2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Computers能力检测 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Computers能力检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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Unit 3puters一、单句语法填空1(2017年新课标卷七选五型阅读理解)They had nothing in mon _ me.2(2017年江苏卷任务型阅读)In 2030,a sixth of the countrys potential work force could be _ (total)uneducated.3It _ (simple) the most plex idea I have.4The pany has given its puters _ to a local school.5It _ (use) in offices and homes since 1970s.6Anyhow, my goal is _ (provide) humans with life of high quality.7_ (person), I think the best present is not necessarily the most expensive one.8We shouldnt judge a person by his _ (appear), but people make that mistake from time to time.9Over time the puter _ (change) a lot.10_ the help of my parents I learned to ride a bike.二、单句改错1(2017年新课标卷短文改错)I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left._2It wont be long before we will know the result of the experiment._3I followed the teachers advice and paid more attention at my spoken English._4In the way, Im glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you._5Dont blame him for breaking that vase; at all he is still a child._6Can you give me some advice on what to deal with this difficulty?_7Maybe we can e up with a solve to the problem._8This is so an interesting book that all the students in our class want to read it._9The man was standing in the front of the ship, watching at for icebergs._10With the wealth of the country increases, more waste will be produced._三、完形填空(2016年四川卷)Lainey finished third grade.She had good grades and could read_1_ grade level, but she did not like to read.On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her _2_.But Lainey took one look at it, _3_ her eyes, and said, “Borrrring!”Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it._4_ the youngest children in the class were _5_ by the story.They _6_ with great interest and then _7_ joined in grand conversations about Harrys adventures.“How can you say its _8_? Have you read it?” asked Aunt Dede.“No, its too long and it doesnt have any _9_,” plained Lainey.“Oh, thats where you are _10_; there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to _11_ them.Its like magic.”“Nice try, Aunt Dede,” Lainey replied _12_ from the back seat.Another _13_ was in order.“Well, if you dont want to read it, give it _14_.Maybe your mom would _15_ hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter, _16_ were ing from the back seat:“Please read a little _17_.”Lainey is an example of an _18_ reader.As shown here, Lainey can bee _19_ about reading when _20_ with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.1A.within Bon Cto Dabove2A.daughter Bniece Cstudent Dfriend3A.opened Bdried Crolled Dshaded4A.Even BStill CJust DYet5A.surprised Bannoyed Cpuzzled Dattracted6A.read Btold Clistened Dwrote7A.suspectedly Banxiously Ccalmly Denthusiastically8A.amazing Bboring Cridiculous Dhumourous9A.pictures Bstories Cadventures Dconversations10A.crazy Bfoolish Cwrong Ddifferent11A.see Bmatch Cshow Drecognize12A.sourly Bpatiently Ceagerly Dshyly13A.idea Btry Cbelief Dbehavior14A.away Bout Cin Dback15A.enjoy Badmit Cmind Dfinish16A.decisions Brequests Cments Dpromises17A.more clearly Blonger Clouder Dmore carefully18A.unpleasant Binnocent Cunwilling Dindependent 19A.astonished Bworried Cconfused Dexcited20A.presented Bconcerned Cdisturbed Dreplaced四、语法填空 Many teachers believe that handson experience is the 1._ (good) way to learn.A group of students in the United States are putting that belief to the test.They 2._ (success) designed and built a robot for discovering unexplored mines 3._ the bottom of the sea.Students made the robot 4._ (answer) a challenge from the US.Department of Defense.The students recently tested the underwater vehicle 5._ (call) Perseus in a 95meterlong tank of water at the Stevens Institute of Technology.The robot costs about $15,000 to build.The students use a video game control to direct 6._ (it) movements in the tank.Whats more, devices known as Japters 7._ (able) the robot to go up, down and toward its target in the water.Video cameras on the robot send images back to a puter through a 13meterlong cable.Perseus also has 8._ set of lasers (激光), which are used to measure the size of an object.The robot is the creation of five undergraduate students.For over six months, they worked up 9._ 20 hours a week to design and build Perseus .DeLorme supervised the project from 10._ (begin) to end.He says the specialized requirements of robots were demanding.五、七选五型阅读理解(2016届广州普通高中毕业班综合测试一)Vacations are important.We need to take time out from work to relax, and just be ourselves._1_ We should all be allowed to leave our jobs behind usat least for a few weeks each yearand just have fun.This might be something as simple as reading a good book in front of a warm fireplace and travelling to the most interesting places on our planet.Whatever we fancy doing is worth taking time out for.Workplace stress is on the rise._2_ These include disease, depression and even death.We all seem to be running from one place to the next, never finding out where we want to go in the first place.I intend to break that trend in the ing days._3_ I will sleep late, write, watch movies, drink the occasional glass of wine, and eat to my hearts content ignoring calorie counting.My plan is to just enjoy the fleeting moments of being alive._4_ Spend your next vacation the way you want.Do what will restore your mental health.Youre very valuable to the people who are close to you, and to those who depend on it.Like it or not, we are all interdependent in this great life of ours.You are valuable.Just remember that the next time you look at the mirror and take a deep breath.Remind yourself that there will never be anyone like you ever on this earth again._5_ All you have to do is just ask yourself what you want to do.AWith it es many health problems.BWhen you finally get home youll be greatly refreshed.CI challenge each one of you to do the same.DDraw up a detailed plan so you can see more.ELife is not all about work, or at least it shouldnt be.FAnd only you know how to vacation your way.GFor my next holiday, I will do all the things that I love doing.Unit 3puters能力检测一、1.with2.totally3.simplifies4.away5has been used6.to provide7.Personally8appearance9.has been changed10.With二、1.去掉much2.去掉will3.atto4thea5.atafter6.whathow或dealdo7solvesolution8.sosuch9.atout10WithAs或increasesincreasing三、本文讲述了Lainey完成三年级学业,可以阅读高于年级平均水平的读物,Aunt Dede给她一本哈利波特让她读,然而她并不感兴趣。如果提供给Lainey感兴趣的读物,情况就不会这样了。1D句意:她取得了好成绩,可以阅读高于年级平均水平的读物。above表示“能力超出之外”。故选D。2B句意:Aunt Dede拿出一本哈利波特给她一个惊喜。根据Aunt 一词可判断她们两人之间的关系。niece外甥女,侄女。故选B。3C句意:Lainey看了一眼,骨碌碌地转着眼睛,说,“无聊!”roll转动,旋转。故选C。4A句意:Aunt Dede是一位老师,她的学生都喜欢这本书。即使是班上最小的孩子也被这个故事吸引了。even用于加强语气。故选A。5D根据下句中的“with great interest”可知孩子们被这本书所吸引。故选D。6C根据本段首句中的“had read the book to her students”可知,老师读给孩子听。故选C。7D根据句中的“with great interest”可知孩子们热情地参与讨论。enthusiastically满腔热情地;suspectedly怀疑地;anxiously 不安地;calmly冷静地。故选D。8B此空照应第3空后女孩说的“Borrrring”。 句意:你怎么能说它无聊呢?故选B。9A根据第10空后的pictures可知Lainey抱怨这本书没有任何图片。故选A。10CLainey说没图片,而Aunt Dede说每一页都充满了图片,显然是Lainey说错了。故选C。11A句意:你只需要读单词。这就像魔法一样,读读上面的单词,就可以看到图片。故选A。12A从第13空后的“Well, if you dont want to read it”可知Lainey还是不想看这本书。nice try想得美,做的不错;sourly酸溜溜地。故选A。13BAunt Dede再次尝试让Lainey感兴趣。故选B。14D句意:如果你不想读它,还给我。give back归还;give away 分发,泄露;give out 发出,耗尽; give in 屈服。故选D。15A句意:也许你妈妈会喜欢听故事。故选A。16B句意:Aunt Dede开始大声朗读故事。到第一章结束时后面的人请求大声点读。后座的人让Aunt Dede大点声读,request请求,符合语境。故选B。17C参见上题解析。louder符合语境。故选C。18C从上文可知Lainey不愿意读。故选C。19D句意:如果提供给Lainey感兴趣的读物,周围的人参与阅读,她会很愿意读的。根据第20空后的“interest”可判断出选excited。故选D。20A参见上题解析。present提供,赠送;concern关系到;disturb打扰;replace取代。故选A。四、本文通过事实证明:亲身的实践经验是学习的最好方法。1best此处表示“亲身的实践经验是学习的最好方法”,根据the可知用最高级。2successfully副词修饰动词designed和built做状语,故用successfully。3atat the bottom of.表示“在的底部”。4to answer在这里to answer是动词不定式做目的状语,表示“制造这个机器人是为了回应美国国防部的一项挑战”。5called此处应用过去分词做后置定语,表示“被叫作”,故用called。6its由后面的“movements”可知,应用形容词性物主代词做定语。7enable分析句子结构可知,主语是devices,谓语是设空处,故应用动词enable,表示“使发生”。且此处是一般性的描述,故应用一般现在时。8aa set of表示“一系列”,故用a。9toup to表示“达到”,故用to。10beginningfrom beginning to end表示“从头到尾”。五、假期很重要,我们要从工作中解脱出来,让自己放松。1E根据空格处的上句“我们需要时间从工作中解脱出来,让自己放松,仅仅做自己”与下文的“我们应该允许自己暂时把工作放在脑后”可知选E。E项“生活不全都是工作,至少不应该是这样”起承上启下的作用。2A根据空格处的上句“工作压力日益增加”与下文的“这些问题包括疾病、抑郁甚至死亡”可知选A。A项“随之而来的是很多健康问题”衔接上下文。3G根据空格后的“I will sleep late.ignoring calorie counting.”可知,应选G(在接下来的假期中,我要做所有我喜欢的事情)。4C根据空格后的“按自己想要的方式度过接下来的假期”可知选C(我强烈建议你也做同样的事情)。5F根据空格处的上句“提醒自己你是独一无二的”和下句“你只需问问自己想要做什么”可知,选F(只有自己知道自己想要什么样的度假方式)。


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