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山东省夏津一中2019届高三英语10月月考试题第I卷(满分100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why is Ann so upset? A. She failed one of her exams.B. She is worrying about other lessons.C. She has no time to do her math homework.2. What type of food does the woman eat? A. Junk food.B. Healthy food.C. Delivered food.3. What will the man probably do to stay warm? A. Use a blanket.B. Turn on the heater.C. Drink some hot chocolate.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The mans career.B. The mans travel plan.C. The mans plan after graduating.5. What are the speakers opinions about the painting? A. Its simple.B. Its colorful.C. Its plex.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In an office downtown.B. In an apartment downtown.C. In an apartment in the East End.7. What does the man want to do now? A. Get to work.B. Go to a restaurant.C. Visit the womans pany.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How do the speakers know each other? A. They are family members.B. They go to the same school.C. They teach at the same school.9. How has the man tried to reach his brother? A. He sent him a text.B. He went to his house.C. He left him a voicemail.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Which subject is difficult for the woman? A. Math.B. History.C. Chemistry.11. When can the woman have tutoring?A. On Tuesdays.B. On Thursdays.C. On Fridays.12. Who is in charge of the Gifted Program? A. Mr. Jennings.B. Mr. Hobart.C. Mrs. Lee.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What might the womans job be? A. Shes a diver.B. Shes a lifeguard.C. Shes a swimming instructor.14. Who called the ambulance? A. The woman.B. One of the students.C. The mans colleague.15. When did the ambulance arrive? A. Immediately. B. Ten minutes later. C. Twenty minutes later.16. How did the girl react when she awoke?A. She didnt know what happened.B. She went back in the pool.C. She cried.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who is making the announcement?A. The student government.B. The school newspaper.C. The football team.18. How many new teams are added this year? A. Four.B. Three.C. Two.19. What do the music club members do?A. They organize trips. B. They attend concerts. C. They have dancing nights.20. Why should a student join a campus group?A. To have friends.B. To make good grades.C. To keep up with world news.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项ABrochure Design ServiceProfessional Brochure DesignsBrochures have proven to be one of the most cost-effective marketing methods for product and service panies worldwide. Creating a brochure is a delicate and important design process for any business, and must be left in the hand of professional brochure designers. It requires graphic(图解的)design skills, specific techniques, and a deep understanding of marketing and printing technology.A Professional Brochure Design ServiceBrochure Design Service is a team of professional brochure designers that create pany brochures and product catalogs for businesses. At Brochure Design Service you will find the design solutions for your organization brochures - from the outline of design drafts. concepts and messages, to the final brochure printing.As experts in design, we make the highest quality brochures you will ever e across, quickly and affordably. You only need to answer e-mails and provide feedback on our designs.Creating Professional Brochures for your panyAffordable and highest-quality end products. Brochures that will certainly beat your petitors and give you the edge in marketing your business.Brochure design samples ready in 2 business days or less. Do you have a trade show next week? Call us! We can meet tight deadlines.We have been serving thousands of clients all around the world for more than 15 years.Access to royaltyfree(版权费) images included in our design fees.Lightweight digital brochure in PDF format included.Save time by avoiding endless meetings and appointments. Our service is faster, more reliable and coat-effective than a traditional design agency.Unparalleled service: unlimited revisions till your final approval, plus 100 money back guarantee. Contact us right now! Tel: (814)755-3560 E-mail: smithbrochure. ca.21. What is needed in creating a brochure?A. Handwriting techniques B. Photographing skills.C. municating strategies D. Graphic design ability22. Brochure Design Service can offer customers_。A. a true show B. PDF versions of brochures C. a printing machine D. Internet images23. The main purpose of the text is to_A. entertain B. suggest C. advertise D. warnBThroughout the past few years, I have tried to give myself to others. I have bounced around to find where I truly fit in, I found my place while I stayed in Guatemala, an orphanage (孤儿院)with the children living there. Through hearing many stories of their lives. I was moved to tears and started question my living ways and gave up everything that wasnt essential: makeup and any other sort of luxury . I lived like they did. It was the most relaxing feeling in the world.When at Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, we were given the task of creating a pig pen(猪圈). At first, I thought it should be easy. After arriving at the area where the pig pen should he, we saw a hill. We were told to uproot the weeds as well as level the entire area. Looking at it we felt it would be impossible. On my own faith journey, I have felt this type of doubt before. The hoe” , as we referred to, is a symbol of my faith journey. It appeared to be an obstacle I could not overe, but in the end pleted it with efforts. I feel this pig pen wasnt easy to create but was so rewarding to give.Ive always struggled to be on a journey of faith, but Ive never pletely stepped foot onto the path until Guatemala. Ive always tried to open my heart to everyone around me and give them my love. I feel as though I cut open my heart and share every bit of love I had with these orphans. There is one orphan named Ceto who will always remain very close to my heart. In Guatemala, I sponsor with thirty dollars a month, hat it doesnt seem enough. Ill return there next summer and give more of my love for a whole month.When it was time to leave. I looked out of the window and saw not just ordinary children. Over all, the most significant acplishment I got in Guatemala was stepping towards my own faith journey and not looking back.24. What resulted in the author s decision to live a new life?A. Desire to help others B. Decrease in his ineC. A knowledge of the orphans life. D. Awareness of the difficulty in his life25. What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Removing the doubt B. Uprooting the weed.C. Starting the faith journey D. Creating the pig pen26. What did the author think of his experience in Cuaternala?A. It was regretful B. It was meaningful C. It was interesting. D. it was frightening27. What may be the best title for the text?A. A Step into a New World B. An Awful Faith JourneyC. A Great Success in Life D. A Return of ConfidenceCAt your next meeting, wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lasts.Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at moat. But while this pattern may be universal, our awareness of silence differs dramatically across cultures.What one culture considers a confusing or awkward pause may be seen by others as a valuable moment of reflection and a sign of respect for what the last speaker has said. Research in Dutch(荷兰语) and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start o feel uneasy, In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds-nearly twice as long as in Americans meetings.In Japan., it is recognized that the best munication is when you dont speak at all. Its already a failure to understand each other by peaking because youre repairing that failure by using word.In the US, it may start from the history of colonial(殖民地的) America as a crossroads of many different races. When you have a plex of difference. its hard to develop mon understanding unless you talk and theres understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally devoted to developing a mon life. This applies also to some extent lo London.In contrast, when theres more homogeneity, perhaps it s easier or some kinds of silence to appear. For example, among your closest friends and family its easier to sit in silence than with people you re less well acquainted with.28. Which of the following people might have the longest silence in conversation?A. The Dutch B. Americans C. The English. D. The Japanese29. What might the Japanese agree with in conversation?A. Speaking more gives the upper hand B. Speak out what you have in your mind.C. Great minds think alike without words D. The shorter talking silence, the better30. What can we learn from the text?A. A four-second silence in conversation is universalB. It s hand for Americans to reach n mon agreementC. English speakers are more talkative than Japanese speakers.D. The closer we and our family are, the easier the silence appears31. What does the underlined word homogeneity in the last paragraph mean?A. Similarity B. Difference C. Diversity. D. MisunderstandingDWhats small, buzzes here and there and visits flowers? If you said bees or hummingbirds, you got it. You wouldnt be the first if you mixed the two up. Now a group of researchers even say we should embrace our history of considering the two together in the same group. The way scientists study bees could help them study hummingbird behavior, too.Scientists first pared the two back in the 1970s when studying how animals search for food. The idea is that animals use a kind of math to make choices in order to minimize the work it takes to earn maximum rewards. Researchers at the time focused on movement rules, like the order in which they visited flowers, and where flowers were located to others. It was “almost like an algorithm(算法)” for efficient searching, said David Pritchard, a biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Hummingbirds and bees had similar solutions.As the field of animal cognition(认知) appeared, hummingbird and bee research parted. Neuroscientists and behavioral ecologists developed ways to study bee behavior in naturalistic settings. Hummingbird researchers pared hummingbirds to other birds and borrowed methods from psychology to study their ability to learn in the lab. To be fair, hummingbirds and bees differ. For example, hummingbirds have more advanced eyes and brains than bees. Honeybees and bumblebees are social; hummingbirds typically arent.But however they perceive(感知) or process information, they both experience similar information, Dr. Pritchard said. In day-to-day searching for food, for example, hummingbirds may rely on more of a bees-eye view than a birds-eye view. Like other birds, they rely on landmarks, distances and directions to make maps when travelling long distances, but they dont use these cues to find flowers. Move a flower just an inch or so away from where a hummingbird thought it was and it will hover over the flowers original location. Dr. Pritchard is investigating if, like bees, hummingbirds engage in view matching hovering, scanning snapshots of a place to its memory and using those as references later.32. What is the enter of research on hummingbirds and bees in the 1970s?A. Memory B. Movement rulesC. Reward calculating D. Information processing.33. Which subjects research methods were adopted to study the learning ability of hummingbirds?A. Math B. Biology C. Eulogy D. Psychology.34. How do researchers find out that hummingbirds are not like birds?A. By setting them free. B. By moving flowers.C. By matching view. D. By making maps35. Which of the following Can be the best title for the text?A. Hummingbirds and Bees B. Hummingbirds in the LabC. New Trends in Studying Bees D. Thinking of Hummingbirds as Bees第二节(共5小題;每小思2分,分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do teenagers know how to sleep? If youre the parent of teens, you might be laughing to yourself. Thats all they know how to do. In truth, teens might not know enough about how to sleep, when to sleep and why._36_ .Just as we focus on our diets and exercise for health, we need to consider sleep necessary to our mental, physical and psychological health. “Good” sleep is sleep that is long enough to allow your brain to remove the side effects of daytime brain activity. Consistent bed times and wake up times are the key to keeping our sleep cycles._37_.Teens are social creatures, and the most attractive social “gathering” place these days is on their digital devices._38_. Ideally, we should avoid blue light for at least half an hour before bed. But social media and homework that requires screen time mean too many kids are powering up their devices when their bodies should be powering down for the night._39_. Equally contributing to sleep issues are eating too late, taking naps, and failing to get enough exercise. In other words, these people never learned how to sleep.Over time, poor sleep leads to a decline in mood._40_. Significantly, when I speak to my adult patients who are struggling with sleep issues, nearly all of them say their sleep problems started in high school.Therefore, I remend sleep education. Otherwise, we wont necessarily solve the health, safety and economic issues of sleepy teens.A. When they are disturbed, our sleep is affectedB. Going to bed too late is only one part of sleep problemsC. Being exposed to blue light from our screens delays sleepD. Current school schedules allow for about seven hours of sleep a nightE. It also contributes to a lot of medical issues, from being fat to heart diseaseF. Later school start time really contributes to more sleep and improved healthG. As far as Im concerned, one important element is missing: sleep education第三部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Jackson lived on top of the hill. From his house, he could see the sea and the village 41 One day, the villagers 42 something different about the sea. The sea seemed to be moving from the43 . None of the villagers knew what was happening.Jackson understood what was going on. He had seen such a( n)_44_when he was young. A tsunami was approaching and the villagers had to be 45 but there was no time to send a message to the whole village.“Tom! ”he 46 to his grandson. 47 a torch quickly!The boy did what he was told Jackson took the torch and set his 48 on fire. Immediately, red 49 shot upwards and thick smoke rose into the sky.Tom cried out, Grandfather! Why are o wetting our house on fire?Jackson did not answer.50 , he stood quietly and watched the villagers. Suddenly, some villagers noticed the51_ and shouted at everyone to run up the hill to help put out the fire. When Jackson saw everyone running towards him, he was so_52_. The villagers did their best but they_53_to control the fire, Jacksons house was pletely burned down but he stood on the hill54They thought Jackson had gone55.They stared at him in disbelief.Finally, Jackson said, 56toward the sea. The villagers turned and saw a huge57of water rushing towards the village. They were shocked to see the water 58the whole village and destroying everything in its_59_Nothing was left of their homes_60_everyone was safe on the hill. The villagers realized why Jackson had set fire to his house.41. A. above B. through C. below D. of42. A. recognized B. noticed C. overlook D. expected43. A. land B. hill C. sky D. village44. A. sight B. chance C. alarm D. plot45. A. found B. persuades C. laugh D. warned46. A. rushed out B. figured out C. called out D. made out47. A. Borrow B. Make C. Light D. Buy48. A. boat B. house C. clothes D. tree49. A. balls B. candles C. signal D. flames50. A. Instead B. However C. Furthermore D. Therefore51. A. torch B. boy C. sea D. fire52. A. frightened B. confused C. happy D. crazy53. A. managed B. refused C. intended D. failed54. A. crying B. Jumping C. shouting D. laughing55. A. hungry B. mad C. blind D. thirsty56. A. Look B. Wave C. Head D. Return57. A. drop B. level C. spray D. wall58. A. spreading B. flowing C. swallowing D. moving59. A. course B. path C. shape D. power60. A. but B. so C. because D. unless第三节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。As we all know, Hangzhou, a beautiful city, won the bid _61_September 16th 2015. Thus, it will be the third Chinese city_62_(host)the games.Hangzhou is a beautiful city with a long history. Hosting the Asian Games will give it a new look._63_the event will cost the government a lot, the benefits are a for us to see. To the citizens in Hangzhou, the best part of it is that it will give them the chance to watch world-class matches and _64_(pete)close to home. Secondly, there is no doubt_65_the event will attract more sitars to enjoy_66_(visit) this wonderful city. At the same time. it is good for the development of the tourism. Meanwhile, as the construction goes on, more roads_67_(build) and the Metro system will be expanded,_68_can reduce traffic Jams.In the next few years, Hangzhou will try its best to prepare_69_for the big show._70_splendid Hangzhou is waiting to see you in 2022.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个端字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。副除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Being a teacher is always believed to be one of greatest occupations, because teachers make great contributions for the world. Last week, I got a chance to experience teaching students. Our school asked us to teach some kids live in the countryside. The kids was so happy that they gave me a warm wele. I teach them English and after class, we played games happily. We had a lot of funs together. When I returned back to school, I missed the students so much. They like me but some of them have kept in touch with me ever since. I felt so proudly of being a teacher.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你叫李华,你的英国笔友Tom将来中国旅游,想体验中国高铁,写来邮件请你帮助购买北京到黄山的高铁票。请回复邮件。内容包括1表示欢迎 2请他将护照复印件发至你邮箱 3简单介绍中国的高铁。注意:1词数100左右 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯参考词汇:高铁CRH答案15 ABACA610 CBCCA 1115 BCBBC 1620 AACBA 21 D B C C D 26. B A D C D31. A B D B D 36. G A CB E 41C B A A D 46. C C B D A 51. D C D DB 56. A D C B A61. on 62. to host 63. Though/Although 64. petitions 65. that 66. visiting 67. will be built 68. which 69. itself 70. ADear Tom,You cannot imagine how delighted I feel when I know that you are ing to China. You know a copy of the passport is a must for buying the ticket for foreigners.So you are supposed to send one to me by email.Additionally, when the ticket is booked, you could pick it up by having your passport checked upon arriving in Beijing.Finally, Id like to express my appreci

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