2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修5.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版必修5.doc_第3页
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Unit 14 Careers单元检测B完形填空精准练失分题型强化练完形填空精准练(2018河南省八市测评)Online education may sound pretty good. However, there can be considerable _1_ for some students.Some online programs give you the chance to use an instant messenger or Skype to _2_ in real time with your professors. But these conversations have to be _3_ and are usually _4_ pared to the daily facetoface interactions (交流) youll have in a(n) _5_ classroom. If youre a student who _6_ large lecture courses, then this may not _7_ much to you. But if youre the kind of student who prefers smaller lecture courses and likes to _8_ a lot of questions, then you may find yourself _9_ without these chances.Since youre not studying in a traditional classroom, youll also _10_ having facetoface munication with other students. This can make you _11_ important networking chances for your future career (职业), _12_ basic social interactions. _13_ you hope to make new friends or find future business partners in school, consider taking at least a couple of your _14_ in school.Most online programs keep their technology instructions _15_ on purpose: a word processing program, a PDF reader, a puter and Internet connection, which most students can use. But these basic requirements _16_ the fact that most online education programs _17_ students to deal with plex virtual (虚拟的) learning environments. For skilled puter _18_, this is no problem. _19_, if you often find yourself struggling with the digital age, this can make you feel less _20_ about pleting your coursework.语篇解读:本文是说明文。网络教学听起来相当不错。然而,对于一些学生来说,网络教学也存在一些不足之处。1A.requirementsBdisadvantagesCregulations Dembarrassments解析:选B根据However可知,本句内容与上句之间存在转折关系,所以指的是缺点。2A.research BexerciseCplay Dchat解析:选D根据该空后的“But these conversations”可知,网络教学是学生与授课者通过一些软件进行即时交谈的方式来实现的。3A.scheduled BcontinuedCrecorded Dinterrupted解析:选A根据上一句可知,这些交谈必须是安排好的。4A.formal BrareCeasy Dprivate解析:选B根据该空后内容可知,此处是将网上的课堂交流与传统的课堂交流相比较,故网上的课堂交流会比较少。5A.traditional BpublicCadvanced Dlarge解析:选A根据该空前的“facetoface interactions”可知,此处指的是传统课堂。6A.pletes BadmiresCexperiences Dprefers解析:选D由下文中的“But if youre the kind of student who prefers”可知答案。7A.mean BreferCmatter Doccur解析:选C由语境可知,如果你喜欢规模庞大的授课方式,这(指上文提到的网络教学的定时以及课时少的特点)对你来说没有什么两样。8A.face BanswerCcreate Dask解析:选D但如果你喜欢小型讨论,而且喜欢提问题,那么你就会发现网络教学让你感到很痛苦,因为网络教学没有给你提供这样的机会。9A.struggling BhesitatingCstopping Descaping解析:选A根据该空所在句开头的But可知,该句内容与上句存在转折关系,故此处指的是没有这样的机会,你会感到很痛苦。10A.appreciate BriskCenjoy Dmiss解析:选D既然你不在传统课堂上学习,你就失去了与其他同学互动的机会。 11A.give BloseCignore Drefuse解析:选B不能与其他同学互动,你就会失去你将来的职业生涯所需要的人际网和基本的人际交流。12A.with regard to Bin place ofCas well as Don account of解析:选Cfuture career和basic social interactions之间是并列关系。13A.Although BIfCSince DWhen解析:选B如果你希望结交新朋友或者寻找商业伙伴,要至少在学校里学习几门功课。14A.decisions BexamsCcourses Dchances解析:选C参见上题解析。15A.expensive BfunnyChard Dsimple解析:选D根据冒号后的内容可知,很多网络教学软件操作简单。16A.hide BproveCexplain Drecognize解析:选A但这些基本要求掩盖了一个事实:多数网络教学要求学生应对一些复杂的虚拟学习环境。17A.help BrequireCallow Dremind解析:选B参见上题解析。18A.teachers BmakersCusers Drepairers解析:选C根据上句可知,此处指的是娴熟的计算机使用者。19A.However BOtherwiseCTherefore DMeanwhile解析:选A根据“this is no problem”和“struggling with the digital age”可知,应选However。20A.serious BnervousCconfident Dcareful解析:选C根据“if you often find yourself struggling with the digital age”可知,你会对完成课业没有信心。失分题型强化练.语法填空(2018天津市红桥区重点中学八校联考)You are the only person that you can and ought to rely on.Friends are of great _1_ (important) in our lives. It is _2_ (fortune) to have some devoted ones. However, there will always be circumstances _3_ which your friends will let you down.The only people who may give up their lives _4_ (save) yours are members of your family most likely one of your _5_ (parent). Parents share a bond with their children _6_ at times can be extremely strong. However, I am sure you have plenty of examples of _7_ you cant always count on your parents.We human beings _8_ (build) to survive on our own. In our world, we are the centre of it and it is natural that we put _9_ (we) ahead of others. Therefore, I suggest _10_ (learn) to stand on your own two feet because it will make it easier to stand alone when things get ugly and there is no one to help you. You must be ready to take on any burden yourself if that is the only possible solution.语篇解读:本文是议论文。朋友、父母等会给予我们帮助,但我们不能完全依赖他们。依靠别人是暂时的,依靠自己才是永恒的。1importance空格中所填单词前有形容词great修饰,故用important的名词形式。2fortunate空格中所填单词在句中作表语,故用fortune的形容词形式。3in/under此处which前缺一个介词,再根据circumstances可知,此处应填in或under。4to saveto save yours是不定式短语作状语,表示目的。5parentsone of后的名词应用复数形式。6which/that根据句子结构可知,该空是定语从句的关系词,先行词是bond,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填which或that。7why此处意思是“为什么你不能总依赖你的父母”,故此处填why。8are built主语We human beings是谓语动词动作build的承受者,用被动语态;这里说的是一般性情况,用一般现在时。9ourselves该句意思是“我们把自己排在他人前面是自然的事”,故用we的反身代词形式。10learningsuggest doing sth.“建议做某事”。.短文改错I fell in love with read books when I was a child. That I take pride in is the wide variety of books in my house. Books can keep my mind young, my heart warmly and my soul bright. Not only they bring me knowledge, laughter and joy, but also they connect me with the wisdoms of the past and the new ideas of the present. Meanwhile, they help me move on the right path as I journeyed through my life. People are like the books. Some people have beautiful appearance and dont have much inside him. Others are filling with knowledge. Reading them can enrich my whole life.答案:第一句:readreading第二句:ThatWhat第三句:warmlywarm第四句:only后加do; wisdomswisdom第五句:journeyedjourney第六句:去掉the第七句:andbut; himthem第八句:fillingfilled

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