2019年高考英语一轮复习 专题05 Theme parks(押题专练)新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 专题05 Theme parks(押题专练)新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 专题05 Theme parks(押题专练)新人教版必修4.doc_第3页
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专题05 Theme parks第一节阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AFrom young kids to fitness lovers, to those looking for a laugh, or to families looking for a free movie night, Atlantic Station prepares some days for you to enjoy this year.Tot SpotEach Tuesday morning, Atlantic Stations Central Park transforms into every childs dream playground! From 10:00 am to noon, kids can enjoy games, storytelling, toys, music and some very special things. This event begins on April 5 and lasts through September 27.Wellness WednesdayEach Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Atlantic Stations Central Park bees the perfect place to find quietness of the mind and body while instructors lead guests through exercises including yoga and more. Wellness Wednesday weles all ages and skill levels. This event begins on April 6 and lasts through September 28.Improv in the ParkWhole World Improv Theatre, Atlantas premier improv group,has once again partnered with Atlantic Station to bring a familyfriendly night of edy to Central Park on the first Wednesday of each month through September. Bring a blanket, relax under the stars and prepare to laugh until it hurts! The hourlong show begins at 8:00 pm. This event occurs on April 5, May 4, June 1, July 6 and August 3Movies in Central ParkEach Thursday night at dusk, guests are invited to bring chairs, blankets, togo snacks and picnics to Atlantic Stations Central Park. All outdoor screenings are available, weather permitting, so keep your fingers crossed for no The Wizard Of Oztype storms! Be sure to arrive early to find a good seat. This event starts on May 19 and occurs every Thursday through July 28.语篇导读本文为应用文,主要介绍了大西洋站几个可以让人们放松自己、享受生活和获得乐趣的活动。1Mothers can take their kids who like listening to stories to _.ATot Spot BImprov in the Park CWellness Wednesday DMovies in Central Park2When can you do yoga with an instructor in Atlantic Stations Central Park?AOn each Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in August.BOn each Tuesday morning from 10:00 am to noon in July.CAt 8:00 pm on April 5, May 4, June 1, July 6 and August 3DOn each Wednesday at 7:00 pm in June and July.3What can we learn from the text?AAtlantic Station sets the dates for guests to have fun.BTickets for Movies in Central Park are hard to get.CMovies in Central Park are shown only indoors. DOnly teenagers are wele to join in Wellness Wednesday.解析 A推理判断题。根据全文,尤其是第一段可知,Atlantic Station为客人安排时间和活动来让他们玩得开心,故选A项。BWhether you are at Disneyland or another Disney park, you will usually find a nighttime show that will be showing.4_ Read this article to find out how you can get a good seat for an evening event at any Disney park. Plan on seeing the show in advance.Usually, if you decide an hour beforehand that youre going to see a show, you will likely end up not getting a good seat, unless the park is not very busy.5_Do your research.Research online: “ The best places to view”6_ Some of them may even be less known, so you may not deal with such a big crowd. Arrive to the event early.7_ Possibly even earlier if the park is more crowded on that day. If you arrive ten minutes before the event starts, youre a lot less likely to get a good spot. 8._If you must leave to do something, make sure that its extremely quick,and try to have another member of your party stay in your spot while you are away.AStay in the same area.BEnjoy the show with a friend.CIts usually much more enjoyable if you can get a good seat.DThis is especially important if you arrive closer to the event time.EIn order to get a good spot, plan on arriving an hour before the event.FTherefore, look at the schedule before your trip, or at least the day before.GYoull see a list of places in the park that are the best for viewing that event.语篇导读本文为说明文,介绍了在迪士尼公园举办的晚会上找到好座位的方法。4解析 C顺承关系。空处用来引出本文的话题,在此处起到承上启下的作用;根据下句中的how you can get a good seat可以判断,C项与此处对应,故选C项。7解析 E诠释关系。根据该段标题Arrive to the event early和下句的内容可知,空处主要介绍提前到达演出现场这一方法,故选E项。8解析 A总分关系。根据空处所在位置可知,空处为该段标题,是该段的主旨;根据该段中make sure that its extremely quick, and try to have another member of your party stay in your spot while you are away可知,该段主要介绍“要待在座位上,如需出去,可由伙伴占座”的方法,故选A项。第二节完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从120题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Does your family often get together?Well,my family often does.As long as I can remember,my family has always_1_the holidays together.As a young_2_,I made the trek up whats called the Old Spiral Highway above Lewiston,Idaho.This was usually done in November when it was_3_with snow and ice.The drive was important,_4_we were on our way to Grandparents house for_5_There our aunt,two uncles and plenty of_6_would join us.As soon as I walked into their house,I could_7_Grandmas fresh pecan and pumpkin pies sitting on the counter to cool.The days leading up to the“big dinner”were spent_8_with my relatives.I remember one time we chased a deer through the _9_Other times,we played games with Grandma.Those holidays at their house are in my _10_forever and bring such goodness and joy when I think back to those times. Grandma died in 1989,and Grandpa in 2010.Later, my parents were_11_, too. One thing we have learned from them is the importance of keeping _12_ alive. To this day,my siblings and I have been pretty faithful about getting together for holidays. This is a (n)_13_way for our family to spend some quality face time together.Everyone_14_ a variety of food, so the host or hostess usually just needs to cook the meat. There is _15_ enough food left over for evening snacks as we can never finish it all at dinner.We take our family gettogethers very_16_We knew it made our parents and grandparents_17_to see their children get along so well together.And we know they are _18_ at us now because to this day, we still do that and get along well.We may have got separated by_19_ , but our hearts will forever be _20_because we are family.1A.pared BspreadCcreated Dcelebrated2. Adriver BinventorCchild Dparent3A.decorated BfacedCcovered Dreplaced4. Abut BbecauseCand Dso5. AEaster BThanksgivingCHalloween DChristmas6. Afriends BteachersCrelatives D. neighbors7A. taste B. makeC. appreciate D. smell8A. sitting B. playingC. arguing D. fighting9A. wood B. houseC. lake D. rock10A. memory B. excitementC. plan D. childhood11A. changed B. goneC. killed D. moved12A. schedules B. hobbiesC. traditions D. dreams13A. funny B. easyC. new Dgreat14A. finds B. storesC. eats D. brings15A. almost B. hardlyC. usually D. never16A. sadly BseriouslyC. excitedly D. worriedly17A. proud B. concernedC. difficult D. kind18A. smiling B. shoutingC. pointing . Dlooking19A.accident BchanceCdistance Dforce20A.alive BniceCopen Dclose语篇解读:作者小时候他爸妈经常带他参加家庭聚会,作者长大后也继承了这种传统。1解析:根据后文作者一家去他爷爷奶奶家一起过节的语境,可知这里是指他们总是在一起“庆祝”节日。答案:D5解析:根据“This was usually done in November”可知他们是去那里过“感恩节”的。答案:B6解析:这个是家庭聚会,故在一起的应该是亲戚们,选C项。答案:C7解析:根据“fresh pecan and pumpkin pies sitting on the counter to cool”可知这里是指一进屋子就可以“闻到”那些食品的味道。答案:D8解析:根据后文的描述,可知他们在那里一起“玩”。答案:B9解析:根据“we chased a deer”可知他们是在“树林”里追赶一只鹿。答案:A10解析:根据“when I think back to those times”可知那些事情都深深地印在作者的“记忆”里。答案:A14解析:根据“so the host or hostess usually just needs to cook the meat”可知来参加聚会的人会自己带很多“食物”。答案:D15解析:根据“as we could never finish it all at dinner”可知“经常”会有食物剩下来当宵夜用。答案:C16解析:作者他们经常进行家庭聚会,这说明他们很看重家庭聚会,take sth. seriously意为“很看重”。答案:B17解析:根据“to see their children get along so well together”可知作者觉得他们的父母和祖父母看到这些会很“自豪”。答案:A18解析:根据“we still do that and get along well.”可知作者认为他们的父母和祖父母会对他们“微笑”。答案:A19解析:根据got separated可知这里是指“距离”将他们分隔开来。答案:C20解析:他们经常进行家庭聚会,故距离虽然将他们分隔开来,但是他们的心很“近”。答案:D第三节语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。A Thanksgiving Day story in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for.She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhood 1._(actual) had to be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables full 2._food. The teacher was taken back with the picture Douglas handed ina small childishly hand!But whose hand? The class was 3._(puzzle) by the abstract drawing.“I think it must be the hand of God 4._brings us food,”said one child.“A farmer,”said another,“because he 5._(feed)the turkeys.”Finally, when the others were at work,the teacher 6._(bend) over at Douglas desk and asked whose hand it was.“Its your hand,Teacher,”he said in a low voice.She remembered that frequently at break she had taken Douglas,a small lonely child,by 7._hand.She often did that with the 8._(child)But it meant so much to Douglas.Perhaps this was everyones Thanksgiving,not for the material things 9._(give) to us but for the chance,in whatever small way,10._(give)to others.语篇解读:一位教师要求自己的学生在感恩节画一张自己需要感恩的东西的画。她想大多数学生会画火鸡或有丰盛食物的餐桌,然而有一个孩子却画了一只手。1解析:考查副词。此处需用副词作状语。答案:actually2解析:考查形容词短语。形容词短语作定语修饰tables。(be)full of为固定短语,意为:充满的。答案:of5解析:考查时态和主谓一致。因为为直接引语,根据语境要用一般现在时,又因为主语为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词为feeds。答案:feeds6解析:考查时态。根据语境,此处应为一般过去时,与were及asked一致。答案:bent7解析:考查冠词。“动词sb.介词the身体某一部位”为固定搭配。take sb.by the hand拉着某人的手。答案:the8解析:考查名词复数。由语境可知此处表示“孩子们”,child的复数形式为children。答案:children9解析:考查非谓语动词作定语。被修饰词与give为逻辑上的被动关系且表示完成,故用过去分词。答案:given10解析:考查非谓语动词作定语。名词chance(机会)后常用不定式作定语。答案:to give第四节书面表达假如你是李华,昨天下午学校为你们举办了十八岁成人仪式。请根据下列要点给你在美国的笔友Mike发一封电子邮件,描述仪式过程并简述你的感受。 1成人宣誓;2感谢家长和老师的教育和培养;3家长代表讲话;4表演节目。注意:1词数 100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:宣誓make an oath成人仪式grownup ceremony【参考范文】Dear Mike,Now Id like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a grownup ceremony for our ing 18yearold birthday.Yours,Li Hua

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