2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 14 Careers单元综合检测 北师大版必修5.doc

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Unit 14 Careers单元综合检测.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2017贵州安顺高二下期末)HOLIDAY FUN AT THE POWERHOUSE 500 HARRIS STREET ULTIMOTELEPHONE (02)9270111Join in the holiday fun at the powerhouse this month linked to our new exhibition,Evolution&Revolution: Chinese dress 1700s to now.DONT FORGET our other special event,the Club Med Circus School which is part of the Circus!150 years of circus in Australia exhibition experience!Chinese Folk Dancing: Colorful Chinese dance and musical performances by The Chinese Folk Dancing School of Sydney.Dances include: the Golden and the Chinese drum dance.A feature will be the Qin dynasty Emperors count dance.Also included is a show of face painting for Beijing opera performances.Sunday 29 June and Wednesday 2 July in the Turbine Hall,at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm.Australian Chinese Childrens Arts Theatre: Wellknown childrens play experts from Shanghai leads this dynamic youth group.Performance includes Chinese fairy tales and plays.Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July in the Turbine Hall,at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm.Chinese Youth League: A traditional performing arts group featuring performance highlights such as Red scarf and Spring flower dances,and a musician playing Er Hu.Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall,11:30 am to 1:30 pm.Kids Activity: Make a Paper Horse: Young children make a paper horse cutout.(The horse is a frequent theme in Chinese painting,including a kind of advancement.)Suitable for ages 812 years.Sunday 28 June to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall,12:30 pm to 1:00 pm.Club Med Circus School: Learn circus skills,including the trapeze,tramp lining and magic.Note only for children over 5.There are 40 places available in each 1 hour session and these must be booked at the front desk,level 4,on the day.Enjoy unlimited free visits and many other benefits by being a Family member of the Powerhouse.Our family memberships cover two adults and all children under the age of 16 years at the one address.Members receive Powerline,our monthly magazine,discounts in the shops and restaurants,as well as free admission to the Museum.All this for as little as $ 50,00 a year!Call (02)92170600 for more details.【语篇解读】文章介绍了Powerhouse提供多种有趣的假日休闲活动,内容涉及休闲的内容,时间,地点,联系方式,价格以及优惠条件。1When can you watch the Chinese drum dance?AOn July 8.BOn July 3.COn July 6. DOn July 2.D细节理解题。根据Chinese Folk Dancing部分可以找到Dances include: the Golden and the Chinese drum dance.可知,中国民间舞蹈包括金舞和鼓舞;该段谈及参与时间Sunday 29 June and Wednesday 2 July,故7月2日可以看中国鼓舞。故选D。2To learn the magic tricks,you can go to AClub Med Circus SchoolBChildrens Arts TheatreCKids ActivityDChinese Youth LeagueA细节理解题。根据Club Med Circus School部分我们可以找到Learn circus skills,including the trapeze,tramp lining and magic.,故在这儿可以学到马术技巧,包括空中飞人、蹦床和魔术。故选A。3What is required if you want to enjoy free visits to the Museum?ACalling (02)92170600.Bing for the holiday fun.CGaining family membership.DPaying powerline $ 50.00 a year.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Enjoy unlimited free visits and many other benefits by being a Family member of the Powerhouse.可知,在成为Powerhouse的会员之后就可以免费参观博物馆了。故选C。4What is the main purpose of the text?ATo present schedules.BTo attract visitors.CTo report the performances.DTo teach kids Chinese arts.B主旨大意题。文章提供了powerhouse假日休闲的内容,时间,地点,联系方式,价格以及优惠条件等,目的是给游客详细的信息,进而吸引更多的游客。故选B。B (2017四川遂宁高二下期末)For many reasons,I didnt choose to go to university like most of my family members,schoolmates and even best friends.I cant say that I didnt have moments of doubt about my decision.As the last term of school was ing to a close,I began to feel very anxious about the choice I made to be different and start an apprenticeship(学徒)Although my Alevel results day was the one that I felt extremely proud of,I knew that the general feeling from most of my teachers was disappointment.I pleted my application,did a series of ability tests and interviews,and at last nine months laterI began an apprenticeship with Sellafield Ltd.As soon as I started,I knew straight away that I made the right decision.From the people I met,to the onthejob training that I was experiencing,I began to feel a real sense of purpose and could see a successful career in an industry that I found so interesting and challenging,paving the way in front of me.I never thought when I was in sixth grade that I would be working in the nuclear industry,but now I cant imagine working anywhere else.Since finishing my apprenticeship over two years ago,Ive had countless opportunities to develop myself both academically and personally.Ive bought my first home; I was chosen to be a part of the Governments Get In Go Far apprenticeship campaign,and offered an amazing and unique secondment(人员借调) with the Environment,Health,Safety and Quality department at Sellafield.I have no doubt that without my apprenticeship I wouldnt be in the position I am today,but equally I know that it was only the beginning for me.My apprenticeship inspired me to explore different career paths in the nuclear industry,and it gave me the confidence to know that I can succeed in shifting from one position to another.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,作者回忆自己当初放弃上大学,并开始学徒生涯,感慨如果没有那段学徒生涯,就不会处于今天的地位,但同样也知道,他的学徒生涯激发了他在核工业中探索不同的职业道路,这让他有信心从一个职位转到另一个职位。5How did the writer feel at the crossroad of making a choice?ADetermined.BWorried.CProud. DRegretted.B细节理解题。How did the writer feel at the crossroad of making a choice?作者在十字路口做决定时会有什么想法?根据第一段“I began to feel very anxious about the choice I made to be different and start an apprenticeship(学徒)我开始担心自己做出的另类选择是不是正确的,即开始学徒。”可知本题选B。6What can we learn from Paragraph Two?AThe writer did badly at school.BHis teachers supported his apprenticeship.CHis apprenticeship didnt e easily.DHis apprenticeship lasted for nine months.C推理判断题。What can we learn from Paragraph Two?我们从第二段可以学到什么?由“I knew that the general feeling from most of my teachers was disappointment.但我知道我的大多数老师对我是失望的。 ”可推断出一开始,作者并不顺利。可知本题选C。7What can we infer about his apprenticeship?AIt is fruitful and rewarding.BIt is easy and interesting.CIt caused him frequent job changes.DIt limited him to the unclear industry.A推理判断题。What can we infer about his apprenticeship?我们能从他的学徒生涯中推断出什么?由最后一段内容“My apprenticeship inspired me to explore different career paths in the nuclear industry,and it gave me the confidence to know that I can succeed in shifting from one position to another.我的学徒生涯激发了我在核工业中探索不同的职业道路,这让我有信心从一个职位转到另一个职位。”可推断出本题选A。C (2017山西怀仁八中高二下期中)Hip hop or rap (说唱) music as it is also called,started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s.But today many countries have their own kind of hip hop music.This kind of music es from reggae,disco and funk music.Rapping means speaking to the rhythm of the music,and it is an important part of the music.People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems.Rapping in class.Would you like to rap in class? Well actually,hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USA.Why? There is a new school program called “Flocabulary” in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects.The words of the songs are just what students are studying.This makes learning easy and fun.Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks.One teacher said,“Ive used hip hop songs in class,and I have never seen my students so crazy about history! You cant imagine how well they imagine how well they remember what I teach! We even try to write our own songs.”Whose idea was Flocabulary?Blake Harrison,a high school student,was the first person to e up with the idea of Flocabulary.The word “Flocabulary ” es from the word “flow” and “vocabulary” .“Flow” is a rap word for “style”,or the way a rapper says the words of a song.“Vocabulary” means the words you have to learn in a language.How did he get the idea? Well,he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily.So,why not make lessons into songs? Today together with Alex Rappaport,a song writer,Blake produces hip hop songs for maths,science and literature (文学)They are now used in schools with great success.【语篇解读】文章介绍了嘻哈音乐诞生的年代,嘻哈音乐在美国10 000多所学校演奏,并产生了很好的效果。今天一位歌曲作家创造了许多嘻哈音乐,并且成功的运用在学校教学中。8Rap music started in New York city .Ain the 1970sBIn a high schoolCin the 19th century DIn a music classA细节理解题。根据文章第一段Hip hop or rap (说唱) music as it is also called,started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s.可知20世纪70年代说唱音乐开始在纽约市的街道和酒吧出现,可以推断出选A。9From the passage,we can learn “Flocabulary” is a program to AWrite rap musicBSing a song by talkingCRemember the words of a songDhelp teach some school subjectsD推理判断题。根据文章第二段There is a new school program called “Flocabulary”in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects .可知Flocabulary是学校的一个新的项目,教师们用教材和说唱CD来教授不同的学校课程,可以推断出选D。10The underlined word “positive” in Paragraph 2 most probably means Abad BgoodCfinal DdirectB词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“Students and teachers are excited about the positive results it has had on exam marks”该词所在句子的句意:学生和老师对它已经对考试产生的效果感到兴奋。可推知是产生的好的效果。可以推断出选B。11Blake Harrison has produced hip hop songs for school subject EXCEPT Amaths BscienceChistory DliteratureC细节理解题。根据文章第三段由a song writer,Blake produces hip hop songs for maths,science and literature (文学)They are now used in schools with great success .可知没有把说唱歌曲用在历史学科上,可以推断出选C。DAfter years of trying to balance work with motherhood,Karl Smith left her corporate (公司的) job behind to start her own business.Its been over a decade since this mom entrepreneur (企业家) began making cakes out of her familys kitchen.During that time,she has managed to grow Magical Moments & Elite Party Rentals into a welldeveloped wedding planning and rental operation.Statistics show that these kinds of mommyowned businesses are on the rise.Many women say they cant find work that allows them to balance their responsibilities at home.Indeed,according to a national study conducted by IpsosReid on behalf of Microsoft Canada,fiftyfour percent of female small business owners agree that being able to work at home to raise their family is a key reason to leave the corporate world behind.“Being a mom entrepreneur means trading a typical 9to5 work week for a more irregular routine,” says Gemma Moore,a busy mother of two who owns and operates MG Moore Designs,a design pany specializing in website,photography and print media.“Finding a business that you can build in the evenings will allow you to spend time with your children during the day and continue your business after they go to school.”Ninetytwo percent of female small business owners say that mobile equipment and puter software can help a mom entrepreneur make her own hours and work whenever she is most productive.In fact,ninetyfive percent agree that small business owners need to be more technologysavvy than ever before.The more technology they master,the more successfully they will run their businesses.“Balance is a key aspect for most entrepreneurs,but this is especially true for women,” says Ruth Bastedo,President of Women Entrepreneurs of Canada (WEC )“Entrepreneurs recognize that todays technology can help them to find work/life balance while still providing them with the tools and materials they need to grow their businesses more effectively.”【语篇解读】很多职场妈妈选择离职,自主创业,因为这样既可以照顾家庭也可以兼顾自己的事业。12Many female employees left their corporate jobs in order to Amaster more and more technologyBsupport their family in a better wayClook after their children more carefullyDcarry out their responsibilities as housewivesB推理判断题。根据文章第三段的后半部分的raise their family可知答案选B。13What can we know about Gemma Moore from the passage?AShe has two panies of her own.BShe was once doing trade business.CShe does not work in the daytime.DShe can arrange her time more properly.D细节理解题。根据文章第四段Gemma Moore说的话“Finding.go to school.”可知,在照顾家庭和发展事业上她可以灵活、合理地分配时间。故选D项。14The underlined part “be more technologysavvy” (in Paragraph 5) probably means “ ”Asave more hours for technologyBspend less money on technologyChave a better knowledge of technologyDfind better balance in technical fieldC词义猜测题。根据第五段画线部分后面的那句话“The more technology they master,the more successfully they will run their businesses.”可知,答案选C项。15The passage mainly tells us that Amost women can hardly find suitable workBnew technology can help women to find workCKarl Smith has started her own business at homeDmommyowned businesses can balance work and lifeD主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是很多职场妈妈为了兼顾家庭和事业,而选择离职并自己成立小规模公司,因为这样她们可以更灵活地分配时间。故答案选D。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2017内蒙古赤峰高二下期末) Making words shorter is a mon habit of English speakers today.It seems that most sayings or popular words have their own abbreviation. 16 For example,LOL stands for “laughing out loud”,IMO is “in my opinion” and BTW is “by the way”US technology website Lifewire made a list of the most mon abbreviations in 2016.Simple ones you may already knowlike BTW,IMO and IDK (I dont know) made the list. 17 They include TFW (that feeling when),and FTW (for the win)TFW is sometimes used along with a funny photo to describe your feelings,while FTW is a kind of internet cheer used to express happiness. 18 You can use this one before you tell someone what you think about something. 19 Terry Wood,a foreign language teacher from Leonardtown,US,says the habits have lowered his students writing abilities.“They do not capitalize (大写) words or use punctuation anymore,” Wood told US News.“ 20 ”AThe list is meant to be good fun.BAnother interesting learn is IMHO (in my humble opinion) .CBut there were lots of other more difficult ones on the list,too.DThis happens a lot when they are used on social media or in a text message.EAny word longer than one syllable (音节) is now abbreviated to one.FResearchers identified several ways in which teens changed language while speaking online.GHowever,some people believe these abbreviations are also causing problems.【语篇解读】文章主要讲述了越来越多的人使用英语缩写去表达语言,简单地一些缩写容易理解,然而一些复杂的就难以理解,越来越多的使用可能会引出一些问题。16D考查对上下文理解及推理判断能力。句意:在社交媒体或文本消息中使用时,这种情况经常发生。根据上文“It seems that most sayings or popular words have their own abbreviation.” 似乎大多数的俗语或流行语有自己的缩写。以及下文For example,LOL stands for “laughing out loud”,IMO is “in my opinion” and BTW is “by the way”例如,LOL代表“笑出声”,IMO是“在我看来”,BTW是“顺便说一下”。所填句子承上启下。根据题意,故选D。17C考查对上下文理解及推理判断能力。句意:但单子上还有很多其他更难的。根据上文“Simple ones you may already know”一些简单的你可能会知道,这两处相对应,对下文“TFW”“FTW”做了详细的解释,可知文中列出的这两个较难理解。根据题意,故选C。18B考查对上下文理解及推理判断能力。句意:另一个有趣的是IMHO(在我看来)。根据下文“You can use this one before you tell someone what you think about something.”在你告诉别人你对这件物品的想法前你可以使用这个词汇。根据题意,故选B。19G考查对上下文理解及推理判断能力。句意:然而,有些人认为这些缩写也造成了问题。根据“Terry Wood,a foreign language teacher from Leonardtown,US,says the habits have lowered his students writing abilities.”来自于美国Leonardtown的一名外语老师Terry Wood说这个习惯降低了学生的写作能力。可知缩写造成了一些问题。根据题意,故选G。20E考查对上下文理解及推理判断能力。句意:任何单词超过一个音节被缩写成一个。根据“They do not capitalize (大写) words or use punctuation anymore” 他们不大写词或使用标点符号了。可知他们习惯于将句子单词写成缩写。根据题意,故选E。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2017福建龙岩高二下期末) For over 30 years my father has been serving as a senior minister in several churches.Whenever I 21 the world “hero”,Ill think of him.He has taught me about passion(同情)and the need to 22 others.Whatever he does,he 23 efforts to be a blessing in others lives.Each 24 ,he greets every church member and visitor with a big hug and a smile.This 25 is unlimited to Sundays only.Each person he crosses paths 26 ,he greets with a big smile and a “howdy”His gestures of 27 are pletely sincere and heartfelt.His occupation is 28 work for him.He is on call around the clock every day and will never 29 anyone in need.He has sacrificed so much as to be a(n) 30 of those in his munity.Through tours he 31 people around the world.He teaches them about acceptance,peace,and staying 32 to their own beliefs.Im 33 at the long reach his vision and caring have.Its impossible for me to 34 the number of lives he has touched.I can tell you, 35 ,that hes a cornerstone for many and a friend to all.Because of the way he has lived his life,Im 36 to make changes in our world to make sure that 37 life will also have a significant influence, 38 his has.While I dont have all the words to tell you what a big 39 he makes each day,I hope this will help to explain why hes a 40 to me.【语篇解读】这篇文章主要讲了作者的父亲是一位高级牧师,他努力的为别人的生活祷告,善意的对待每一个人,在作者的心里他的父亲是一位英雄,并且他父亲的高尚的行为也直接激励着作者。21Areflect onBmake upCmark out Dfigure outA根据Ill think of him.可知这里意思是每当我思考英雄的时候,我就会想到他。reflect on思考;make up组成;mark out 规划,figure out解决,所以选A。22Aentertain BacknowledgeCserve DacpanyC根据Whatever he does,he 23 efforts to be a blessing in others lives.Each 24 ,he greets every church member and visitor with a big hug and a smile.可知这里意思是他教会我同情并且需要为别人服务。entertain娱乐;acknowledge承认;serve服务;acpany伴随,所以选C。23Amakes BtakesCspares DgetsA句意:他努力为别人的生活祷告。make efforts to是固定用法,意思是努力,所以选A。24Away BstepCSunday DdayC根据下文This 25 is unlimited to Sundays only.可知这里填Sunday,所以选C。25Acriterion BcustomCtradition DpracticeD句意:这个惯例仅仅在周日不受限制。criterion 标准;custom风俗;tradition 传统;practice惯例,所以选D。26Awith BtoCat DonA句意:每一个他遇到的人,他都会微笑着打招呼并且说“你好”,cross paths with是固定用法,意思是不期而遇。 所以选A。27Adelight BsuccessCkindness DpolitenessC句意:他的善意的行为完全出自于真诚和衷心。delight 高兴;success成功;kindness 仁慈;politeness有礼貌,所以选C。28Aequal to Bsimilar toCnothing but Dfar beyondD根据下文He is on call around the clock every day and will never anyone in need.He has sacrificed so much as to be a(an) of those in his munity.可知这里意思是他的职业远远超出了他本应做的工作量。equal to 等于;similar to与相似;nothing but只不过;far beyond远远超出,所以选D。29Aleave BcondemnCblame DbotherA句意:他不会留下任何有需要的人不管。leave 留下;condemn 谴责;blame责备; bother烦恼,所以选A。30Avolunteer BservantCambassador DneighborB句意:作为一名服务者,他牺牲了太多。volunteer志愿者;servant 服务者; ambassador大使;neighbor邻居,所以选B。31Adrives BgathersCleads DgreetsC句意:通过巡回演出,他引领着全世界的人。drive 驾驶; gather收集;lead 引领;greet 欢迎,所以选C。32Aopposed BexposedCdeaf DtrueD句意:他教会他们容忍、和平以及保持正确的人生信仰。opposed 相反的;exposed暴露的;deaf聋的;true正确的,所以选D。33Afrightened BamazedCdisappointed DdisgustedB根据the long reach his vision and caring have.可知作者感到很吃惊,frightened 害怕;amazed惊奇;disappointed失望;disgusted厌烦,所以选B。34Acount BdeleteCenlarge DpredictA根据the number of lives he has touched.可知这里意思是很难数得清。count计算; delete删除;enlarge扩大;predict预言,所以选A。35Abesides BthereforeCotherwise DhoweverD句意:然而,我能告诉你,他对于许多人来说是奠基石,对所有人来说,他都是一个朋友,所以选D。36Aforced BinspiredCforbidden DannoyedB句意:我受到了鼓舞在我们的世界里做出改变,force 强迫;inspire 鼓舞; forbid 禁止;annoy使烦恼,所以选B。37Ayour BhisCmy DourC句意:我的生活也将会有有意义的影响,像他一样。your 你的; his 他的;my我的;our我们的,所以选C。38Awhich BasCwhat DwhereB句意:我的生活也将会有有意义的影响,像他一样。as和一样,所以选B。39Adifference BchoiceCfortune DbreakthroughA句意:虽然我不能用话语全面的描述他每天所做事情的不同。difference不同; choice选择;fortune 财富;breakthrough突破,所以选A。40Adishonor BtroubleCfriend DheroD与上文 Whenever I the world “hero”,Ill think of him.呼应,故填hero,所以选D。 .语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)I had just visited my best friend in hospital with my mum, 41. hadnt seen my friend since shed gone into hospital six months earlier.I knew where she was ing from as she was 42. (grave)ill,but as Id been visiting her every week I had stopped seeing the obv

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