rather than expect people to sit through his entire presentation,he makes it easier for them to turn up as needed.Please,no small talkWhere:Finland,SwedenIn places like Finland and Sweden,where nonmeeting related discussions like chat about the weather can be regarded as a way to be off a formallyset agenda and as a waste of other peoples time.In some countries,including Finland,there are long pauses in the conversation. 5 These breaks are used as a way to process what the other person is saying without interrupting.ANot so in these countries.BGermans and Austrians are similar.CDont even think about a brainstorm.DTheres often no way to tell how things are going.EDont try to fill them,though,with small talk or anything else.FWhat do the long silences,idle chitchat and serious faces really mean in context?GFor Soboll,that means changing his own Germanbased expectations of client behaviour.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了在不同国家如何成功地召开会议。1A空处前两句介绍了常见的会议情况:时间安排松散,开会不准时,总是重复;结合空后的“Japanese are more likely to create a detailed agenda and pass out supporting documents several days before a meeting.”可知,日本人注意会议的细节,并在数天前就做好准备。据此可以判断,空处承上启下,说明并非所有的国家在开会时都会出现上述的情况:时间安排松散,开会不准时,总是重复。故A项正确。2B根据该部分中的“where:Germany,Austria,Japan”可知,该部分主要介绍德国、奥地利和日本的开会习惯;空前一句已经介绍了日本的情况,结合空后一句“Meetings that run long in Germany are often. efficiently.”可知,空处及下一句介绍德国和奥地利的开会习惯,故B项正确。3C根据空处位置可知,空处为该部分标题,是该部分的主旨;通读该部分可知,该部分第一句介绍了在中国开会应当认真讨论,以防发生尴尬,第二句介绍在开会时不要嘲笑有趣的答案或指出潜在的错误;据此可知,该部分主要介绍要严肃认真地讨论会议议题,就事论事,不需要在开会前有什么“头脑风暴”,故C项正确。4G根据上文中的“When Pascal Soboll.”和“Rather than. attend based on their own timetable.”以及空后一句可知,意大利人、法国人和西班牙人开会很随意,G项中的“Soboll”与该处相对应,故G项正确。5E根据该部分标题“Please,no small talk”和空前的“there are long pauses in the conversation”可知,选E项,E项中的“them”与“long pauses”对应。

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