2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题19 去伪存真 短文改错热点难点突破.doc

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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题19 去伪存真 短文改错热点难点突破.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题19 去伪存真 短文改错热点难点突破.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语 考纲解读与热点难点突破 专题19 去伪存真 短文改错热点难点突破.doc_第3页
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专题19 去伪存真 短文改错一、One day when I was on my way to home from school,I found a building on fire.Immediately I called the firefighters.Several minutes lately,the firefighters arrived and tried their best to control the fire.With the help of the firefighters,a lot of peoples left the building safely.Sudden a foreign woman came in a hurry to tell the firefighters everything.But they cant understand what she said.I went to the woman and asked her that was happening.She told me that his daughter was still in the building.I told the firefighters about it at once.They immediately run into the building and rescued little girl.文章大意:本文主要讲述作者在回家的路上看到一栋建筑物着火了,打电话报警后,消防员很快扑灭了大火。但突然一名外国妇女跑来说她女儿还在建筑物里,但消防员们听不懂,最后,作者将这些告诉了消防员,他们救出了那个小女孩。答案:One day when I was on my way to home from school,I found a building on fire.Immediately I called the firefighters.Several minutes ,the firefighters arrived and tried their best to control the fire.With the help of the firefighters,a lot of left the building safely. a foreign woman came in a hurry to tell the firefighters.But they understand what she said.I went to the woman and asked her was happening.She told me that daughter was still in the building.I told the firefighters about it at once.They immediately into the building and rescued little girl.4.解析:考查副词。修饰句子要用副词,形容词sudden的副词是suddenly。5.解析:根据句意:告诉消防员一些事情。用something。6.解析:考查动词时态。全文讲述的是过去的事情,用一般过去时态。二、Looking back to the National English Speaking petition I take part in several days ago,I have a lot to share to you.Firstly,I feel real delighted that Ive won the first prize in the petition,which makes me to understand the true meaning of the proverb “No pains,no gains”Besides,Ive established the friendship with students from all over our country,from which Ive learned a lot.More importantly,participate in this petition has enabled me to overe my fear of speaking in public,thus developing my self-confidence.Additionally,I owe much thanks to my teachers and judges.Without his help,I couldnt have done such excellent job.To sum up,I will always treasure this meaningful and memorable experiences.文章大意:作者回顾自己参加英语演讲比赛后的一些体会。答案:Looking back to the National English Speaking petition I part in several days ago,I have a lot to share you.Firstly,I feel delighted that Ive won the first prize in the petition,which makes me to understand the true meaning of the proverb “No pains,no gains”Besides,Ive established the friendship with students from all over our country,from Ive learned a lot.More importantly, in this petition has enabled me to overe my fear of speaking in public,thus developing my selfconfidence.Additionally,I owe thanks to my teachers and judges.Without help,I couldnt have done such excellent job.To sum up,I will always treasure this meaningful and memorable .1.解析:考查时态。根据本句中的时间状语several days ago可知用过去时,故take改为took。2. 解析:考查介词。此处为固定搭配:share with sb.和某人分享。3.解析:考查副词。此处为副词修饰形容词delighted,故用really。4.解析:考查动词。此处为make的固定用法:make sb do sth:让某人做某事,故去掉to。三、In my mind,I could never fancy how ten second of life could change a persons view for his whole existence.A few years ago I experience the worst moment in my life.I was driving home that afternoon.Unfortunately,I didnt make it home as usually because I had a car accident.While I was driving,all of a sudden,but the car in front of me stopped.My car immediately ran into it.Luckily,I wasnt serious hurt.That accident changed way I drive and they taught me a valuable lesson.I also came to the conclusion which life needs to be treasuring.答案:In my mind,I could never fancy how ten of life could change a persons view his whole existence.A few years ago I the worst moment in my life.I was driving home that afternoon.Unfortunately,I didnt make it home as because I had a car accident.While I was driving,all of a sudden,but the car in front of me stopped.My car immediately ran into it.Luckily,I wasnt hurt.That accident changed way I drive and taught me a valuable lesson.I also came to the conclusion life needs to be .1.解析:句意:在我心中,我无法想象生活的十秒能怎样改变一个人对于他整个存在的观点。second表示“秒”是可数名词,前面有ten修饰,故要用复数形式。故second改为seconds。2.解析:考查介词。表示某人关于某一事物的态度、观点,或者关于哪个方面的课题、论文、演讲等用on 或about。故for改为on/ about。3.解析:考查时态。句意:几年前我经历了生命中最困难的时刻。根据时间状语a few years ago可知,用一般过去时,故experience改为experienced。 4.解析:句意:我并没有按时回到家,因为我发生了一场车祸。本题考查词组as usual,表示“像往常一样”。故usually改为usual。8.解析:考查代词。句意:那次事故改变了我开车的方法,它也给我上了宝贵的一课。这里用it指代上文出现的名词单数that accident,故they改为it。9.解析:考查同位语从句。句意:我也得出了生命需要被珍视的结论。名词the conclusion后接从句表示the conclusion的内容,构造了同位语从句,引导词在句中只起连接作用,无意义,不作成分,故要用that。10.解析:句意:我也得出了生命需要被珍视的结论。根据句意可知,动词treasure要用被动语态的形式,故treasuring改为treasured。四、When I was a kid,my father and mother were made me join a tennis club in the center of our city.Every day both my parent would take me to club after school.I played tennis,ate snacks and did my homework here.It was basically my second family.A woman whose name was Li Li,my first private coach,was as a mother to us.She not only taught me everything that I know about what to play tennis,but treats me well.She was kind or always trained me with great patient.In my heart,she was the best coach in our city.文章大意:本文讲述了作者幼时的网球教练对于自己的帮助。爸爸妈妈让我参加了一个网球俱乐部,放学后我会在那里打球,吃饭和做作业。那里就像我的另一个家。我的教练对我很好,她不仅教我打球而且对我很好,在我心里她是我市最好的教练。答案:When I was a kid,my father and mother were made me join a tennis club in the center of our city.Every day both my would take me toclub after school.I played tennis,ate snacks and did my homework .It was basically my second family.A woman whose name was Li Li,my first private coach,was a mother to .She not only taught me everything that I know about to play tennis,but me well.She was kind always trained me with great .In my heart,she was the best coach in our city.1.解析:考查谓语动词的语态。主语my father and mother和谓语动词made 之间是主动关系,表示“爸爸妈妈让我参加了一个网球俱乐部”,所以去掉were。6.解析:考查代词。根据下文She not only taught me everything可知教练就像我的妈妈,所以用代词me。7.解析:考查疑问词。根据本句表示“她教我怎样打网球”,所以what改为how。8.解析:考查谓语动词的时态。根据上文可知谓语动词用过去式treated。9.解析:考查连词。She was kind表示“她很和蔼”; always trained me with great _patient_表示“她耐心的培训我”,所以两句之间是并列关系,所以or改为and。10.解析:考查词性。with 后用名词patience,表示“耐心地”,相当于副词patiently。五、Last Sunday,I joined the voluntary group to help keep the traffic in good order at a big crossing near our school.At 800 am.,we arrived there,wore red vests with the word VOLUNTEER on the back.We helped with the police remind the passers-by to obey traffic rule.To our delighted,they all waited for the green light patient except one motor-biker.We also give out some handmade brochures about traffic regulations,for that many people praised us.About 4 hours later,they said good-bye to the police and left.Tired as we were,we all felt an honor to do our parts.答案:Last Sunday,I joined voluntary group to help keep the traffic in good order at a big crossing near our school.At 800 am.,we arrived there, red vests with the word VOLUNTEER on the back.We helped with the police remind the passers-by to obey traffic .To our ,they all waited for the green light except one motor-biker.We also out some hand-made brochures about traffic regulations,for many people praised us.About 4 hours later, said good-bye to the police and left.Tired as we were,we all felt an honor to do our parts.1.解析:在全文中是第一次出现,不能用特指,而应用泛指。故将the改为a。六、One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country in order to show his son if the poor lived,so he could be thankful to his wealth.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of that would be considered a very poor family.On their return back,the father asked his son to explain what he had learnt.The boy,who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,replying in a way that shocked his father.The boy said he wanted to bee farmer.He envied the farmers who had the beautiful night star to give them light while her family had only expensive lanterns.His wish was to have a farm where he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home.Finally the boy finished by saying,“Before the trip I thought we were rich but today I have learnt who is true rich.”With this,the boy got up and walked away,leaving his father sat on their fortable sofa,totally speechless.文章大意:一天,一位富人为了让儿子对他的财富充满“感激”,便带着儿子来到乡村去体验农民的生活,没想到结果却令富人“无语”,因为他的儿子想当农民。答案:One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country in order to show his son the poor lived,so he could be thankful his wealth.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of would be considered a very poor family.On their return back,the father asked his son to explain what he had learnt.The boy,who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, in a way that shocked his father.The boy said he wanted to beefarmer.He envied the farmers who had the beautiful night to give them light while family had only expensive lanterns.His wish was to have a farm where he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home.Finally the boy finished by saying,“Before the trip I thought we were rich but today I have learnt who is rich.”With this,the boy got up and walked away,leaving his father on their fortable sofa,totally speechless.3.解析:考查连接代词。此处用来引导宾语从句,由于该从句中缺少主语,故用连接代词what。4.解析:考查return的含义。由于return“返回”相当于“go back/get back/e back”,即它本身就含有back的意思,其后不能再跟back;故去掉return之后的back。5.解析:考查谓语动词。此处在句中作谓语,根据上文可知,此处讲述的是发生在过去某一天的事情,应使用一般过去时;故用replied。6.解析:考查不定冠词。此处用来修饰单数名词farmer,表示泛指一位农民,故在farmer前加a。7.解析:考查名词的单复数。此处指的是:许多美丽的夜星;由于star为可数名词;故用stars。8.解析:考查人称代词。此处用来修饰名词family,指代的是男孩的家;故用his。9.解析:考查副词。此处用来修饰形容词rich,故用truly。10.解析:考查固定搭配。leave sb doing 指让某人保持某动作或状态,留下某人;此处指的是:男孩站起来走开了,留下了他的父亲坐在他们舒适的沙发上,完全说不出话来;故用sitting。七、Dear Chris,Im Li Ming,monitor of Class One,Senior One.Im glad to hear that you will e to our school as exchange student next term.I feel it an honor of us to study with you.Now I have something to tell you about.Firstly,with the climate changing,you should prepared enough clothes.Then there are different kind of foods and snacks which will give you a chance to experiencing rich Chinese food culture.In addition,every student is friendly to foreign friends,that will make it easy for you to get along good with them.Last but not least,we can do what we can to help you,and you must get prepared to meet trouble.During your stay here,I hope you can tell us more about American culture.Only by understanding and learn from each other can we spend these days together happily.Yours,Li Ming.文章大意:短文为李明写给交换生Chris的一封信,表示在他来我校交换期间会帮助他适应环境,以及互相学习。答案:Dear Chris,Im Li Ming,monitor of Class One,Senior One.Im glad to hear that you will e to our school asexchange student next term.I feel it an honor us to study with you.Now I have something to tell you about.Firstly,with the climate changing,you should enough clothes.Then there are different of foods and snacks which will give you a chance to rich Chinese food culture.In addition,every student is friendly to foreign friends, will make it easy for you to get along with them.Last but not least,we can do what we can to help you, you must get prepared to meet trouble.During your stay here,I hope you can tell us more about American culture.Only by understanding and from each other can we spend these days together happily.5.解析:考查名词的复数形式,kind“种类”是可数名词,表示“不同的种类”,different后接其复数形式。6.解析:考查动词的用法,a chance to do sth.“做某事的机会”,to为动词不定式,后接动词原形,因此使用experience。7.解析:考查定语从句引导词,考查非限制性定语从句的引导词,使用which。8.解析:考查固定搭配,表达“与某人相处融洽”使用动词短语get along well with sb.,因此good改为well。9.解析:考查连词的用法,前后句子为转折的关系,and为并列的关系,因此改为but。10.解析:考查动名词形式,此处and连接两个并列的结构,by后接动名词,因此learn使用其动名词形式learning。八、A survey (调查)has recently carried out among the students in our school about whether they would like it if their parents gave birth to a second child.Opinions vary wide from one to another.Most of the students supported the idea.They think that it would be amazing to have a brother and a sister to keep the pany and share secrets with.Besides,we believe a second child would bring lots of funs to the family.However,the rest of the students interviewing hold the opposite view.To start with,raising one child is already a difficult thing and the parents would have to work twice as hard if they had a second child.Whats more,they argue whether they have been accustomed to enjoy the whole love from their parents.答案:A survey (调查)has recently carried out among the students in our school about whether they would like it if their parents gave birth to a second child.Opinions vary from one to another.Most of the students the idea.They think that it would be amazing to have a brother a sister to keep the pany and share secrets with.Besides, believe a second child would bring lots of to the family.However,the rest of the students hold the opposite view.To start with,raising one child is already a difficult thing and the parents would have to work twice as hard if they had a second child.Whats more,they argue they have been accustomed to the whole love from their parents.6.解析:由句意得此处主语为students,所以为they。九、One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.Tony was scared and begun to cry.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop.Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again.文章大意:本文讲述了小男孩Tony和父母上街购物,街上人多,Tony没有告诉父母就独自进了一家商店,结果和父母走散,后来在街上又得以相见的故事。答案:One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his .It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After at the toy for some time,he turned around and found his parents were missing.Tony was scared and to cry.A woman saw him crying and him to wait outside shop.Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again.1.解析:parent改为parents。看下文可知,是父母两个,所以用parents。2. 解析:on改为in。Tony走进商店,说明玩具在橱窗里面,用in。3.解析:very去掉。这里是“如此喜欢以至于”的意思,应该是like so much that.4.解析:looks改为looking。after之后跟从句或ving形式,故looks改为looking。5.解析:where改为that 或者去掉 where。found后面的宾语从句是陈述句,故where改为that或者去掉where。6.解析:begun改为began。and前后的谓语动词时态要一致,故begun改为began。7.解析:telling改为told。and前后的谓语动词时态要一致,see和tell是并列谓语,故telling改为told。十、Hi Janice,Its been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.As I tell you last time,I made three new friend here.We hang out together during lunch and after school.Weve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars.Its been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many.And I started to see this as a timewasting activity! In fact,I dont like to go anymore,so Im afraid Ill lose their friendship.How do you think I should do? If you are me,would you talk to him?Please help with me and give me some advice.Grace文章大意:文章主要通过一封求助信,写出了写信人的困扰。作者交了三个新朋友,经常一起去卡拉OK唱歌,但其实作者并不喜欢这样,她想知道自己该怎么做才不会失去这段友谊。答案:Hi,Janice,Its been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.As I you last time,I made three new here.We hang out together during lunch and after school.Weve been spending a lot of time in karaoke bars.Its been three Saturdays now and it really costs me .And I started to see this as a timewasting activity!In fact,I dont like to go anymore, Im afraid Ill lose their friendship. do you think I should do?If you me,would you talk to ?Please help with me and give me some advice.Grace1.解析:加上to。考查动词want的用法。want用不定式担当状语,故加上to。句意为:我真的很想和你分享一下我经历的问题。4.sing改为singing。考查动名词做宾语。本句考查句型spend.(in)doing sth.结构,故把sing改成singing。5.many改为much。考查代词。根据句意,指的是花费很多钱,故用much而非many。句意为:那真的花费很多。6.so改为but。考查连词。上一分句意为:我不想再去;下一分句意为:我怕失去他们的友谊,两个分句之间有转折关系,故把so改成but。7.How改为What。考查疑问词。本句中do之后缺少宾语,表示事情,故用what而非how。注意首字母要大写。8.are改为were。考查虚拟语气。根据句子可知,此处为虚拟语气,与现在事实不相符,故把are改成were。句意为:如果你是我。9.him改为them。考查代词。根据上文可知,作者交了三个朋友,故用them而非him。句意为:你会和她们说吗?10.去掉with。考查动词。动词help为及物动词,其后接宾语时无需加介词,故去掉with。句意为:请帮帮我,给我一些建议。十一、I took the Harvard Summer School program in my vacation.During my stay there,I spend a lot of time studying in the main library Widener.I enjoyed myself in the ocean of knowledges,either doing research for my papers or read special edition books.The library,which it is named after its donor Harry Widener,stands right next to the Emerson building of philosophy.Opening a pair of heavy yet elegant metal doors,I was immediate bathed in warm light.I wandered around the library,fascinating to find one treasure after other.The library is a amazing place.One can fully experience the academic atmosphere only he visits the library.For me,the library as well as the courses explain Harvards place as the home of devoted scholars.文章大意:本文为一篇记叙文主要讲述了作者去哈佛夏季学校度假时的所见所感,讲述作者对于哈佛这学校自己的看法,以及对哈佛各景物的介绍。答案:I took the Harvard Summer School program in my vacation.During my stay there,I a lot of time studying in the main library Widener.I enjoyed myself in the ocean of ,either doing research for my papers or special edition books.The library,which it is named after its donor Harry Widener,stands right next to the Emerson building of philosophy.Opening a pair of heavy yet elegant metal doors,I was bathed in warm light.I wandered around the library, to find one treasure after .The library is amazing place.One can fully experience the academic atmosphere only he visits the library.For me,the library as well as the courses Harvards place as the home of devoted scholars.3.解析:根据前后时态一致的原则故将either doing research for my papers or read special edition books.中的read改成reading。4.解析:在非限制性定语从句那根据中which 指代句子中的主语或宾语在which it is named after its donor Harry Widener,中which在本句中作主语若加上it的话则成分有所多余,故删掉it。5.解析:在immediate bathed 中immediate 作状语来修饰bath故此处immediate应当为副词的形式故将是改为immediately。6.解析:在I wandered around the library,fascinating to find one treasure after other.fascinating用来修饰人故应当将其改成fascinated。7.解析:After another为固定搭配意为一个接着一个,故将other改成another。8.解析:Amazing为元音字母开头故前面不定冠词要用an。9.解析:Only if 固定搭配“只有.”故在only后面加上if。10.解析:当as well as 链接两个名词作主语时 要以前面的名词为准进行单双数的变化故将explain改为explains。十二、Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great wall.In the fact,this happens in many place of interest.I had some suggestions to solve this problem.First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦)Besides,punishments,such as a fine,is necessary to tourists with so bad behaviors.Also,I think its helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages.Im sure with our efforts,more and more people will bee concerning about protecting cultural relics.文章大意:作者提出了一些防止游客在旅游景点乱涂鸦的建议。答案:Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public by writing on the Great wall.In the fact,this happens in many of interest.I some suggestions to solve this problem.First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦)Besides,punishments,such as a fine, necessary to tourists with bad behaviors.Also,I think its to put up some boards along the tourist attractions tourists can leave messages.Im sure with our efforts,more and more people will bee about protecting cultural relics.4.解析:hadhave;考查时态。本文用一般现在时描述,故此句也用一般现在时,主语是第一人称,故用have。5.解析:在public后面加of;考查介词。此处为固定短语:inform sb of sth“通知某人某事”。6.解析:isare;考查主谓一致。此句的主语是punishments,是复数,故谓语也要用复数。7.解析:sosuch;考查副词。so修饰形容词或者副词,such修饰名词,虽然此处有bad这个形容词,但是bad也是来修饰后面这个名词behaviors的,也就是说此处的中心词是behaviors,故用such来修饰。8.解析:helpfullyhelpful;考


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