2019年高考英语一轮抓纲务本 模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮抓纲务本 模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮抓纲务本 模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语一轮抓纲务本 模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第3页
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Tales of the unexplained一、阅读理解。The Anchorage Museum is expanding to the north with the addition of 25,000 square feet of new gallery space for the museums art collection and exploration of art of the north.Construction timeline:February 2016 September 2017.Focus:This expansion is about more than bringing works from the collection out on public view.Its also about creating a wonderful description for the north through the lens(镜头)of art and furthering the museums mission of expanding awareness of the north,its landscape and cultures.An expanded museum will:Provide greater public access to the museums art collectionCreate physical space for each kind of the museums missionart,history,science,cultureTell the story of the north and Alaska through art that represents their landscape and peopleCreate positive,engaging and relevant museum experiencesHelp museum visitors understand Alaska and the north through a variety of experiencesConnect people and encourage global dialogue about the north and its different environmentProject partners:The $24 million expansion is funded entirely by private dollars,including $12 million gifts from both the Rasmuson family and the Rasmuson Foundation.Anchorage Museum625 C StreetAnchorage,AK 995019079299200 | General9079299228 | MembershipAdmission:Member:FreeAdult:$15Senior,Student:$10Child 312:$72 and younger:Free1What is the aim of the expansion?ATo make the museum unique.BTo reward the project partners.CTo make the public know the north better.DTo bring works from the collection out on public view.2What is the deadline of the construction?AIn September 2017.BIn February 2017.CIn May 2017.DIn April 2017.3Through the expansion,the museum may hope that _.Amore people will travel to AlaskaBmuch money will be donated to the museumCinternational attention will be paid to the northDlocal people will bee the members of the museum4If Jack visits the museum with two high school students and his 5yearold son,he should pay_.A$30 B$36C$40 D$42【解题导语】本文主要介绍了Anchorage Museum扩建的相关事项。1C考查推理判断。根据Focus部分中的“Its also about creating a wonderful description for the north through the lens(镜头)of art and furthering the museums mission of expanding awareness of the north,its landscape and cultures”可知,这次扩建也是关于通过艺术的镜头创造一个关于北方的精彩的描述并推进博物馆提高对北方及其景观和文化的意识的使命,也就是让公众更好地了解北方,故选C。2A考查细节理解。根据文中的“Construction timeline:February 2016 September 2017”可知,扩建的截止时间是2017年9月,故选A。3C考查细节理解。根据文中的“Connect people and encourage global dialogue about the north and its different environment”可知,扩建后的博物馆希望把人们联系起来,鼓励(人们)就北方及其不一样的环境进行全球对话,由此可推断出博物馆希望通过扩建让北方得到全球的关注,故选C。4D考查细节理解。根据Admission部分可知,Jack和两个高中生及他5岁的儿子去博物馆应付151010742(美元),故选D。二、单项填空1.The idea of traveling abroad really appeals to a lot of Chinese people. Thats why every year _ more people applying for passports.A. promise B. expect C. witnesses D. instruct 【答案】C【解析】句意:出国游的想法确实吸引了很多中国人,这就是为什么每年都会有很多人申请护照了。 promise预示;expect期待;witnesses见证;instruct指导。故选C。2.If any of these symptoms _ while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.A. knocks B. occursC. reaches D. applies【答案】B【解析】句意:在服药期间如果出现任何这样的症状,就立即去咨询医生。occur“发生”为不及物动词,符合句意。knocks敲,击,打,(心)怦怦跳;把撞击成(某种状态);reach到达,够到;apply应用,运用;申请。3.Almost all the buildings nearby were pulled down by the _ of the explosion in a gas station.A. force B. strengthC. energy D. power【答案】A 【解析】句意:附近的房屋几乎都被一家加油站爆炸的力量给震倒了。force 此处指“作用力,逼迫力”,符合句意。strength 指人体的“力量,力气”;energy“能量,能源,活力”;power“能力,权力”。4、A New York couple have been killed in a car crash on their way to hospital,but the unborn baby _ the accident.A. experienced B. survivedC. escaped D. fled【答案】B5.Soubry, UKs former business minister indicated that it was time for women to _ to “clear up the mess created by the men”.A. break upB. step backC. step upD. fold up【答案】C【解析】step up加紧,加强,促进,加快,走上前台句意:索布里指出,是时候让女性们走到台前,收拾这些男性们制造出来的混乱了。6.How do you think I can _ with Tom?Put aside where you disagree and try to find what you have in mon.A. keep up B. take up C. make up D. catch up【答案】C【解析】make up和解。句意:“你认为我怎么才能和汤姆和解呢?”“搁置争议,求同存异。”7.In order to find the witness _ the murder, the police visited a great many citizens.A. on B. of C. to D. for 【答案】C【解析】the witness to是的目击证人。句意:为了找到这起谋杀案的目击证人,警察走访了很多市民。8.It suddenly occurred to him _ he had left his keys in the office.A. whetherB. whereC. whichD. that【答案】D9.In order to cooperate better with them, we must _ our ties with them.A. provide B. strengthenC. fix D. negotiate【答案】B10.When Chinese people e to the United States, they fight for _ first, and then desperately make money after they are recognized by others.A. survival B. remainder C. existence D. material【答案】A【解析】survival生存;remainder剩余物;existence存在;material物质。句意:中国人去美国首先就是要解决自己的生存问题,然后得到别人的认可后就拼命赚钱。11.In time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.A. touchB. paceC. step D. progress【答案】B【解析】keep in touch with 和保持联系;keep pace with跟上;keep step with与步调一致,尤指一起行走;D项不与keep搭配。句意:在社会改革的时候,人们的心态容易跟上社会的快速变化。12.Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to _ the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy.A. make use of B. make up forC. make out D. make sense【答案】B【解析】句意:一些社会学家建议,西方人应该充分利用中国古代的智慧,来弥补西方哲学的不足。make up for弥补,符合题意。make use of利用;make out辨认出;make sense有道理,讲得通。13.I am glad to find that on top of the mountain _ from the time of the Roman Empire.A. lies ancient ruins B. lie ancient ruinsC. does ancient ruins lie D. do ancient ruins lie【答案】B【解析】地点状语“on top of the mountain”放在句首,句子要完全倒装。句意:我很高兴在山顶上发现了罗马帝国时期的古代遗迹。14._ it is true that a students most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it does not need to be the only goal.A.WhileB. WhetherC. AsD. Before【答案】A15.I ordered Pizza for dinner. It should be here any minute now.Pizza again? We _ Pizza every night for a week now!A. had B. were havingC. have been having D. will be having【答案】C【解析】句意:“我订了比萨当晚饭。它应该随时都会到的。”“又是比萨?我们已经连续一个星期晚上都在吃比萨了!”结合时间状语every night for a week可知,是从过去一直持续到现在并且还没有停止,故本题的时态为现在完成进行时。16.Will you regret your final decision to work in a rural munity?No, I _ it over. A. had thoughtB. have been thinkingC. have thoughtD. would think【答案】C【解析】根据下文说“不后悔”说明“我”是经过深思熟虑过的,强调对现在造成的影响,故用现在完成时。句意:“对你的去农村社区工作的最后决定你会后悔吗?”“不后悔。这个决定我已经仔细考虑过。”17.Shall Tom go and play football?Not unless he _ his homework. A. has finishedB. finished C. is to finishD. would finish 【答案】A【解祈】在unless引导的条件状语从句中,用现在完成时替代将来完成时。句意:“汤姆可以去踢足球吗?”“除非他完成作业,否则不能出去。”18.Look! How long _like this?Three weeks! Its not unusual here that the rain _ without stopping these days of the year.A. has it been raining; poursB. has it rained; pouredC. is it raining; is pouringD. does it rain; pours【答案】A【解析】句意:“看啊!雨这样下了多久了?”“三周了。在此地每年这个季节雨一直下个不停是很寻常的事。”根据语境可知,空一用现在完成进行时表示过去开始的动作持续至今还会进行下去;空二用一般现在时表示客观情况。三、完形填空From an early age, Parker always said that he would be an astronaut when he grew up. But no matter how much he studied and took tests, he was never 1 to fly in space. 2 , he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests. In other words, he would never be able to fulfill his 3 Thinking about all the time and 4 Parker had put into trying to be an astronaut, people felt 5 for him. Despite what he was told about having to 6 his ambition, Parker continued training and studying, 7 he was going to have the tests the next month.He 8 as he got older, and when he was a very old man he heard that they were doing some very important 9 experiments. For those experiments they needed a very 10 astronaut. Parker, who walked with a 11 , was the only old man in the whole world who was 12 to fly in a rocket. Therefore, Parker found himself flying in 13 , all with the help of science. It was clear that the 14 gained during those missions helped to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people, and Parker was 15 as a hero.Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth 16 all over the world, and became a 17 of how you can never train or learn too much. It showed that 18 effort always brings 19 even though it may not be in the form we had first 20 【解题导语】Parker从小立志做一名宇航员,却一直未实现自己的梦想。但他从未放弃希望,一如既往地进行飞行训练。终于在年老时实现了自己的愿望。1A.noticedBselectedCinvitedDpermittedB解析:根据下文中的“he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests”可知,此处指他从来没有被选(selected)去太空飞行。2A.SecretlyBSuddenlyCLuckilyDFinallyD解析:最后,Parker已经超过了选拔考试的最大年龄。finally “最终,终于”。3A.dreamBtaskCneedDbeliefA解析:文章开头谈及Parker的梦想,因为他已经超过了选拔考试的最大年龄,所以他永远也无法实现他的梦想(dream)。4A.reputationBpowerCeffortDpracticeC解析:根据第一段中的“But no matter how much he studied and took tests”可知,Parker付出了很多时间和努力(effort)。人们一想到Parker为成为宇航员所付出的时间和努力就为他感到遗憾(sorry)。5A.happyBsorryCnervousDcalmB解析:参见上题解析。6A.ignoreBforgetCdevelopDabandonD解析:尽管有人告诉Parker,他不得不放弃(abandon) 他的目标,但他还是继续训练和学习,好像(as if)下个月他要参加测试似的。7A.so thatBnow thatCas ifDeven thoughC解析:参见上题解析。8A.carried onBtook onCturned offDgot offA解析:Parker继续(学习和训练)。carry on“继续做,坚持干”,符合语境。9A.electricalBphysicalCmedicalDpoliticalC解析:根据下文中的“during those missions helped to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people”可知,Parker得知他们在太空做医学实验。medical“医疗的”,符合语境。electrical“用电的”;physical“物理学的”;political“政治的”。10A.sickBexperiencedCactiveDoldD解析:根据语境可知,他们需要一位年纪大的(old) 宇航员。11A.mapBstickCguideDcandleB解析:根据下文中的“Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick”可知,当时Parker走路需要拐杖。a walking stick“拐杖”。12A.plannedBtrainedCforcedDallowedB解析:根据上文内容可知,Parker参加训练就是为了能够在太空飞行。故B项符合语境。13A.silenceBdangerCactionDspaceD解析:根据语境可知,此处指Parker参加实验后,发现自己在太空(space)飞行。14A.knowledgeBexperienceCmoneyDopportunityA解析:在那些任务中所获得的知识(knowledge)有助于治愈老人们最严重的疾病之一。15A.replacedBeducatedCpraisedDaffectedC解析:Parker被人们称赞(praised)为一位英雄。replace“代替”;educate“教育”;affect“影响”。16A.movedBflewCspreadDtookC解析:这位拄着拐杖且没有牙齿的宇航员的照片在全世界传播(spread) 开来。17A.symbolBmarkCcaseDdoubtA解析:Parker的照片成了一种象征(symbol)你再怎么多得去学习和训练都不为过。18A.desperateBpersistentCcautiousDapparentB解析:这表明坚持不懈的(persistent) 努力总会带来回报(reward)。 desperate“绝望的”;cautious“小心的”,apparent“显而易见的”。19A.awardBprizeCresultDrewardD解析:参见上题解析。20A.expectedBguessedCsuggestedDprovedA解析:坚持不懈的努力总会带来回报,尽管它不是我们最初所期待(expected)的那种形式。四、短文改错It is clear shown that many middle school students have physical and mental problems.68% of the students surveying have studying anxiety as well as poor eyesight too.And a larger percentage lacks sleep.52% are short of physical exercise.42% of the students wont obey our parents or teachers.Personally ,I think we student should balance our physical exercise and studies.Without sound body,one cant achieve anything.However,too much attention has been paid only on studies.As a result, I suggest we are given less homework or more time for outofclassroom activities. Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life.答案:It is shown that many middle school students have physical and mental problems.68% of the students have studying anxiety as well as poor eyesight .And a larger percentage sleep.52% are short of physical exercise.42% of the students wont obey parents or teachers.Personally, I think we should balance our physical exercise and studies.Without sound body,one cant achieve anything.However,too much attention has been paid only studies.As a result, I suggest we given less homework more time for outofclassroom activities. Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life.

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