2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Celebration单元检测B-阅读理解提速练 北师大版必修1.doc

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Unit 3 单元检测B阅读理解提速练.阅读理解A(2018合肥模拟)Recently, Ive found an increasing number of coffee shops dont offer WiFi. I know what theyre trying to do. They want people to talk to each other without being consumed by technology. They would rather hear many voices having deep discussions than see a keyboard or eyes staring at a cell phone. However, their good intentions are often mistaken by consumers, me included.One snowy day, a friend and I found ourselves working from home and decided it would be a great idea to go to a local coffee shop and work there. We found a place that had unique coffee flavors and great reviews. It was a long walk from where our subway dropped us off, but we decided it was worth it.We walked through the snow and my feet slowly worked their way toward being frostbitten (被冻伤的) because the boots I had worn were wet. Well, about 10 minutes later, we found the place under a brick building and our blue lips were eagerly looking forward to that warm drink. As we walked up to the door, we saw the sign, “No WiFi.” In anger, we looked at each other and said “Starbucks?”Of course, this was a loss for them. They lost our business. People who e to coffee shops to work do e to be on their puters. But they also go there so that they can still have munication. They want to work around other people, not in a room by themselves. Whats more, even if the shops dont have WiFi, people will still use their phones, unless all the phone service is blocked out. So, my friend and I spent the day working together in the biggest chain coffee shop. We pleted our task perfectly and that wasnt the case in the coffee shop without WiFi.Therefore, there is no need to shut WiFi to customers. With it, the shop will get more people and there might even be more laughter and better relationships than before.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的切身体会,在文章中表达了自己对咖啡店关闭WiFi的看法,他认为这样的举措是完全错误的。1Why do many coffee shops shut WiFi?ATo keep people drinking coffee quietly.BTo cut down the unnecessary expense.CTo get people to municate closely.DTo make people concentrate on their work.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段的第三、四句可知,咖啡店关闭WiFi的目的是让顾客面对面地用心交流。2What did the author and his friend want to do on that snowy day?AWalk back home from work.BFinish their work at a coffee shop.CGet some help from a coffee shopkeeper.DExpress their anger to the coffee shopkeepers.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,作者和朋友想去一家咖啡店完成剩下的工作。3Why does the author think the coffee shops measure is wrong?AThey are not at customers convenience.BThey cant block out all the phone service.CThey dont provide puters for customers.DThey dont allow customers to municate freely.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段可知,咖啡店不仅是顾客消遣和放松的地方,也应该是顾客工作的地方,关闭WiFi会给人们带来不便,而且关闭WiFi后,人们照样可以玩手机。BMany fruits and vegetables would disappear from grocery store shelves if it werent for honeybees.Almonds (扁桃仁), for example, are a $2.5 billion industry in California, and almond growers depend on honeybees to pollinate (授粉) the crop.No honeybees would mean no almonds.Many berries (like blackberries and strawberries) need bees, as do vegetables like cucumbers and squash.And dont forget tree crops like apples, oranges and peaches.Watermelon and cantaloupes depend on bees, too.In fact, approximately 15 percent of the food Americans eat es directly from honeybee pollination.Another 15 percent es from animals that eat foods that bees pollinate.In other words, close to a third of the food that Americans eat currently requires honeybee pollination.Honeybee pollination is so important that bee farmers actually truck their bees from orchard (果园) to orchard and from farm to farm to help pollinate crops.A honeybee starts the honey making process by visiting a flower.With luck, the flower contains nectar (花蜜), and the bee sucks some of the nectar up with a little straw built into its mouth.Most flower nectars are like sugar water; there is a little sugar mixed with water.Nectars can contain other beneficial substances as well.To make honey, two things happen.The first thing uses enzymes (酶)One enzyme that bees produce turns the sucrose (蔗糖) in the nectar into glucose (葡萄糖) and fructose (果糖)Another enzyme turns some of the glucose into an acid and hydrogen peroxide (过氧化氢)By making honey acidic, it kills any bacteria that get into the honey.The second thing uses evaporation (蒸发) to get rid of the extra water.Most of the moisture has to be evaporated, so that honey is only about 18 percent water.Bees evaporate the extra water by putting little drops of nectar in the hive and fanning it with their wings.Honey is a very stable food.It naturally resists molds (霉菌), fungi (真菌) and other bacteria, allowing it to last for years without refrigeration.语篇解读:蜜蜂在我们的生活中发挥着很重要的作用,如果没有蜜蜂,也就没有我们食用的很多蔬菜和水果。本文介绍了蜜蜂的重要性及蜜蜂如果授粉、如何制造蜂蜜等。4Bees are always trucked between different places in order to _.Alay eggs in all the orchards and farmsBmate with bees living different zonesChelp bee farmers deal with harmful insectsDpollinate flowers or plants grown in different places解析: 选D细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Honeybee pollination is so important that .farm to farm to help pollinate crops.”可知,蜜蜂授粉的重要性使得蜂农们带着它们在不同的地方给农作物授粉。5How does a honeybee suck the nectar from flowers?AThrough a little straw built into its mouth.BWith the help of the bee farmer.CBy drinking the water that contains nectar.DBy fanning it with the wings.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the bee sucks some of the nectar up with a little straw built into its mouth”可知选A项。6Which one is the way mentioned in the passage to make honey?ATo evaporate most of the moisture in the nectar.BTo kill all the bacteria in the nectar.CTo expose it to sunlight for some time.DTo mix the nectar with some sugar.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The second thing uses evaporation (蒸发) to get rid of the extra water.Most of the moisture has to be evaporated, so that honey is only about 18 percent water.”可知,利用蒸发的方法将花蜜中的水分去除是其中一个方法。7Why honey can be kept for a long time without being cooled?ABecause there is no bacteria in it.BBecause it can stand bad weather conditions.CBecause it protects itself against bacteria naturally.DBecause it is wellpreserved in containers.解析:选C细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,蜂蜜天然可以抵抗霉菌、真菌和其他的细菌,所以不用冰箱也可以存放多年。.阅读七选五Growing Minds Need Greener SpacesIt is not a secret that spending time outdoors is good for us. The more we learn about the benefits of being in nature, the more sense it makes to get outside._1_New research suggests that kids may learn better when they are surrounded by greener spaces. Green spaces are spaces filled with vegetation like trees, flowers and other plants.But these days, outdoor time is peting for a childs attention with indoor activities. Children may find it difficult to resist puters, television and electronic games._2_All these indoor activities can hurt a childs physical and mental health.Doctor Payam Dadvand and his team at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona study the environment effects on health and learning.The researchers used information from satellites to learn how many green spaces surrounded each school.Over one year, the children took puterized tests four times._3_They found that the children with higher contact with green spaces had better ability to memorize.They were also more attentive._4_More trees mean less air pollution._5_Lisa Freund is an expert in child psychology for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. She says more studies are needed to learn the reasons that vegetation in and around schools improves mental ability.AThey measured memory and attention span.BThis could be especially important for school children.CApproximately one half of the worlds population live in cities.DThe question of why green spaces affect learning is a new one.EThe research suggests good air quality is the main reason for the results.FSo, in many parts of the world children are spending less and less time outdoors.GThe researchers created mathematical models to pare the amount of vegetation.语篇解读:新的研究表明,当孩子被绿色空间包围时学习效果会更好。这就要求我们更加关注环境问题,为孩子营造更健康的生活和学习环境。1解析:选B根据上一段可知,多进行室外活动对我们有益。空格后面一句提到了周围环境对孩子的影响,故此处应用B项(这可能对学校的孩子们尤其重要)承上启下。2解析:选F前面两句提到越来越多的孩子难以抵挡电脑、电视和电子游戏等室内活动的诱惑,用于室外活动的时间越来越少。F项(因此,世界上很多地方的孩子在室外的时间越来越少)可承接上文。3解析:选A本段介绍的是研究的过程。后面两句介绍了研究结果。A项说明研究人员测试了周围环境对孩子的记忆力和注意力的影响,用在此处符合逻辑。4解析:选E空格前面两句说明了研究结果,E项(研究表明良好的空气质量是出现这种结果的主要原因)与上文承接自然,且与下一句联系紧密。5解析:选D下文提到专家认为我们需要进行更多研究来找出绿色植被影响智力的原因,故可用D项(为什么绿色空间影响学习是一个新问题)总领该段。

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